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Na Pali Coast Kauai Snorkel et Voile

Familles et groupes - dites OUI à une aventure océanique pleine d'action de cinq heures à bord de notre magnifique et confortable catamaran à voile de 50 pieds construit à Kauai, Leila. Explorons les falaises, les vallées, les grottes marines et la faune de la côte de Napali, l'une des côtes les plus magnifiques et les plus fascinantes du monde. Nagons et plongeons parmi des dizaines d'espèces de poissons tropicaux et éventuellement des tortues, des raies manta et des phoques moines. Embarquons et sentons la puissance du vent nous propulser le long de la côte. La plongée en apnée, le petit-déjeuner, le déjeuner et les boissons (sans alcool et avec alcool) sont tous inclus, ce qui fait de ce forfait un excellent rapport qualité-prix et un excellent choix pour les familles et les groupes. Il y en a pour tous les goûts lors de cette excursion amusante, aventureuse et informative qui enflammera vos sens et créera des souvenirs durables pour vous et vos proches.

Ville: Kauai
Fri 28 Feb
Vous pouvez déjà choisir la date sur le site de réservation
À partir de $227.03
Fri 28 Feb
À partir de $227.03
Faire une réservation
Ce qui est inclu
See the Napali Coast, amazing marine life, and more!
Scrambled Eggs (Sautéed Veggies, Cheese), Bakers Choice (Danishes, Muffins, Cinnamon Rolls, Croissants, etc.), Fresh Seasonal Fruit, Medium Roast Coffee, Oatmeal, Tea & Hot Water
Fresh bread, deli meats, cheeses, veggie toppings, pasta salad, veggie crudités with ranch dressing & hummus, cookies. Drinks: Water, island juices, soft drinks, beer, seltzers, & wine.
All snorkeling equipment and instruction is included
Downwind catamaran sailing
Soft drinks and water; wine and beer served after snorkeling
The chance to see humpback whales (in season)
Information additionnelle
  • Animaux d'assistance autorisés
  • Déconseillé aux voyageurs souffrant de lésions médullaires
  • Déconseillé aux voyageurs ayant une mauvaise santé cardiovasculaire
  • Les voyageurs doivent avoir au moins un niveau de forme physique modéré
  • Politique relative aux passagers
  • Pas de femmes enceintes.
  • Déconseillé aux personnes qui ont ou ont eu des problèmes de dos, des blessures ou des interventions chirurgicales récentes, ou souffrez du mal des transports (aucun remboursement n'est accordé pour le mal de mer). Le mal de mer est mieux évité avec un remède en vente libre.
  • C'est une aventure. Les conditions océaniques peuvent varier et peuvent parfois devenir difficiles. Il peut ne pas convenir à certaines personnes (toutes les personnes à mobilité réduite sont soumises à la discrétion du capitaine).
  • Si vous n'avez pas vos médicaments prescrits avec vous, c'est-à-dire des inhalateurs, des EpiPens, des médicaments pour le diabète et/ou tout autre médicaments pris quotidiennement, vous devez reprogrammer votre visite pour un autre jour.
  • Tous les itinéraires et destinations de la visite sont sujets à changement sans préavis. Les conditions océaniques peuvent parfois devenir difficiles. La plongée en apnée dépend des conditions de l'océan.
  • Les visites annulées par Holo Holo Charters sont entièrement remboursables ou reportées avec plaisir.
  • Les « non-présentations » ou toute annulation sont soumises à une charge de 100 % du total tarif TTC.
  • Les enfants doivent être âgés d'au moins 5 ans
  • Les non-nageurs ne sont pas autorisés dans l'eau.
  • Toutes les visites sont "Pieds nus ”. Les passagers retireront leurs chaussures avant l'embarquement. Seules les exceptions orthopédiques/diabétiques seront faites à la demande du capitaine.
  • Vous devez apporter vos propres serviettes, crème solaire, une veste légère et un appareil photo. Nous fournirons tout le reste.
  • La crème solaire en vaporisateur/aérosol est un danger pour la sécurité et ne peut pas être utilisée à bord du navire. Nous encourageons l'utilisation d'écrans solaires respectueux des récifs.
  • Ne pas fumer à bord du navire ou sur le quai.
  • Nous ne débarquons pas à terre.
  • Ne vous garez pas au port ou à la jetée. Veuillez utiliser le parking Holo Holo uniquement ou votre voiture sera remorquée.
  • Nous ne sommes pas responsables des objets perdus, endommagés ou volés.
  • Nous nous réservons le droit de refuser le service.
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  • Les drones/avions sans pilote ne sont pas autorisés à bord du navire.
  • Nos navires sont équipés de têtes marines sensibles (toilettes) qui se boucheront si des corps étrangers sont rincés. Si vous rincez quelque chose d'autre que ce que votre corps produit et le papier toilette que nous fournissons, vous pourriez être responsable du coût de la réparation.
  • L'alcool ne sera servi qu'après la plongée en apnée. Si le passager consomme des boissons alcoolisées, une pièce d'identité sera exigée sur le navire. Aucune glacière n'est autorisée à bord.
  • Les masques de plongée intégraux ne sont pas autorisés, les passagers sont tenus d'utiliser des ensembles traditionnels de masque et tuba en deux parties que nous fournissons ou ils peuvent apporter les leurs.
  • Les invités sont tenus de remplir une décharge de santé numérique ainsi qu'un examen de santé COVID-19 avant de partir en tournée.
  • En tant qu'entreprise qui place la durabilité au premier plan de ses objectifs, nous vous demandons apportez votre propre bouteille d'eau réutilisable avec vous lors de la visite.
  • Aucune femme enceinte n'est autorisée à participer à la visite
  • Désinfectant pour les mains disponible pour les voyageurs et le personnel
  • Régulièrement désinfecté zones à fort trafic
  • Équipement/équipement désinfecté entre chaque utilisation
  • Guides requis pour se laver régulièrement les mains
  • Vérifications régulières de la température pour le personnel
À quoi s'attendre
Na Pali Coast
See the Incredible Napali Coast— It would be a crime to visit Kauai and not witness the magic of her 4,000’ cliffs, crystal-clear turquoise waters, bright emerald valleys, cascading waterfalls, sea caves, rainbows, dolphins, turtles, humpback whales (seasonally December- April), and much more.
Snorkeling Fun—We have all the gear you need (masks, snorkels, goggles, fins, flotation devices, reef-safe sunscreen) and will provide instructions. Our crew members will be in the water with you, on paddle boards, watching and making sure you’re having a safe and positive experience.
The Joy of Sailing—Granted there’s wind and conditions allow, we’ll hoist the sails, cut the motors and let the trade winds propel us along the coast. We’ve had Leila rocking up to 18 knots! Boat enthusiasts will appreciate Leila’s smart design and “nice lines.”
Hospitality with Aloha—Our friendly crew members will be there to anticipate and fulfill your needs. Whether it’s fitting your snorkel mask, grabbing you a drink, taking your picture, showing you where the bathroom is, or sneaking you an extra cookie, they’re on your side!
Polihale State Park
Get a Sense of the Cultural History—The Napali Coast is uninhabited today but was once home to thousands of people. We’ll share the history, legends, and stories of this fascinating land, leaving you with a deeper understanding and appreciation for Kauai and her people.
Quality Food and Drinks—Our catering crew uses whole ingredients to prepare the colorful and delicious meals we serve, fresh every day. We’ll keep you hydrated all day with our ample and creative selection of non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages including coffee, juices, sodas, water, beer, wine and hard seltzers.
A Safe and Original Experience—Every sunrise is different, and every day on the water is different. Taking into consideration the current weather and ocean conditions, your experienced Captain will use their discretion in planning the day’s specific itinerary. Their objective is to show you the best time possible, while always prioritizing your comfort and safety. Splashes can happen--bring a light jacket!
Na Pali Coast
See the Incredible Napali Coast— It would be a crime to visit Kauai and not witness the magic of her 4,000’ cliffs, crystal-clear turquoise waters, bright emerald valleys, cascading waterfalls, sea caves, rainbows, dolphins, turtles, humpback whales (seasonally December- April), and much more.
Snorkeling Fun—We have all the gear you need (masks, snorkels, goggles, fins, flotation devices, reef-safe sunscreen) and will provide instructions. Our crew members will be in the water with you, on paddle boards, watching and making sure you’re having a safe and positive experience.
The Joy of Sailing—Granted there’s wind and conditions allow, we’ll hoist the sails, cut the motors and let the trade winds propel us along the coast. We’ve had Leila rocking up to 18 knots! Boat enthusiasts will appreciate Leila’s smart design and “nice lines.”
Hospitality with Aloha—Our friendly crew members will be there to anticipate and fulfill your needs. Whether it’s fitting your snorkel mask, grabbing you a drink, taking your picture, showing you where the bathroom is, or sneaking you an extra cookie, they’re on your side!
Polihale State Park
Get a Sense of the Cultural History—The Napali Coast is uninhabited today but was once home to thousands of people. We’ll share the history, legends, and stories of this fascinating land, leaving you with a deeper understanding and appreciation for Kauai and her people.
Quality Food and Drinks—Our catering crew uses whole ingredients to prepare the colorful and delicious meals we serve, fresh every day. We’ll keep you hydrated all day with our ample and creative selection of non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages including coffee, juices, sodas, water, beer, wine and hard seltzers.
A Safe and Original Experience—Every sunrise is different, and every day on the water is different. Taking into consideration the current weather and ocean conditions, your experienced Captain will use their discretion in planning the day’s specific itinerary. Their objective is to show you the best time possible, while always prioritizing your comfort and safety. Splashes can happen--bring a light jacket!
Na Pali Coast
See the Incredible Napali Coast— It would be a crime to visit Kauai and not witness the magic of her 4,000’ cliffs, crystal-clear turquoise waters, bright emerald valleys, cascading waterfalls, sea caves, rainbows, dolphins, turtles, humpback whales (seasonally December- April), and much more.
Snorkeling Fun—We have all the gear you need (masks, snorkels, goggles, fins, flotation devices, reef-safe sunscreen) and will provide instructions. Our crew members will be in the water with you, on paddle boards, watching and making sure you’re having a safe and positive experience.
The Joy of Sailing—Granted there’s wind and conditions allow, we’ll hoist the sails, cut the motors and let the trade winds propel us along the coast. We’ve had Leila rocking up to 18 knots! Boat enthusiasts will appreciate Leila’s smart design and “nice lines.”
Hospitality with Aloha—Our friendly crew members will be there to anticipate and fulfill your needs. Whether it’s fitting your snorkel mask, grabbing you a drink, taking your picture, showing you where the bathroom is, or sneaking you an extra cookie, they’re on your side!
Polihale State Park
Get a Sense of the Cultural History—The Napali Coast is uninhabited today but was once home to thousands of people. We’ll share the history, legends, and stories of this fascinating land, leaving you with a deeper understanding and appreciation for Kauai and her people.
Quality Food and Drinks—Our catering crew uses whole ingredients to prepare the colorful and delicious meals we serve, fresh every day. We’ll keep you hydrated all day with our ample and creative selection of non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages including coffee, juices, sodas, water, beer, wine and hard seltzers.
A Safe and Original Experience—Every sunrise is different, and every day on the water is different. Taking into consideration the current weather and ocean conditions, your experienced Captain will use their discretion in planning the day’s specific itinerary. Their objective is to show you the best time possible, while always prioritizing your comfort and safety. Splashes can happen--bring a light jacket!
Na Pali Coast
See the Incredible Napali Coast— It would be a crime to visit Kauai and not witness the magic of her 4,000’ cliffs, crystal-clear turquoise waters, bright emerald valleys, cascading waterfalls, sea caves, rainbows, dolphins, turtles, humpback whales (seasonally December- April), and much more.
Snorkeling Fun—We have all the gear you need (masks, snorkels, goggles, fins, flotation devices, reef-safe sunscreen) and will provide instructions. Our crew members will be in the water with you, on paddle boards, watching and making sure you’re having a safe and positive experience.
The Joy of Sailing—Granted there’s wind and conditions allow, we’ll hoist the sails, cut the motors and let the trade winds propel us along the coast. We’ve had Leila rocking up to 18 knots! Boat enthusiasts will appreciate Leila’s smart design and “nice lines.”
Hospitality with Aloha—Our friendly crew members will be there to anticipate and fulfill your needs. Whether it’s fitting your snorkel mask, grabbing you a drink, taking your picture, showing you where the bathroom is, or sneaking you an extra cookie, they’re on your side!
Polihale State Park
Get a Sense of the Cultural History—The Napali Coast is uninhabited today but was once home to thousands of people. We’ll share the history, legends, and stories of this fascinating land, leaving you with a deeper understanding and appreciation for Kauai and her people.
Quality Food and Drinks—Our catering crew uses whole ingredients to prepare the colorful and delicious meals we serve, fresh every day. We’ll keep you hydrated all day with our ample and creative selection of non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages including coffee, juices, sodas, water, beer, wine and hard seltzers.
A Safe and Original Experience—Every sunrise is different, and every day on the water is different. Taking into consideration the current weather and ocean conditions, your experienced Captain will use their discretion in planning the day’s specific itinerary. Their objective is to show you the best time possible, while always prioritizing your comfort and safety. Splashes can happen--bring a light jacket!
Na Pali Coast
See the Incredible Napali Coast— It would be a crime to visit Kauai and not witness the magic of her 4,000’ cliffs, crystal-clear turquoise waters, bright emerald valleys, cascading waterfalls, sea caves, rainbows, dolphins, turtles, humpback whales (seasonally December- April), and much more.
Snorkeling Fun—We have all the gear you need (masks, snorkels, goggles, fins, flotation devices, reef-safe sunscreen) and will provide instructions. Our crew members will be in the water with you, on paddle boards, watching and making sure you’re having a safe and positive experience.
The Joy of Sailing—Granted there’s wind and conditions allow, we’ll hoist the sails, cut the motors and let the trade winds propel us along the coast. We’ve had Leila rocking up to 18 knots! Boat enthusiasts will appreciate Leila’s smart design and “nice lines.”
Hospitality with Aloha—Our friendly crew members will be there to anticipate and fulfill your needs. Whether it’s fitting your snorkel mask, grabbing you a drink, taking your picture, showing you where the bathroom is, or sneaking you an extra cookie, they’re on your side!
Polihale State Park
Get a Sense of the Cultural History—The Napali Coast is uninhabited today but was once home to thousands of people. We’ll share the history, legends, and stories of this fascinating land, leaving you with a deeper understanding and appreciation for Kauai and her people.
Quality Food and Drinks—Our catering crew uses whole ingredients to prepare the colorful and delicious meals we serve, fresh every day. We’ll keep you hydrated all day with our ample and creative selection of non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages including coffee, juices, sodas, water, beer, wine and hard seltzers.
A Safe and Original Experience—Every sunrise is different, and every day on the water is different. Taking into consideration the current weather and ocean conditions, your experienced Captain will use their discretion in planning the day’s specific itinerary. Their objective is to show you the best time possible, while always prioritizing your comfort and safety. Splashes can happen--bring a light jacket!
Na Pali Coast
See the Incredible Napali Coast— It would be a crime to visit Kauai and not witness the magic of her 4,000’ cliffs, crystal-clear turquoise waters, bright emerald valleys, cascading waterfalls, sea caves, rainbows, dolphins, turtles, humpback whales (seasonally December- April), and much more.
Snorkeling Fun—We have all the gear you need (masks, snorkels, goggles, fins, flotation devices, reef-safe sunscreen) and will provide instructions. Our crew members will be in the water with you, on paddle boards, watching and making sure you’re having a safe and positive experience.
The Joy of Sailing—Granted there’s wind and conditions allow, we’ll hoist the sails, cut the motors and let the trade winds propel us along the coast. We’ve had Leila rocking up to 18 knots! Boat enthusiasts will appreciate Leila’s smart design and “nice lines.”
Hospitality with Aloha—Our friendly crew members will be there to anticipate and fulfill your needs. Whether it’s fitting your snorkel mask, grabbing you a drink, taking your picture, showing you where the bathroom is, or sneaking you an extra cookie, they’re on your side!
Polihale State Park
Get a Sense of the Cultural History—The Napali Coast is uninhabited today but was once home to thousands of people. We’ll share the history, legends, and stories of this fascinating land, leaving you with a deeper understanding and appreciation for Kauai and her people.
Quality Food and Drinks—Our catering crew uses whole ingredients to prepare the colorful and delicious meals we serve, fresh every day. We’ll keep you hydrated all day with our ample and creative selection of non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages including coffee, juices, sodas, water, beer, wine and hard seltzers.
A Safe and Original Experience—Every sunrise is different, and every day on the water is different. Taking into consideration the current weather and ocean conditions, your experienced Captain will use their discretion in planning the day’s specific itinerary. Their objective is to show you the best time possible, while always prioritizing your comfort and safety. Splashes can happen--bring a light jacket!
Na Pali Coast
See the Incredible Napali Coast— It would be a crime to visit Kauai and not witness the magic of her 4,000’ cliffs, crystal-clear turquoise waters, bright emerald valleys, cascading waterfalls, sea caves, rainbows, dolphins, turtles, humpback whales (seasonally December- April), and much more.
Snorkeling Fun—We have all the gear you need (masks, snorkels, goggles, fins, flotation devices, reef-safe sunscreen) and will provide instructions. Our crew members will be in the water with you, on paddle boards, watching and making sure you’re having a safe and positive experience.
The Joy of Sailing—Granted there’s wind and conditions allow, we’ll hoist the sails, cut the motors and let the trade winds propel us along the coast. We’ve had Leila rocking up to 18 knots! Boat enthusiasts will appreciate Leila’s smart design and “nice lines.”
Hospitality with Aloha—Our friendly crew members will be there to anticipate and fulfill your needs. Whether it’s fitting your snorkel mask, grabbing you a drink, taking your picture, showing you where the bathroom is, or sneaking you an extra cookie, they’re on your side!
Polihale State Park
Get a Sense of the Cultural History—The Napali Coast is uninhabited today but was once home to thousands of people. We’ll share the history, legends, and stories of this fascinating land, leaving you with a deeper understanding and appreciation for Kauai and her people.
Quality Food and Drinks—Our catering crew uses whole ingredients to prepare the colorful and delicious meals we serve, fresh every day. We’ll keep you hydrated all day with our ample and creative selection of non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages including coffee, juices, sodas, water, beer, wine and hard seltzers.
A Safe and Original Experience—Every sunrise is different, and every day on the water is different. Taking into consideration the current weather and ocean conditions, your experienced Captain will use their discretion in planning the day’s specific itinerary. Their objective is to show you the best time possible, while always prioritizing your comfort and safety. Splashes can happen--bring a light jacket!
Côte de Na Pali
Voir l'incroyable côte de Napali - Ce serait un crime de visiter Kauai et de ne pas assister à la magie de ses falaises de 4 000 pieds, ses eaux turquoise cristallines, ses vallées émeraude lumineuses, ses cascades en cascade, ses grottes marines, ses arcs-en-ciel, ses dauphins, ses tortues, ses baleines à bosse ( en saison décembre-avril), et bien plus encore.
Snorkeling Fun - Nous avons tout l'équipement dont vous avez besoin (masques, tubas, lunettes, palmes, dispositifs de flottaison, crème solaire sans danger pour les récifs) et vous fournirons des instructions. Nos membres d'équipage seront dans l'eau avec vous, sur des planches à pagaie, surveillant et s'assurant que vous vivez une expérience sûre et positive.
La joie de naviguer—S'il y a du vent et que les conditions le permettent, nous hisserons les voiles, couperons les moteurs et laisserons les alizés nous propulser le long de la côte. Nous avons eu Leila qui a basculé jusqu'à 18 nœuds ! Les passionnés de bateaux apprécieront le design intelligent et les « belles lignes » de Leila.
Hospitalité avec Aloha - Nos sympathiques membres d'équipage seront là pour anticiper et répondre à vos besoins. Qu'il s'agisse d'ajuster votre masque de plongée, de vous prendre un verre, de vous prendre en photo, de vous montrer où se trouve la salle de bain ou de vous donner un cookie supplémentaire, ils sont à vos côtés !
Parc d'État de Polihale
Obtenez une idée de l'histoire culturelle - La côte de Napali est aujourd'hui inhabitée, mais abritait autrefois des milliers de personnes. Nous partagerons l'histoire, les légendes et les histoires de cette terre fascinante, vous laissant avec une compréhension et une appréciation plus profondes de Kauai et de son peuple.
Nourriture et boissons de qualité—Notre équipe de restauration utilise des ingrédients entiers pour préparer les repas colorés et délicieux que nous servons, frais chaque jour. Nous vous tiendrons hydraté toute la journée grâce à notre vaste sélection créative de boissons non alcoolisées et alcoolisées, notamment du café, des jus de fruits, des sodas, de l'eau, de la bière, du vin et des seltz durs.
Une expérience sûre et originale - Chaque lever de soleil est différent et chaque jour sur l'eau est différent. En tenant compte des conditions météorologiques et océaniques actuelles, votre capitaine expérimenté utilisera sa discrétion pour planifier l'itinéraire spécifique de la journée. Leur objectif est de vous montrer le meilleur temps possible, tout en privilégiant toujours votre confort et votre sécurité. Des éclaboussures peuvent arriver - apportez une veste légère !
Show 53 plus d'arrêts
Politique d'annulation
Toutes les ventes sont finales. Aucun remboursement n'est disponible pour les annulations.
Photos de voyageurs
Commentaires (309)
Dec 2022
The crew were great. Many good stories of past events and historical Hawaiian information. We saw a huge pod of dolphins, whales frolicking. Overall a wonderful experience.
Dec 2022
Lovely safe snorkel and sail on a catamaran. Beautiful weather! Great food. Coffee Reef safe 30.spf provided Great day!
Réponse de l'hôte
Dec 2022
We are glad to have had you aboard and are smiling reading over your review! Thank you for choosing to join us here at Holo Holo Charters and for letting us know what you thought about your time on the water! Mahalo and Aloha
Dec 2022
Captain Mike, Kevin & K worked hard to ensure everyone was safe and having an amazing experience. Good job fellas, we had a blast and highly recommend this excursion. Beautiful views, wild life and good food made for a great morning.

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