We had the perfect day for this trip. The weather was beautiful, and we got great photos of Mt. Hood and other vistas. But this was supposed to be a 8 1/2 hour tour. Instead it was nearly 11 hours. we were scheduled to arrive back at the hotel at 5:30. Instead, it was nearly 8:00. We had made dinner plans for 7:00, which of course were dashed. There was no traffic, no excuse whatever for the lateness. Our guide just kept saying, "The next stop is 45 minutes. There's another stop another 45 minutes past that, . . ." It just went on and on. We seemed to hit every vista point on the Columbia Gorge. We should have taken a hint when we finally stopped for "lunch" at 3:40. It was a pretty drive, but just way, way too much. We arrived back at the hotel hot, tired, and hungry, and too late to shower or get into the restaurant. It was a disappointing experience. In fairness, we took a wine tasting tour from the same company the next day which was on time, well run, and very pleasant. Thank you Jeri!