Captain of the boat- Jonathan almost ruined our day. When approached for borrowing the life vest he was quick to recommend that we stay back on the boat and just enjoy the boat ride since we are not strong swimmers. I understand when said out of concern of safety but the way he said it was very condescending and reflected his intolerant nature towards people of different skill levels. He then even mentioned during his announcement- that you ‘should be a strong swimmer’ to snorkel.
I had told him, My first ever time was in Cancun with life vest in the middle of the ocean. (I, being not very adventurous individual keep in mind my safety first and don’t try activities without giving it good thought.) He still insisted that he thought snorkeling was not for us.
We got the life vests and snorkeled anyways a little bit disheartened/scared at first but it got better and we finished without any problems and headed back to our boat. The dive/snorkel guide, Daniel was awesome and swam around the group just to keep an eye out.
Back on the boat- one of our tour member was not back on time. Jonathan then announced that this person was still out in the water doing exactly what she was told not to do and in the process pronounced her name all wrong (intentionally, it was a Chinese name)
It was disheartening to see and hear a person acting without any tolerance, patience or compassion.
It is such a beautiful place and can be an experience of a lifetime being able to snorkel and see the sea creatures and feel the life under water. We did not let it ruin our day completely, it was very fun and we will do it again. With another company/captain maybe :)