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Vélo électrique Ketchikan et randonnée dans la forêt tropicale Ecotour

En tant que tour à vélo électrique original dans le sud-est de l'Alaska, nous sommes ravis que vous nous rejoigniez pour une balade facile et agréable sur la "route de nulle part". Cette route se termine en impasse à la lisière de la dense forêt nationale de Tongass, une vaste étendue sauvage où vous ferez ensuite une agréable randonnée guidée et éducative le long d'un sentier bien entretenu le long d'un ruisseau de frai de saumon actif. La randonnée comprend une belle cascade le long du chemin ainsi que de superbes vues sur la plage avec le potentiel de repérer des créatures intertidales, des ours noirs et des mammifères marins le long de la côte. La forêt tropicale dense est le point culminant du sentier en boucle à travers le Tongass et change constamment tout au long de la saison. Après avoir profité de votre randonnée guidée, vous retournerez à vos vélos électriques pour retourner à notre marina pour des collations au saumon fumé ainsi que des options végétaliennes et des boissons. Toutes nos visites proposent un transport aller-retour depuis les quais de croisière du centre-ville et le nouveau quai de Ward Cove. Un excellent équipement de pluie est fourni si vous en avez besoin.
Ville: Ketchikan
Mon 23 Sep
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À partir de $149.00
Mon 23 Sep
À partir de $149.00
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Ce qui est inclu
Roundtrip Transport from the Cruise Ship Docks Downtown & at Ward Cove.
Small-group tours
Smoked Salmon, Local Vegan options & Beverages provided.
Local Guides & Professional Educators/Return Guides.
Roundtrip Transport from the Cruise Ship Docks Downtown & at Ward Cove.
Small-group tours
Smoked Salmon, Local Vegan options & Beverages provided.
Information additionnelle
  • Des transports en commun sont disponibles à proximité
  • Déconseillé aux voyageuses enceintes
  • Déconseillé aux voyageurs ayant une mauvaise santé cardiovasculaire
  • Les voyageurs doivent avoir au moins un niveau de forme physique modéré
  • Masques faciaux fournis aux voyageurs
  • Désinfectant pour les mains disponible pour les voyageurs et le personnel
  • Distanciation sociale imposée tout au long de l'expérience
  • Zones à fort trafic régulièrement désinfectées
  • Équipement/équipement désinfectés entre chaque utilisation
  • Véhicules de transport régulièrement désinfectés
  • Guides requis pour se laver régulièrement les mains
  • Paiements sans contact pour les pourboires et les suppléments
À quoi s'attendre
Tongass National Forest
After a dozen years of running kayak tours in Ketchikan, we're consistently surprised at the number of visitors who never set foot in the Rain Forest. Our E-Bike tour originated from a desire to get more visitors into this amazing rain forest. With almost 200 inches of rain annually, there really is no place as lush and unique as Southeast Alaska. The forest floor is bountiful with all kinds of Flora and Fauna and depending on the time of season its not unusual to see deer or or salmon swimming up stream. Port times for most folks are very limited, so we wanted to maximize your time by combining multiple activities on this tour. Plus we wanted to offer more than just a hiking tour anyway. So we made the trip to the trailhead half the adventure in itself. And how could we not stop along the shoreline of the sea along the way back? It's not unheard of to see Porpoises, Seals and Sea Lions or sometimes Humpbacks from the beach.
Ketchikan Kayak Company
Electric assist bicycles are bicycles. You pedal them and shift gears like any other bike. They are very quiet in operation and are not classified as a motorized vehicle. However, when you want a little boost in your ride just twist the throttle and you'll quickly see why e-bikes are so much fun to ride. These bikes are powerful and seriously cool. We can cover more distance using e-bikes than conventional bicycles, you don't have to worry about keeping up, and they are the perfect way to get just the amount of exercise you're after. They are very accommodating with a step-through frame so you don't have to throw a leg over the bike to get on and off. We recharge our e-bikes with hydro power so they are a clean source of fun. Our tour usually max's out at 8 people, so no chance of getting lost in the crowd. Get out of town with us on your visit to Ketchikan this summer!
Tongass National Forest
After a dozen years of running kayak tours in Ketchikan, we're consistently surprised at the number of visitors who never set foot in the Rain Forest. Our E-Bike tour originated from a desire to get more visitors into this amazing rain forest. With almost 200 inches of rain annually, there really is no place as lush and unique as Southeast Alaska. The forest floor is bountiful with all kinds of Flora and Fauna and depending on the time of season its not unusual to see deer or or salmon swimming up stream. Port times for most folks are very limited, so we wanted to maximize your time by combining multiple activities on this tour. Plus we wanted to offer more than just a hiking tour anyway. So we made the trip to the trailhead half the adventure in itself. And how could we not stop along the shoreline of the sea along the way back? It's not unheard of to see Porpoises, Seals and Sea Lions or sometimes Humpbacks from the beach.
Ketchikan Kayak Company
Electric assist bicycles are bicycles. You pedal them and shift gears like any other bike. They are very quiet in operation and are not classified as a motorized vehicle. However, when you want a little boost in your ride just twist the throttle and you'll quickly see why e-bikes are so much fun to ride. These bikes are powerful and seriously cool. We can cover more distance using e-bikes than conventional bicycles, you don't have to worry about keeping up, and they are the perfect way to get just the amount of exercise you're after. They are very accommodating with a step-through frame so you don't have to throw a leg over the bike to get on and off. We recharge our e-bikes with hydro power so they are a clean source of fun. Our tour usually max's out at 8 people, so no chance of getting lost in the crowd. Get out of town with us on your visit to Ketchikan this summer!
Tongass National Forest
After a dozen years of running kayak tours in Ketchikan, we're consistently surprised at the number of visitors who never set foot in the Rain Forest. Our E-Bike tour originated from a desire to get more visitors into this amazing rain forest. With almost 200 inches of rain annually, there really is no place as lush and unique as Southeast Alaska. The forest floor is bountiful with all kinds of Flora and Fauna and depending on the time of season its not unusual to see deer or or salmon swimming up stream. Port times for most folks are very limited, so we wanted to maximize your time by combining multiple activities on this tour. Plus we wanted to offer more than just a hiking tour anyway. So we made the trip to the trailhead half the adventure in itself. And how could we not stop along the shoreline of the sea along the way back? It's not unheard of to see Porpoises, Seals and Sea Lions or sometimes Humpbacks from the beach.
Ketchikan Kayak Company
Electric assist bicycles are bicycles. You pedal them and shift gears like any other bike. They are very quiet in operation and are not classified as a motorized vehicle. However, when you want a little boost in your ride just twist the throttle and you'll quickly see why e-bikes are so much fun to ride. These bikes are powerful and seriously cool. We can cover more distance using e-bikes than conventional bicycles, you don't have to worry about keeping up, and they are the perfect way to get just the amount of exercise you're after. They are very accommodating with a step-through frame so you don't have to throw a leg over the bike to get on and off. We recharge our e-bikes with hydro power so they are a clean source of fun. Our tour usually max's out at 8 people, so no chance of getting lost in the crowd. Get out of town with us on your visit to Ketchikan this summer!
Tongass National Forest
After a dozen years of running kayak tours in Ketchikan, we're consistently surprised at the number of visitors who never set foot in the Rain Forest. Our E-Bike tour originated from a desire to get more visitors into this amazing rain forest. With almost 200 inches of rain annually, there really is no place as lush and unique as Southeast Alaska. The forest floor is bountiful with all kinds of Flora and Fauna and depending on the time of season its not unusual to see deer or or salmon swimming up stream. Port times for most folks are very limited, so we wanted to maximize your time by combining multiple activities on this tour. Plus we wanted to offer more than just a hiking tour anyway. So we made the trip to the trailhead half the adventure in itself. And how could we not stop along the shoreline of the sea along the way back? It's not unheard of to see Porpoises, Seals and Sea Lions or sometimes Humpbacks from the beach.
Ketchikan Kayak Company
Electric assist bicycles are bicycles. You pedal them and shift gears like any other bike. They are very quiet in operation and are not classified as a motorized vehicle. However, when you want a little boost in your ride just twist the throttle and you'll quickly see why e-bikes are so much fun to ride. These bikes are powerful and seriously cool. We can cover more distance using e-bikes than conventional bicycles, you don't have to worry about keeping up, and they are the perfect way to get just the amount of exercise you're after. They are very accommodating with a step-through frame so you don't have to throw a leg over the bike to get on and off. We recharge our e-bikes with hydro power so they are a clean source of fun. Our tour usually max's out at 8 people, so no chance of getting lost in the crowd. Get out of town with us on your visit to Ketchikan this summer!
Tongass National Forest
After a dozen years of running kayak tours in Ketchikan, we're consistently surprised at the number of visitors who never set foot in the Rain Forest. Our E-Bike tour originated from a desire to get more visitors into this amazing rain forest. With almost 200 inches of rain annually, there really is no place as lush and unique as Southeast Alaska. The forest floor is bountiful with all kinds of Flora and Fauna and depending on the time of season its not unusual to see deer or or salmon swimming up stream. Port times for most folks are very limited, so we wanted to maximize your time by combining multiple activities on this tour. Plus we wanted to offer more than just a hiking tour anyway. So we made the trip to the trailhead half the adventure in itself. And how could we not stop along the shoreline of the sea along the way back? It's not unheard of to see Porpoises, Seals and Sea Lions or sometimes Humpbacks from the beach.
Ketchikan Kayak Company
Electric assist bicycles are bicycles. You pedal them and shift gears like any other bike. They are very quiet in operation and are not classified as a motorized vehicle. However, when you want a little boost in your ride just twist the throttle and you'll quickly see why e-bikes are so much fun to ride. These bikes are powerful and seriously cool. We can cover more distance using e-bikes than conventional bicycles, you don't have to worry about keeping up, and they are the perfect way to get just the amount of exercise you're after. They are very accommodating with a step-through frame so you don't have to throw a leg over the bike to get on and off. We recharge our e-bikes with hydro power so they are a clean source of fun. Our tour usually max's out at 8 people, so no chance of getting lost in the crowd. Get out of town with us on your visit to Ketchikan this summer!
Tongass National Forest
After a dozen years of running kayak tours in Ketchikan, we're consistently surprised at the number of visitors who never set foot in the Rain Forest. Our E-Bike tour originated from a desire to get more visitors into this amazing rain forest. With almost 200 inches of rain annually, there really is no place as lush and unique as Southeast Alaska. The forest floor is bountiful with all kinds of Flora and Fauna and depending on the time of season its not unusual to see deer or or salmon swimming up stream. Port times for most folks are very limited, so we wanted to maximize your time by combining multiple activities on this tour. Plus we wanted to offer more than just a hiking tour anyway. So we made the trip to the trailhead half the adventure in itself. And how could we not stop along the shoreline of the sea along the way back? It's not unheard of to see Porpoises, Seals and Sea Lions or sometimes Humpbacks from the beach.
Ketchikan Kayak Company
Electric assist bicycles are bicycles. You pedal them and shift gears like any other bike. They are very quiet in operation and are not classified as a motorized vehicle. However, when you want a little boost in your ride just twist the throttle and you'll quickly see why e-bikes are so much fun to ride. These bikes are powerful and seriously cool. We can cover more distance using e-bikes than conventional bicycles, you don't have to worry about keeping up, and they are the perfect way to get just the amount of exercise you're after. They are very accommodating with a step-through frame so you don't have to throw a leg over the bike to get on and off. We recharge our e-bikes with hydro power so they are a clean source of fun. Our tour usually max's out at 8 people, so no chance of getting lost in the crowd. Get out of town with us on your visit to Ketchikan this summer!
Tongass National Forest
After a dozen years of running kayak tours in Ketchikan, we're consistently surprised at the number of visitors who never set foot in the Rain Forest. Our E-Bike tour originated from a desire to get more visitors into this amazing rain forest. With almost 200 inches of rain annually, there really is no place as lush and unique as Southeast Alaska. The forest floor is bountiful with all kinds of Flora and Fauna and depending on the time of season its not unusual to see deer or or salmon swimming up stream. Port times for most folks are very limited, so we wanted to maximize your time by combining multiple activities on this tour. Plus we wanted to offer more than just a hiking tour anyway. So we made the trip to the trailhead half the adventure in itself. And how could we not stop along the shoreline of the sea along the way back? It's not unheard of to see Porpoises, Seals and Sea Lions or sometimes Humpbacks from the beach.
Ketchikan Kayak Company
Electric assist bicycles are bicycles. You pedal them and shift gears like any other bike. They are very quiet in operation and are not classified as a motorized vehicle. However, when you want a little boost in your ride just twist the throttle and you'll quickly see why e-bikes are so much fun to ride. These bikes are powerful and seriously cool. We can cover more distance using e-bikes than conventional bicycles, you don't have to worry about keeping up, and they are the perfect way to get just the amount of exercise you're after. They are very accommodating with a step-through frame so you don't have to throw a leg over the bike to get on and off. We recharge our e-bikes with hydro power so they are a clean source of fun. Our tour usually max's out at 8 people, so no chance of getting lost in the crowd. Get out of town with us on your visit to Ketchikan this summer!
Forêt nationale de Tongass
Après une douzaine d'années d'organisation d'excursions en kayak à Ketchikan, nous sommes constamment surpris du nombre de visiteurs qui n'ont jamais mis les pieds dans la forêt tropicale. Notre visite en vélo électrique est née du désir d'attirer plus de visiteurs dans cette incroyable forêt tropicale. Avec près de 200 pouces de pluie par an, il n'y a vraiment aucun endroit aussi luxuriant et unique que le sud-est de l'Alaska. Le sol de la forêt regorge de toutes sortes de flore et de faune et, selon la période de la saison, il n'est pas rare de voir des cerfs ou des saumons nager en amont. Les temps de port pour la plupart des gens sont très limités, nous voulions donc maximiser votre temps en combinant plusieurs activités lors de cette visite. De plus, nous voulions offrir plus qu'une simple randonnée de toute façon. Nous avons donc fait le voyage au début du sentier la moitié de l'aventure en soi. Et comment ne pas s'arrêter au bord de la mer sur le chemin du retour ? Il n'est pas rare de voir des marsouins, des phoques et des otaries ou parfois des baleines à bosse depuis la plage.
Compagnie de kayak Ketchikan
Les vélos à assistance électrique sont des vélos. Vous pédalez et changez de vitesse comme n'importe quel autre vélo. Ils sont très silencieux et ne sont pas classés comme véhicule motorisé. Cependant, lorsque vous voulez un petit coup de pouce dans votre conduite, tournez simplement l'accélérateur et vous comprendrez rapidement pourquoi les vélos électriques sont si amusants à conduire. Ces vélos sont puissants et vraiment cool. Nous pouvons couvrir plus de distance en utilisant des vélos électriques que des vélos conventionnels, vous n'avez pas à vous soucier de suivre le rythme, et ils sont le moyen idéal pour obtenir juste la quantité d'exercice que vous recherchez. Ils sont très accommodants avec un cadre pas à pas pour que vous n'ayez pas à jeter une jambe par-dessus le vélo pour monter et descendre. Nous rechargeons nos vélos électriques avec de l'énergie hydraulique afin qu'ils soient une source de plaisir propre. Notre tournée est généralement limitée à 8 personnes, donc aucune chance de se perdre dans la foule. Sortez de la ville avec nous lors de votre visite à Ketchikan cet été !
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Photos de voyageurs
Commentaires (239)
Sep 2019
Great fun experiencing the E-Bikes and the rain forest hike was absolutely stunning. Salmon were heading upstream, the path and trek were fairly easy and our guide Danielle did a nice job. Enjoyed chatting with Grayson who guided the kayak trip. Overall, EXCELLENT trip.
Sep 2019
The idea of riding an electric bike to the end of the road in Ketchikan then continuing on foot was intriguing to me and the tour was even better than I expected. The bikes were so much fun! But when we arrived at the end of the road and started walking through the rainforest the real magic began. Our tour guide Danyel was so knowledgeable about the flora and fauna pointing out which items were edible or could be used for medicinal purposes. Her love for the environment really came through! The salmon were running and Danyel’s sharp eyes found a family of black bears fishing along the river in the falls. We were on a bridge overlooking their fishing spot. The bears saw us but we were quiet and they stayed for awhile. When we got to the beach, we saw a bald eagle. This adventure was definitely the highlight of my Alaskan trip!
Sep 2019
Danielle was our tour guide for the ebike and hike of Lunch Creek Trail. Getting to the trail by ebike was a fun experience (makes the hills easy!). Along the way we saw a black bear munching on some berries on the side of the road quite close to us! That was an unexpected bonus of the tour :) When we got to Lunch Creek trail it was like being in a Tolkien story. So green, huge old growth trees and a blanket of soft moss enveloping everything. Danielle led us through the trail to the creek, where we could watch the salmon heading up stream - an amazing sight! Apparently they had just arrived so we got lucky. Danielle is a native and extremely knowledgeable about the area. You can tell she enjoys what she does and that she loves the Alaskan natural surroundings - so, while, you could certainly do this hike on your own, having Danielle as our guide made it much more informative and fun. We didn't see any bears on the trail, but we saw remnants of their salmon feast, a big pile of scat and a bear print in the mud! We saw several Steller's Jays, seabirds and even a seal or two where the river meets the ocean. We could have (would have) stayed to watch the salmon run all day if it weren't for Danielle reminding us that alas, we had to go. We rode our bikes back and were greeted with light refreshments and beverages including delicious smoked salmon. The other people in our van took the kayak tour and has great things to say about it. I would absolutely tour with KKC again and highly recommend them if you like authentic, small group experiences. Oh yeah, about that Sasquatch, while we didn't *see* one, we know they are out there...

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