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Visite guidée des fantômes et des mystères de Key West

Découvrez pourquoi Key West est l'un des endroits les plus hantés du pays lors de cette visite à pied de 90 minutes qui commence au coin des rues Duval et Caroline, et dirigée par votre guide et conteur expérimenté. Promenez-vous dans des ruelles cachées et découvrez l'histoire souvent bizarre de Key West et écoutez les histoires de nos fantômes les plus colorés. Vous écouterez l'étrange histoire du comte Von Cosel, découvrirez où vivait l'enchanté Robert la poupée et entendrez son histoire, et serez captivé par l'étrange histoire de The Watcher et du fantôme de La Concha. Vous irez à l'intérieur de l'ancienne résidence d'une famille éminente de Key West, aujourd'hui transformée en restaurant, et entendrez l'histoire effrayante de l'esprit qui habite maintenant cet espace. Vous apprendrez la terminologie utilisée pour diverses formes de fantômes et comment prendre des photos avec votre appareil photo. Amusement interactif et fantasmagorique pour toute la famille !
Ville: Key West
Thu 24 Oct
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À partir de $32.26
Thu 24 Oct
À partir de $32.26
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Ce qui est inclu
Local guide
Professional guide
All taxes, fees and handling charges
Local taxes
Local guide
Professional guide
All taxes, fees and handling charges
Information additionnelle
  • Accessible aux fauteuils roulants
  • Les voyageurs doivent avoir au moins un niveau de forme physique modéré
  • Fonctionne dans toutes les conditions météorologiques, veuillez vous habiller de manière appropriée
  • Enfants doit être accompagné d'un adulte
  • Un minimum de 2 personnes par réservation est requis
  • Un maximum de 30 personnes par réservation
À quoi s'attendre
Key West Ghost and Mysteries Tour
Check-in for the ghost tour is no later than 8:45 at the corner of Duval and Caroline Street in front of the Porter Mansion on the Duval Street side. There is a small booth just at the entrance to the property, at the beginning of the 300 block of Duval Street, and that is where you will do your check-in. At 9pm the guide will depart and walk you down Rose Lane for an introduction to the tour which includes some Key West history, terminology used when talking about different spirit sightings, instructions on how to take pictures, and general guidelines. Key West is Florida's second oldest city and one of the most haunted locations in the country. From Rose Lane you will walk to the end of the block stopping at the Casa Antigua, Ernest Hemingway's first Key West residence where he fell in love with Key West and wrote "A Farewell to Arms". You will hear what happened in this interesting building and the ghostly story about The Watcher. The tour then moves up to Eaton Street to the Artist House where you will hear the story of the creepy, Robert the Doll and see where he used to live. Next the tour moves to Bahama Street where the oldest graveyard is located in back of Saint Paul's Church. You are invited to use the dowsing rods at this point to try to engage spirit activity. Just past the graveyard is the Dean-Lopez Funeral Home. This stop is where the strange tale of Count Von Cosel and Elana is related. This story is stranger than fiction, but it's all true and documented. You now will wind back around to the La Concha Hotel and hear what happened at the tallest building in Key West. It's a ghostly tale, but not what you probably think. Next the tour moves to the Oldest House and Gardens to explore the grounds at the back of the house, and hear stories about the family who lived here and learn about the many ghostly sightings. This is the most active location on the tour and many guests get pictures on their cameras. Finally, the tour moves inside to hear the chilling tale of a prominent Key West family at their former residence. As the tour concludes, there is time for stories and picture sharing. The tour is interactive and questions are encouraged. The tour ends at 10:30 across the street from where it started.
Key West Ghost and Mysteries Tour
Check-in for the ghost tour is no later than 8:45 at the corner of Duval and Caroline Street in front of the Porter Mansion on the Duval Street side. There is a small booth just at the entrance to the property, at the beginning of the 300 block of Duval Street, and that is where you will do your check-in. At 9pm the guide will depart and walk you down Rose Lane for an introduction to the tour which includes some Key West history, terminology used when talking about different spirit sightings, instructions on how to take pictures, and general guidelines. Key West is Florida's second oldest city and one of the most haunted locations in the country. From Rose Lane you will walk to the end of the block stopping at the Casa Antigua, Ernest Hemingway's first Key West residence where he fell in love with Key West and wrote "A Farewell to Arms". You will hear what happened in this interesting building and the ghostly story about The Watcher. The tour then moves up to Eaton Street to the Artist House where you will hear the story of the creepy, Robert the Doll and see where he used to live. Next the tour moves to Bahama Street where the oldest graveyard is located in back of Saint Paul's Church. You are invited to use the dowsing rods at this point to try to engage spirit activity. Just past the graveyard is the Dean-Lopez Funeral Home. This stop is where the strange tale of Count Von Cosel and Elana is related. This story is stranger than fiction, but it's all true and documented. You now will wind back around to the La Concha Hotel and hear what happened at the tallest building in Key West. It's a ghostly tale, but not what you probably think. Next the tour moves to the Oldest House and Gardens to explore the grounds at the back of the house, and hear stories about the family who lived here and learn about the many ghostly sightings. This is the most active location on the tour and many guests get pictures on their cameras. Finally, the tour moves inside to hear the chilling tale of a prominent Key West family at their former residence. As the tour concludes, there is time for stories and picture sharing. The tour is interactive and questions are encouraged. The tour ends at 10:30 across the street from where it started.
Key West Ghost and Mysteries Tour
Check-in for the ghost tour is no later than 8:45 at the corner of Duval and Caroline Street in front of the Porter Mansion on the Duval Street side. There is a small booth just at the entrance to the property, at the beginning of the 300 block of Duval Street, and that is where you will do your check-in. At 9pm the guide will depart and walk you down Rose Lane for an introduction to the tour which includes some Key West history, terminology used when talking about different spirit sightings, instructions on how to take pictures, and general guidelines. Key West is Florida's second oldest city and one of the most haunted locations in the country. From Rose Lane you will walk to the end of the block stopping at the Casa Antigua, Ernest Hemingway's first Key West residence where he fell in love with Key West and wrote "A Farewell to Arms". You will hear what happened in this interesting building and the ghostly story about The Watcher. The tour then moves up to Eaton Street to the Artist House where you will hear the story of the creepy, Robert the Doll and see where he used to live. Next the tour moves to Bahama Street where the oldest graveyard is located in back of Saint Paul's Church. You are invited to use the dowsing rods at this point to try to engage spirit activity. Just past the graveyard is the Dean-Lopez Funeral Home. This stop is where the strange tale of Count Von Cosel and Elana is related. This story is stranger than fiction, but it's all true and documented. You now will wind back around to the La Concha Hotel and hear what happened at the tallest building in Key West. It's a ghostly tale, but not what you probably think. Next the tour moves to the Oldest House and Gardens to explore the grounds at the back of the house, and hear stories about the family who lived here and learn about the many ghostly sightings. This is the most active location on the tour and many guests get pictures on their cameras. Finally, the tour moves inside to hear the chilling tale of a prominent Key West family at their former residence. As the tour concludes, there is time for stories and picture sharing. The tour is interactive and questions are encouraged. The tour ends at 10:30 across the street from where it started.
Key West Ghost and Mysteries Tour
Check-in for the ghost tour is no later than 8:45 at the corner of Duval and Caroline Street in front of the Porter Mansion on the Duval Street side. There is a small booth just at the entrance to the property, at the beginning of the 300 block of Duval Street, and that is where you will do your check-in. At 9pm the guide will depart and walk you down Rose Lane for an introduction to the tour which includes some Key West history, terminology used when talking about different spirit sightings, instructions on how to take pictures, and general guidelines. Key West is Florida's second oldest city and one of the most haunted locations in the country. From Rose Lane you will walk to the end of the block stopping at the Casa Antigua, Ernest Hemingway's first Key West residence where he fell in love with Key West and wrote "A Farewell to Arms". You will hear what happened in this interesting building and the ghostly story about The Watcher. The tour then moves up to Eaton Street to the Artist House where you will hear the story of the creepy, Robert the Doll and see where he used to live. Next the tour moves to Bahama Street where the oldest graveyard is located in back of Saint Paul's Church. You are invited to use the dowsing rods at this point to try to engage spirit activity. Just past the graveyard is the Dean-Lopez Funeral Home. This stop is where the strange tale of Count Von Cosel and Elana is related. This story is stranger than fiction, but it's all true and documented. You now will wind back around to the La Concha Hotel and hear what happened at the tallest building in Key West. It's a ghostly tale, but not what you probably think. Next the tour moves to the Oldest House and Gardens to explore the grounds at the back of the house, and hear stories about the family who lived here and learn about the many ghostly sightings. This is the most active location on the tour and many guests get pictures on their cameras. Finally, the tour moves inside to hear the chilling tale of a prominent Key West family at their former residence. As the tour concludes, there is time for stories and picture sharing. The tour is interactive and questions are encouraged. The tour ends at 10:30 across the street from where it started.
Visite des fantômes et des mystères de Key West
L'enregistrement pour la visite fantôme s'effectue au plus tard à 8h45 au coin de Duval et Caroline Street en face du Porter Mansion du côté de Duval Street. Il y a un petit stand juste à l'entrée de la propriété, au début du bloc 300 de Duval Street, et c'est là que vous ferez votre enregistrement. À 21 heures, le guide partira et vous accompagnera dans Rose Lane pour une introduction à la visite qui comprend un peu d'histoire de Key West, la terminologie utilisée pour parler de différentes observations d'esprits, des instructions sur la façon de prendre des photos et des directives générales. Key West est la deuxième ville la plus ancienne de Floride et l'un des endroits les plus hantés du pays. De Rose Lane, vous marcherez jusqu'au bout du pâté de maisons en vous arrêtant à la Casa Antigua, la première résidence d'Ernest Hemingway à Key West où il est tombé amoureux de Key West et a écrit "A Farewell to Arms". Vous entendrez ce qui s'est passé dans ce bâtiment intéressant et l'histoire fantomatique de The Watcher. La visite se poursuit ensuite sur Eaton Street jusqu'à la maison de l'artiste où vous entendrez l'histoire de l'effrayant Robert la poupée et découvrirez où il vivait. Ensuite, la visite se déplace vers la rue Bahama où le plus ancien cimetière est situé à l'arrière de l'église Saint-Paul. Vous êtes invités à utiliser les baguettes de sourcier à ce stade pour essayer d'engager l'activité spirituelle. Juste après le cimetière se trouve la maison funéraire Dean-Lopez. Cet arrêt est l'endroit où l'étrange histoire du comte Von Cosel et d'Elana est racontée. Cette histoire est plus étrange que la fiction, mais tout est vrai et documenté. Vous allez maintenant retourner à l'hôtel La Concha et entendre ce qui s'est passé dans le plus haut bâtiment de Key West. C'est un conte fantomatique, mais pas ce que vous pensez probablement. Ensuite, la visite se déplace vers la maison et les jardins les plus anciens pour explorer les terrains à l'arrière de la maison, écouter des histoires sur la famille qui vivait ici et en apprendre davantage sur les nombreuses observations fantomatiques. C'est l'endroit le plus actif de la visite et de nombreux invités obtiennent des photos sur leurs appareils photo. Enfin, la visite se déplace à l'intérieur pour entendre l'histoire effrayante d'une famille éminente de Key West dans son ancienne résidence. À la fin de la visite, il y a du temps pour les histoires et le partage d'images. La visite est interactive et les questions sont encouragées. La visite se termine à 10h30 de l'autre côté de la rue d'où elle a commencé.
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Commentaires (898)
Robert H
Dec 2013
This was my first walking ghost tour. I would for sure go on it again. Ted was really good at the islands history and ghost stories. He really knows how to draw you in, good jokes too. I can't wait to come back again.
Dec 2013
I hate to give bad reviews, especially for Ghost Tours because we really like going on them in different cities and have been on a lot of them over the years. We chose to go on this tour over some other ones in Key West for two reasons: First because of all the good recent reviews it had received on Tripadvisor and secondly because it was the most reasonably priced (especially if using a coupon). This particular tour had many things going against it from the beginning. The tour guide (I can't remember her name.) needed to speak louder or use a portable speaker because we could barely hear her over the street noise. Secondly, and this is no fault of the tour guide, there was a large number of small children in the group and it felt like we were in preschool. I realize kids do like to do these tours, but you have to keep a handle on things as a guide. The guide herself seemed unprepared for the tour and relied heavily on a binder with ghost photos. Showing ghost photos is fine but, save it for the end of the tour, not as an introduction. We only visited four stops on the tour and, of those stops the only one we were able to go inside was the Hard Rock Café and I believe we only went inside to take shelter from the massive thunder and lightning storm that materialized in the middle of our tour. ( again, I realize the tour guide had no control over that happening.) The information provided by our guide was very sparse and hardly interesting. I learned more from the ghost books I had bought and read earlier in the week. When talking about a particular haunted site on a tour you need to draw them in and captivate them. This most certainly did not happen on this tour. I feel the tour company does need to take more time to train their guides on their delivery of the material. About half of the group never actually made it to the end of the tour at the Hard Rock Café. I'm not sure if the rain scared them off or if they just lost interest. The only good thing we could say about the tour was that it is inexpensive compared to the other ghost tours in Key West, but until the company makes some changes you'd be better off spending your money elsewhere.
Thorbjørn W
Nov 2013
This was a good tour, going through the streets of Key West, learning something abour it's dark past. We had "Southermost Ted" as our ghost-guide, and he knew alot about the areas history. He was good at telling the stories and draw us into them. A must see part of a Key West visit.

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