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Une visite à pied de Frederick, Maryland - Le carrefour du Maryland

Je suis Don Burgess, un résident de Frederick intéressé à partager ma passion pour le tourisme patrimonial et la préservation historique, car ils contribuent à préserver et à créer le «sens d'appartenance» d'une ville.

Je suis un passionné d'histoire de cette région depuis des années, et mon rôle sur Facebook en tant que Frederick Tour me permet de combiner mon amour des choses anciennes avec mes compétences avec des choses nouvelles. Je suis un photographe semi-professionnel qui a photographié, montré et vendu des images de Frederick, Harpers Ferry et d'autres régions.

Voir plus de détails sur la visite dans l'itinéraire ci-dessous et sur fredericktour.org

Nous pouvons organiser des visites toute l'année. S'il pleut/neige (légèrement) et que vous voulez toujours faire le tour, nous pouvons le faire. S'il pleut /neige (fortement), nous pouvons faire une "visite" virtuelle à l'intérieur (groupes de 8 ou moins).

Sur demande, nous pouvons proposer des visites thématiques telles que les églises, l'architecture ou la guerre civile , ou même des séances photo.
Ville: Frédérick
Fri 20 Sep
Vous pouvez déjà choisir la date sur le site de réservation
À partir de $15.00
Fri 20 Sep
À partir de $15.00
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Ce qui est inclu
English guide
English guide
English guide
Guide professionnel
Information additionnelle
  • Accessible en fauteuil roulant
  • Les bébés et les jeunes enfants peuvent monter dans un landau ou une poussette
  • Animaux d'assistance autorisés
  • Les options de transport sont accessibles en fauteuil roulant
  • Les voyageurs doivent avoir au moins un niveau de forme physique modéré
  • Je porte un écran facial et garde une distance de 12 pieds.
À quoi s'attendre
Winchester Hall
Winchester Hall / Frederick Female Seminary / Women's College of Frederick. At this stop, we first provide an overview of Frederick from its founding in 1745 to the Civil War to the present day in order to provide context for all of the stops. See a 180 year old girls school that went through several closures, but still exists today as an important part of our heritage.
Historical Society of Frederick County
Loats Female Orphan Asylum / Protestant Episcopal Orphan Home. This is a short stop about two orphanages operated for 75-100 years by the Lutheran and Episcopal churches. Although long gone, their legacies live on with foundations providing college scholarships for needy youth.
Evangelical Lutheran Church
We will learn about the oldest congregation (almost 300 years) responsible for founding Frederick, see the iconic Twin Spires, and see a photo of the sanctuary with some great German engineering during the Civil War.
Carroll Creek Linear Park
Walk up and down Carroll Creek and see the sights
Baker Park
A great resource for the City of Frederick
Join us for a walk through Historic Downtown Frederick, Maryland. The City of Clustered Spires. Discover the city’s rich historical and cultural heritage — from the early German settlement of “Fredericktowne” in 1745, through bustling industry and devastating floods, to the revitalized city of today. This 2-hour, 1.2-mile walking tour comprises 12 stops and about 60 points of interest. (The tour can be made shorter or longer upon request). We will visit churches whose congregations have worshiped in Frederick for nearly 300 years, places critical to rebellion before the Revolutionary War and secession during the Civil War, buildings that served as part of Frederick’s “One Vast Hospital” for soldiers after the Battles of South Mountain and Antietam, schools that have been a part of Frederick’s legacy for more than 200 years, and recent revitalization efforts ensuring that Frederick thrives into the future. The last stop will be at the "Square Corner" — The Crossroads of Maryland.
Winchester Hall
Winchester Hall / Frederick Female Seminary / Women's College of Frederick. At this stop, we first provide an overview of Frederick from its founding in 1745 to the Civil War to the present day in order to provide context for all of the stops. See a 180 year old girls school that went through several closures, but still exists today as an important part of our heritage.
Historical Society of Frederick County
Loats Female Orphan Asylum / Protestant Episcopal Orphan Home. This is a short stop about two orphanages operated for 75-100 years by the Lutheran and Episcopal churches. Although long gone, their legacies live on with foundations providing college scholarships for needy youth.
Evangelical Lutheran Church
We will learn about the oldest congregation (almost 300 years) responsible for founding Frederick, see the iconic Twin Spires, and see a photo of the sanctuary with some great German engineering during the Civil War.
Carroll Creek Linear Park
Walk up and down Carroll Creek and see the sights
Baker Park
A great resource for the City of Frederick
Join us for a walk through Historic Downtown Frederick, Maryland. The City of Clustered Spires. Discover the city’s rich historical and cultural heritage — from the early German settlement of “Fredericktowne” in 1745, through bustling industry and devastating floods, to the revitalized city of today. This 2-hour, 1.2-mile walking tour comprises 12 stops and about 60 points of interest. (The tour can be made shorter or longer upon request). We will visit churches whose congregations have worshiped in Frederick for nearly 300 years, places critical to rebellion before the Revolutionary War and secession during the Civil War, buildings that served as part of Frederick’s “One Vast Hospital” for soldiers after the Battles of South Mountain and Antietam, schools that have been a part of Frederick’s legacy for more than 200 years, and recent revitalization efforts ensuring that Frederick thrives into the future. The last stop will be at the "Square Corner" — The Crossroads of Maryland.
Winchester Hall
Winchester Hall / Frederick Female Seminary / Women's College of Frederick. At this stop, we first provide an overview of Frederick from its founding in 1745 to the Civil War to the present day in order to provide context for all of the stops. See a 180 year old girls school that went through several closures, but still exists today as an important part of our heritage.
Historical Society of Frederick County
Loats Female Orphan Asylum / Protestant Episcopal Orphan Home. This is a short stop about two orphanages operated for 75-100 years by the Lutheran and Episcopal churches. Although long gone, their legacies live on with foundations providing college scholarships for needy youth.
Evangelical Lutheran Church
We will learn about the oldest congregation (almost 300 years) responsible for founding Frederick, see the iconic Twin Spires, and see a photo of the sanctuary with some great German engineering during the Civil War.
Carroll Creek Linear Park
Walk up and down Carroll Creek and see the sights
Baker Park
A great resource for the City of Frederick
Join us for a walk through Historic Downtown Frederick, Maryland. The City of Clustered Spires. Discover the city’s rich historical and cultural heritage — from the early German settlement of “Fredericktowne” in 1745, through bustling industry and devastating floods, to the revitalized city of today. This 2-hour, 1.2-mile walking tour comprises 12 stops and about 60 points of interest. (The tour can be made shorter or longer upon request). We will visit churches whose congregations have worshiped in Frederick for nearly 300 years, places critical to rebellion before the Revolutionary War and secession during the Civil War, buildings that served as part of Frederick’s “One Vast Hospital” for soldiers after the Battles of South Mountain and Antietam, schools that have been a part of Frederick’s legacy for more than 200 years, and recent revitalization efforts ensuring that Frederick thrives into the future. The last stop will be at the "Square Corner" — The Crossroads of Maryland.
Salle Winchester
Winchester Hall /Frederick Female Seminary /Women's College of Frederick. À cet arrêt, nous donnons d'abord un aperçu de Frederick depuis sa fondation en 1745 jusqu'à la guerre civile jusqu'à nos jours afin de fournir un contexte pour tous les arrêts. Découvrez une école de filles vieille de 180 ans qui a connu plusieurs fermetures, mais qui existe toujours aujourd'hui en tant qu'élément important de notre patrimoine.
Société historique du comté de Frederick
Loats Female Orphan Asylum /Foyer épiscopal protestant pour orphelins. Il s'agit d'un court arrêt sur deux orphelinats exploités pendant 75 à 100 ans par les églises luthérienne et épiscopale. Bien que disparu depuis longtemps, leur héritage se perpétue grâce à des fondations offrant des bourses d'études universitaires aux jeunes dans le besoin.
Église évangélique luthérienne
Nous découvrirons la plus ancienne congrégation (près de 300 ans) responsable de la fondation de Frederick, verrons les emblématiques Twin Spires et verrons une photo du sanctuaire avec une grande ingénierie allemande pendant la guerre civile.
Parc linéaire de Carroll Creek
Montez et descendez Carroll Creek et admirez les sites
Parc Baker
Une excellente ressource pour la ville de Frederick
Rejoignez-nous pour une promenade dans le centre-ville historique de Frederick, Maryland. La ville des flèches groupées. Découvrez le riche patrimoine historique et culturel de la ville - de la première colonie allemande de "Fredericktowne" en 1745, en passant par l'industrie florissante et les inondations dévastatrices, jusqu'à la ville revitalisée d'aujourd'hui. Cette visite à pied de 2 heures et de 2 km comprend 12 arrêts et environ 60 points d'intérêt. (La visite peut être raccourcie ou allongée sur demande). Nous visiterons des églises dont les congrégations vénèrent à Frederick depuis près de 300 ans, des lieux essentiels à la rébellion avant la guerre d'indépendance et à la sécession pendant la guerre civile, des bâtiments qui ont fait partie du "One Vast Hospital" de Frederick pour les soldats après les batailles de South Mountain et Antietam, des écoles qui font partie de l'héritage de Frederick depuis plus de 200 ans, et des efforts de revitalisation récents garantissant que Frederick prospère dans l'avenir. Le dernier arrêt sera au "Square Corner" - The Crossroads of Maryland.
Show 21 plus d'arrêts
Politique d'annulation
Pour un remboursement complet, annulez au moins 24 heures avant l'heure de départ prévue.
Photos de voyageurs
Commentaires (36)
Sep 2022
We appreciated the 90 minute format vs the two hour as publicized. Guide very informative as to history events and dates. Interesting stories of some buildings housing orphanages for 80 and 100 years up to 1946 and/or 1957. We found that the standing "times" were perhaps a bit much for us (we in our 70's) and so our guide did understand and we had brief moments of sitting on concrete steps and one area had some metal chairs.
Aug 2022
Don Burgess was friendly, knowledgeable and accommodating. Since it was a hot day, he took every opportunity to find shade and a place to sit when possible. And flexible enough to take advantage of a wonderful invitation to tour inside one of the historic Episcopal churches in Frederick. It was an unexpected treat for us all.
Feb 2022
Thoroughly enjoyed the tour. Very engaging. I know know a lot more about Frederick and its storied history.

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