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Journée complète dans les gorges du Rio Grande

La gorge inférieure du Rio Grande est un large canyon avec un habitat riverain luxuriant le long des rives du Rio. Une fantastique aventure d'une journée complète pour les familles, les débutants et les groupes. La première moitié de la journée est une belle flotte à travers la section Orilla Verde du Rio Grande avec des paysages incroyables, de magnifiques arrêts pour le déjeuner au bord de la rivière et de nombreuses occasions de travailler sur votre pagaie en préparation pour les eaux vives passionnantes de l'hippodrome à venir dans l'après-midi. L'excursion d'une journée complète dans les gorges du Rio Grande se réunit à notre siège à 8h30 tous les jours et l'âge minimum pendant la majeure partie de l'année est de 5 ans.
Ville: Nouveau Mexique
Mon 23 Sep
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À partir de $145.00
Mon 23 Sep
À partir de $145.00
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Ce qui est inclu
World Class Guides
Safe, Secure Parking,
Full Service Headquarters
All rafting Equipment
Signature, Hot Chicken Fajita Lunch
World Class Guides
Information additionnelle
  • Accessible en fauteuil roulant
  • Les bébés et les jeunes enfants peuvent monter dans un landau ou une poussette
  • Les options de transport sont accessibles en fauteuil roulant
  • Convient à toutes les conditions physiques niveaux
  • Les enfants doivent être accompagnés d'un adulte
  • Masques faciaux requis pour les voyageurs dans les espaces publics
  • Masques faciaux requis pour les guides dans les espaces publics
  • Désinfectant pour les mains disponible pour les voyageurs et le personnel
  • Distanciation sociale appliquée tout au long de l'expérience
  • Zones à fort trafic régulièrement désinfectées
  • Équipement/équipement désinfecté entre les utilisations
  • >
  • Véhicules de transport régulièrement désinfectés
  • Guides tenus de se laver régulièrement les mains
  • Paiements sans contact pour les pourboires et les suppléments
À quoi s'attendre
Rio Grande Gorge
Starting Out We start at our headquarters where you’ll meet your guides for the day who will outfit you with all the gear necessary for the day on the river. At the headquarters, you will find safe secure parking, clean restrooms, changing rooms, shaded picnic tables on our patio rooms, and any last minute items you might have forgotten including sunscreen, water shoes, hats and much more. This is the perfect place to start your adventure.  Craft choices are dependent on water levels. The large majority of our guests like to participate and paddle along with the guide in the back of the boat giving paddling commands, however, you may also choose to sit back and let the guide do the work on an oar boat.  And for the adrenaline junkies, ask about an inflatable kayak at no extra charge. Floating the Rio Grande Gorge After the short drive to the starting point in our vans, your river trip begins with a placid morning float through one of the most scenic parts of the canyon with great opportunities to see a variety of wildlife including mule deer, river otter, beaver and many different birds of prey. This section also affords us time to practice paddling techniques, swimming and simply enjoying the Rio Grande. Somewhere in this stretch, we’ll stop on the side of the river for a nice lunch put together by your guides. After lunch, we run the Class III rapids of the “Racecourse.” The Lower Gorge of the Rio Grande is a broad canyon with lush riparian habitat along the banks of the Rio. As we enter the “Racecourse” section the geology radically changes as we pass onto the Rio Grande fault line, one of the largest intercontinental fault lines in North America. But let’s not forget the whitewater! The Racecourse is 6 miles of action-packed class 2-3 rapids. Perfect for everyone from beginners to intermediate/experts. There is something for everyone to enjoy on this section. With rapids like the Maze, Albert’s Falls, The Narrows, and The Thunderdome make sure you are braced in and ready to get wet! Listen to your guides as they negotiate these rapids and don’t forget to ask them to surf when the water levels are lower. Guides for the Rio Grande Gorge Full Day Our guides are the best in the business, focusing on safety and guest service as a top priority. All are extremely knowledgeable about the area’s geology, ecology and history and just love being on the river. Our Guides have experience on rivers all over the country and across the globe, I know you’ll enjoy each one as much as we do.   They will certainly help to make your day on the river the best possible. Full Day Rio Grande rafting trips available EVERY DAY starting in March through September. Our minimum age at most water levels is 5, however, at the higher flows, that minimum age rises to 13. Book online or call us anytime, 1-800-983-7756, to reserve your space.
Rio Grande Gorge
Starting Out We start at our headquarters where you’ll meet your guides for the day who will outfit you with all the gear necessary for the day on the river. At the headquarters, you will find safe secure parking, clean restrooms, changing rooms, shaded picnic tables on our patio rooms, and any last minute items you might have forgotten including sunscreen, water shoes, hats and much more. This is the perfect place to start your adventure.  Craft choices are dependent on water levels. The large majority of our guests like to participate and paddle along with the guide in the back of the boat giving paddling commands, however, you may also choose to sit back and let the guide do the work on an oar boat.  And for the adrenaline junkies, ask about an inflatable kayak at no extra charge. Floating the Rio Grande Gorge After the short drive to the starting point in our vans, your river trip begins with a placid morning float through one of the most scenic parts of the canyon with great opportunities to see a variety of wildlife including mule deer, river otter, beaver and many different birds of prey. This section also affords us time to practice paddling techniques, swimming and simply enjoying the Rio Grande. Somewhere in this stretch, we’ll stop on the side of the river for a nice lunch put together by your guides. After lunch, we run the Class III rapids of the “Racecourse.” The Lower Gorge of the Rio Grande is a broad canyon with lush riparian habitat along the banks of the Rio. As we enter the “Racecourse” section the geology radically changes as we pass onto the Rio Grande fault line, one of the largest intercontinental fault lines in North America. But let’s not forget the whitewater! The Racecourse is 6 miles of action-packed class 2-3 rapids. Perfect for everyone from beginners to intermediate/experts. There is something for everyone to enjoy on this section. With rapids like the Maze, Albert’s Falls, The Narrows, and The Thunderdome make sure you are braced in and ready to get wet! Listen to your guides as they negotiate these rapids and don’t forget to ask them to surf when the water levels are lower. Guides for the Rio Grande Gorge Full Day Our guides are the best in the business, focusing on safety and guest service as a top priority. All are extremely knowledgeable about the area’s geology, ecology and history and just love being on the river. Our Guides have experience on rivers all over the country and across the globe, I know you’ll enjoy each one as much as we do.   They will certainly help to make your day on the river the best possible. Full Day Rio Grande rafting trips available EVERY DAY starting in March through September. Our minimum age at most water levels is 5, however, at the higher flows, that minimum age rises to 13. Book online or call us anytime, 1-800-983-7756, to reserve your space.
Rio Grande Gorge
Starting Out We start at our headquarters where you’ll meet your guides for the day who will outfit you with all the gear necessary for the day on the river. At the headquarters, you will find safe secure parking, clean restrooms, changing rooms, shaded picnic tables on our patio rooms, and any last minute items you might have forgotten including sunscreen, water shoes, hats and much more. This is the perfect place to start your adventure.  Craft choices are dependent on water levels. The large majority of our guests like to participate and paddle along with the guide in the back of the boat giving paddling commands, however, you may also choose to sit back and let the guide do the work on an oar boat.  And for the adrenaline junkies, ask about an inflatable kayak at no extra charge. Floating the Rio Grande Gorge After the short drive to the starting point in our vans, your river trip begins with a placid morning float through one of the most scenic parts of the canyon with great opportunities to see a variety of wildlife including mule deer, river otter, beaver and many different birds of prey. This section also affords us time to practice paddling techniques, swimming and simply enjoying the Rio Grande. Somewhere in this stretch, we’ll stop on the side of the river for a nice lunch put together by your guides. After lunch, we run the Class III rapids of the “Racecourse.” The Lower Gorge of the Rio Grande is a broad canyon with lush riparian habitat along the banks of the Rio. As we enter the “Racecourse” section the geology radically changes as we pass onto the Rio Grande fault line, one of the largest intercontinental fault lines in North America. But let’s not forget the whitewater! The Racecourse is 6 miles of action-packed class 2-3 rapids. Perfect for everyone from beginners to intermediate/experts. There is something for everyone to enjoy on this section. With rapids like the Maze, Albert’s Falls, The Narrows, and The Thunderdome make sure you are braced in and ready to get wet! Listen to your guides as they negotiate these rapids and don’t forget to ask them to surf when the water levels are lower. Guides for the Rio Grande Gorge Full Day Our guides are the best in the business, focusing on safety and guest service as a top priority. All are extremely knowledgeable about the area’s geology, ecology and history and just love being on the river. Our Guides have experience on rivers all over the country and across the globe, I know you’ll enjoy each one as much as we do.   They will certainly help to make your day on the river the best possible. Full Day Rio Grande rafting trips available EVERY DAY starting in March through September. Our minimum age at most water levels is 5, however, at the higher flows, that minimum age rises to 13. Book online or call us anytime, 1-800-983-7756, to reserve your space.
Gorges du Rio Grande
Commençant Nous commençons à notre siège social où vous rencontrerez vos guides pour la journée qui vous équiperont de tout le matériel nécessaire pour la journée sur la rivière. Au siège, vous trouverez un parking sécurisé, des toilettes propres, des vestiaires, des tables de pique-nique ombragées sur nos salles de patio et tous les articles de dernière minute que vous auriez pu oublier, notamment de la crème solaire, des chaussures d'eau, des chapeaux et bien plus encore. C'est l'endroit idéal pour commencer votre aventure. Les choix d'artisanat dépendent des niveaux d'eau. La grande majorité de nos invités aiment participer et pagayer avec le guide à l'arrière du bateau donnant des commandes de pagayage, cependant, vous pouvez également choisir de vous asseoir et de laisser le guide faire le travail sur un bateau à rames. Et pour les accros à l'adrénaline, renseignez-vous sur un kayak gonflable sans frais supplémentaires. Flottant dans les gorges du Rio Grande Après le court trajet en voiture jusqu'au point de départ dans nos fourgonnettes, votre voyage sur la rivière commence par un flotteur matinal placide à travers l'une des parties les plus pittoresques du canyon avec de grandes opportunités de voir une variété d'animaux sauvages, y compris le cerf mulet, la loutre de rivière, le castor et bien d'autres. différents oiseaux de proie. Cette section nous donne également le temps de pratiquer les techniques de pagaie, de nager et simplement de profiter du Rio Grande. Quelque part dans ce tronçon, nous nous arrêterons au bord de la rivière pour un bon déjeuner préparé par vos guides. Après le déjeuner, nous courons les rapides de classe III de « l'hippodrome ». La gorge inférieure du Rio Grande est un large canyon avec un habitat riverain luxuriant le long des rives du Rio. Lorsque nous entrons dans la section "Hippodrome", la géologie change radicalement lorsque nous passons sur la ligne de faille du Rio Grande, l'une des plus grandes lignes de faille intercontinentales en Amérique du Nord. Mais n'oublions pas l'eau vive ! L'hippodrome est composé de 6 miles de rapides de classe 2-3 bourrés d'action. Parfait pour tout le monde, des débutants aux intermédiaires/experts. Il y en a pour tous les goûts dans cette section. Avec des rapides comme le Maze, Albert's Falls, The Narrows et The Thunderdome, assurez-vous d'être préparé et prêt à vous mouiller ! Écoutez vos guides pendant qu'ils négocient ces rapides et n'oubliez pas de leur demander de surfer lorsque les niveaux d'eau sont plus bas. Guides pour la journée complète des gorges du Rio Grande Nos guides sont les meilleurs du secteur, mettant l'accent sur la sécurité et le service client comme une priorité absolue. Tous sont extrêmement bien informés sur la géologie, l'écologie et l'histoire de la région et adorent être sur la rivière. Nos guides ont de l'expérience sur les rivières de tout le pays et du monde entier, je sais que vous apprécierez chacun autant que nous. Ils contribueront certainement à rendre votre journée sur la rivière la meilleure possible. Excursions de rafting d'une journée complète sur le Rio Grande disponibles TOUS LES JOURS de mars à septembre. Notre âge minimum à la plupart des niveaux d'eau est de 5 ans, cependant, aux débits les plus élevés, cet âge minimum passe à 13 ans. Réservez en ligne ou appelez-nous à tout moment, 1-800-983-7756, pour réserver votre place.
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Photos de voyageurs
Commentaires (175)
Aug 2019
We spent a full day on the Rio Grande with an excellent guide, Matt van Buren. Beginning with a lazy float to get acclimated, the four of us paddlers learned Matt’s commands for when we would need them in the afternoon. A hot lunch of fajitas and secret sauce kept us paddling through bumpy rapids of the race course and around Baby Huey, a huge rock perched at the side of the river. Thanks to a business that values safety and geologic information as much as coursing through the rapids.
Réponse de l'hôte
Aug 2019
Thank you!! We are glad you agree with our emphasis on all aspects of the river trip, not just crashing through the waves (but oh boy is that part fun!!).
Jul 2019
We took our summer vacation to Angel Fire NM this year and one of our day excursions was the Rio Grande Gorge full day trip. The day would provide us with some quiet time on the water with some swimming and learning the ropes as well as some history of the area ( beware of the Jacalopes!) Then we stopped for some lunch which was provided and prepared by the guides. (Which were all wonderful) They took allergies into consideration as well. Then a quick float in the current and back to the rafts for the Race Course part of the trip! That was amazing! Your guide definitely plays a big part of your experience and Garrett did not disappoint! He was funny, informative, knowledgeable, and skilled at his job. We felt safe and had lots of laughs along the way. It was a great experience and we thank Garrett and the team for that! We even saw Garrett a couple of days later on a hike out at Willams Lake and he stopped to chat with us for a bit. Which was amazing considering the size of the state and the odds we would be in the same place at the same time! The company is professional, clean and know their stuff. They took some great shots which you can see right after the trip and purchase a pin drive to take home and print for us to keep as memories. I totally recommend this trip with this company. They were wonderful. Thank you from the family from St. Augustine FL. Brendan, Tracy, Emily and Riley
Réponse de l'hôte
Aug 2019
What a treat to run into Garrett on and off the river! We thank you for joining us and for the awesome review!
Jul 2019
We had a great time on the Rio Grande Gorge day trip with our 14-year-old daughter. She thought she was going to hate it and only came along because she had no other choice. Our guide Liam’s great enthusiasm for the river and the area turned her around and by the end she was up front helping set the pace for paddling.
Réponse de l'hôte
Aug 2019
Thank you! We can work some serious magic on teenagers!!!

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