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Segway Eco Discovery Tour à Honey Horn (90 minutes)

Roulez en couple, en famille ou en groupe à la même vitesse et durée, quel que soit l'âge ou le handicap. Apprenez à conduire un Segway en quelques minutes, puis amusez-vous !

Vous devez réserver pour au moins 2 personnes. Les visites réservées avec moins de deux doivent malheureusement être annulées.
Ville: Île de Hilton-Head
Tue 04 Jun
Vous pouvez déjà choisir la date sur le site de réservation
À partir de $95.00
Tue 04 Jun
À partir de $95.00
Faire une réservation
Ce qui est inclu
Bottled water
Segway and helmet
Bottled water
Segway and helmet
Bottled water
Segway and helmet
Attractions incontournables et hors des sentiers battus
Information additionnelle
  • Déconseillé aux voyageurs souffrant de lésions de la colonne vertébrale
  • Déconseillé aux voyageuses enceintes
  • Convient à tous les niveaux de forme physique
À quoi s'attendre
Coastal Discovery Museum
Our most popular Eco-Tour. Ride through open meadows, live oak-forest, explore the salt marsh and hear the history of the 70 acre, former cotton plantation. When done, enjoy the Coastal Discovery Museum. Eco Tours are stop and go, narrated tours mixing fun with a little new knowledge. Great for younger children, families and those who want a slower-paced activity. Want a faster "ride"--check out our Segway Tropical Pathway Tours. 90 minutes (including training) exploring the entire 70-acre nature preserve. Slow paced, stop and go, narrated tour Address: 70 Honey Horn Drive
Coastal Discovery Museum
Our most popular Eco-Tour. Ride through open meadows, live oak-forest, explore the salt marsh and hear the history of the 70 acre, former cotton plantation. When done, enjoy the Coastal Discovery Museum. Eco Tours are stop and go, narrated tours mixing fun with a little new knowledge. Great for younger children, families and those who want a slower-paced activity. Want a faster "ride"--check out our Segway Tropical Pathway Tours. 90 minutes (including training) exploring the entire 70-acre nature preserve. Slow paced, stop and go, narrated tour Address: 70 Honey Horn Drive
Coastal Discovery Museum
Our most popular Eco-Tour. Ride through open meadows, live oak-forest, explore the salt marsh and hear the history of the 70 acre, former cotton plantation. When done, enjoy the Coastal Discovery Museum. Eco Tours are stop and go, narrated tours mixing fun with a little new knowledge. Great for younger children, families and those who want a slower-paced activity. Want a faster "ride"--check out our Segway Tropical Pathway Tours. 90 minutes (including training) exploring the entire 70-acre nature preserve. Slow paced, stop and go, narrated tour Address: 70 Honey Horn Drive
Musée de la Découverte du Littoral
Notre Eco-Tour le plus populaire. Traversez des prairies ouvertes, des forêts de chênes vivants, explorez le marais salé et écoutez l'histoire de l'ancienne plantation de coton de 70 acres. Une fois terminé, profitez du Coastal Discovery Museum. Les écotours sont des arrêts et départs, des visites commentées mêlant plaisir et nouvelles connaissances. Idéal pour les jeunes enfants, les familles et ceux qui veulent une activité plus lente. Vous voulez un "tour" plus rapide - consultez nos circuits Segway Tropical Pathway. 90 minutes (y compris la formation) pour explorer l'ensemble Réserve naturelle de 70 acres. Rythme lent, arrêtez-vous et partez, visite commentée Adresse : 70, promenade Honey Horn
Show 1 plus d'arrêts
Politique d'annulation
Pour un remboursement complet, annulez au moins 24 heures avant l'heure de départ prévue.
Photos de voyageurs
Commentaires (53)
Sep 2022
Our guide Chris was friendly, helpful, and a great teacher for new Segway users. Great guide, informative and interesting. Loved this tour-lots of history and nature information! Highly recommend!
Jul 2022
So much fun. Our tour guide John was very patient with us, as it was our first time in a Segway. He had a wealth of knowledge about the area. I was a fun adventure for our family.
Diana C
Jun 2022
Each year I pick a new activity to do on our vacation week and this was it for 2022. We had done Segways before so I knew we would enjoy it. Janet, our guide, was awesome, knowledgeable and made it a great time. Riding trails, seeing the salt marsh, and some of the historical markers added to the fun of just riding a Segway. Highly recommend!
Réponse de l'hôte
Jun 2022
Thank you for selecting us as your new activity this year! We always enjoy new families touring with us and sharing stories of their other Segway tours. We hope to see you on another adventure soon.

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