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Пут до Хана Тоур са ручком и преузимањем

Са преко 20 година искуства и стручним водичима са НАИ сертификатом, нико није квалификованији да вас води кроз Мауијев пут до Хане од нас. А пошто смо ово урадили неколико пута, мислили смо на сваки детаљ — од путничких комбија направљених по мери за кривудаве путеве до малих обилазака — да бисмо вам гарантовали невероватно путовање.<бр><бр>Најважније тура укључује дуго заустављање у државном парку Ваианапанапа са познатом плажом црног песка, Пуа'а Ка'а за купање у водопаду, ако временске прилике и безбедност дозвољавају, и укусан ручак на пикнику на класичној фарми цвећа Хана. Остале локације за заустављање у зависности од туристичког водича и доступности паркинга.<бр><бр>Препустите нама да урадимо посао, тако да можете да уживате у вожњи!<бр>
Цити: Мауи
Fri 28 Feb
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Fri 28 Feb
Са почетком у $274.99
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Континентални доручак се служи у прелепој тропској плантажи Мауи
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Мауи тропска плантажа
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Државни парк Пуа'а Ка'а
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Коментара (349)
May 2022
The bus arrived on time. Yvonne, our driver, guide, photographer, & food critic, gave the ladies flowers for their hair. The day was well planned - she knew the route well enough that if there was a line at one spot, we could go to the next. We skipped several sights to stay ahead of the line of cars, but then caught those on the way back. Yvonne planned stops to include food and bathrooms, time for swimming, and photo taking. We had many opportunities to try Hawaiian cuisine and tasty treats along the way. Yvonne took great care of us - we teased her that the tour should be renamed the Road to Hana Food Tour.
Одговор домаћина
Jun 2022
Mahalo for your review and feedback. Yvonne does a great job being efficient on tour, ensuring her guests get to see and experience as much as the famous Road to Hana has to offer. We are happy to hear you appreciated being able to sample some local cuisine! Thank you for supporting the local businesses in the Hana community. We hope you get to visit with us again soon!
May 2022
So here is my honest opinion of this tour, since it was difficult to find thorough reviews. If you take any tour to Hana, you won’t be totally disappointed because it is a beautiful jungle rain forest land. It is worth a trip by tour or even by car. The road was not as wild as I imagined & I afterwards thought if i should’ve just drove my rental car. There are many many rental cars up there. While you’ll be glad you went on any tour, I would not pick this one if you have other options. For a few reasons- The first stop is a “tropical fruit plantation”. You don’t see a tropical fruit plantation you see a restaurant where you would assume you get tropical fruit. You get watermelon, cantaloupe & honeydew none of which are tropical lol. It was also incredibly hard and I was shocked at how unsweet it was. It was like gas station fruit essentially.. The second main issue, I went with this because it said it had vegan/vegetarian options. Most places these days can provide a satisfying accommodation if it says this. I was honestly shocked at what was provided….it was very slimy eggplant & squash pieces that had absolutely no flavoring, no sauce, no hummus, seriously nothing besides those wet veggies on two pieces of thick break, but both pieces of bread were completely soggy and falling apart from how wet the vegetables were… I am the kind of person who will eat anything. I’m not picky and I want to appreciate things that are provided. But this sandwich was literally inedible. I was glad I got a scoop of potato salad at the chicken place. It was really disheartening to be in the middle of no where with nothing but snacks I brought.. the chips they gave were also expired… I’ve done other tour bus tours & they provided drinks which is not hard or costly at all to have sodas… they had just waters. For the price, they really should put more care into it. You could give vegan people a vegetarian patty or hummus , anything besides soggy vegetables with absolutely no seasoning or sauce… and a few can drinks. Our driver also had a coke for her in the cooler. The pros were that at least her driving was good on the roads. It’s great to have a local guide who knows the area & can explain customs, culture, & the plants & animals. Some people seemed offended by how she answered questions because half of the time she wouldn’t or would make people feel stupid for asking. People were mostly quiet after that. There also was a guy who came on our bus & talked about Jesus, which I’m sure if you were Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, etc you might be like uhh why is this guy trying to convert me? But that’s religion.. There is a chance to get in the water on the black sand beach & by a waterfall. You will also stop by the rainbow eucalyptus tree for a photo. Make sure to look for mongooses, so cute. The lunch stop was also very pretty, but I wish we were able to tour the flower farm for just like ten minutes. Also don’t buy any fruit to take on the plane, they will take it. But of course eat some while you are there. There is a little stop with great lychees & pomelos ❤️
May 2022
Lovely tour. Our guide, a Native Hawaiian, was able to share the area's rich history along with ensuring our stops respected local laws and cultural norms. It's a guided tour, so you'll sometimes wish you had a few more moments at certain stops, but feeling a tad rushed occasionally is far superior to attempting to traverse the Hana Road independently. I honestly don't think we would have enjoyed Hana Road if we hadn't taken the tour. It's bridges and bends are intense. From my 8-year old daughter..."I really liked Maui,.our tour guide, because he is funny. I loved seeing all the waterfalls and we went to a place that sells chicken and coconut water in a coconut and there were DOGS!"
Одговор домаћина
May 2022
Aloha Fearless789873! Mahalo nui for choosing to tour the Road to Hana with Valley Isle Excursions (tourmaui.com). We appreciate you sharing a review on your experience with us. WE LOVE that you included your daughter's thoughts as well. Our guides are truly passionate about showing their guests a great time and sharing the history and culture they love so much! Hope you get to tour with us again soon! We do have a Haleakala Sunrise tour that is another MUST DO on Maui! Malama Pono!

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