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Ексклузивно: Рана дегустација пијаце Пике Плаце

Истражите Пике Плаце Маркет, највећу атракцију у Сијетлу, уз обилазак раних дегустација. Откријте многе ужитке на тржишту док посећујете различите продавце хране и пића за 8+ дегустација воћа, лососа, пецива, интернационалних јела и још много тога. Можете да посетите трговце пре него што дође гужва и имаћете доброг водича који ће вас стручно водити унаоколо, забављајући вас причама о историји и култури тржишта. Истражите највеће хитове и скривене драгуље тржишта Пике Плаце током овог искуства.
Цити: Сеаттле
Sat 28 Sep
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Са почетком у $76.30
Sat 28 Sep
Са почетком у $76.30
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<ул><ли>Услужне животиње су дозвољене<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Ограничења у исхрани и алергије се често могу прихватити уз претходну најаву<ли>Молимо вас да носите удобне ципеле за ходање и да се облачите по времену; туре раде по киши или сунцу<ли>Молимо вас да понесете напуњену флашу воде за вишекратну употребу за обилазак, јер ћете ходати и јести 2 сата. Ако то не можете да урадите, вода је доступна за куповину од партнера током обиласка.<ли>Није доступно за инвалидска колица или колица.<ли>Дегустације доприносе лаганом оброку<ли> ли>Стајања су подложна променама без претходне најаве због доступности партнера<ли>Обитуре могу бити отказане због малог броја резервација
Шта да очекујете
Пике Плаце Маркет
Доживите храну и културу на једној од најпознатијих знаменитости Сијетла, Пике Плаце Маркет, на овом обиласку дегустације са водичем. Ово је оригинални обилазак Пике Плаце Маркета са храном и културним садржајем са бонусом: доживите пијацу пре него што дође гужва. Уживајте у разноврсним дегустацијама, од свежих производа, топлих чедар кекса и димљеног лососа, свеже печених посластица и још много тога. Разговарајте са трговцима пре него што постане заузето, а затим уживајте у укусима, као и у призорима и звуцима ове историјске атракције.
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Коментара (645)
Nov 2018
We had a wonderful time learning about Pike Place Market and sampling local food. Kat was the perfect tour guide — charming, energetic, and knowledgeable. It was really neat getting to the market early, seeing it come to life as the day began, & learning a fair amount of history along the way. I highly recommend this tour!
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2018
Hi katieppowell, Thank you so much for joining us on our Early Access VIP Tour of Pike Place Market. We're so glad to hear you enjoyed your experience with Kat! She is so personable and knowledgeable of the Market that she really is the perfect guide for this tour! Pike Place Market truly is a magical place, especially in the morning as all of the vendors are setting up and preparing for the day. Thank you so much for leaving us a review, we hope we can host you on another tour soon!
Nov 2018
We were taking an Alaska Cruise out of Seattle and had very limited time to sight see. We booked the Early Access Pike Place tour for the day our cruise left and wanted to be at the cruise pier by 11:00am. First and foremost - the guide was everything you want in a tour guide - friendly, knowledgeable, energetic, and accommodating. We told him about our time constraints and he made sure we could fit everything in without compromising the quality of the tour. When it is was over he even told us the best place to meet an Uber so we didn't get stuck in Saturday morning market traffic. The tour start location was easy to find and the guide was out looking for us 15 minutes before the scheduled meeting time. TIP: Do the early tour. Our tour started at 8:30am and for the first hour it was like we had the market to ourselves, by 10:00 the place was packed and almost every store and vendor had long lines (although we had reserved seating, or prepared food at every stop). The tour consisted of multiple stops with a wide array of food. The guide said the locations change depending on the time and size of the tour, but ours did the following: Honest Biscuits (coffee and biscuits), Frank's Quality Produce (best peaches I have ever had), Daily Dozen Doughnut Company, the Fish Market - because we were part of the tour we had a reserved section in front of the crowd for the famous fish throwing, this alone made the tour worthwhile (the salmon samples were good too), Market Spice, Miss Cafe Turkish Cuisine (my personal favorite and the first time my parents ever tried Turkish food, they loved it), Rub with Love Shack (salmon burgers - not my favorite, but the atmosphere was great), Indi Chocolate (very very rich). There is no way we could have fit half of these things in if we tried to do a self guided tour. If you only have limited time this tour is a must.
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2018
Hello lifecameraadventure, Thank you for your glowing review of our Early Access VIP Tour of Pike Place Market. We are so glad to hear you had a great time! The Market fills up quickly, as you noticed, so it is so nice to get a head start to experience Pike Place before the crowd of 30,000 people who visit the Market each day. One of the greatest perks of this tour is that coveted one on one time with the Fish Guys at Pike Place Fish! We're elated to hear that you enjoyed your time with them! The Pide from Miss Cafe is absolutely divine; I think I could eat it every day. Thank you so much for taking the time to leave us a review, we're glad we could offer you such a diverse experience on your limited time here in Seattle. We hope we can host you on another tour next time you are in the area.
Rachel H
Nov 2018
We didn't spend much time actually eating foods from the market and definitely didn't leave full. For the fresh produce section we had grapes.... Also, at each stop we got a very small sample that we could've gotten for free anyway just by exploring the market on our own. I would save my money next time and just explore the market on my own and actually buy food to eat along the way rather than spend $120 for two and get random foods. We also stopped at a brand new restaurant that had no history at all. Overall, I don't recommend this tour.
Одговор домаћина
Nov 2018
Hi Rachel H! Thank you for joining us on the Early Access VIP Tour of Pike Place Market! We were disappointed to learn that your experience in the market did not exceed your expectations. This tour was crafted to show a side of the market that often goes unseen for the casual visitor. As such, we have curated a mix of storied establishments as well as new neighbors within the market to emphasize the variety of small businesses that call this very special place home. We are sorry to hear that the portion sizes were not up to your satisfaction. We’ve designed this tour to replace a full meal across the 8 stops we visit, with a total of 13 tastings. We understand that each guest’s measure of fullness is subjective. As a small, local business we strive to create experiences that are fun and filling, and also a great value. We take it very seriously when a guest does not feel that they had that experience. We greatly appreciate your feedback and thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts. We hope to have the chance to make it up to you in the future.

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