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Visite fantôme et hantise de Gatlinburg

Parcourez les petites routes de Gatlinburg et découvrez son histoire et son folklore hantés lors de cette visite nocturne. Avec un guide, vous apprendrez comment vous aussi pouvez capturer des photos paranormales. Utilisez un équipement de chasse aux fantômes comme vous le voyez à la télévision pour potentiellement communiquer avec des fantômes en cours de route.
La visite est une visite à pied en plein air, il y a donc beaucoup de place pour la distanciation sociale et les masques sont facultatifs, il est accessible aux fauteuils roulants et aux poussettes et les animaux d'assistance sont autorisés.
Malheureusement, en raison de l'heure d'achèvement tardive, les Trollys ne circulent pas aussi tard, mais nous proposons un parking gratuit et bien sûr, des taxis et Uber, Lyft sont disponibles.
La promenade est d'environ un mile tout à plat un sol pavé étalé sur 2 heures avec de nombreux arrêts, donc une promenade relaxante et désordonnée, mais aucun endroit pour s'asseoir ou des toilettes ne sont disponibles pendant la visite.
Ce n'est pas une visite privée, les groupes peuvent être aussi nombreux que les 20 supérieurs pendant les périodes les plus occupées, mais en moyenne entre les adolescents et les moins de 20 ans.
Ville: Gatlinburg
Tue 24 Sep
Vous pouvez déjà choisir la date sur le site de réservation
À partir de $30.00
Tue 24 Sep
À partir de $30.00
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Ce qui est inclu
Professional guide
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Professional guide
All activities
Professional guide
All activities
Professional guide
Information additionnelle
  • Accessible en fauteuil roulant
  • Les bébés et les jeunes enfants peuvent monter dans un landau ou une poussette
  • Animaux d'assistance autorisés
  • Toutes les zones et surfaces sont accessibles en fauteuil roulant
  • Les voyageurs doivent avoir au moins un niveau de forme physique modéré
  • Nombre minimum de 4 réservations requises par visite ; si moins de 4 réservations sont faites, la visite peut être annulée
  • Les enfants doivent être accompagnés d'un adulte
  • Accessible en fauteuil roulant ; veuillez indiquer au moment de la réservation si une assistance en fauteuil roulant est requise
  • Fonctionne dans toutes les conditions météorologiques ; veuillez vous habiller convenablement
  • Les guides doivent se laver régulièrement les mains
  • La visite se déroule à l'extérieur avec beaucoup d'espace pour la distanciation sociale. Les masques sont facultatifs car ils sont à l'extérieur selon les règles locales
Politique d'annulation
Pour un remboursement complet, annulez au moins 24 heures avant l'heure de départ prévue.
Photos de voyageurs
Commentaires (856)
Sep 2015
This tour is amazing. Brad aka Santa was really informative and we got some awesome photos. We will be taking this tour everytime we come to Gatlinburg. I highly recommend it.
Sep 2015
This ghost tour was AWESOME! We had a blast! Brad is a great storyteller and showed us a great time around Gatlinburg. We are so glad that we went! Thank you Brad! :) :) If you're thinking about going on this tour---do it!!!
AaronJ O
Sep 2015
I try to take ghost & history tours everywhere I visit. This tour was mediocre to poor compared to many other tours I have been on. Allow me to list a few of the reasons that make this tour not so great (if management reads this, consider this a checklist of areas to improve on): 1) Participants are instructed to check in "between 8:00 - 8:30p". We arrived at 8:15p. Our tour left at 9:05p. 50 minutes of idle sitting around is unacceptable. This perceived lack of organization permeated the entire tour. 2) Tips are extracted without class. There is a sign at check-in that "tour guides are primarily compensated with tips" and the tour guide reminds you at the end. 15 people on the tour each paying $20... that's $300 for a 2 hour tour. Certainly the guide gets a fair share of that and tips can be suggested with due tact. 3) Route planning is not good. 20 minutes of the tour the group sat outside of a obnoxiously lit-up restaurant with loud overhead music. It was difficult to hear the guide and did not match the ghost/historic atmosphere of the tour at all. 4) Stories about local events are quite entertaining, but contain factual inaccuracies. For example, the guide mentioned that one of the criminals in a story was "killed in prison about a month ago". A Google search indicates that it happened over 6 months ago. 5) The guide attempted to show the group photos from past tour guests. The photos are on an iPad which the guide struggled to use, and the brightness on the iPad was so low that the pictures were difficult to see. It would be much better to print them out and pass them around, with arrows pointing to the objects of interest. 6) While the content did include some history and good stories, the amount of content which was covered for a 2 hour tour was far inadequate. Most of the time was spent on small-talk regarding topics such as (a) how bad the local police force is (b) why locals hate chain hotels (c) pointing out drunk people near the tour (d) etc... For the time allotted and the price paid, I've received far better material on other tours. All in all, I grant 2 stars due to the energy and passion from the tour guide, who was anything but boring. The ending at a graveyard is also a highlight. Given better material, route planning, and overall organization by management in multiple areas, this tour could be risen from the dead by the strong tour guide.
Réponse de l'hôte
Sep 2015
Aaron, I am sorry you were unhappy but I felt that most of your points were unwarranted and I would like to address your issues. 1) We let everyone know that the tour starts at 9:00 pm and we ask people to arrive about 8:00-8:30 because some nights we have large groups that take longer to check in and, unfortunately, many people arrive late and we ask that they arrive early so they will hopefully arrive early enough not to make others wait. The Tour left at 9:05 because we were waiting on a group that didn't show, precisely why we ask people to arrive early. If that 5 minute wait was in your opinion Unacceptable, Well, I am sorry. Unfortunately some customers are not as respectful of others as we would like and don't call to let us know they are not coming. However, you were aware the Tour is scheduled to leave at 9:00pm. 2) Do you feel the same about tips at a restaurant? Unfortunately, many don't know that Tour Guides like Waiters and Waitresses do get much of their income from tips. It is the same in most places around the world. I am sorry If you felt it classless to inform people via the sign that tips are appreciated. If you felt no tip was warranted, you are free not to do so. 3) At no point do we sit outside of a restaurant, I presume you are speaking of the store across the street? We have no control over the volume of thier music (it varies from day to day, often its not on at all) and we choose to sit there as there are places to sit for our customers since it is, as you say about 15 minutes or so in that spot and no other place on the tour offers that. 4) I spoke with the Guide and they are enfatic that they did not say it was a month ago, They certainly know this since we have been informing our groups about it since it happened. Perhaps you misunderstood or heard it incorrectly. We research ALL our facts and give the most accurate details we can. 5) We will keep your suggestion of handouts in mind, that would require a lot of paper, ink and potential of trash being left around, we don't want people upset with us with that possibility. 6) I object strongly to to your insinuation that we as a tour or the tour guide that you yourself say is a strong tour guide, would speak poorly of our local police department that we absolutely love and think the world of. Why would we possibly say in passing that we don't like police or hotel chains? If you feel your review is accurate please call us and we can discuss specifics and get to the bottom of this. Frankly, without a call from you I can only belive this review is completely put up and false. I have absolutely no problem with constructive criticism, but this review seems to be completely false in every point. I apologize if my response sounds overly sensitive. We take pride in what we do and I feel the comments, especially accusing the guide of slandering our great police department bothers me greatly.

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