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Visite nocturne et au coucher du soleil illuminée par LED de Sharkey sur des kayaks à fond de verre à Sarasota

Nous offrons l'aventure ultime avec nos visites nocturnes et au coucher du soleil illuminées par LED en kayak à fond de verre! Nos LED Sunset Tours commencent à 20h00 et nos LED Night Tours commencent à 21h30 tous les soirs. Nous commencerons par pagayer dans les canaux de mangrove, puis explorerons le long des rives de la mangrove et des plaines herbeuses peu profondes. Nous chercherons divers animaux marins et oiseaux de mer en pagayant dans un port peu profond. Nous explorerons les vues sous-marines avec nos lumières LED sous-marines personnalisées à haute puissance pendant que vous recherchez des poissons, des raies pastenagues, des crabes, des crevettes et d'autres animaux marins pendant que nous éclairons les eaux qui nous entourent. La vue sur le pont de la chaussée John Ringling et la ligne d'horizon de la ville de Sarasota est impressionnante ! Avec littéralement rien à faire la nuit dans les sports nautiques, nos visites nocturnes et au coucher du soleil illuminées par LED en kayak à fond de verre sont parfaites pour les familles, les amis, les grands groupes ou une soirée inoubliable sous les étoiles ou au coucher du soleil! Nos kayaks n'ont pas de trous de drainage, vous pouvez donc porter des vêtements complets avec des chaussures et même rester au chaud en hiver !
Ville: Sarasota
Tue 04 Mar
Vous pouvez déjà choisir la date sur le site de réservation
À partir de $55.00
Tue 04 Mar
À partir de $55.00
Faire une réservation
Ce qui est inclu
We provide all safety equipment for the tour which includes USCG certified life vests with whistles
Fish Food is included to feed the fish that we see at a certain part of our tour..
We provide all safety equipment for the tour which includes USCG certified life vests with whistles
Fish Food is included to feed the fish that we see at a certain part of our tour..
We provide all safety equipment for the tour which includes USCG certified life vests with whistles
Fish Food is included to feed the fish that we see at a certain part of our tour..
We provide all safety equipment for the tour which includes USCG certified life vests with whistles
Information additionnelle
  • Des transports en commun sont disponibles à proximité
  • Les bébés et les jeunes enfants peuvent monter dans un landau ou une poussette
  • Convient à tous les niveaux de condition physique
  • Si le poids combiné des deux passagers est supérieur à 400 lb, vous devez nous contacter dès que possible pour demander un kayak à une place pour des raisons de sécurité.
  • Les kayaks sont à double siège et deviennent instables lorsque le poids combiné des passagers dépasse 400 lb.
  • Désinfectant pour les mains disponible pour les voyageurs et le personnel
  • Équipement/équipement désinfecté entre chaque utilisation
  • Guides tenus de se laver régulièrement les mains
  • Séjour payé- politique à domicile pour le personnel présentant des symptômes
  • Paiements sans contact pour les pourboires et les suppléments
  • Il s'agit d'une expérience en plein air avec des kayaks, vous ne serez donc qu'à proximité ou autour des personnes de votre groupe, famille, amis, etc. Vous serez naturellement éloigné des autres kayaks et des personnes lorsque vous serez sur l'eau.
À quoi s'attendre
Ken Thompson Park
We'll start off by going through Mangrove canals and then we'll paddle into a shallow area of Sarasota Bay looking for various sea-life while exploring through the grass flats. There's parts of the bay where we'll find various seabirds along the mangrove shorelines. There's also areas where we often find stingrays and manatees feeding and roaming along the grass flats. During most of the tour you'll see incredible panoramic views of the John Ringling Causeway Bridge and the Skyline of the City Of Sarasota!
Ken Thompson Park
We'll start off by going through Mangrove canals and then we'll paddle into a shallow area of Sarasota Bay looking for various sea-life while exploring through the grass flats. There's parts of the bay where we'll find various seabirds along the mangrove shorelines. There's also areas where we often find stingrays and manatees feeding and roaming along the grass flats. During most of the tour you'll see incredible panoramic views of the John Ringling Causeway Bridge and the Skyline of the City Of Sarasota!
Ken Thompson Park
We'll start off by going through Mangrove canals and then we'll paddle into a shallow area of Sarasota Bay looking for various sea-life while exploring through the grass flats. There's parts of the bay where we'll find various seabirds along the mangrove shorelines. There's also areas where we often find stingrays and manatees feeding and roaming along the grass flats. During most of the tour you'll see incredible panoramic views of the John Ringling Causeway Bridge and the Skyline of the City Of Sarasota!
Ken Thompson Park
We'll start off by going through Mangrove canals and then we'll paddle into a shallow area of Sarasota Bay looking for various sea-life while exploring through the grass flats. There's parts of the bay where we'll find various seabirds along the mangrove shorelines. There's also areas where we often find stingrays and manatees feeding and roaming along the grass flats. During most of the tour you'll see incredible panoramic views of the John Ringling Causeway Bridge and the Skyline of the City Of Sarasota!
Ken Thompson Park
We'll start off by going through Mangrove canals and then we'll paddle into a shallow area of Sarasota Bay looking for various sea-life while exploring through the grass flats. There's parts of the bay where we'll find various seabirds along the mangrove shorelines. There's also areas where we often find stingrays and manatees feeding and roaming along the grass flats. During most of the tour you'll see incredible panoramic views of the John Ringling Causeway Bridge and the Skyline of the City Of Sarasota!
Ken Thompson Park
We'll start off by going through Mangrove canals and then we'll paddle into a shallow area of Sarasota Bay looking for various sea-life while exploring through the grass flats. There's parts of the bay where we'll find various seabirds along the mangrove shorelines. There's also areas where we often find stingrays and manatees feeding and roaming along the grass flats. During most of the tour you'll see incredible panoramic views of the John Ringling Causeway Bridge and the Skyline of the City Of Sarasota!
Ken Thompson Park
We'll start off by going through Mangrove canals and then we'll paddle into a shallow area of Sarasota Bay looking for various sea-life while exploring through the grass flats. There's parts of the bay where we'll find various seabirds along the mangrove shorelines. There's also areas where we often find stingrays and manatees feeding and roaming along the grass flats. During most of the tour you'll see incredible panoramic views of the John Ringling Causeway Bridge and the Skyline of the City Of Sarasota!
Parc Ken Thompson
Nous commencerons par traverser les canaux de la mangrove, puis nous pagayerons dans une zone peu profonde de la baie de Sarasota à la recherche de diverses espèces marines tout en explorant les plaines herbeuses. Il y a des parties de la baie où nous trouverons divers oiseaux de mer le long des rives de la mangrove. Il y a aussi des zones où l'on trouve souvent des raies pastenagues et des lamantins se nourrissant et errant le long des pelouses. Pendant la majeure partie de la visite, vous verrez d'incroyables vues panoramiques sur le pont John Ringling Causeway et la ligne d'horizon de la ville de Sarasota !
Show 5 plus d'arrêts
Politique d'annulation
Pour un remboursement complet, annulez au moins 24 heures avant l'heure de départ prévue.
Photos de voyageurs
Commentaires (41)
Dec 2022
Not worth the money. Mostly on open water. City lights and bridge lights very nice but that's about all. No sea life. Seats uncomfortable. Guide had very little of interest to say. Take the day trip through the actual mangroves instead.
Nov 2022
We enjoyed the trip however the guide connects with you via a dial in connection - which is fine unless you are from overseas when the costs are prohibitive - take a US sim car or hopefully the company will provide some.
Nov 2022
Beautiful kayak and lights. However not much Mangroves, more bay tour. A bit deceiving from the pictures of the tunnels and vegetation. More float along the shore of the Bay. Did not see any animals 😕

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