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Visite privée personnalisée en MINI Cooper décapotable

Vous êtes dans une ville spéciale. Pourquoi faire un tour ordinaire ? Il s'agit de la SEULE tournée MINI Cooper décapotable du pays!

Cette visite est totalement personnalisable - vous choisissez la durée de la visite, l'heure à laquelle vous souhaitez être pris en charge et ce que vous voulez voir.

J'aime San Francisco et j'ai passé 20 ans à étudier et à explorer la ville. Je travaillerai avec vous pour planifier votre visite afin que vous puissiez voir les sites célèbres et les joyaux cachés que d'autres visites ne peuvent pas visiter ou ne connaissent pas. J'ai conçu cela pour être le type de visite que je ferais si je visitais San Francisco, mais où vous allez dépend de vous. Je fais des suggestions en cours de route, mais le temps que vous passez sur n'importe quel site dépend de vous. Vous n'êtes jamais pressé et vous n'avez jamais à attendre d'autres personnes. Tout tourne autour de vous !

De plus, c'est amusant ! Dans la MINI Cooper décapotable, vous voyez tout de près et personnel pendant que nous conduisons.

J'adore montrer aux invités San Francisco et parler de l'histoire et de la culture de cette ville unique et spéciale.
Ville: San Fransisco
Sun 02 Mar
Vous pouvez déjà choisir la date sur le site de réservation
À partir de $204.00
Sun 02 Mar
À partir de $204.00
Faire une réservation
Ce qui est inclu
A unique experience, because it's the only convertible MINI Cooper tour in the country.
What sites are included are customized depending on length of tour and what you would like to see.
A unique experience, because it's the only convertible MINI Cooper tour in the country.
What sites are included are customized depending on length of tour and what you would like to see.
A unique experience, because it's the only convertible MINI Cooper tour in the country.
What sites are included are customized depending on length of tour and what you would like to see.
Information additionnelle
  • Des transports en commun sont disponibles à proximité
  • Convient à tous les niveaux de forme physique
À quoi s'attendre
Coit Tower
See the murals and views the bay and Golden Gate Bridge. How much time you spend is up to you.
Painted Ladies
Call it Postcard Row, the Painted Ladies, or the Full House houses, everyone loves seeing this site in person. And if you want to get out and take a picture, you can. As with all locations, if you want to get out is up to you.
Presidio of San Francisco
Drive through this former Army base turned national park. Stop and see the Yoda statue if you want.
North Beach
Learn the history and culture of this neighborhood that is a favorite of locals and visitors alike.
Lombard Street
If the time is right and there isn't too much traffic (usually weekend and holiday afternoons) we drive down the famous crooked st. If we can't drive down, we can at least drive by, and get out for photos if you want to.
Drive through this neighborhood, and learn about its history and culture. As I talk about the architecture, you can look up an see it as we drive through in the convertible MINI Cooper.
Drive down the street made famous in the 1960's, and learn why the music and culture made resonated around the world.
Golden Gate Park
Drive through the park, see the museums and the Japanese Tea garden. Guests enjoy driving through and learning the history of this urban garden created on top of 1,017 acres of sand. If open, there is an opportunity to go into the observation tower of the DeYoung museum.
Twin Peaks
Experience a spectacular view of the entire city, the Bay, and if the weather is clear, bridges as far south as Silicon Valley and up near the wine country.
16 Avenue Tiled Steps
The 16th Ave Tiled steps are only part of what you can see. I can show you a lesser known but equally as impressive tiled staircase, and what these staircases looked like before they were transformed into this urban art piece.
Mission District
See Mission Dolores, the Mission Murals, and location of what may be the best burritos in city.
Coit Tower
See the murals and views the bay and Golden Gate Bridge. How much time you spend is up to you.
Painted Ladies
Call it Postcard Row, the Painted Ladies, or the Full House houses, everyone loves seeing this site in person. And if you want to get out and take a picture, you can. As with all locations, if you want to get out is up to you.
Presidio of San Francisco
Drive through this former Army base turned national park. Stop and see the Yoda statue if you want.
North Beach
Learn the history and culture of this neighborhood that is a favorite of locals and visitors alike.
Lombard Street
If the time is right and there isn't too much traffic (usually weekend and holiday afternoons) we drive down the famous crooked st. If we can't drive down, we can at least drive by, and get out for photos if you want to.
Drive through this neighborhood, and learn about its history and culture. As I talk about the architecture, you can look up an see it as we drive through in the convertible MINI Cooper.
Drive down the street made famous in the 1960's, and learn why the music and culture made resonated around the world.
Golden Gate Park
Drive through the park, see the museums and the Japanese Tea garden. Guests enjoy driving through and learning the history of this urban garden created on top of 1,017 acres of sand. If open, there is an opportunity to go into the observation tower of the DeYoung museum.
Twin Peaks
Experience a spectacular view of the entire city, the Bay, and if the weather is clear, bridges as far south as Silicon Valley and up near the wine country.
16 Avenue Tiled Steps
The 16th Ave Tiled steps are only part of what you can see. I can show you a lesser known but equally as impressive tiled staircase, and what these staircases looked like before they were transformed into this urban art piece.
Mission District
See Mission Dolores, the Mission Murals, and location of what may be the best burritos in city.
Tour Coit
Admirez les peintures murales et admirez la baie et le Golden Gate Bridge. Le temps que vous passez dépend de vous.
Dames peintes
Appelez-le Postcard Row, les Painted Ladies ou les maisons Full House, tout le monde aime voir ce site en personne. Et si vous voulez sortir et prendre une photo, vous le pouvez. Comme pour tous les endroits, si vous voulez sortir, c'est à vous de décider.
Présidence de San Francisco
Traversez cette ancienne base militaire transformée en parc national. Arrêtez-vous et voyez la statue de Yoda si vous le souhaitez.
Plage Nord
Apprenez l'histoire et la culture de ce quartier qui est un favori des habitants et des visiteurs.
Rue Lombard
Si le moment est venu et qu'il n'y a pas trop de circulation (généralement les week-ends et les après-midi de vacances), nous descendons la célèbre rue tordue. Si nous ne pouvons pas descendre en voiture, nous pouvons au moins passer en voiture et sortir pour des photos si vous le souhaitez.
quartier chinois
Traversez ce quartier et découvrez son histoire et sa culture. Pendant que je parle de l'architecture, vous pouvez lever les yeux et la voir pendant que nous conduisons dans la MINI Cooper décapotable.
Descendez la rue rendue célèbre dans les années 1960 et découvrez pourquoi la musique et la culture ont résonné dans le monde entier.
Parc du Golden Gate
Traversez le parc, visitez les musées et le jardin de thé japonais. Les clients aiment conduire et découvrir l'histoire de ce jardin urbain créé au sommet de 1 017 acres de sable. S'il est ouvert, il est possible d'entrer dans la tour d'observation du musée DeYoung.
Pics jumeaux
Découvrez une vue spectaculaire sur toute la ville, la baie et, si le temps est clair, des ponts aussi loin au sud que la Silicon Valley et près de la région viticole.
Marches carrelées 16 Avenue
Les marches carrelées de la 16e avenue ne sont qu'une partie de ce que vous pouvez voir. Je peux vous montrer un escalier carrelé moins connu mais tout aussi impressionnant, et à quoi ressemblaient ces escaliers avant qu'ils ne soient transformés en cette œuvre d'art urbaine.
District de mission
Voir Mission Dolores, les peintures murales de la mission et l'emplacement de ce qui pourrait être les meilleurs burritos de la ville.
Show 30 plus d'arrêts
Politique d'annulation
Pour un remboursement complet, annulez au moins 24 heures avant l'heure de départ prévue.
Photos de voyageurs
Commentaires (210)
Nov 2022
Had a fantastic time with Reed on this tour. He asks which sites that you most want to see and will be sure to drive by those in the tour. He peppers the tour with history and anecdotes of the history and geography of San Francisco. If you are interested in riding over the Golden Gate bridge…you must let him know. Even though you must pay extra for the bridge tolls, it is more than worth it for the thrill of to riding over the bridge on a sunny day!
Nov 2022
Reed is super and he is inlove with San Francisco so he making the tour like you have a friend that he is living here and want to show you the city In 3 hours we did all the main famous spots and we have a lot of fun HE love his job and i highly reccomended if you like contact him 4155295404 HE do private and custom tour as guest wants
Nov 2022
This was truly a custom tour with our choice of pick up and drop off spots and itinerary. We mentioned a few areas we wanted to visit and left the rest up to our guide. Reed was right on time, offering blankets on a chilly morning. In spite of the brisk weather, the view from the convertible was much better than peering out a bus or van window. Reed was incredibly knowledgeable and enthusiastic about sharing his love for San Francisco. He immediately set the tone for a friendly discussion on the history, architecture, local politics and background stories. Strongly recommend taking the tour in the beginning of your trip to help decide where you want to go back and explore some more.

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