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Visite fantôme et hantise de Gatlinburg

Parcourez les petites routes de Gatlinburg et découvrez son histoire et son folklore hantés lors de cette visite nocturne. Avec un guide, vous apprendrez comment vous aussi pouvez capturer des photos paranormales. Utilisez un équipement de chasse aux fantômes comme vous le voyez à la télévision pour potentiellement communiquer avec des fantômes en cours de route.
La visite est une visite à pied en plein air, il y a donc beaucoup de place pour la distanciation sociale et les masques sont facultatifs, il est accessible aux fauteuils roulants et aux poussettes et les animaux d'assistance sont autorisés.
Malheureusement, en raison de l'heure d'achèvement tardive, les Trollys ne circulent pas aussi tard, mais nous proposons un parking gratuit et bien sûr, des taxis et Uber, Lyft sont disponibles.
La promenade est d'environ un mile tout à plat un sol pavé étalé sur 2 heures avec de nombreux arrêts, donc une promenade relaxante et désordonnée, mais aucun endroit pour s'asseoir ou des toilettes ne sont disponibles pendant la visite.
Ce n'est pas une visite privée, les groupes peuvent être aussi nombreux que les 20 supérieurs pendant les périodes les plus occupées, mais en moyenne entre les adolescents et les moins de 20 ans.
Ville: Gatlinburg
Tue 01 Oct
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À partir de $30.00
Tue 01 Oct
À partir de $30.00
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Professional guide
Information additionnelle
  • Accessible en fauteuil roulant
  • Les bébés et les jeunes enfants peuvent monter dans un landau ou une poussette
  • Animaux d'assistance autorisés
  • Toutes les zones et surfaces sont accessibles en fauteuil roulant
  • Les voyageurs doivent avoir au moins un niveau de forme physique modéré
  • Nombre minimum de 4 réservations requises par visite ; si moins de 4 réservations sont faites, la visite peut être annulée
  • Les enfants doivent être accompagnés d'un adulte
  • Accessible en fauteuil roulant ; veuillez indiquer au moment de la réservation si une assistance en fauteuil roulant est requise
  • Fonctionne dans toutes les conditions météorologiques ; veuillez vous habiller convenablement
  • Les guides doivent se laver régulièrement les mains
  • La visite se déroule à l'extérieur avec beaucoup d'espace pour la distanciation sociale. Les masques sont facultatifs car ils sont à l'extérieur selon les règles locales
Politique d'annulation
Pour un remboursement complet, annulez au moins 24 heures avant l'heure de départ prévue.
Photos de voyageurs
Commentaires (856)
Melissa B
Jul 2018
I tour was nice but not worth what we paid. Our tour guide, Christine, was excellent! We really liked her. But what brought this activity down and we felt like it was a waste of our money and wished we wouldn't have done it, was the fact that little kids were allowed to do the tour. That meant she couldn't tell some of the stories. The kids talked through the walk and made it hard to hear her. Also, the kids in our group got scared and nothing really happened that was frightening. There was 4 kids or so in our group and the youngest was 5 years old who was crying, and an 8 year old was crying that she was scared also. It really took away from the experience. I feel that the youngest that should be allowed is 13 years old. We wouldn't recommend this if there are kids still allowed to do it. You don't get your money's worth if they are in your group. We didn't get our money's worth. Please note, It's not that we don't like kids, we have 6 ourselves and 2 grandchildren. It's just this isn't the activity for kids. I also will note that our EMF equipment that was given to us quit working before we even got started on the tour and another group members stopped working in the middle of the tour. Also, it's not a "tour" of Gatlinburg, you don't really walk that far but you are standing the whole time. The group was also a little large. they should do smaller groups. I honestly feel that you good do this on your own and not waste your money on it.
Réponse de l'hôte
Jul 2018
I am very sorry that you didn't like your tour. You are correct, I think Christina is a great guide! In speaking with her she assured me that she told all the stories so , you did not miss out on anything because of children on the tour. As for kids, For better or worse this is a family oriented tourist town, as such we tell parents that they know there children better than anyone, certainly better than we do and we suggest that if the children like the ghost hunting tv shows, they will like this, but if they tend to be sensitive they should probably not attend. The reaction that this particular family had was VERY unusual. In my opinion that parent SHOULD have known better, but at the same time we can't paint with a broad brush because everyone is different and there are many many kids who truly enjoy the experience. I am sorry that those kids reaction made your tour in your mind less than you would have liked it to be. Just as a point, the EMF detectors are brand new and apparently one of them had a loose connection on the battery but that was the only issue we are aware of. We do offer private tours of 4-6 people so you can get a more intimate experience if that works better for you.
Doris P
Jul 2018
While in town visiting friends, we took the haunted walking tour with Brad. He did an amazing job of sharing Gatlinburg's history with us, complete with true stories of its haunted past. If you like history (and mystery), you will enjoy this tour. If you are interested in paranormal activity / ghost hunting, you will be intrigued. If you like a walking tour in a group setting, you will absolutely have a good time. This tour was everything we anticipated and we will do it again in a heartbeat next time we are in Gatlinburg! Rocky & Doris
Lorri G
Jul 2018
The history of Gatlinburg was interesting, but you know it's going to be a little sketchy when the guide pulls the "ghost hunting" equipment out of the trunk of her car. Ovulus quit working before we left the parking lot, the projector quit working before she could use it and our guide, Sara, completely lost control of the group pretty much from the get-go. We were, unfortunately, put in with a very large group of obnoxious teenager, whose chaperones stood idly by while they ruined the experience for the rest of us. Sarah didn't say a thing to them either. She made inappropriate jokes in front of the younger members of the group and they were not amusing. Advice to the tour guides - smaller groups, use the iPad a lot less and completely ditch the "ghost hunting" gizmos-they really cheapened the experience. Advice to anyone thinking this might be a spooky good time, all the info they shared is easily googled, so grab your Ipad, walk around Gatlinburg and save yourself some $$.
Réponse de l'hôte
Jul 2018
Hello Lorri, I am very sorry you didn't enjoy your self more. I would like to comment on a few things you touched on. I am not sure why you found "pulling out ghost hunting equipment from the trunk of the car "sketchy" I don't know if you have been on any other Ghost Walk Tours around the country but 95% of them meet on a corner somewhere and go from there. We meet in the lobby of a nice resort where you get free parking, access to restrooms, drinks are available if you need them and a comfortable place to wait while everyone gets checked in. We are VERY blessed to have that convienence for you. Unfortunately, we don't have a separate office space for customers to come in and "check out" the equipment. That would be a very expensive endeavor as real estate and rent in Gatlinburg is very expensive and we would literally have to double our prices to make that happen. The next best thing is to check them out at our vehicles on our way to our first stop. I am sorry that disturbed you but as you no doubt have read on other reviews the thing that many seam to enjoy is the opportunity to use the equipment (this is the same type of equipment you have seen on TV) You say the Ghost hunting "gizmo's" cheapened the experience for you yet you also complained that one of those "gizmo's" quit working. So, those statements seem to be contradictory to me. There was a very large group that night and we did split it in half with two guides, We do offer a private tour for 4-6 people if you would rather be in a more intimate tour. I would appreciate your feedback on just what was said that was inappropriate, We do tell some stories that can be somewhat graphic although we try not to go overboard, I have not heard that about Sarah before perhaps you can email us and give us more specifics? Unfortunately, on rare occasions we have people who cause a disruption in our tours to one degree or anouther, It is made more difficult when it is a minor involved because if a parent doesn't chastise the child themselves, It is problematic to say the least for us to say anything to the parent as they tend to defend the child and blow things into a much bigger situation than if we give the parent the opportunity on there own to handle things, unfortunately that doesn't always happen as some parents don't do there job as you or I might. I am sorry that this occurred on your tour.

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