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Місто: Седона
Sat 28 Sep
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Починаючи з $120.00
Sat 28 Sep
Починаючи з $120.00
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Телескопи, лазерні указки, біноклі, крісла, дезінфікуючий засіб для рук
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Фотографії мандрівників
Відгуки (291)
Oct 2021
Amazing stargazing tour! Most definitely a highlight of our trip to Sedona. The guides were excellent.
Відповідь від хоста
Oct 2021
Thanks for spending an evening under the Milky Way with us. We are delighted you enjoyed the evening.
Oct 2021
That was a great experience. Both myself and my 17 yr old enjoyed it immensely. The guide was an expert and the material both interesting and thoughtful. It was a little nerve-wracking driving down a long un lit road for miles with no address and just text directions but it made it more of an adventure! We will be back!
Відповідь від хоста
Oct 2021
Thank you for your wonderful review. A little adventure on paved roads is always fun. It’s worth the short drive to our location to be in the epic location for our tours. So happy you recognize what we do and enjoyed the experience.
Oct 2021
It started with a text the day of the event that was confusing with regard to where the event would start. The location in our booking was different so I called the number they listed in the text at 2:30 pm. NO ONE called me back. So we drove to the original location on the confirmation thinking we might have to check in there first. No that was not the case - so we flew to the high school soccer field and made it just in time to start. We were there about 10 -15 minutes, saw two stars close together, Jupiter and Saturn and were then told they had no more to show us. They offered to tell a UFO story. A waste of time and money.
Відповідь від хоста
Oct 2021
Every “blue moon” we have a customer who simply refuses to follow instructions, directions and is uncommunicative. This is that customer. After multiple text messages, emails and voice messages the customer never responded. Had they read any of their messages they would have known the directions and the time. They would have had an opportunity to confirm with us and get the world class customer assistance our company has been know for 18 years. On this particular night, the owner of the company was onsite and waiting until this customer arrived. The customer arrived 15 minutes late and Immediately became combative. They were obviously intoxicated. I am the owner of the company, and I was the person they encountered when they arrived. These situations are unfortunate whenever they occur. Fortunately, it doesn’t happen very often, but when we get a review that is completely disrespectful and has the sole intention of harming our small family owned company we feel we need to defend our reputation. In this case, the customer was one of those that could not be satisfied regardless of the situation. The customer was provided a full refund as were all of our customers that night because we had cloudy skies. They forget to mention that fact. In addition, they fail to realize that every month we have hundreds of people who attend our tours and arrive on time with no issues. We value and appreciate our customers. We encourage our customers to book directly on our website rather than third party booking sites. This way we can assure you an awesome experience from beginning to end.

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