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Excursion en jeep d'une demi-journée dans la boucle des gorges royales

Cette visite à couper le souffle de 3,5 heures vous place littéralement au bord de l'une des attractions les plus pittoresques du Colorado. Regardez dans les gorges royales à couper le souffle alors que cette visite vous emmène sur le plus haut pont suspendu d'Amérique à près de 1000 pieds au-dessus de la rivière Arkansas. Un accès exclusif par l'entrée sud au Royal Gorge Bridge and Park et au sommet de Fremont Peak vous permet de voir et de découvrir la vraie beauté du Colorado. Traversez un cimetière répertorié dans le registre national des lieux historiques, observez les empreintes de dinosaures et observez généralement la faune du Colorado.

Cette visite panoramique n'est que l'un des endroits incroyables que nous visitons depuis notre bureau de Cañon City. Si cette visite ne répond pas à vos besoins, nous en avons probablement une qui le fait. Nous proposons des visites et des forfaits de 3 heures à toute la journée. Assurez-vous de voir nos autres annonces pour plus d'options.
Ville: Canon City
Sun 20 Oct
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À partir de $129.00
Sun 20 Oct
À partir de $129.00
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Ce qui est inclu
Professional guide
Professional guide
Professional guide
Professional guide
Information additionnelle
  • Animaux d'assistance autorisés
  • Des options de transport en commun sont disponibles à proximité
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  • Les enfants doivent être accompagnés d'un adulte
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  • Veuillez vous assurer de confirmer vos projets de voyage à Canon City avant de faire une réservation pour notre jeep tournées. En raison du nombre très limité de places assises sur les véhicules personnalisés, le paiement intégral est dû au moment de la réservation et les réservations effectuées via TripAdvisor ne peuvent être ni modifiées ni annulées une fois confirmées. Notre politique d'annulation est de 100% de frais d'annulation, ce qui signifie qu'il n'y a aucun remboursement une fois qu'une visite est réservée. Si vous avez des questions à ce sujet, veuillez consulter la page FAQ du site Web de Colorado Jeep Tours ou appeler Colorado Jeep Tours avant de réserver une visite.
  • Équipement/équipement désinfecté entre chaque utilisation
  • Véhicules de transport régulièrement désinfectés
  • Guides nécessaires pour se laver régulièrement les mains
À quoi s'attendre
Royal Gorge Bridge and Park
Look down into the breathtaking Royal Gorge as this tour takes you over America’s highest suspension bridge nearly 1000 feet above the Arkansas River. Exclusive access through the south entrance to the Royal Gorge Bridge and Park and to the top of Fremont Peak allow you to see and experience true Colorado beauty.
Skyline Drive
Skyline Drive is a scenic roadway in Cañon City, Colorado. It was built by inmate labor in 1905.[1] The road starts from U.S. Highway 50, with a gradual incline up the side of a ridge. When the road crests, it winds, climbs, and falls like a roller coaster until near its end, where a scenic outlook overlooks both the city (east) and the highway (west). The single-lane, one-way road rises about 800 feet above the surrounding terrain. There are no guardrails despite sharp drop offs, and the drive is about 3 miles long.
Temple Canyon Park
Temple Canyon road winds over the Royal Gorge anticline through the ancient hunting grounds of the Ute tribe. The canyon road passes "The Temple" but you have to know where to look. Fossils can be seen along the road with other geological wonders.
Royal Gorge Bridge and Park
Look down into the breathtaking Royal Gorge as this tour takes you over America’s highest suspension bridge nearly 1000 feet above the Arkansas River. Exclusive access through the south entrance to the Royal Gorge Bridge and Park and to the top of Fremont Peak allow you to see and experience true Colorado beauty.
Skyline Drive
Skyline Drive is a scenic roadway in Cañon City, Colorado. It was built by inmate labor in 1905.[1] The road starts from U.S. Highway 50, with a gradual incline up the side of a ridge. When the road crests, it winds, climbs, and falls like a roller coaster until near its end, where a scenic outlook overlooks both the city (east) and the highway (west). The single-lane, one-way road rises about 800 feet above the surrounding terrain. There are no guardrails despite sharp drop offs, and the drive is about 3 miles long.
Temple Canyon Park
Temple Canyon road winds over the Royal Gorge anticline through the ancient hunting grounds of the Ute tribe. The canyon road passes "The Temple" but you have to know where to look. Fossils can be seen along the road with other geological wonders.
Royal Gorge Bridge and Park
Look down into the breathtaking Royal Gorge as this tour takes you over America’s highest suspension bridge nearly 1000 feet above the Arkansas River. Exclusive access through the south entrance to the Royal Gorge Bridge and Park and to the top of Fremont Peak allow you to see and experience true Colorado beauty.
Skyline Drive
Skyline Drive is a scenic roadway in Cañon City, Colorado. It was built by inmate labor in 1905.[1] The road starts from U.S. Highway 50, with a gradual incline up the side of a ridge. When the road crests, it winds, climbs, and falls like a roller coaster until near its end, where a scenic outlook overlooks both the city (east) and the highway (west). The single-lane, one-way road rises about 800 feet above the surrounding terrain. There are no guardrails despite sharp drop offs, and the drive is about 3 miles long.
Temple Canyon Park
Temple Canyon road winds over the Royal Gorge anticline through the ancient hunting grounds of the Ute tribe. The canyon road passes "The Temple" but you have to know where to look. Fossils can be seen along the road with other geological wonders.
Royal Gorge Bridge and Park
Look down into the breathtaking Royal Gorge as this tour takes you over America’s highest suspension bridge nearly 1000 feet above the Arkansas River. Exclusive access through the south entrance to the Royal Gorge Bridge and Park and to the top of Fremont Peak allow you to see and experience true Colorado beauty.
Skyline Drive
Skyline Drive is a scenic roadway in Cañon City, Colorado. It was built by inmate labor in 1905.[1] The road starts from U.S. Highway 50, with a gradual incline up the side of a ridge. When the road crests, it winds, climbs, and falls like a roller coaster until near its end, where a scenic outlook overlooks both the city (east) and the highway (west). The single-lane, one-way road rises about 800 feet above the surrounding terrain. There are no guardrails despite sharp drop offs, and the drive is about 3 miles long.
Temple Canyon Park
Temple Canyon road winds over the Royal Gorge anticline through the ancient hunting grounds of the Ute tribe. The canyon road passes "The Temple" but you have to know where to look. Fossils can be seen along the road with other geological wonders.
Royal Gorge Bridge and Park
Look down into the breathtaking Royal Gorge as this tour takes you over America’s highest suspension bridge nearly 1000 feet above the Arkansas River. Exclusive access through the south entrance to the Royal Gorge Bridge and Park and to the top of Fremont Peak allow you to see and experience true Colorado beauty.
Skyline Drive
Skyline Drive is a scenic roadway in Cañon City, Colorado. It was built by inmate labor in 1905.[1] The road starts from U.S. Highway 50, with a gradual incline up the side of a ridge. When the road crests, it winds, climbs, and falls like a roller coaster until near its end, where a scenic outlook overlooks both the city (east) and the highway (west). The single-lane, one-way road rises about 800 feet above the surrounding terrain. There are no guardrails despite sharp drop offs, and the drive is about 3 miles long.
Temple Canyon Park
Temple Canyon road winds over the Royal Gorge anticline through the ancient hunting grounds of the Ute tribe. The canyon road passes "The Temple" but you have to know where to look. Fossils can be seen along the road with other geological wonders.
Royal Gorge Bridge and Park
Look down into the breathtaking Royal Gorge as this tour takes you over America’s highest suspension bridge nearly 1000 feet above the Arkansas River. Exclusive access through the south entrance to the Royal Gorge Bridge and Park and to the top of Fremont Peak allow you to see and experience true Colorado beauty.
Skyline Drive
Skyline Drive is a scenic roadway in Cañon City, Colorado. It was built by inmate labor in 1905.[1] The road starts from U.S. Highway 50, with a gradual incline up the side of a ridge. When the road crests, it winds, climbs, and falls like a roller coaster until near its end, where a scenic outlook overlooks both the city (east) and the highway (west). The single-lane, one-way road rises about 800 feet above the surrounding terrain. There are no guardrails despite sharp drop offs, and the drive is about 3 miles long.
Temple Canyon Park
Temple Canyon road winds over the Royal Gorge anticline through the ancient hunting grounds of the Ute tribe. The canyon road passes "The Temple" but you have to know where to look. Fossils can be seen along the road with other geological wonders.
Royal Gorge Bridge and Park
Look down into the breathtaking Royal Gorge as this tour takes you over America’s highest suspension bridge nearly 1000 feet above the Arkansas River. Exclusive access through the south entrance to the Royal Gorge Bridge and Park and to the top of Fremont Peak allow you to see and experience true Colorado beauty.
Skyline Drive
Skyline Drive is a scenic roadway in Cañon City, Colorado. It was built by inmate labor in 1905.[1] The road starts from U.S. Highway 50, with a gradual incline up the side of a ridge. When the road crests, it winds, climbs, and falls like a roller coaster until near its end, where a scenic outlook overlooks both the city (east) and the highway (west). The single-lane, one-way road rises about 800 feet above the surrounding terrain. There are no guardrails despite sharp drop offs, and the drive is about 3 miles long.
Temple Canyon Park
Temple Canyon road winds over the Royal Gorge anticline through the ancient hunting grounds of the Ute tribe. The canyon road passes "The Temple" but you have to know where to look. Fossils can be seen along the road with other geological wonders.
Pont et parc de la gorge royale
Regardez dans les gorges royales à couper le souffle alors que cette visite vous emmène sur le plus haut pont suspendu d'Amérique à près de 1000 pieds au-dessus de la rivière Arkansas. Un accès exclusif par l'entrée sud au Royal Gorge Bridge and Park et au sommet de Fremont Peak vous permet de voir et de découvrir la vraie beauté du Colorado.
Skyline Drive
Skyline Drive est une route panoramique à Cañon City, Colorado. Il a été construit par des détenus en 1905.[1] La route part de l'US Highway 50, avec une pente progressive sur le côté d'une crête. Lorsque la route atteint sa crête, elle serpente, monte et tombe comme des montagnes russes jusqu'à sa fin, où une vue panoramique surplombe à la fois la ville (est) et l'autoroute (ouest). La route à voie unique et à sens unique s'élève à environ 800 pieds au-dessus du terrain environnant. Il n'y a pas de garde-corps malgré de fortes dénivellations et le trajet fait environ 3 miles de long.
Parc du Canyon du Temple
La route de Temple Canyon serpente au-dessus de l'anticlinal Royal Gorge à travers les anciens terrains de chasse de la tribu Ute. La route du canyon passe "Le Temple" mais il faut savoir où chercher. Des fossiles peuvent être vus le long de la route avec d'autres merveilles géologiques.
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Toutes les ventes sont finales. Aucun remboursement n'est disponible pour les annulations.
Photos de voyageurs
Commentaires (141)
Jul 2019
Family took a trip down to Canon City and did the half day RG Jeep trip. Overall it was an ok trip, got a good history lesson and able to cross the RG in a Jeep, but for the price would have expected more. $450 for 4 is pretty pricey when you consider you just drive down gravel roads to get to the RG.
Réponse de l'hôte
Jul 2019
Oh dear! A 3-star review is such a bummer, as our entire team works very hard to deliver a 5-star experience. I'm truly sorry to hear you didn't feel the tour was worth the cost. One thing you failed to mention here is that your $119/person half-day Royal Gorge jeep tour included free Royal Gorge Bridge & Park tickets, a $28/person value. So, the tour portion was $91, which is below what other Pikes Peak / Colorado Springs region jeep companies charge for similar tours. Perhaps an off-road jeep tour just wasn't what you were looking and another experience, such a ride on the Royal Gorge Route Railroad (at the bottom of the gorge along the Arkansas River), would have been more to your liking. Our tours are described in detail on our website, and include a number of photos and videos, so perhaps you didn't have a chance to review that information before you booked your tour online. In any case, I'm sorry we didn't meet your expectations. (Although it sounds like your guide did an excellent job giving you local and historical info - that's a plus!) If you would like to give me a call, I'd welcome more specific feedback and what you think we could have done better. Thank you very much for your business, and for your feedback. We hope you enjoyed your visit to the Royal Gorge region.
Jul 2019
Driver was very knowledgeable and friendly and added a lot of interesting information and history to the tour. The tour gives you some great views, with access to some roads that are inaccessible to the general public. Very good value too, given how long the tour is. Definitely worthwhile. Be sure to bring: water, sunglasses, sunscreen. Be prepared for: a couple bumpy spots. Most of the drive was surprisingly smooth, but a couple brief spots were very bumpy. Also be prepared to put your hat away – can get windy in the back of the Jeep and on the big bridge. Have fun!
Réponse de l'hôte
Jul 2019
Thanks so much for the 5-star review and your comments. Yes, your recommendations are good ones! All the things you suggest come in handy year-round, but especially so in the summer months. Hope to see you again soon.
Jun 2019
Such a fun adventure for kids and adults! Steve was a very knowledgeable guide...patient with the kid's questions. Couldn't recommend it more, especially with Steve at the helm.
Réponse de l'hôte
Jul 2019
Bravo to Steve! Yes, he is an expert tour guide and has been one across most of the USA and several other countries during his long guiding career. Steve loves taking visitors on tours and showing them amazing sites, while providing really interesting commentary along the way. So happy to hear that your group - the young and the young at heart - enjoyed the off-road jeeping experience. We hope to see you the next time you visit the Royal Gorge region.

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