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Visite guidée à pied nocturne de Charleston Ghost & Graveyard

Découvrez les frissons de la seule visite du cimetière sur place de Charleston. Vous aurez l'occasion exclusive de franchir les portes du plus ancien cimetière de Charleston après la tombée de la nuit. Promenez-vous dans le quartier historique hanté de Charleston et écoutez des histoires de fantômes, de maisons hantées, de vaudous et de superstitions des pays bas.
Ville: Charleston
Tue 17 Sep
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À partir de $39.50
Tue 17 Sep
À partir de $39.50
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Ce qui est inclu
Local licensed guide
Local licensed guide
Local licensed guide
Local licensed guide
Local licensed guide
Local licensed guide
Information additionnelle
  • Accessible aux fauteuils roulants
  • Les bébés et les jeunes enfants peuvent monter dans un landau ou une poussette
  • Animaux d'assistance autorisés
  • Convient à tous les niveaux de condition physique
  • Veuillez arriver 15 minutes avant l'heure de départ de la visite
  • Fonctionne dans toutes les conditions météorologiques, habillez-vous convenablement
  • Le rythme des visites à pied est tranquille
  • Désinfectant pour les mains disponible pour les voyageurs et le personnel
  • Zones à fort trafic régulièrement désinfectées
  • Guides tenus de se laver régulièrement les mains
  • En achetant cette visite, vous déclarez que vous et votre groupe êtes en bonne santé et n'avez présenté aucun signe ou symptôme de COVID-19 au cours des 14 derniers jours. Si cela change, vous en aviserez Bulldog Tours immédiatement.
À quoi s'attendre
Charleston Ghost & Graveyard Tour
Meet your guide at a central meeting point, then proceed to the graveyard where you will hear about Charleston's spirits and gruesome tales such as: • The ghost of Sue Howard, a grieving mother who prays at the grave of her dead child from the spirit world. Your guide has the picture to prove it. • The Great Nullifier, famous rebel warrior John C. Calhoun. Find out why he and his wife still dance in the street every year, for over 150 years running. • Tales of being buried alive. Doctors in old Charleston didn't take chances with contagious diseases. Fall unconscious in a hospital, wake up in a grave.Learn why the terms saved by the bell and graveyard shift were coined. You will be glad you weren't around when they were. While other walking tours are looking in through the iron fence, you'll be on the inside. Learn the history of Charleston's haunted graveyards and hear tales about famous individuals who found their final resting place in the Holy City. Don't forget your flash cameras. You never know what phantom images you can capture...
Bulldog Tours
Tours offered through Bulldog Tours
Circular Congregational Church
Enter the gates of the Circular Congregational Church graveyard exclusively with Bulldog Tours. Hear stories of infamous people laid to rest there.
St. Philip's Church
Charleston was settled in 1670 by the congregation of St. Philip's Church. Their graveyard is home to many of our most significant historical figures, including a signer of the Declaration of Independence. It is also home to one of the most intriguing ghost stories in Charleston!
The Powder Magazine
Completed in 1713, it is the oldest surviving public building in the former Province of Carolina. It was used as a gunpowder store through the American Revolutionary War, and later saw other uses
Charleston Ghost & Graveyard Tour
Meet your guide at a central meeting point, then proceed to the graveyard where you will hear about Charleston's spirits and gruesome tales such as: • The ghost of Sue Howard, a grieving mother who prays at the grave of her dead child from the spirit world. Your guide has the picture to prove it. • The Great Nullifier, famous rebel warrior John C. Calhoun. Find out why he and his wife still dance in the street every year, for over 150 years running. • Tales of being buried alive. Doctors in old Charleston didn't take chances with contagious diseases. Fall unconscious in a hospital, wake up in a grave.Learn why the terms saved by the bell and graveyard shift were coined. You will be glad you weren't around when they were. While other walking tours are looking in through the iron fence, you'll be on the inside. Learn the history of Charleston's haunted graveyards and hear tales about famous individuals who found their final resting place in the Holy City. Don't forget your flash cameras. You never know what phantom images you can capture...
Bulldog Tours
Tours offered through Bulldog Tours
Circular Congregational Church
Enter the gates of the Circular Congregational Church graveyard exclusively with Bulldog Tours. Hear stories of infamous people laid to rest there.
St. Philip's Church
Charleston was settled in 1670 by the congregation of St. Philip's Church. Their graveyard is home to many of our most significant historical figures, including a signer of the Declaration of Independence. It is also home to one of the most intriguing ghost stories in Charleston!
The Powder Magazine
Completed in 1713, it is the oldest surviving public building in the former Province of Carolina. It was used as a gunpowder store through the American Revolutionary War, and later saw other uses
Charleston Ghost & Graveyard Tour
Meet your guide at a central meeting point, then proceed to the graveyard where you will hear about Charleston's spirits and gruesome tales such as: • The ghost of Sue Howard, a grieving mother who prays at the grave of her dead child from the spirit world. Your guide has the picture to prove it. • The Great Nullifier, famous rebel warrior John C. Calhoun. Find out why he and his wife still dance in the street every year, for over 150 years running. • Tales of being buried alive. Doctors in old Charleston didn't take chances with contagious diseases. Fall unconscious in a hospital, wake up in a grave.Learn why the terms saved by the bell and graveyard shift were coined. You will be glad you weren't around when they were. While other walking tours are looking in through the iron fence, you'll be on the inside. Learn the history of Charleston's haunted graveyards and hear tales about famous individuals who found their final resting place in the Holy City. Don't forget your flash cameras. You never know what phantom images you can capture...
Bulldog Tours
Tours offered through Bulldog Tours
Circular Congregational Church
Enter the gates of the Circular Congregational Church graveyard exclusively with Bulldog Tours. Hear stories of infamous people laid to rest there.
St. Philip's Church
Charleston was settled in 1670 by the congregation of St. Philip's Church. Their graveyard is home to many of our most significant historical figures, including a signer of the Declaration of Independence. It is also home to one of the most intriguing ghost stories in Charleston!
The Powder Magazine
Completed in 1713, it is the oldest surviving public building in the former Province of Carolina. It was used as a gunpowder store through the American Revolutionary War, and later saw other uses
Charleston Ghost & Graveyard Tour
Meet your guide at a central meeting point, then proceed to the graveyard where you will hear about Charleston's spirits and gruesome tales such as: • The ghost of Sue Howard, a grieving mother who prays at the grave of her dead child from the spirit world. Your guide has the picture to prove it. • The Great Nullifier, famous rebel warrior John C. Calhoun. Find out why he and his wife still dance in the street every year, for over 150 years running. • Tales of being buried alive. Doctors in old Charleston didn't take chances with contagious diseases. Fall unconscious in a hospital, wake up in a grave.Learn why the terms saved by the bell and graveyard shift were coined. You will be glad you weren't around when they were. While other walking tours are looking in through the iron fence, you'll be on the inside. Learn the history of Charleston's haunted graveyards and hear tales about famous individuals who found their final resting place in the Holy City. Don't forget your flash cameras. You never know what phantom images you can capture...
Bulldog Tours
Tours offered through Bulldog Tours
Circular Congregational Church
Enter the gates of the Circular Congregational Church graveyard exclusively with Bulldog Tours. Hear stories of infamous people laid to rest there.
St. Philip's Church
Charleston was settled in 1670 by the congregation of St. Philip's Church. Their graveyard is home to many of our most significant historical figures, including a signer of the Declaration of Independence. It is also home to one of the most intriguing ghost stories in Charleston!
The Powder Magazine
Completed in 1713, it is the oldest surviving public building in the former Province of Carolina. It was used as a gunpowder store through the American Revolutionary War, and later saw other uses
Charleston Ghost & Graveyard Tour
Meet your guide at a central meeting point, then proceed to the graveyard where you will hear about Charleston's spirits and gruesome tales such as: • The ghost of Sue Howard, a grieving mother who prays at the grave of her dead child from the spirit world. Your guide has the picture to prove it. • The Great Nullifier, famous rebel warrior John C. Calhoun. Find out why he and his wife still dance in the street every year, for over 150 years running. • Tales of being buried alive. Doctors in old Charleston didn't take chances with contagious diseases. Fall unconscious in a hospital, wake up in a grave.Learn why the terms saved by the bell and graveyard shift were coined. You will be glad you weren't around when they were. While other walking tours are looking in through the iron fence, you'll be on the inside. Learn the history of Charleston's haunted graveyards and hear tales about famous individuals who found their final resting place in the Holy City. Don't forget your flash cameras. You never know what phantom images you can capture...
Bulldog Tours
Tours offered through Bulldog Tours
Circular Congregational Church
Enter the gates of the Circular Congregational Church graveyard exclusively with Bulldog Tours. Hear stories of infamous people laid to rest there.
St. Philip's Church
Charleston was settled in 1670 by the congregation of St. Philip's Church. Their graveyard is home to many of our most significant historical figures, including a signer of the Declaration of Independence. It is also home to one of the most intriguing ghost stories in Charleston!
The Powder Magazine
Completed in 1713, it is the oldest surviving public building in the former Province of Carolina. It was used as a gunpowder store through the American Revolutionary War, and later saw other uses
Visite des fantômes et du cimetière de Charleston
Rencontrez votre guide à un point de rendez-vous central, puis dirigez-vous vers le cimetière où vous entendrez parler des esprits de Charleston et d'histoires horribles telles que : • Le fantôme de Sue Howard, une mère en deuil qui prie sur la tombe de son enfant décédé du monde des esprits. Votre guide a la photo pour le prouver. • Le Grand Annulateur, célèbre guerrier rebelle John C. Calhoun. Découvrez pourquoi lui et sa femme dansent encore dans la rue chaque année, depuis plus de 150 ans. • Histoires d'être enterré vivant. Les médecins du vieux Charleston ne prenaient pas de risques avec les maladies contagieuses. Tomber inconscient dans un hôpital, se réveiller dans une tombe.Découvrez pourquoi les termes sauvés par la cloche et le changement de cimetière ont été inventés. Vous serez heureux de ne pas être là quand ils l'étaient. Pendant que d'autres visites à pied regardent à travers la clôture de fer, vous serez à l'intérieur. Apprenez l'histoire des cimetières hantés de Charleston et écoutez des histoires sur des personnages célèbres qui ont trouvé leur dernier lieu de repos dans la ville sainte. N'oubliez pas vos appareils photo flash. Vous ne savez jamais quelles images fantômes vous pouvez capturer...
Excursions Bouledogue
Visites proposées par Bulldog Tours
Église congrégationaliste circulaire
Entrez par les portes du cimetière de l'église congrégationaliste circulaire exclusivement avec Bulldog Tours. Écoutez des histoires de personnes infâmes qui y reposent.
Église Saint-Philippe
Charleston a été colonisée en 1670 par la congrégation de l'église Saint-Philippe. Leur cimetière abrite bon nombre de nos personnages historiques les plus importants, y compris un signataire de la déclaration d'indépendance. Il abrite également l'une des histoires de fantômes les plus intrigantes de Charleston !
La poudrière
Achevé en 1713, c'est le plus ancien bâtiment public de l'ancienne province de Caroline. Il a été utilisé comme magasin de poudre à canon pendant la guerre d'indépendance américaine, et a ensuite vu d'autres utilisations
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Politique d'annulation
Pour un remboursement complet, annulez au moins 24 heures avant l'heure de départ prévue.
Photos de voyageurs
Commentaires (775)
Jeff W
Dec 2022
A bit silly and scripted but to be expected At the end of the tour check your photos. You may be surprised. See photo attached. Make you’re own decision
Réponse de l'hôte
Dec 2022
We are so glad you had a great time! Thank you for your feedback!
Dec 2022
Interesting stories, definitely different from the tour I went on a few years prior! I was worried the tour would be a repeat of the previous one but I learn something new each time
Réponse de l'hôte
Dec 2022
We pride ourselves on creating a fun and unique experiences and we are glad you enjoyed your tour with us! Thank you!
Dec 2022
Randy did a great job as guide and storyteller. Very entertaining and knowledgeable of Charleston history….especially about ghosts.
Réponse de l'hôte
Dec 2022
We pride ourselves on creating a fun and unique experiences and we are glad you enjoyed your tour with us! Thank you!

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