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Visite de la capitale du Texas en Segway

Qu'est-ce qu'Austin a de si spécial ? Laissez-nous vous montrer ! Cette visite guidée en Segway de 2 heures présente les principales destinations d'Austin : le Seaholm Power District - un élément clé du passé d'Austin ; La bibliothèque publique nouvellement construite d'Austin, d'une valeur de 125 millions de dollars DT - vous donne une idée de l'avenir dynamique d'Austin (avec une vue imprenable sur la ville à 360 °) SI LE TEMPS LE PERMET sur le chemin du retour, un arrêt peut être fait ; Les terrains du Capitole de l'État du Texas, Historic Congress Ave. & World Famous 6th St.; Austin City Limits - où est enregistrée l'émission en direct de la série télévisée musicale la plus ancienne du Texas, qui se déroule également sur Willie Nelson Blvd. où la célèbre statue de bronze de Willie Nelson est honorablement exposée ; Le bien-aimé d'Austin * Auditorium Shores et la * statue de Stevie Ray Vaughan * si le temps le permet (le légendaire musicien de blues accrédité pour avoir fait d'Austin la capitale mondiale de la musique live)
Ville: Austin
Thu 13 Mar
Vous pouvez déjà choisir la date sur le site de réservation
À partir de $75.00
Thu 13 Mar
À partir de $75.00
Faire une réservation
Ce qui est inclu
Small-group attention
Sunscreen, bug spray, rain panchos
Small-group attention
Sunscreen, bug spray, rain panchos
Small-group attention
Information additionnelle
  • Déconseillé aux voyageurs ayant une mauvaise santé cardiovasculaire
  • Des options de transport en commun sont disponibles à proximité
  • Convient à tous les niveaux de condition physique
  • Entraînement inclus
  • Habillez-vous de manière appropriée pour les conditions météorologiques changeantes
  • Les Segways ont des sacs pour les effets personnels
  • 2 h. notification de pluie - veuillez supposer que la visite est en cours sauf indication contraire
  • Désinfectant pour les mains disponible pour les voyageurs et le personnel
  • Distanciation sociale imposée tout au long de l'expérience
  • Désinfecté régulièrement à fort trafic zones
  • Matériel/équipement désinfectés entre chaque utilisation
  • Véhicules de transport régulièrement désinfectés
  • Guides tenus de se laver régulièrement les mains
  • Paiements sans contact pour les pourboires et modules complémentaires
À quoi s'attendre
Pfluger Pedestrian Bridge
Our first stop and photo-op, we will spend time at this spot giving guests the lay of the land, directional bearings, points of interest about the skyscapers.
Willie Nelson Statue
Great photo-op with Willie
The Moody Theater
Home of the taping of the acclaimed television music series Austin City Limits, the longest running music series in American
Congress Avenue
Cross-over point to marvel at the sun setting on Austin's skyscrapers
6th Street
World-famous music district which helped Austin become known as the Live Music Capital of the World
Texas State Capitol
A stop is made to go inside the Capitol Bldg.
Austin Central Library, Austin Public Library
Beautiful architecture and 360º panoramic views of the city
Auditorium Shores
Large metro park, best view of the skyline; this is where the Segways go off-roadin' . TIME PERMITTING
Pfluger Pedestrian Bridge
Our first stop and photo-op, we will spend time at this spot giving guests the lay of the land, directional bearings, points of interest about the skyscapers.
Willie Nelson Statue
Great photo-op with Willie
The Moody Theater
Home of the taping of the acclaimed television music series Austin City Limits, the longest running music series in American
Congress Avenue
Cross-over point to marvel at the sun setting on Austin's skyscrapers
6th Street
World-famous music district which helped Austin become known as the Live Music Capital of the World
Texas State Capitol
A stop is made to go inside the Capitol Bldg.
Austin Central Library, Austin Public Library
Beautiful architecture and 360º panoramic views of the city
Auditorium Shores
Large metro park, best view of the skyline; this is where the Segways go off-roadin' . TIME PERMITTING
Pfluger Pedestrian Bridge
Our first stop and photo-op, we will spend time at this spot giving guests the lay of the land, directional bearings, points of interest about the skyscapers.
Willie Nelson Statue
Great photo-op with Willie
The Moody Theater
Home of the taping of the acclaimed television music series Austin City Limits, the longest running music series in American
Congress Avenue
Cross-over point to marvel at the sun setting on Austin's skyscrapers
6th Street
World-famous music district which helped Austin become known as the Live Music Capital of the World
Texas State Capitol
A stop is made to go inside the Capitol Bldg.
Austin Central Library, Austin Public Library
Beautiful architecture and 360º panoramic views of the city
Auditorium Shores
Large metro park, best view of the skyline; this is where the Segways go off-roadin' . TIME PERMITTING
Pfluger Pedestrian Bridge
Our first stop and photo-op, we will spend time at this spot giving guests the lay of the land, directional bearings, points of interest about the skyscapers.
Willie Nelson Statue
Great photo-op with Willie
The Moody Theater
Home of the taping of the acclaimed television music series Austin City Limits, the longest running music series in American
Congress Avenue
Cross-over point to marvel at the sun setting on Austin's skyscrapers
6th Street
World-famous music district which helped Austin become known as the Live Music Capital of the World
Texas State Capitol
A stop is made to go inside the Capitol Bldg.
Austin Central Library, Austin Public Library
Beautiful architecture and 360º panoramic views of the city
Auditorium Shores
Large metro park, best view of the skyline; this is where the Segways go off-roadin' . TIME PERMITTING
Pfluger Pedestrian Bridge
Our first stop and photo-op, we will spend time at this spot giving guests the lay of the land, directional bearings, points of interest about the skyscapers.
Willie Nelson Statue
Great photo-op with Willie
The Moody Theater
Home of the taping of the acclaimed television music series Austin City Limits, the longest running music series in American
Congress Avenue
Cross-over point to marvel at the sun setting on Austin's skyscrapers
6th Street
World-famous music district which helped Austin become known as the Live Music Capital of the World
Texas State Capitol
A stop is made to go inside the Capitol Bldg.
Austin Central Library, Austin Public Library
Beautiful architecture and 360º panoramic views of the city
Auditorium Shores
Large metro park, best view of the skyline; this is where the Segways go off-roadin' . TIME PERMITTING
Pfluger Pedestrian Bridge
Our first stop and photo-op, we will spend time at this spot giving guests the lay of the land, directional bearings, points of interest about the skyscapers.
Willie Nelson Statue
Great photo-op with Willie
The Moody Theater
Home of the taping of the acclaimed television music series Austin City Limits, the longest running music series in American
Congress Avenue
Cross-over point to marvel at the sun setting on Austin's skyscrapers
6th Street
World-famous music district which helped Austin become known as the Live Music Capital of the World
Texas State Capitol
A stop is made to go inside the Capitol Bldg.
Austin Central Library, Austin Public Library
Beautiful architecture and 360º panoramic views of the city
Auditorium Shores
Large metro park, best view of the skyline; this is where the Segways go off-roadin' . TIME PERMITTING
Pont piétonnier Pfluger
Notre premier arrêt et séance photo, nous passerons du temps à cet endroit pour donner aux invités la configuration du terrain, les relèvements directionnels, les points d'intérêt sur les skyscapers.
Statue de Willie Nelson
Super séance photo avec Willie
Le théâtre Moody
Accueil de l'enregistrement de la célèbre série musicale télévisée Austin City Limits, la série musicale la plus ancienne en Amérique
Avenue du Congrès
Point de passage pour admirer le coucher de soleil sur les gratte-ciel d'Austin
6e rue
Quartier musical de renommée mondiale qui a aidé Austin à devenir la capitale mondiale de la musique live
Capitole de l'État du Texas
Un arrêt est fait pour entrer à l'intérieur du bâtiment du Capitole.
Bibliothèque centrale d'Austin, Bibliothèque publique d'Austin
Belle architecture et vue panoramique à 360º sur la ville
Rives de l'auditorium
Grand parc de métro, meilleure vue sur la ligne d'horizon ; c'est là que les Segways font du tout-terrain ». SI LE TEMPS LE PERMET
Show 53 plus d'arrêts
Politique d'annulation
Pour un remboursement complet, annulez au moins 24 heures avant l'heure de départ prévue.
Photos de voyageurs
Commentaires (45)
Nov 2022
The tour guide was great! Seen a lot of great highlights of Austin and learn some great history facts. I would definitely recommend this tour.
Réponse de l'hôte
Dec 2022
Thank you Tasha. Every great review helps our small business grow.
Chris I
Nov 2022
It was a great experience. A fun way to get an introduction to the city. The only change I would make would be for us to do it earlier in the trip as he recommended a lot of good places to go.
Réponse de l'hôte
Dec 2022
Our thoughts exactly! I wish everyone could do this trip straight from the airport.
Nov 2022
Maia was an excellent tour guide. She was friendly and attentive to the group needs. I would highly recommend this tour and guide.
Réponse de l'hôte
Dec 2022
Thank you so much. We appreciate each and every positive review.

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