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Visite fantôme et hantise de Gatlinburg

Parcourez les petites routes de Gatlinburg et découvrez son histoire et son folklore hantés lors de cette visite nocturne. Avec un guide, vous apprendrez comment vous aussi pouvez capturer des photos paranormales. Utilisez un équipement de chasse aux fantômes comme vous le voyez à la télévision pour potentiellement communiquer avec des fantômes en cours de route.
La visite est une visite à pied en plein air, il y a donc beaucoup de place pour la distanciation sociale et les masques sont facultatifs, il est accessible aux fauteuils roulants et aux poussettes et les animaux d'assistance sont autorisés.
Malheureusement, en raison de l'heure d'achèvement tardive, les Trollys ne circulent pas aussi tard, mais nous proposons un parking gratuit et bien sûr, des taxis et Uber, Lyft sont disponibles.
La promenade est d'environ un mile tout à plat un sol pavé étalé sur 2 heures avec de nombreux arrêts, donc une promenade relaxante et désordonnée, mais aucun endroit pour s'asseoir ou des toilettes ne sont disponibles pendant la visite.
Ce n'est pas une visite privée, les groupes peuvent être aussi nombreux que les 20 supérieurs pendant les périodes les plus occupées, mais en moyenne entre les adolescents et les moins de 20 ans.
Ville: Gatlinburg
Mon 23 Sep
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À partir de $30.00
Mon 23 Sep
À partir de $30.00
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Ce qui est inclu
Professional guide
All activities
Professional guide
All activities
Professional guide
All activities
Professional guide
Information additionnelle
  • Accessible en fauteuil roulant
  • Les bébés et les jeunes enfants peuvent monter dans un landau ou une poussette
  • Animaux d'assistance autorisés
  • Toutes les zones et surfaces sont accessibles en fauteuil roulant
  • Les voyageurs doivent avoir au moins un niveau de forme physique modéré
  • Nombre minimum de 4 réservations requises par visite ; si moins de 4 réservations sont faites, la visite peut être annulée
  • Les enfants doivent être accompagnés d'un adulte
  • Accessible en fauteuil roulant ; veuillez indiquer au moment de la réservation si une assistance en fauteuil roulant est requise
  • Fonctionne dans toutes les conditions météorologiques ; veuillez vous habiller convenablement
  • Les guides doivent se laver régulièrement les mains
  • La visite se déroule à l'extérieur avec beaucoup d'espace pour la distanciation sociale. Les masques sont facultatifs car ils sont à l'extérieur selon les règles locales
Politique d'annulation
Pour un remboursement complet, annulez au moins 24 heures avant l'heure de départ prévue.
Photos de voyageurs
Commentaires (856)
Jul 2013
All and all, I'm glad we decided to do this tour. I wouldn't say it is worth $20.00 per adult, but it was fun. My 7-year old son was free, so that was good. It was something different to do rather than the standard activities. I think our host (Rex) was great, and he made what could have been a more disappointing tour, a good one. He was very animated and funny. He was a good story-teller. Whether the information was 100 % factual, I can't say. This was ghost tour built on a history lesson. So, if you think you're going to be playing Ghostbusters or creepy men with masks are going to be jumping out at you, this tour is not for you. It tells of the supernatural/haunted stories as they relate to the town's history. You get exercise, and a nice little nighttime tour of downtown Gatlinburg. The photography thing is all in what you make it. The guide gave us some pointers (i.e., where to point your camera based on past experiences, orbs, apparitions). It's up to you whether to believe this... It's fun, nonetheless. Our tour was 1 hr and 45 minutes. To be honest, I don't think it should be any longer.
Jim C
Jun 2013
When you go on vacation, you look to TripAdvisor for reviews of local attractions so when I saw that this tour had 4.5 out of 5 stars, I couldn't pass up the opportunity! My wife and I booked the tour with a belief in ghosts already in our minds from past experiences. But, from the onset we had a very bad feeling about this tour. Our tour guide showed up a little late so check-in took quite a while. Also, we were told that there was supposed to be 2 tours but one of the guides just decided not to show. Our guide ("Dani" we believe her name was) even joked about this fact! So, here we were, one massive group of tourists. How did the tour start? With us taking pictures of the outside wall of the hotel that we had just met in where she proceeded to give the tourists horrible photography advice like always using a flash and that "orbs" are all spirits. My wife is a professional photographer and does believe in ghosts but right away she knew that the advice that was given to photograph orbs was just another way to photograph dust particles and moisture in the air. The tour then moved on to the next 'exciting' location which was about 100 feet away...an abandoned Outback Steakhouse. There she told us a very poorly constructed and, frankly, wrong story about the history of Gatlinburg. By the time she had the group taking pictures of a local Methodist Church just conveniently feet away from the haunted Outback Steakhouse, we ditched the tour in disgust. Seriously, save your money and do the Moonshine Tasting!
Jun 2013
My fiancee and I have been on a number of "ghost walks", tours, etc. We are, first and foremost skeptics, but also have a healthy interest in the unexplainable. When we saw the ghost walk advertised, we had a free evening and decided to check it out. 1. Cost: This tour costs $20. Given what the tour includes, it's a bit steep, but it will give you an opportunity to walk about a mile while hearing about the town. 2. Tour Guide: I can't remember our guide's name, sorry. She was friendly, enthusiastic, knew her script well, and was very animated. 3. The Script: The tour guide talks about a great deal of Gatlinburg history, some tragedy, and town legends. I can't speak to the validity of the stories she told. Some sounded a bit over done, but others plausible. She did talk about a crime that took place many years ago. While parts of that story may be fictionalized, the crime did happen. 4. Walking Tour: The tour is about 90 minutes long. You cover approximately 1 mile. Most of the areas you walk are paved. There are inclines and stairs. We were not impressed with the the fact that much of the walk takes place in alley ways. In fact, we overheard another tour attendee sarcastically say "What a great tour of dirty alleys and garbage dumpsters!" You do see a lot of them. You are also kept far from some of the "haunted locations" to the point that, if they are legitimate, you still won't get a picture of anything interesting. At one point in the tour you are taken to a rather large church. Be careful - you will be instructed to take pictures of the windows because a "face" has been photographed there in the past. Upon further investigation, we found that many, if not all, of these "faces" are actually reflections of or pictures of religious figures and/or paintings inside of the rooms that are being photographed. The tour guide will tell you that these are "the ghost" inside the church. Simply be cautious and question any result you may get on your camera. We did photograph what is commonly called an "orb" at the first stop on the tour. We use a high quality, professional camera. I took a series of photographs in quick succession. The first two showed nothing, the second two showed the "orb" with slight movement, the following photographs showed nothing. Make of this what you will. The remainder of the tour - nothing, at least nothing "paranormal." For a ghost walk, this one provides entertaining stories and a bit of exercise. You can judge the ghostly appearances for yourself. This walk is more for those that are interested in hearing some folk lore with the slight chance of catching something other-worldly. A quick search on your computer or phone for haunted locations may provide a better chance if you're looking for an encounter.

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