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Excursion d'une journée de Miami à Key West avec options d'activité

- Traversez 34 îles et 42 ponts connus sous le nom de Florida Keys. Vous traverserez le 7 Mile Bridge - l'un des plus longs au monde ! La route est bordée par les eaux émeraude du golfe du Mexique à l'ouest et de l'océan Atlantique à l'est. Assurez-vous de prendre des photos! Vous aurez 6 h de libre à Key West pour explorer l'île à votre guise. Key West se trouve au bout de la chaîne d'îles connues sous le nom de Florida Keys et est la ville la plus méridionale des États-Unis continentaux.
- Key West est connue pour ses eaux bleues claires, son ciel ensoleillé et sa détente attitude. En plus d'être un lieu de vacances idéal, la ville a également servi de refuge artistique, de retraite présidentielle et de poste militaire.
- Les activités nautiques sont également très populaires à Key West ! Nous proposons des excursions de plongée en apnée, de parachute ascensionnel et de bateau à fond de verre.

Remarque : si les activités sont annulées pour une raison quelconque, nous les rembourserons, cependant, nous ne rembourserons PAS la visite à Key West (valeur de 49 $).
Ville: Floride
Thu 13 Mar
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À partir de $39.00
Thu 13 Mar
À partir de $39.00
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Ce qui est inclu
STOP for BREAKFAST in the way to Key West (food & drink no included)
Activities, if option selected (you can add Snorkeling, Glass Bottom Boat, Trolley)
Map of Key West and Guide knowledge on what to do/see and how to get around!
NARRATED TOUR during the trip, and 6 HOURS FREE in Key West
The RETURN to Miami is NON STOP
Transport by air-conditioned coach bus (the bus has restroom and wifi)
Pickup and/or drop off, select hotels in Miami Beach, Downtown Miami, and Regency Miami Arpt.
Information additionnelle
  • Les bébés doivent s'asseoir sur les genoux d'un adulte
  • Les bébés et les petits enfants peuvent monter dans un landau ou une poussette
  • Des transports en commun sont disponibles à proximité
  • Convient à tous les niveaux de condition physique
  • Remarque : si les activités sont annulées pour une raison quelconque, nous les rembourserons, cependant, nous ne rembourserons PAS la visite à Key West (valeur de 49 $)
  • Désinfectant pour les mains disponible pour les voyageurs et le personnel
  • Zones à fort trafic régulièrement désinfectées
  • Véhicules de transport régulièrement désinfectés
  • Guides tenus de se laver régulièrement les mains
  • li>
À quoi s'attendre
Key West
Pick up: Depending on your location this will range from 6 to 7:30 AM.  Make sure you are OUTSIDE of your hotel/pick-up location 5-10 minutes prior to the time stated. Get comfortable while you travel to the Keys and across the Overseas Highway in our well-maintained coach bus with the tour guide speaking about Key West's rich history and culture. Arrive in Key West around 11:30 AM. Explore and experience Key West for 6 hours. See the town for yourself by walking through the streets. Everything is within walking distance! We give you a map of the city so you can handle your way around.  Leave Key West around 5:30 PM and get back to Miami around 9:30 - 10:45 PM (depending on the traffic and the drop-off location).
Seven Mile Bridge
There are two bridges in this location. The modern bridge is open to vehicular traffic; the older one only to pedestrians and cyclists. The older bridge, originally known as the Knights Key-Pigeon Key-Moser Channel-Pacet Channel Bridge, was constructed from 1909 to 1912 under the direction of Henry Flagler and Clarence S. Coe as part of the Florida East Coast Railway's Key West Extension, also known as the Overseas Railroad.
Southernmost Point
Key West is famous for being the southernmost city in the continental United States. When you visit, it's essential that you make it to the southernmost point on the island, found at the intersection of Whitehead Street and South Street.
US 1 Mile Marker 0
An interesting landmark for US highways. Mile marker zero notes the start of the highway for the US.1. The US.1 stretches from Key West, Florida, more than 2,000 miles to Fort Kent, Maine, not far from the United States-Canada border. The highway connects several major cities along the eastern seaboard such as Boston, Washington, D.C., and Portland, Maine. It’s also commonly referred to as the Overseas Highway in Florida, as it stretches out across the Florida Keys.
Key West
Pick up: Depending on your location this will range from 6 to 7:30 AM.  Make sure you are OUTSIDE of your hotel/pick-up location 5-10 minutes prior to the time stated. Get comfortable while you travel to the Keys and across the Overseas Highway in our well-maintained coach bus with the tour guide speaking about Key West's rich history and culture. Arrive in Key West around 11:30 AM. Explore and experience Key West for 6 hours. See the town for yourself by walking through the streets. Everything is within walking distance! We give you a map of the city so you can handle your way around.  Leave Key West around 5:30 PM and get back to Miami around 9:30 - 10:45 PM (depending on the traffic and the drop-off location).
Seven Mile Bridge
There are two bridges in this location. The modern bridge is open to vehicular traffic; the older one only to pedestrians and cyclists. The older bridge, originally known as the Knights Key-Pigeon Key-Moser Channel-Pacet Channel Bridge, was constructed from 1909 to 1912 under the direction of Henry Flagler and Clarence S. Coe as part of the Florida East Coast Railway's Key West Extension, also known as the Overseas Railroad.
Southernmost Point
Key West is famous for being the southernmost city in the continental United States. When you visit, it's essential that you make it to the southernmost point on the island, found at the intersection of Whitehead Street and South Street.
US 1 Mile Marker 0
An interesting landmark for US highways. Mile marker zero notes the start of the highway for the US.1. The US.1 stretches from Key West, Florida, more than 2,000 miles to Fort Kent, Maine, not far from the United States-Canada border. The highway connects several major cities along the eastern seaboard such as Boston, Washington, D.C., and Portland, Maine. It’s also commonly referred to as the Overseas Highway in Florida, as it stretches out across the Florida Keys.
Key West
Pick up: Depending on your location this will range from 6 to 7:30 AM.  Make sure you are OUTSIDE of your hotel/pick-up location 5-10 minutes prior to the time stated. Get comfortable while you travel to the Keys and across the Overseas Highway in our well-maintained coach bus with the tour guide speaking about Key West's rich history and culture. Arrive in Key West around 11:30 AM. Explore and experience Key West for 6 hours. See the town for yourself by walking through the streets. Everything is within walking distance! We give you a map of the city so you can handle your way around.  Leave Key West around 5:30 PM and get back to Miami around 9:30 - 10:45 PM (depending on the traffic and the drop-off location).
Seven Mile Bridge
There are two bridges in this location. The modern bridge is open to vehicular traffic; the older one only to pedestrians and cyclists. The older bridge, originally known as the Knights Key-Pigeon Key-Moser Channel-Pacet Channel Bridge, was constructed from 1909 to 1912 under the direction of Henry Flagler and Clarence S. Coe as part of the Florida East Coast Railway's Key West Extension, also known as the Overseas Railroad.
Southernmost Point
Key West is famous for being the southernmost city in the continental United States. When you visit, it's essential that you make it to the southernmost point on the island, found at the intersection of Whitehead Street and South Street.
US 1 Mile Marker 0
An interesting landmark for US highways. Mile marker zero notes the start of the highway for the US.1. The US.1 stretches from Key West, Florida, more than 2,000 miles to Fort Kent, Maine, not far from the United States-Canada border. The highway connects several major cities along the eastern seaboard such as Boston, Washington, D.C., and Portland, Maine. It’s also commonly referred to as the Overseas Highway in Florida, as it stretches out across the Florida Keys.
Key West
Pick up: Depending on your location this will range from 6 to 7:30 AM.  Make sure you are OUTSIDE of your hotel/pick-up location 5-10 minutes prior to the time stated. Get comfortable while you travel to the Keys and across the Overseas Highway in our well-maintained coach bus with the tour guide speaking about Key West's rich history and culture. Arrive in Key West around 11:30 AM. Explore and experience Key West for 6 hours. See the town for yourself by walking through the streets. Everything is within walking distance! We give you a map of the city so you can handle your way around.  Leave Key West around 5:30 PM and get back to Miami around 9:30 - 10:45 PM (depending on the traffic and the drop-off location).
Seven Mile Bridge
There are two bridges in this location. The modern bridge is open to vehicular traffic; the older one only to pedestrians and cyclists. The older bridge, originally known as the Knights Key-Pigeon Key-Moser Channel-Pacet Channel Bridge, was constructed from 1909 to 1912 under the direction of Henry Flagler and Clarence S. Coe as part of the Florida East Coast Railway's Key West Extension, also known as the Overseas Railroad.
Southernmost Point
Key West is famous for being the southernmost city in the continental United States. When you visit, it's essential that you make it to the southernmost point on the island, found at the intersection of Whitehead Street and South Street.
US 1 Mile Marker 0
An interesting landmark for US highways. Mile marker zero notes the start of the highway for the US.1. The US.1 stretches from Key West, Florida, more than 2,000 miles to Fort Kent, Maine, not far from the United States-Canada border. The highway connects several major cities along the eastern seaboard such as Boston, Washington, D.C., and Portland, Maine. It’s also commonly referred to as the Overseas Highway in Florida, as it stretches out across the Florida Keys.
Key West
Pick up: Depending on your location this will range from 6 to 7:30 AM.  Make sure you are OUTSIDE of your hotel/pick-up location 5-10 minutes prior to the time stated. Get comfortable while you travel to the Keys and across the Overseas Highway in our well-maintained coach bus with the tour guide speaking about Key West's rich history and culture. Arrive in Key West around 11:30 AM. Explore and experience Key West for 6 hours. See the town for yourself by walking through the streets. Everything is within walking distance! We give you a map of the city so you can handle your way around.  Leave Key West around 5:30 PM and get back to Miami around 9:30 - 10:45 PM (depending on the traffic and the drop-off location).
Seven Mile Bridge
There are two bridges in this location. The modern bridge is open to vehicular traffic; the older one only to pedestrians and cyclists. The older bridge, originally known as the Knights Key-Pigeon Key-Moser Channel-Pacet Channel Bridge, was constructed from 1909 to 1912 under the direction of Henry Flagler and Clarence S. Coe as part of the Florida East Coast Railway's Key West Extension, also known as the Overseas Railroad.
Southernmost Point
Key West is famous for being the southernmost city in the continental United States. When you visit, it's essential that you make it to the southernmost point on the island, found at the intersection of Whitehead Street and South Street.
US 1 Mile Marker 0
An interesting landmark for US highways. Mile marker zero notes the start of the highway for the US.1. The US.1 stretches from Key West, Florida, more than 2,000 miles to Fort Kent, Maine, not far from the United States-Canada border. The highway connects several major cities along the eastern seaboard such as Boston, Washington, D.C., and Portland, Maine. It’s also commonly referred to as the Overseas Highway in Florida, as it stretches out across the Florida Keys.
Key West
Pick up: Depending on your location this will range from 6 to 7:30 AM.  Make sure you are OUTSIDE of your hotel/pick-up location 5-10 minutes prior to the time stated. Get comfortable while you travel to the Keys and across the Overseas Highway in our well-maintained coach bus with the tour guide speaking about Key West's rich history and culture. Arrive in Key West around 11:30 AM. Explore and experience Key West for 6 hours. See the town for yourself by walking through the streets. Everything is within walking distance! We give you a map of the city so you can handle your way around.  Leave Key West around 5:30 PM and get back to Miami around 9:30 - 10:45 PM (depending on the traffic and the drop-off location).
Seven Mile Bridge
There are two bridges in this location. The modern bridge is open to vehicular traffic; the older one only to pedestrians and cyclists. The older bridge, originally known as the Knights Key-Pigeon Key-Moser Channel-Pacet Channel Bridge, was constructed from 1909 to 1912 under the direction of Henry Flagler and Clarence S. Coe as part of the Florida East Coast Railway's Key West Extension, also known as the Overseas Railroad.
Southernmost Point
Key West is famous for being the southernmost city in the continental United States. When you visit, it's essential that you make it to the southernmost point on the island, found at the intersection of Whitehead Street and South Street.
US 1 Mile Marker 0
An interesting landmark for US highways. Mile marker zero notes the start of the highway for the US.1. The US.1 stretches from Key West, Florida, more than 2,000 miles to Fort Kent, Maine, not far from the United States-Canada border. The highway connects several major cities along the eastern seaboard such as Boston, Washington, D.C., and Portland, Maine. It’s also commonly referred to as the Overseas Highway in Florida, as it stretches out across the Florida Keys.
Key West
Pick up: Depending on your location this will range from 6 to 7:30 AM.  Make sure you are OUTSIDE of your hotel/pick-up location 5-10 minutes prior to the time stated. Get comfortable while you travel to the Keys and across the Overseas Highway in our well-maintained coach bus with the tour guide speaking about Key West's rich history and culture. Arrive in Key West around 11:30 AM. Explore and experience Key West for 6 hours. See the town for yourself by walking through the streets. Everything is within walking distance! We give you a map of the city so you can handle your way around.  Leave Key West around 5:30 PM and get back to Miami around 9:30 - 10:45 PM (depending on the traffic and the drop-off location).
Seven Mile Bridge
There are two bridges in this location. The modern bridge is open to vehicular traffic; the older one only to pedestrians and cyclists. The older bridge, originally known as the Knights Key-Pigeon Key-Moser Channel-Pacet Channel Bridge, was constructed from 1909 to 1912 under the direction of Henry Flagler and Clarence S. Coe as part of the Florida East Coast Railway's Key West Extension, also known as the Overseas Railroad.
Southernmost Point
Key West is famous for being the southernmost city in the continental United States. When you visit, it's essential that you make it to the southernmost point on the island, found at the intersection of Whitehead Street and South Street.
US 1 Mile Marker 0
An interesting landmark for US highways. Mile marker zero notes the start of the highway for the US.1. The US.1 stretches from Key West, Florida, more than 2,000 miles to Fort Kent, Maine, not far from the United States-Canada border. The highway connects several major cities along the eastern seaboard such as Boston, Washington, D.C., and Portland, Maine. It’s also commonly referred to as the Overseas Highway in Florida, as it stretches out across the Florida Keys.
Key West
Pick up: Depending on your location this will range from 6 to 7:30 AM.  Make sure you are OUTSIDE of your hotel/pick-up location 5-10 minutes prior to the time stated. Get comfortable while you travel to the Keys and across the Overseas Highway in our well-maintained coach bus with the tour guide speaking about Key West's rich history and culture. Arrive in Key West around 11:30 AM. Explore and experience Key West for 6 hours. See the town for yourself by walking through the streets. Everything is within walking distance! We give you a map of the city so you can handle your way around.  Leave Key West around 5:30 PM and get back to Miami around 9:30 - 10:45 PM (depending on the traffic and the drop-off location).
Seven Mile Bridge
There are two bridges in this location. The modern bridge is open to vehicular traffic; the older one only to pedestrians and cyclists. The older bridge, originally known as the Knights Key-Pigeon Key-Moser Channel-Pacet Channel Bridge, was constructed from 1909 to 1912 under the direction of Henry Flagler and Clarence S. Coe as part of the Florida East Coast Railway's Key West Extension, also known as the Overseas Railroad.
Southernmost Point
Key West is famous for being the southernmost city in the continental United States. When you visit, it's essential that you make it to the southernmost point on the island, found at the intersection of Whitehead Street and South Street.
US 1 Mile Marker 0
An interesting landmark for US highways. Mile marker zero notes the start of the highway for the US.1. The US.1 stretches from Key West, Florida, more than 2,000 miles to Fort Kent, Maine, not far from the United States-Canada border. The highway connects several major cities along the eastern seaboard such as Boston, Washington, D.C., and Portland, Maine. It’s also commonly referred to as the Overseas Highway in Florida, as it stretches out across the Florida Keys.
Key West
Prise en charge : en fonction de votre emplacement, cela ira de 6h à 7h30. Assurez-vous d'être EN DEHORS de votre hôtel/lieu de prise en charge 5 à 10 minutes avant l'heure indiquée. Installez-vous confortablement pendant que vous voyagez vers les Keys et sur l'Overseas Highway dans notre autocar bien entretenu avec le guide qui parle de la riche histoire et de la culture de Key West. Arrivée à Key West vers 11h30. Explorez et découvrez Key West pendant 6 heures. Découvrez la ville par vous-même en vous promenant dans les rues. Tout est accessible à pied ! Nous vous donnons une carte de la ville afin que vous puissiez vous déplacer. Quittez Key West vers 17h30 et revenez à Miami vers 21h30 - 22h45 (selon le trafic et le lieu de dépose).
Pont de sept milles
Il y a deux ponts à cet endroit. Le pont moderne est ouvert à la circulation automobile ; le plus ancien uniquement aux piétons et aux cyclistes. L'ancien pont, à l'origine connu sous le nom de Knights Key-Pigeon Key-Moser Channel-Pacet Channel Bridge, a été construit de 1909 à 1912 sous la direction de Henry Flagler et Clarence S. Coe dans le cadre de l'extension Key West du Florida East Coast Railway. également connu sous le nom de chemin de fer d'outre-mer.
Point le plus au sud
Key West est célèbre pour être la ville la plus méridionale des États-Unis continentaux. Lors de votre visite, il est essentiel que vous vous rendiez au point le plus au sud de l'île, situé à l'intersection de Whitehead Street et South Street.
États-Unis 1 Mile Marker 0
Un point de repère intéressant pour les autoroutes américaines. Le marqueur milliaire zéro marque le début de l'autoroute pour l'US.1. L'US.1 s'étend de Key West, en Floride, sur plus de 2 000 milles jusqu'à Fort Kent, dans le Maine, non loin de la frontière canado-américaine. L'autoroute relie plusieurs grandes villes le long de la côte est telles que Boston, Washington, DC et Portland, Maine. Elle est aussi communément appelée Overseas Highway en Floride, car elle s'étend sur les Florida Keys.
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Politique d'annulation
Pour un remboursement complet, annulez au moins 24 heures avant l'heure de départ prévue.
Photos de voyageurs
Commentaires (538)
Dec 2022
The tour guide was funny and generally a nice guy overall. I felt like a kid doing a school field trip again which was actually pretty fun
Dec 2022
Live music!! Outdoor seating many places.Don’t miss hogs breath saloon.Friendly crowds.beautiful water views.
Pedro Henrique P
Dec 2022
The tour was great! It was on time, the guide was super nice and Key West is super cute, worthy the trip if you don’t drive or don’t want to drive. If going out to bars, I’d recommend to stay there one night, that’s my plan for the future.

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