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Who are we?

AFISHA.LIFE - the world's leading travel guidance platform, assists millions of individuals every month in becoming better travelers, from initial planning to booking and ultimately embarking on their trip. Travelers rely on our website to explore lodging options, activities, and dining recommendations based on insights from previous visitors.

With a vast database of reviews and opinions, AFISHA.LIFE offers a comprehensive resource for finding accommodation deals, booking exciting experiences, making restaurant reservations, and discovering exceptional nearby attractions.

AFISHA.LIFE - where life's journeys await!

Where to find our magazine?

Afisha magazine begins its history in 2015, when the printed issue of the magazine first saw the light of day.

Magazine stands can be found at:

  • NetCost Market
  • Gourmanoff
  • Master Theater

Afisha is able to attract a large Russian-speaking audience in New York to any cultural event in New York and the USA.


Afisha magazine begins its history in 2015, when the printed issue of the magazine first saw the light of day.


Afisha life — this is a magazine about entertainment in New York - about the most interesting things happening around, and about how you can spend your free time and relax intellectually, mentally and emotionally.

Afisha magazine begins its history in 2015, when the printed issue of the magazine first saw the light of day.

Magazine stands can be found at:


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