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Aventure en scooter sous-marin à Oahu

Profitez d'une aventure sous-marine passionnante sur Oahu ! Lors de cette excursion en scooter sous-marin, naviguez le long de la baie de Maunalua en passant devant le cratère Diamond Head, puis plongez sous la surface tout en conduisant votre propre scooter sous-marin électrique autopropulsé. Nagez avec des poissons colorés, des tortues de mer vertes et d'autres animaux marins d'une manière totalement unique et amusante ! Votre guide vous montrera la voie et aucune expérience n'est nécessaire.

Cette visite en petit groupe est limitée à 30 personnes, garantissant une expérience plus personnalisée.
Ville: Oahu
Sat 05 Oct
Vous pouvez déjà choisir la date sur le site de réservation
À partir de $166.50
Sat 05 Oct
À partir de $166.50
Faire une réservation
Ce qui est inclu
All equipment
Snacks and drinks
Wetsuit top and snorkel gear
All equipment
Snacks and drinks
Wetsuit top and snorkel gear
All equipment
Information additionnelle
  • Des transports en commun sont disponibles à proximité
  • Les bébés doivent s'asseoir sur les genoux d'un adulte
  • Déconseillé aux voyageuses enceintes
  • Déconseillé aux voyageurs ayant une mauvaise santé cardiovasculaire
  • Convient à tous les niveaux de condition physique
  • L'âge minimum est de 10 ans et la taille minimale est de 1,2 mètre
  • Veuillez porter un maillot de bain. Veuillez apporter une serviette et de la crème solaire
  • Un nombre minimum s'applique. Il y a une possibilité d'annulation après confirmation s'il n'y a pas assez de passagers pour répondre aux exigences. Dans ce cas, une alternative ou un remboursement complet vous sera proposé.
  • Le poids maximum est de 350 lb. La taille maximale est de 6'8". Une renonciation est requise avant l'aventure et le participant ne doit avoir aucune condition médicale antérieure ; les mineurs doivent avoir une renonciation signée par un parent ou un tuteur légal.
  • * Les mineurs doivent être accompagnés d'un adulte payant.
  • Désinfectant pour les mains à la disposition des voyageurs et du personnel
  • Régulièrement désinfecté -zones de circulation
  • Équipement/équipement désinfecté entre chaque utilisation
  • Guides tenus de se laver régulièrement les mains
Politique d'annulation
Si vous annulez au moins 4 jours avant l'heure de départ prévue, vous recevrez un remboursement complet.
Si vous annulez dans les 3 jours suivant l'heure de départ prévue, vous recevrez un remboursement de 0 %.
Photos de voyageurs
Commentaires (1000)
Oct 2021
I dont usually like doing reviews, but I had to give major kudos to the dive team and owners of this water scooter adventure!! It was absolutely AMAZING!! I can not swim worth anything, so I was initially terrified when I saw how we had to get into the scooter before going under. It took every ounce of courage for me to take the plunge and I couldn't be happier that I did. You will have your own personal diver, who will absolutely keep you safe! A lot of them looked like they were 12, not gonna lie lol, but I think they were older and either way, they were extremely experienced! If you are someone who can't swim, do not let your fear hold you back, I promise you will not regret this experience!! The fish and turtles were so beautiful! You have a food bag that you can squeeze and you have fish right up on you, you can even feel them nibble your finger as they go for the food (it doesn't hurt, their mouths were soft). Being up close to a sea turtle while in the ocean was SOO cool, but DO NOT TRY TO TOUCH THEM! They are protected and it is no game! This is an experience I would absolutely pay to do again and will remember for a lifetime!! Don't think twice about it, just do it!!
Oct 2021
You get on the boat and leave right on time so don't be late. They take pix of you b4 we head out. The ride takes 15min then they anchor it and only 8-10 people can go on the submarine scooter at a time so during that time you can go snorkeling, however, 1st come 1st serve for the snorkel gear and they didn't have enough life vests for everyone which shocked me. So 2 hours you are out there and only 20min is on the scooter. It can get boring quick but when it's your turn to go your nerves set in because you have to get off the boat onto the sub and then dunk under and get in and after that its a piece of cake. My heart raced but I made it 1st try. Your ears will hurt just keep swallowing or whatever works for you. The boat crew is very good at explaining everything b4 you go on this adventure. They are very thorough on explaining what to do when and after you get under the sub you feel very safe because the diver stays with you the entire time. They take tons of pix. Don't buy the video, not worth it. I thought the video would show the turtles we saw but it didn't, just a circle of going around our family. JMO The pictures are worth buying. Our family was excited about this cool new adventure until the seasickness set in. I was the only 1 that survived from our crew not puking. And about half the boat puked. So if you get seasick at all DON'T do this. And honestly I've seen many more sea creatures on other excursions snorkeling. All in all it was a cool different experience and they keep you feeling safe the entire time. I'd never do this again but again that's because we didn't see a ton of different sea creatures and seasickness and not enough life jackets to me is a HUGE NO NO!!!! There is no bathroom on board FYI They have water and many bags of chips for free on board.
Oct 2021
The submarine scooters were awesome. Would have been great to have longer in them and do some freestyle driving. Would recommend this to everyone - really unique experience.

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