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Excursion d'une demi-journée de rafting à Riggins Idaho sur la rivière Salmon

Nous sommes les experts du kayak gonflable. Si vous êtes intéressé à essayer de descendre vous-même la rivière, nous sommes là pour vous apprendre comment. Si vous cherchez simplement à faire du rafting avec votre famille ou vos amis, nous sommes également là pour vous aider.
Ville: McCall
Fri 20 Sep
Vous pouvez déjà choisir la date sur le site de réservation
À partir de $75.90
Fri 20 Sep
À partir de $75.90
Faire une réservation
Ce qui est inclu
BLM land use fees included
Transportation to the river and back to our shop included
All river gear included.
BLM land use fees included
Transportation to the river and back to our shop included
All river gear included.
BLM land use fees included
Information additionnelle
  • Déconseillé aux voyageurs enceintes
  • Déconseillé aux voyageurs ayant une mauvaise santé cardiovasculaire
  • Les voyageurs doivent avoir au moins un niveau de forme physique modéré
  • Âge minimum : 6 ans
  • Masques faciaux obligatoires pour les voyageurs dans les espaces publics
  • Masques faciaux obligatoires pour les guides dans les espaces publics
  • Désinfectant pour les mains à la disposition des voyageurs et du personnel
  • Distanciation sociale imposée tout au long de l'expérience
  • Zones à fort trafic régulièrement désinfectées
  • Équipement /équipement désinfecté entre les utilisations
  • Véhicules de transport régulièrement désinfectés
  • Guides nécessaires pour se laver régulièrement les mains
  • Nous avons toute une collection de protocoles qui évoluent au fur et à mesure que les directives locales et fédérales évoluent.
À quoi s'attendre
Orange Torpedo Trips
trip starts at 8:30 am or 12:30 pm MOUNTAIN STANDARD TIME at our shop in downtown Riggins.  After meeting at our shop we will drive five minutes At the put-in where the group will receive the equipment for the trip, including PFD’s for everyone, splash tops and helmets as requested or required. After getting everyone geared up the group will receive a thorough paddling orientation ensuring you have all the info you need to be successful during your river day. Apply the sunscreen and it’s time to start floating. The half-day trip starts off with some more mellow whitewater giving everyone a chance to get their feet under them before the group moves into the bigger rapids at Time Zone Bridge.  Here you will have your first taste of the big whitewater and huge thrills to come throughout the rest of the trip. Another big rapid around the corner leads to some time to relax, float and swim.  Sometime downriver and the group will pull over for a quick snack, some rock skipping and maybe even a little swimming before climbing back in the boats to take on the bigger rapids downstream. After a number of rapids certain to get the adrenaline pumping we come to the final flats above the takeout.  This is a great chance to hop in the river in your PFD and float along the canyon walls, splash the kids, and reflect on the incredible time you have had floating on the mighty Salmon River. As the group pulls into the takeout and the waiting van the guides will quickly pack up all the gear and it’s into the van for a 10 minute ride back to your waiting car and the conclusion of the trip
This is where the floating portion of the trip concludes. Here the group loads in a van and returns to our shop.
Orange Torpedo Trips
trip starts at 8:30 am or 12:30 pm MOUNTAIN STANDARD TIME at our shop in downtown Riggins.  After meeting at our shop we will drive five minutes At the put-in where the group will receive the equipment for the trip, including PFD’s for everyone, splash tops and helmets as requested or required. After getting everyone geared up the group will receive a thorough paddling orientation ensuring you have all the info you need to be successful during your river day. Apply the sunscreen and it’s time to start floating. The half-day trip starts off with some more mellow whitewater giving everyone a chance to get their feet under them before the group moves into the bigger rapids at Time Zone Bridge.  Here you will have your first taste of the big whitewater and huge thrills to come throughout the rest of the trip. Another big rapid around the corner leads to some time to relax, float and swim.  Sometime downriver and the group will pull over for a quick snack, some rock skipping and maybe even a little swimming before climbing back in the boats to take on the bigger rapids downstream. After a number of rapids certain to get the adrenaline pumping we come to the final flats above the takeout.  This is a great chance to hop in the river in your PFD and float along the canyon walls, splash the kids, and reflect on the incredible time you have had floating on the mighty Salmon River. As the group pulls into the takeout and the waiting van the guides will quickly pack up all the gear and it’s into the van for a 10 minute ride back to your waiting car and the conclusion of the trip
This is where the floating portion of the trip concludes. Here the group loads in a van and returns to our shop.
Orange Torpedo Trips
trip starts at 8:30 am or 12:30 pm MOUNTAIN STANDARD TIME at our shop in downtown Riggins.  After meeting at our shop we will drive five minutes At the put-in where the group will receive the equipment for the trip, including PFD’s for everyone, splash tops and helmets as requested or required. After getting everyone geared up the group will receive a thorough paddling orientation ensuring you have all the info you need to be successful during your river day. Apply the sunscreen and it’s time to start floating. The half-day trip starts off with some more mellow whitewater giving everyone a chance to get their feet under them before the group moves into the bigger rapids at Time Zone Bridge.  Here you will have your first taste of the big whitewater and huge thrills to come throughout the rest of the trip. Another big rapid around the corner leads to some time to relax, float and swim.  Sometime downriver and the group will pull over for a quick snack, some rock skipping and maybe even a little swimming before climbing back in the boats to take on the bigger rapids downstream. After a number of rapids certain to get the adrenaline pumping we come to the final flats above the takeout.  This is a great chance to hop in the river in your PFD and float along the canyon walls, splash the kids, and reflect on the incredible time you have had floating on the mighty Salmon River. As the group pulls into the takeout and the waiting van the guides will quickly pack up all the gear and it’s into the van for a 10 minute ride back to your waiting car and the conclusion of the trip
This is where the floating portion of the trip concludes. Here the group loads in a van and returns to our shop.
Orange Torpedo Trips
trip starts at 8:30 am or 12:30 pm MOUNTAIN STANDARD TIME at our shop in downtown Riggins.  After meeting at our shop we will drive five minutes At the put-in where the group will receive the equipment for the trip, including PFD’s for everyone, splash tops and helmets as requested or required. After getting everyone geared up the group will receive a thorough paddling orientation ensuring you have all the info you need to be successful during your river day. Apply the sunscreen and it’s time to start floating. The half-day trip starts off with some more mellow whitewater giving everyone a chance to get their feet under them before the group moves into the bigger rapids at Time Zone Bridge.  Here you will have your first taste of the big whitewater and huge thrills to come throughout the rest of the trip. Another big rapid around the corner leads to some time to relax, float and swim.  Sometime downriver and the group will pull over for a quick snack, some rock skipping and maybe even a little swimming before climbing back in the boats to take on the bigger rapids downstream. After a number of rapids certain to get the adrenaline pumping we come to the final flats above the takeout.  This is a great chance to hop in the river in your PFD and float along the canyon walls, splash the kids, and reflect on the incredible time you have had floating on the mighty Salmon River. As the group pulls into the takeout and the waiting van the guides will quickly pack up all the gear and it’s into the van for a 10 minute ride back to your waiting car and the conclusion of the trip
This is where the floating portion of the trip concludes. Here the group loads in a van and returns to our shop.
Voyages de torpilles orange
le voyage commence à 8 h 30 ou à 12 h 30, HEURE NORMALE DES MONTAGNES, dans notre boutique du centre-ville de Riggins. Après s'être rencontrés à notre magasin, nous conduirons cinq minutes au point de départ où le groupe recevra l'équipement pour le voyage, y compris les VFI pour tout le monde, les capotes et les casques demandés ou requis. Après avoir préparé tout le monde, le groupe recevra une orientation approfondie sur la pagaie, vous assurant d'avoir toutes les informations dont vous avez besoin pour réussir votre journée sur la rivière. Appliquez la crème solaire et il est temps de commencer à flotter. L'excursion d'une demi-journée commence par des eaux vives plus douces, donnant à chacun une chance de se mettre les pieds sous eux avant que le groupe ne se dirige vers les plus grands rapides du pont Time Zone. Ici, vous aurez un premier aperçu des grandes eaux vives et des sensations fortes à venir tout au long du voyage. Un autre grand rapide au coin de la rue donne du temps pour se détendre, flotter et nager. Parfois, en aval de la rivière, le groupe s'arrêtera pour une collation rapide, quelques rochers à sauter et peut-être même un peu de natation avant de remonter dans les bateaux pour affronter les plus gros rapides en aval. Après un certain nombre de rapides qui feront certainement monter l'adrénaline, nous arrivons aux derniers appartements au-dessus de la sortie. C'est une excellente occasion de sauter dans la rivière dans votre VFI et de flotter le long des parois du canyon, d'éclabousser les enfants et de réfléchir au temps incroyable que vous avez passé à flotter sur la puissante rivière Salmon. Au fur et à mesure que le groupe arrive dans la camionnette à emporter et dans la fourgonnette en attente, les guides rangeront rapidement tout le matériel et c'est dans la camionnette pour un trajet de 10 minutes jusqu'à votre voiture d'attente et la fin du voyage.
C'est là que se termine la partie flottante du voyage. Ici, le groupe charge dans une camionnette et retourne à notre magasin.
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Pour un remboursement complet, annulez au moins 24 heures avant l'heure de départ prévue.
Photos de voyageurs
Commentaires (10)
Jun 2021
Going thru the rapids was of course the most exciting. Drifting the still sections of the river was relaxing and brought you close to nature. All this was possible due to the great river guides and the well maintained equipment they used. They also went out of their way to insure our safety on the river.
Sep 2020
Scenery was wonderful. Gabe G, our guide, was such a pleasure. We really enjoyed his personality and appreciated his expertise in all phases of the trip.
Karen M
Aug 2019
A very pleasant half day trip with Orange Torpedo on the Salmon River. Plenty of calm water with just enough exciting rapids to spice it up. Warm sunshine and enough room in the raft to keep it from feeling crowded. Thanks to our guide, Taylor, who was very knowledgeable of the river section we traveled.

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