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Visite de Chinatown et de la Petite Italie à New York avec un expert local

Faites une visite à pied des quartiers les plus historiques de Manhattan avec un guide informatif. Idéale pour les visiteurs novices et tous ceux qui aiment l'histoire de New York, cette excursion entièrement commentée offre un aperçu fascinant de la Petite Italie et de Chinatown. Vous avez la chance de voir la vie des différents groupes d'immigrants qui se sont installés ici et de découvrir les influences politiques et sociales qu'ils ont eues sur la ville.

Cette visite détaille ce qui a motivé les Chinois, les Irlandais et les Italiens à immigré à New York dans les années 1800. En outre, il se concentre sur la façon dont les exilés chinois, irlandais et italiens sont devenus l'épine dorsale de New York. Les hommes construiraient les ponts et les tunnels de New York. Les femmes seraient cuisinières et bonnes. Et leurs enfants, élevés dans les valeurs et la langue de leur nouveau pays, se tisseraient dans la tapisserie de l'Amérique. C'est l'histoire de l'Amérique.
Ville: La ville de New York
Tue 17 Sep
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À partir de $99.00
Tue 17 Sep
À partir de $99.00
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Ce qui est inclu
Iconic places for photoshoot
Must see and off the beaten path
Expert advice where to go and what to do after the tour
All Fees and Taxes
Friendly local guide
Iconic places for photoshoot
Must see and off the beaten path
Information additionnelle
  • Les bébés et les jeunes enfants peuvent monter dans un landau ou une poussette
  • Des options de transport en commun sont disponibles à proximité
  • Les voyageurs doivent avoir au moins un niveau de forme physique modéré
  • Masques faciaux requis pour les voyageurs dans les espaces publics
  • Masques faciaux requis pour les guides dans les espaces publics
  • Les guides doivent se laver régulièrement les mains
  • Température régulière contrôles pour le personnel
  • Contrôles de température pour les voyageurs à l'arrivée
  • Politique de séjour à domicile payée pour le personnel présentant des symptômes
  • Nous sommes sérieux au sujet de prendre des précautions supplémentaires pour arrêter la propagation de ce virus en pratiquant un lavage et une désinfection réguliers des mains.
À quoi s'attendre
Look out for celebrities as SoHo is a place where movie stars and models regularly hang out. SoHo is also one of the top neighborhoods in NYC to see street art, so have your cameras ready.
Little Italy
Little Italy used to be much bigger than it is today. This part of Manhattan has a lot of history. For example, there is a brick house located on 247 Mulberry Street, between Prince and Spring St. This house used to be a meeting place of the Italian Mafia bosses. Today, that area is a shoe store. Also, if you’re in the area around September, there are street festivals that close down the roads. Here you’ll find pop-up stands and street vendors that sell delicious food.
Italian American Museum
Italian American Museum was opened in Little Italy in 2007 to exhibit the story of the Italian Americans in NYC. With the largest population of Italian Americans in NYC and the whole of North America, the museum discusses a huge part of the local culture. The museum is located in an old bank building that used to be the link between immigrants and their families back home through the many services that they offered. If you are interested in the local history & culture, this museum is well worth the visit
Chinatown provides rich cultural experience with a lot of authenticity and local flavors. It's one of the oldest neighborhoods in Manhattan. It is also home to one of the largest concentrations of Chinese people in the Western Hemisphere. Perfect place to sample some unique local foods in this historic neighborhood
Museum of Chinese in America
In Museum of Chinese in America at 215 Centre St you can earn more about the Chinese culture and Chinese history in NYC. The main and permanent exhibition With a Single Step: Stories in the Making of America is a great place to find out more about the last 160 years of Chinese history in NYC. With 2+ rotating exhibitions on top of this, the MoCa is definitely worth a visit
Mahayana Buddhist Temple
The next stop is Mahayana Temple Buddhist Association at 133 Canal St. This is the oldest Chinese temple on the east coast of the united states. It is a beautiful expression of Chinese culture and architecture and is open to the public year-round. On the weekends you will also find Buddhist services taking place here often completely in Mandarin. Bring a dollar for a fortune!
Columbus Park
Then you have a chance to visit Columbus Park, which is the biggest park in Chinatown and is a great place to have a seat and watch life unfold around you. You will see that many of the locals meet here to do everything from play chess and exercise to just sitting down reading a book. It is a well known social hangout in the city and is a great place to sit down and have some of the street food you picked up in the nearby streets.
Look out for celebrities as SoHo is a place where movie stars and models regularly hang out. SoHo is also one of the top neighborhoods in NYC to see street art, so have your cameras ready.
Little Italy
Little Italy used to be much bigger than it is today. This part of Manhattan has a lot of history. For example, there is a brick house located on 247 Mulberry Street, between Prince and Spring St. This house used to be a meeting place of the Italian Mafia bosses. Today, that area is a shoe store. Also, if you’re in the area around September, there are street festivals that close down the roads. Here you’ll find pop-up stands and street vendors that sell delicious food.
Italian American Museum
Italian American Museum was opened in Little Italy in 2007 to exhibit the story of the Italian Americans in NYC. With the largest population of Italian Americans in NYC and the whole of North America, the museum discusses a huge part of the local culture. The museum is located in an old bank building that used to be the link between immigrants and their families back home through the many services that they offered. If you are interested in the local history & culture, this museum is well worth the visit
Chinatown provides rich cultural experience with a lot of authenticity and local flavors. It's one of the oldest neighborhoods in Manhattan. It is also home to one of the largest concentrations of Chinese people in the Western Hemisphere. Perfect place to sample some unique local foods in this historic neighborhood
Museum of Chinese in America
In Museum of Chinese in America at 215 Centre St you can earn more about the Chinese culture and Chinese history in NYC. The main and permanent exhibition With a Single Step: Stories in the Making of America is a great place to find out more about the last 160 years of Chinese history in NYC. With 2+ rotating exhibitions on top of this, the MoCa is definitely worth a visit
Mahayana Buddhist Temple
The next stop is Mahayana Temple Buddhist Association at 133 Canal St. This is the oldest Chinese temple on the east coast of the united states. It is a beautiful expression of Chinese culture and architecture and is open to the public year-round. On the weekends you will also find Buddhist services taking place here often completely in Mandarin. Bring a dollar for a fortune!
Columbus Park
Then you have a chance to visit Columbus Park, which is the biggest park in Chinatown and is a great place to have a seat and watch life unfold around you. You will see that many of the locals meet here to do everything from play chess and exercise to just sitting down reading a book. It is a well known social hangout in the city and is a great place to sit down and have some of the street food you picked up in the nearby streets.
Faites attention aux célébrités car SoHo est un endroit où les stars de cinéma et les mannequins se retrouvent régulièrement. SoHo est également l'un des meilleurs quartiers de New York pour voir du street art, alors préparez vos appareils photo.
Petite Italie
La Petite Italie était autrefois beaucoup plus grande qu'elle ne l'est aujourd'hui. Cette partie de Manhattan a beaucoup d'histoire. Par exemple, il y a une maison en brique située au 247 Mulberry Street, entre Prince et Spring St. Cette maison était autrefois un lieu de rencontre des patrons de la mafia italienne. Aujourd'hui, cette zone est un magasin de chaussures. De plus, si vous êtes dans la région vers septembre, il y a des festivals de rue qui ferment les routes. Vous y trouverez des stands éphémères et des vendeurs ambulants qui vendent de la nourriture délicieuse.
Musée italo-américain
Le musée italo-américain a été ouvert dans la Petite Italie en 2007 pour exposer l'histoire des Italo-Américains à New York. Avec la plus grande population d'Américains d'origine italienne à New York et dans toute l'Amérique du Nord, le musée traite d'une grande partie de la culture locale. Le musée est situé dans un ancien bâtiment de banque qui servait autrefois de lien entre les immigrants et leurs familles restées au pays grâce aux nombreux services qu'ils offraient. Si vous êtes intéressé par l'histoire et la culture locales, ce musée vaut bien la visite
quartier chinois
Chinatown offre une expérience culturelle riche avec beaucoup d'authenticité et de saveurs locales. C'est l'un des plus anciens quartiers de Manhattan. Il abrite également l'une des plus grandes concentrations de Chinois de l'hémisphère occidental. Endroit idéal pour déguster des plats locaux uniques dans ce quartier historique
Musée des Chinois d'Amérique
Au Museum of Chinese in America au 215 Center St, vous pouvez en savoir plus sur la culture chinoise et l'histoire chinoise à New York. L'exposition principale et permanente With a Single Step: Stories in the Making of America est un endroit idéal pour en savoir plus sur les 160 dernières années de l'histoire chinoise à New York. Avec plus de 2 expositions tournantes en plus, le MoCa vaut vraiment le détour
Temple bouddhiste Mahayana
Le prochain arrêt est Mahayana Temple Buddhist Association au 133 Canal St. Il s'agit du plus ancien temple chinois de la côte est des États-Unis. C'est une belle expression de la culture et de l'architecture chinoises et est ouvert au public toute l'année. Le week-end, vous trouverez également des services bouddhistes qui se déroulent ici souvent entièrement en mandarin. Apportez un dollar pour une fortune!
Parc Colomb
Ensuite, vous avez la chance de visiter Columbus Park, qui est le plus grand parc de Chinatown et est un endroit idéal pour s'asseoir et regarder la vie se dérouler autour de vous. Vous verrez que de nombreux habitants se réunissent ici pour tout faire, qu'il s'agisse de jouer aux échecs, de faire de l'exercice ou simplement de s'asseoir pour lire un livre. C'est un lieu de rencontre social bien connu dans la ville et c'est un endroit idéal pour s'asseoir et déguster de la nourriture de rue que vous avez ramassée dans les rues voisines.
Show 18 plus d'arrêts
Politique d'annulation
Pour un remboursement complet, annulez au moins 24 heures avant l'heure de départ prévue.
Photos de voyageurs
Commentaires (8)
Sep 2022
The guide didn’t speak English half of the time, they were late and quit on us 20 minutes into t he tour. Also they could not find Lombardi’s Pizzeria which was ON THE LIST of stops. They also changed the time of the tour and the location. We asked for a refund and we’re denied. It also came up under food tours in the search, but that was our fault for not reading that in the detailed information. I’ve been booking tours all the time for 8+ years and have never had an experience half this bad. I’ll make sure to never use this company again and tell everyone I know who travels to make sure they never use them in the future. This company has very few reviews and now I know why, STAY AWAY AT ALL COST!
Réponse de l'hôte
Sep 2022
Hello Justin, We know you're upset - you expected it was a food tour and came hungry to the tour. Unfortunately, it is not a food tour, and food is not included in this tour. You could have checked it before booking the tour, or at least you could have cancelled the tour if you did not want to take it. The guide told you on tour that food was not included and you decided to finish the tour. It was your choice and your decision to finish the tour 30 minutes after the start of the tour. You could have taken a bite right on tour, with your guide, but you chose to just finish the tour. Your guide did take you to Lombardi’s Pizzeria. There was a huge San Gennaro festival going on there that day, so many streets were blocked, and your guide had to go around to take you there. Since there was a festival going on in that area that day, with hundreds-thousands people around, your guide offered you a better meeting point in that area, so you could easily find each other. She warned you in advance and you agreed and confirmed. One hour before the tour the guide texted you that she might be 10 minutes late for the tour because she got stuck on subway. But, luckily, she managed to come in time. Ironically, it was you who came 10 minutes late and the guide waited for you at the designated place We're sorry you were not happy with the tour, but there's nothing we did wrong. We wish you did not finish the tour early, but it was your choice. Please let us know if we can be of any assistance, we'll be happy to help. If you're interested in a food tour, we can take you on a food tour, just let us know.
May 2022
Jason made the tour informative. However he did leave after the break/meeting place at least a minute or 2 early. Our watches/phones said right on the dot when we got there, thinking we were ahead of everyone at the meet up, until we saw his orange hat moving away, down the street.
Mar 2022
Chris was fantastic! We actually got lost and ended up on the wrong subway train and missed our start time for the tour. Chris called us and made special arrangements to meet up with us anyway and still completed the tour. He was knowledgeable and entertaining. We enjoyed the history that he shared as we walked around. Not only that, but he was nice enough to walk us right to the correct subway station after our tour so that we didn't end up on the wrong train again!

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