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Visite à pied historique de Lower Manhattan

Promenez-vous dans l'histoire

Historique, amusant et flexible avec "Ramble Points"

Soyez transporté dans le temps lors de cette visite à pied divertissante dans le bas de Manhattan, dirigée par un acteur /guide expert vous montrant NYC à travers leur yeux.

Votre visite est une promenade dans le temps, avec votre guide costumé racontant des histoires enchanteresses tout au long - donnant vie à l'histoire avec une chronologie animée et divertissante à travers certains des quartiers les plus fascinants de New York. Découvrez les sites emblématiques que l'histoire a rendus célèbres, ainsi que les rues moins explorées qui ajoutent du charme et de l'intrigue à cette ville en constante évolution.

À un «point de randonnée» désigné, vous aurez l'occasion de partir la visite si vous le souhaitez, prenez un café ou visitez une attraction, avant de rejoindre un groupe ultérieur (environ 1,5 heure d'intervalle). Personnalisez votre visite sans rien manquer de l'excitation !
Ville: La ville de New York
Mon 09 Sep
Vous pouvez déjà choisir la date sur le site de réservation
À partir de $45.34
Mon 09 Sep
À partir de $45.34
Faire une réservation
Ce qui est inclu
More than 30 Points of Interest
All taxes, fees and handling charges
Small Groups Only (Less than 15 people)
Professional Tour Guide Provides Live Commentary/Performance
More than 30 Points of Interest
All taxes, fees and handling charges
guide anglais
Information additionnelle
  • Les bébés et les jeunes enfants peuvent monter dans un landau ou une poussette
  • Animaux d'assistance autorisés
  • Des options de transport en commun sont disponibles à proximité
  • Convient à tous niveaux de condition physique
  • Les enfants doivent être accompagnés d'un adulte
  • Fonctionne dans toutes les conditions météorologiques, veuillez vous habiller de manière appropriée
À quoi s'attendre
Trinity Church
The Walk starts across the street from the Trinity Church. As the first guide is from the colonial era, you will hear first-hand fun stories about this over hundred-year old building, how it was being built, who funded the construction and all the marvelous renovations through time. While enchanted by the exquisite structure, your journey will be followed by an entry to the Hamilton Gravesite, where the founding father and his wife Eliza rest.
Federal Hall
George Washington took the oath of office as the first President of the US, and this site was home to the first Congress, Supreme Court, and Executive Branch offices. Let the guide tell you what really happened on the inauguration day and what happened after.
Wall Street
Why Wall Street is called Wall Street? You will finally find out.
New York Stock Exchange
See through the past and present of this one of the world’s largest marketplaces for securities and other exchange-traded investments. At the same time, appreciate the grandeur architecture of this legendary landmark.
Fraunces Tavern Museum
Bypassing this NYC oldest building, you will hear about the cool stories of this hidden gem with the founding fathers.
Stone Street Historic District
The first street paved with stone in the city, now it is filled with old-fashioned pubs and restaurants. This "old-world charm" in the heart of Financial district conserves the traces of the city's evolving, which will be uncovered by your guide.
Seaport District NYC
Here you will see beautiful East River Harbor view including the Wall Street Heliport, South Street Seaport Piers, Brooklyn Bridge etc. Be prepared to be amazed by how the harbor has come together after the disastrous Sandy Storm.
City Hall Park
"Surrounded by centuries-old majestic government buildings that date back to 1812, this park provides a much-needed green spot in a bustling downtown area."
Woolworth Building
This striking Gothic style building was the tallest in the world from 1913 to 1930, recognized as National Historic Landmark, an iconic structure among New York City Skyline.
The Oculus
Santiago Calatrava's $4 billion transit, dining hub and architectural masterpiece. You guide will reveal the stories of designing and building this breathtaking project for you.
One World Observatory
2nd Ramble Point: Enter into the resurrection after 9.11 and walk through the memories and memorials of the tragic history of NYC. And opportunity to ramble off, explore around and take a moment to see New York City from this tallest building in the Western hemisphere.
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
Monument to tragedy, symbol of resilience.
Ground Zero Museum Workshop
Waterfalls marking the absence of the twin towers.
Charging Bull (Wall Street Bull)
This bronze Bull sculpture symbolizes Wall Street. Your guide will explain to you why it does and how.
National Museum of the American Indian
Alexander Hamilton Custom House - home of the Smithsonian Museum of the American Indian.
Battery Park
Here you tour will conclude but before it ends, there is still a lot to talk about in the surroundings, like the Castle Clinton, Statue of Liberty etc.
Trinity Church
The Walk starts across the street from the Trinity Church. As the first guide is from the colonial era, you will hear first-hand fun stories about this over hundred-year old building, how it was being built, who funded the construction and all the marvelous renovations through time. While enchanted by the exquisite structure, your journey will be followed by an entry to the Hamilton Gravesite, where the founding father and his wife Eliza rest.
Federal Hall
George Washington took the oath of office as the first President of the US, and this site was home to the first Congress, Supreme Court, and Executive Branch offices. Let the guide tell you what really happened on the inauguration day and what happened after.
Wall Street
Why Wall Street is called Wall Street? You will finally find out.
New York Stock Exchange
See through the past and present of this one of the world’s largest marketplaces for securities and other exchange-traded investments. At the same time, appreciate the grandeur architecture of this legendary landmark.
Fraunces Tavern Museum
Bypassing this NYC oldest building, you will hear about the cool stories of this hidden gem with the founding fathers.
Stone Street Historic District
The first street paved with stone in the city, now it is filled with old-fashioned pubs and restaurants. This "old-world charm" in the heart of Financial district conserves the traces of the city's evolving, which will be uncovered by your guide.
Seaport District NYC
Here you will see beautiful East River Harbor view including the Wall Street Heliport, South Street Seaport Piers, Brooklyn Bridge etc. Be prepared to be amazed by how the harbor has come together after the disastrous Sandy Storm.
City Hall Park
"Surrounded by centuries-old majestic government buildings that date back to 1812, this park provides a much-needed green spot in a bustling downtown area."
Woolworth Building
This striking Gothic style building was the tallest in the world from 1913 to 1930, recognized as National Historic Landmark, an iconic structure among New York City Skyline.
The Oculus
Santiago Calatrava's $4 billion transit, dining hub and architectural masterpiece. You guide will reveal the stories of designing and building this breathtaking project for you.
One World Observatory
2nd Ramble Point: Enter into the resurrection after 9.11 and walk through the memories and memorials of the tragic history of NYC. And opportunity to ramble off, explore around and take a moment to see New York City from this tallest building in the Western hemisphere.
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
Monument to tragedy, symbol of resilience.
Ground Zero Museum Workshop
Waterfalls marking the absence of the twin towers.
Charging Bull (Wall Street Bull)
This bronze Bull sculpture symbolizes Wall Street. Your guide will explain to you why it does and how.
National Museum of the American Indian
Alexander Hamilton Custom House - home of the Smithsonian Museum of the American Indian.
Battery Park
Here you tour will conclude but before it ends, there is still a lot to talk about in the surroundings, like the Castle Clinton, Statue of Liberty etc.
Église de la Trinité
La promenade commence en face de l'église de la Trinité. Comme le premier guide date de l'époque coloniale, vous entendrez des histoires amusantes de première main sur ce bâtiment vieux de plus de cent ans, comment il a été construit, qui a financé la construction et toutes les merveilleuses rénovations à travers le temps. Enchanté par la structure exquise, votre voyage sera suivi d'une entrée au cimetière de Hamilton, où reposent le père fondateur et sa femme Eliza.
Salle fédérale
George Washington a prêté serment en tant que premier président des États-Unis, et ce site abritait les premiers bureaux du Congrès, de la Cour suprême et du pouvoir exécutif. Laissez le guide vous dire ce qui s'est réellement passé le jour de l'inauguration et ce qui s'est passé après.
Wall Street
Pourquoi Wall Street s'appelle Wall Street ? Vous allez enfin le découvrir.
New York Stock Exchange
Découvrez le passé et le présent de l'un des plus grands marchés au monde pour les valeurs mobilières et autres investissements négociés en bourse. En même temps, appréciez l'architecture grandiose de ce monument légendaire.
Musée de la taverne Fraunces
En contournant ce plus ancien bâtiment de New York, vous entendrez parler des histoires intéressantes de ce joyau caché avec les pères fondateurs.
Quartier historique de Stone Street
Première rue pavée de pierre de la ville, elle est aujourd'hui remplie de pubs et de restaurants à l'ancienne. Ce "charme d'antan" au cœur du quartier financier conserve les traces de l'évolution de la ville, qui seront découvertes par votre guide.
Quartier du port de New York
Ici, vous verrez une vue magnifique sur le port d'East River, y compris l'héliport de Wall Street, les jetées du port maritime de South Street, le pont de Brooklyn, etc. Préparez-vous à être surpris par la façon dont le port s'est réuni après la désastreuse tempête de sable.
Parc de l'hôtel de ville
"Entouré de majestueux édifices gouvernementaux centenaires datant de 1812, ce parc offre un espace vert indispensable dans un centre-ville animé."
Édifice Woolworth
Ce bâtiment de style gothique saisissant était le plus haut du monde de 1913 à 1930, reconnu comme monument historique national, une structure emblématique parmi New York City Skyline.
Transport en commun, centre de restauration et chef-d'œuvre architectural de Santiago Calatrava, d'une valeur de 4 milliards de dollars. Votre guide vous dévoilera les histoires de conception et de construction de ce projet à couper le souffle.
Un observatoire mondial
2nd Ramble Point: Entrez dans la résurrection après le 11 septembre et parcourez les souvenirs et les mémoriaux de l'histoire tragique de New York. Et l'occasion de se promener, d'explorer les environs et de prendre un moment pour voir New York depuis ce plus haut bâtiment de l'hémisphère occidental.
Le mémorial et musée national du 11 septembre
Monument à la tragédie, symbole de résilience.
Atelier du musée Ground Zero
Cascades marquant l'absence des tours jumelles.
Taureau de charge (taureau de Wall Street)
Cette sculpture de taureau en bronze symbolise Wall Street. Votre guide vous expliquera pourquoi et comment.
Musée national des Indiens d'Amérique
Alexander Hamilton Custom House - siège du Smithsonian Museum of the American Indian.
Parc de la batterie
Ici, votre visite se terminera, mais avant qu'elle ne se termine, il reste encore beaucoup à dire dans les environs, comme le château Clinton, la statue de la liberté, etc.
Show 45 plus d'arrêts
Politique d'annulation
Pour un remboursement complet, annulez au moins 24 heures avant l'heure de départ prévue.
Commentaires (3)
Joseph S
Oct 2019
Our guide Julia was impressively knowledgeable about all aspects of history, finance, architecture, and anything else we could quiz her on. Greatly informative and we finished the tour having a much better understanding of Manhattan and New York in the context of history and the world stage. As with all events in the US, make sure you turn up with some tips prepared.
Réponse de l'hôte
Oct 2019
Joseph S, We are pleased to know you found the City Rambler "A Walk Through History" tour to be educational on so many topics and now have additional knowledge of the history that shaped the city. While gratuities are not mandatory they are appreciated, on behalf of our guide thank you for your generosity.
Sep 2019
I love this idea! Meet a character or two from long ago New York - hear their personal story while getting all the 411 on the sites I wanted to see plus some extra hidden gems I knew nothing about. It was about 2.5 hours long, but with a couple nice breaks it was easily managed. Plus I love to hop off idea - a couple of folks took a cruise and were met by a fun historical guide when they returned and got to finish the tour route later... so clever. I just did the whole route in one go, I love the chronological advancement: colonial, 19 c then modern times ( more or less) and great recommendations for dining the end of our route (the walking sure worked up my appetite). My wife and I really enjoyed seeing our own town from this unique perspective. It was a VERY enjoyable morning learning more and re-discovering downtown. Aaron was especially accommodating, we enjoyed his company.
Réponse de l'hôte
Sep 2019
Dear Valued Guest, Thank you for joining us for A Walk Through History. We are please to know you found the tour to be educational and a enjoyable 2.5 hours. Our Ramble Off (hop off) feature allows our guest to take advantage of areas of the city on their own should they choose, thank you for pointing out this option. We look forward to hosting you and your husband on a future City Rambler tour.
Jul 2019
I am very passionate about NYC and claim to know a lot about it, but I learned so much about Lower Manhattan and its history and in such a fun fashion! 3 different characters, from different times... All actors were so spot on with their performance that it really felt like those were real people from their times and sharing their life stories. Ca't wait to do their Central Park tour as well!
Réponse de l'hôte
Jul 2019
To our valued guest, Thank you for joining our Walk Through History, an entertaining and educational walking tour. We are pleased to hear you enjoyed your time spent with us and we look forward to greeting you on another City Rambler tour.

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