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Visite tout compris de la boucle supérieure de Yellowstone

Il s'agit d'une visite guidée professionnelle tout compris de la boucle supérieure du parc national de Yellowstone.La visite commence une fois que vous êtes pris en charge dans votre zone d'hébergement vers 7h00.Cette visite comprend le paiement dans le parc, les boissons, les collations (barres granola, fromages, craquelins et noix) et un déjeuner de style charcuterie (sandwichs sur du pain fait maison, des fruits frais, des légumes frais, des croustilles et un brownie fait maison). Au cours de cette visite, vous serez emmené dans certaines des zones panoramiques les plus époustouflantes autour.Vous verrez peut-être une variété d'animaux sauvages, de caractéristiques géothermiques et de sites historiques.Cette visite est axée sur l'histoire, la visite de sites et l'observation de la faune.Bien que nous ne puissions jamais promettre quelle faune vous verrez.Nous essayons de observez les schémas de migration des animaux.Lors de cette visite, nous éliminons les conjectures de vos vacances et vous montrons un moment relaxant mais agréable.Nous ne sardinons pas nos invités dans un véhicule et ne les précipitons pas toute la journée, donc si vous voulez marcher, s'asseoir, faire de la randonnée alors nous sommes là pour votre visite
Ville: Cody
Sat 19 Oct
Vous pouvez déjà choisir la date sur le site de réservation
À partir de $299.00
Sat 19 Oct
À partir de $299.00
Faire une réservation
Ce qui est inclu
Fees into park
Bottled water
binoculars for the day,
tour guide
Information additionnelle
  • Accessible aux fauteuils roulants
  • Les bébés et les jeunes enfants peuvent monter dans un landau ou une poussette
  • Animaux d'assistance autorisés
  • Convient à tous les niveaux de forme physique
  • Assurez-vous de porter des vêtements confortables, de préférence plusieurs couches, apportez tous les objets personnels dont vous pourriez avoir besoin, tels que des médicaments, et n'oubliez pas vos appareils photo. Vous en aurez certainement besoin.
  • Désinfectant pour les mains disponible pour les voyageurs et le personnel
  • Distanciation sociale appliquée tout au long de l'expérience
  • Zones à fort trafic régulièrement désinfectées
  • Équipement/équipement désinfecté entre les utilisations
  • Véhicules de transport régulièrement désinfectés
  • Guides tenus de se laver régulièrement les mains
  • Vérifications régulières de la température pour le personnel
  • En raison de la forte demande des clients devant respecter la distance sociale ; Nous sommes devoir limiter la capacité de nos véhicules.Cette année, nous demandons à nos clients qui ne souhaitent pas voyager avec d'autres de consulter nos options de visites privées.
À quoi s'attendre
Cody Wyoming Adventures
On this tour you’ll be picked up in a newer model vehicle from a Hummer,van,or transit depending on the size of your party.Youll be picked up at approximately 7:00am from you place of lodging.Your professional guide will begin the tour with amazing facts about Cody,the volcano,and the greater Yellowstone area.On this all inclusive tour you’ll be givin opportunities for amazing scenic and wildlife photos.Youll hear fascinating facts about Yellowstone the Super Volcano,wildlife biology,the ecosystem,and about the first visitors to the Wild West.Its like I always say “If scientists are still studying Yellowstone,whether it’s about its foliage,wildlife,the volcano,the history,etc.then that means that there’s always something new to learn.Nobody will ever know everything,but it’s fun to try to though”.Yellowtsone is Mother Nature at her best.After many years as a tour guide in Yellowstone I still bask in its glory.This tour enters the park in the East entrance and exits from the Northeast entrance to The Chief Joseph Scenic Byway.This tour concludes back at your lodging at approximately 7:00pm.On this tour you will also be stopping at the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone National Park,Mammoth Hot Springs,Dunraven Pass,and Geyser basin areas.Wildlife typically seen on this tour are:Grizzlies,elk,Deer,pronghorn,mountain goats,big horn sheep,and black bear.There are also a wide variety of birds to wast he such as:American pelicans,Trumperter swans,Sandhill cranes,bald eagles,golden eagles,hawks,etc.Book your tour now for the summer of 2019.
Cody Wyoming Adventures
On this tour you’ll be picked up in a newer model vehicle from a Hummer,van,or transit depending on the size of your party.Youll be picked up at approximately 7:00am from you place of lodging.Your professional guide will begin the tour with amazing facts about Cody,the volcano,and the greater Yellowstone area.On this all inclusive tour you’ll be givin opportunities for amazing scenic and wildlife photos.Youll hear fascinating facts about Yellowstone the Super Volcano,wildlife biology,the ecosystem,and about the first visitors to the Wild West.Its like I always say “If scientists are still studying Yellowstone,whether it’s about its foliage,wildlife,the volcano,the history,etc.then that means that there’s always something new to learn.Nobody will ever know everything,but it’s fun to try to though”.Yellowtsone is Mother Nature at her best.After many years as a tour guide in Yellowstone I still bask in its glory.This tour enters the park in the East entrance and exits from the Northeast entrance to The Chief Joseph Scenic Byway.This tour concludes back at your lodging at approximately 7:00pm.On this tour you will also be stopping at the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone National Park,Mammoth Hot Springs,Dunraven Pass,and Geyser basin areas.Wildlife typically seen on this tour are:Grizzlies,elk,Deer,pronghorn,mountain goats,big horn sheep,and black bear.There are also a wide variety of birds to wast he such as:American pelicans,Trumperter swans,Sandhill cranes,bald eagles,golden eagles,hawks,etc.Book your tour now for the summer of 2019.
Cody Wyoming Adventures
On this tour you’ll be picked up in a newer model vehicle from a Hummer,van,or transit depending on the size of your party.Youll be picked up at approximately 7:00am from you place of lodging.Your professional guide will begin the tour with amazing facts about Cody,the volcano,and the greater Yellowstone area.On this all inclusive tour you’ll be givin opportunities for amazing scenic and wildlife photos.Youll hear fascinating facts about Yellowstone the Super Volcano,wildlife biology,the ecosystem,and about the first visitors to the Wild West.Its like I always say “If scientists are still studying Yellowstone,whether it’s about its foliage,wildlife,the volcano,the history,etc.then that means that there’s always something new to learn.Nobody will ever know everything,but it’s fun to try to though”.Yellowtsone is Mother Nature at her best.After many years as a tour guide in Yellowstone I still bask in its glory.This tour enters the park in the East entrance and exits from the Northeast entrance to The Chief Joseph Scenic Byway.This tour concludes back at your lodging at approximately 7:00pm.On this tour you will also be stopping at the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone National Park,Mammoth Hot Springs,Dunraven Pass,and Geyser basin areas.Wildlife typically seen on this tour are:Grizzlies,elk,Deer,pronghorn,mountain goats,big horn sheep,and black bear.There are also a wide variety of birds to wast he such as:American pelicans,Trumperter swans,Sandhill cranes,bald eagles,golden eagles,hawks,etc.Book your tour now for the summer of 2019.
Cody Wyoming Adventures
On this tour you’ll be picked up in a newer model vehicle from a Hummer,van,or transit depending on the size of your party.Youll be picked up at approximately 7:00am from you place of lodging.Your professional guide will begin the tour with amazing facts about Cody,the volcano,and the greater Yellowstone area.On this all inclusive tour you’ll be givin opportunities for amazing scenic and wildlife photos.Youll hear fascinating facts about Yellowstone the Super Volcano,wildlife biology,the ecosystem,and about the first visitors to the Wild West.Its like I always say “If scientists are still studying Yellowstone,whether it’s about its foliage,wildlife,the volcano,the history,etc.then that means that there’s always something new to learn.Nobody will ever know everything,but it’s fun to try to though”.Yellowtsone is Mother Nature at her best.After many years as a tour guide in Yellowstone I still bask in its glory.This tour enters the park in the East entrance and exits from the Northeast entrance to The Chief Joseph Scenic Byway.This tour concludes back at your lodging at approximately 7:00pm.On this tour you will also be stopping at the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone National Park,Mammoth Hot Springs,Dunraven Pass,and Geyser basin areas.Wildlife typically seen on this tour are:Grizzlies,elk,Deer,pronghorn,mountain goats,big horn sheep,and black bear.There are also a wide variety of birds to wast he such as:American pelicans,Trumperter swans,Sandhill cranes,bald eagles,golden eagles,hawks,etc.Book your tour now for the summer of 2019.
Cody Wyoming Adventures
On this tour you’ll be picked up in a newer model vehicle from a Hummer,van,or transit depending on the size of your party.Youll be picked up at approximately 7:00am from you place of lodging.Your professional guide will begin the tour with amazing facts about Cody,the volcano,and the greater Yellowstone area.On this all inclusive tour you’ll be givin opportunities for amazing scenic and wildlife photos.Youll hear fascinating facts about Yellowstone the Super Volcano,wildlife biology,the ecosystem,and about the first visitors to the Wild West.Its like I always say “If scientists are still studying Yellowstone,whether it’s about its foliage,wildlife,the volcano,the history,etc.then that means that there’s always something new to learn.Nobody will ever know everything,but it’s fun to try to though”.Yellowtsone is Mother Nature at her best.After many years as a tour guide in Yellowstone I still bask in its glory.This tour enters the park in the East entrance and exits from the Northeast entrance to The Chief Joseph Scenic Byway.This tour concludes back at your lodging at approximately 7:00pm.On this tour you will also be stopping at the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone National Park,Mammoth Hot Springs,Dunraven Pass,and Geyser basin areas.Wildlife typically seen on this tour are:Grizzlies,elk,Deer,pronghorn,mountain goats,big horn sheep,and black bear.There are also a wide variety of birds to wast he such as:American pelicans,Trumperter swans,Sandhill cranes,bald eagles,golden eagles,hawks,etc.Book your tour now for the summer of 2019.
Cody Wyoming Aventures
Lors de cette visite, vous serez pris en charge dans un modèle de véhicule plus récent d'un Hummer, d'une camionnette ou d'un transport en commun en fonction de la taille de votre groupe.Vous serez pris en charge vers 7h00 de votre lieu d'hébergement.Votre guide professionnel commencera la visite avec des faits étonnants sur Cody, le volcan et la grande région de Yellowstone. Lors de cette visite tout compris, vous aurez la possibilité de prendre de superbes photos panoramiques et de la faune. Vous entendrez des faits fascinants sur Yellowstone, le super volcan, la biologie de la faune, l'écosystème , et sur les premiers visiteurs du Far West. C'est comme si je dis toujours "Si les scientifiques étudient encore Yellowstone, qu'il s'agisse de son feuillage, de la faune, du volcan, de l'histoire, etc., cela signifie qu'il y a toujours quelque chose de nouveau à apprendre .Personne ne saura jamais tout, mais c'est amusant d'essayer".Yellowtsone est Mère Nature à son meilleur.Après de nombreuses années en tant que guide touristique à Yellowstone, je profite toujours de sa gloire.Cette visite entre dans le parc à l'entrée est et sorties du nord-est e Entrée à The Chief Joseph Scenic Byway.Cette visite se termine à votre hébergement vers 19h00.Lors de cette visite, vous vous arrêterez également au parc national du Grand Canyon de Yellowstone, aux sources chaudes de Mammoth, au col de Dunraven et aux bassins de Geyser. La faune généralement observée lors de cette visite est la suivante : les grizzlis, les wapitis, les cerfs, les antilopes d'Amérique, les chèvres de montagne, les mouflons à grandes cornes et l'ours noir. aigles à tête blanche, aigles royaux, faucons, etc. Réservez votre visite maintenant pour l'été 2019.
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Photos de voyageurs
Commentaires (16)
Jun 2019
A very knowledgable driver/guide called Bob. Knew all the places to spot wildlife and very informative. We saw loads of Buffalo, Black & Brown Bears close up. Several types of Deer, Mountain Goats & Coyote. Only thing we missed was a Moose & Wolf. scenery was fantastic as we had snow ! Long day & would query whether such a long days driving is that safe with only one driver, 12 hours with no long breaks. really enjoyed the day though.
Réponse de l'hôte
Jun 2019
Thank you for taking the time to write a great review for Bob.It is a long day,but it’s longer for the guests because normally they are a little tired from being in vacation.A lot of people all over the world work 12 hour shifts and we go by DOT regulations of making sure that our guides are off for a certain amount of time before taking the tours.Plus being able to get out and have lunch,go on walks,rest while the guests are shopping,etc.All of the companies that offer Yellowstone tours have the same length of tours.I understand your concerns but each stop to get out and walk,eat,etc do give the guides enough rest.Ill talk to Bob and see if the tours are getting to be too much for him.We only schedule our guides to work 3 days a week to ensure enough rest,but if he can’t do the tours anymore I’ll talk to him.Thank you for bringing this to my attention.Safety is always first and if the 12 hours are too long for him then,I may have to move him.Ill talk to him tonight.Id never want a guest to feel unsafe in any way.
Jun 2019
Ask for Bruce!! He is an amazing guide. He is knowledgeable, kind, friendly, and attentive to every need of his passengers. We were interested in photographing wildlife, so he found many opportunities for us, and we got excellent photos! We had a wonderful day and we saw breathtaking beauty! We have been on several tours, and this was the BEST!! We hope to go with him again!!
Réponse de l'hôte
Jun 2019
Thank you so much for the review.Ill be sure to tell him to read this.He is amazing.We love him,and I appreciate you taking the time out of your schedule to write in,Thank you again so much.Sunny
Nancy C
Jun 2019
The upper loop tour was great! Although there aren't as many geothermal features to stop at, we did stop quite a few times (Roaring Mountain, Tower Falls, Mammoth Hot Springs). We also saw a lot of wildlife, including bison, elk, grizzly bear, black bear and bighorn sheep. Our tour guide, Hanna, was very flexible and always on the lookout for the wildlife. And, it was nice that we didn't have to drive ourselves and were able to look around and enjoy the environment.
Réponse de l'hôte
Jun 2019
Hi Nancy, Thank you so much for the great review for Hannah.Shes doing great,and I’m happy that we have her on our team.I will be sure to tell her to read this.Yellowstone is amazing so I’m so glad that you enjoyed your trip. Thank you again, Sunny

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