We are so sorry you couldn't find us or the number to call for help. Please feel free to contact us so we can find out what went wrong. The following information has been copy pasted from your ticket, so that it may assist other future guests as well:
Arrive 15 minutes early. Tours meet at 139 Tremont Street, Boston MA and leave promptly on time. This is the Boston Common Visitor Center. NEVER put Boston Common into your GPS; this park is 50+ acres and your GPS may take you to the wrong location. On Google Maps the walking directions are also searchable under "Freedom Trail Starting Point"
Additional help:
The building is set approximately 60 feet (20 meters) into the park but still along Tremont Street. It is across the street from a two-story McDonalds. You will check in directly with your guide in front of the Visitor Center at 139 Tremont St. Boston MA.
IF YOU BECOME LOST IN THE PARK (step by step directions)
1. Walk to the nearest street. From inside the large park you may get turned around or become even more lost.
2. Get a street name and look at a map or phone or GPS to locate yourself.
3. Stay near the perimeter of the park as you walk towards Tremont Street. If you arrive at Tremont near Park Street Station, keep Tremont Street to your left as you walk down the perimeter of the Park. If you arrive at Tremont near the Boylston Street Station, keep Tremont Street on your right side as you follow the perimeter on the park.
4. Follow the perimeter of the park along Tremont Street until you are across from a two story McDonalds.
5. Stay in the park, but when you navigate to the sidewalk on Tremont Street directly across from the McDonalds, stop moving. If you are standing and looking towards the McDonalds then the meeting location will be directly behind you.
6. Walk towards the Visitor Center building (walking away from the McDonalds and Tremont Street) and stand in front of the entrance. You will see a person in colonial clothing. That is your guide. Check in with them. Your guide will now handle navigation for the duration of the tour.
For customer service please contact 978-741-1170 or
[email protected]