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Луау Каламаку з вечерею "шведський стіл" і шоу

Луау Каламаку, яке приймає гостей на Кауаї з 2007 року, є єдиним на Гаваях луау-шоу, яке виконується «по колу», відкриваючи оптимальний вид на сцену. Станьте свідками викопування свині з традиційної іму (підземної печі) та насолодіться уроком хула. На розгалуженій галявині чекає ярмарок ремесел із унікальними виробами місцевих ремісників. Побалуйте себе смачним "шведським столом" із улюбленими місцевими та знайомими стравами та насолодіться Май Тай у відкритому барі. 45-хвилинний головний серіал розповідає дивовижну історію стародавньої гавайської легенди про Каламаку, «дитину нової землі». Через сміх, страх, зваблення та вогонь створюється нова спадщина, яка народжується з цінного насіння їхніх предків. Театралізоване шоу луау завершується фантастичним вогняним сном із вогняними кульками поі та традиційними танцями з вогняним ножем.
Місто: Кауаї
Sat 28 Sep
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Починаючи з $191.10
Sat 28 Sep
Починаючи з $191.10
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Вечеря шведський стіл
Шоу Луау
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  • Доступ для інвалідних візків
  • Немовлят і маленьких дітей можна катати в колясці
  • Дозволено перевезення тварин-поводирів
  • Поруч є зупинки громадського транспорту
  • Немовлята повинні сидіти на колінах у дорослого
  • Підходить для будь-якого рівня фізичної підготовки
  • Працює в дощ або яскраве світло; у критому павільйоні
  • Дезінфікуючий засіб для рук доступний мандрівникам і персоналу
  • Регулярно дезінфікуються транспортні засоби
  • Безконтактні платежі чайових і надбавок
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Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (432)
May 2022
The porn was soo good the rest of the food was ok! They limit alcoholic drinks to three kinds! I wanted a pinacoloda but they don’t do that even thought they show it in the pics in a pineapple shell. The show was awesome!
May 2022
It starts off nice with greetings from staff. Drinks for first 30 minutes ( long lines and few choices) tiny little cup, but yes it’s technically an open bar. There is no pig roast ( very disappointed). The salad that starts the meal was the best part of meal. Fish wash a mushy mess, the rest of the food was so over salted, we couldn’t eat. We left half way through.
Відповідь від хоста
May 2022
We appreciate your feedback and are grateful for your observations. The roast pig is served among the buffet of local favorites and is known as kalua pig. We are sorry that you didn't get to taste it. Mahalo.
May 2022
I'll start by saying if you've been to Hawaii and luaus before, just save your time and money and don't book this. If you've never been to a luau and have no expectations, then you'll be fine. We booked a last minute trip to Kauai so this was the only luau that had availability when booking our trip. I knew the reviews weren't the best but didn't expect the luau to be so bad. This was my fourth luau / trip to the islands so I've experienced quite a few. Even when we were picking up our car from the car rental company, the lady helping us asked which luau we booked and I told them we booked Luau Kalamaku and she gave a face like 'uh oh...' and told us to go to a different one but since we didn't have a choice, we just went through with this luau (it was my dad's first time to Hawaii so I wanted him to experience a luau.... honestly should have just skipped it because it was so bad). Okay the details and why I rated it one out of five: - Jammed pack! They had like 1,000 people and a handful of workers, so service was next to nothing and talk about crowded!! We had a total of 10 people at our table. - "buffet"... they serve you salad and bread to your table, just enough for the 10 people. No more salad and bread for you. - the actual food was subpar - nothing amazing and definitely not worth the price. - the show was decent but the stage was so far away from us and with the lights, all you saw were bugs flying around. I understand it's outside but it just wasn't the best luau show I've seen. - the location was 'eh'. The cool thing was that they had vendors to shop from at the beginning of the luau but I'd recommend a beach-front luau if you want more of a vibe. - the drinks.... OMG SO BAD. They're served in this tiny cup that you would use at the bathroom sink in your hotel room. I could wait in line at the bar to get a drink, and get back in line and finish my drink by the time it was my turn to get a drink again.. so tiny. They don't serve anything other than the selection of drinks they have: rum, vodka, mai tai and blue hawaiian. If you want a lava flow, nope. If you want a mule, nope. And again, they're in a cheap tiny plastic cup. I basically spent 2 hours of the luau waiting in line for drinks because you're only allowed to get one at a time. And I didn't even get a buzz going because they weren't strong at all (just tons of sugar). If the food isn't the best, the service is next to nothing and the show was decent, at least make good drinks... this luau didn't hit any of the marks. Lastly, I wrote that we were there for my birthday and they announce it in the beginning but that's it. No special anything and our table was just so far away because again, they just jam pack the place. If all the other luaus are booked and this is the only one open, just skip it and go to a luau next time. It's definitely not worth it unless you have zero standards for luaus.
Відповідь від хоста
May 2022
Mahalo for taking the time to post your feedback, we are certainly sorry to hear that the luau didn't meet your expectations. We've shared your thoughts with our management team. Aloha!

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