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Billet coupe-file: billet d'entrée générale au River Bend Nature Center

River Bend Nature Center (RBNC) est un établissement d'éducation environnementale à but non lucratif de 20 acres. River Bend relie les gens à leur environnement naturel par le biais d'activités éducatives, de sensibilisation à l'environnement et d'exemples de conservation. Nos attractions les plus populaires sont Peyton's Place, qui regorge de plantes à fleurs et de centaines de magnifiques papillons vivants. Le centre d'apprentissage Bryant Edwards contient plus de 30 expositions vivantes, telles que des tortues, des salamandres, des insectes et des grenouilles. Il y a toujours beaucoup à voir et à observer ! Le Ruby N. Priddy Butterfly and Nature Conservatory est une structure de verre unique en son genre et ultramoderne de 7 000 pieds carrés. Il abrite des chiens de prairie, des poissons, des tortues et des papillons, et est aménagé avec des herbes des prairies, des arbres, des arbustes et des fleurs sauvages des Rolling Plains. RBNC possède plus de 17 acres de forêts de bas-fonds, de sentiers, de jardins et de zones humides. Venez voir River Bend Nature Center, c'est vraiment un endroit spécial à explorer et à apprendre.
Ville: Texas
Sat 19 Oct
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À partir de $6.16
Sat 19 Oct
À partir de $6.16
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Chutes de Wichita
2200 3rd St,
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Cette activité se termine au point de rendez-vous.
Information additionnelle
  • Accessible aux fauteuils roulants
  • Les bébés et les jeunes enfants peuvent monter dans un landau ou une poussette
  • Animaux d'assistance autorisés
  • Des options de transport en commun sont disponibles à proximité
  • Les options de transport sont accessibles aux fauteuils roulants
  • Convient à tous les niveaux de forme physique
À quoi s'attendre
River Bend Nature Center
Bryant Edwards Learning Center – Exhibit Hall The exhibit hall contains numerous live exhibits, from amphibians to arachnids there is plenty to see and observe! Seasonal exhibits ensure that there’s always something new to discover at RBNC! Ruby N. Priddy Butterfly and Nature Conservatory The Ruby N. Priddy Butterfly and Nature Conservatory is a one-of-a-kind, state-of-the-art, 7,000 sq. ft. glass structure. It is stocked with native butterflies and landscaped with prairie grasses, trees, shrubs, and wildflowers of the Rolling Plains. Visitors can find many engaging activities in this indoor nature lab. There are over 100 native plant species and displays of area wildlife including prairie dogs, ornate box turtles, Bob White Quail, and much more! Visitors can even observe native aquatic life in an indoor pond! Natural plant cycles unfold throughout the conservatory throughout the year. Peyton’s Place Come out and see RBNC’s butterfly enclosure! Peyton’s Place is filled with flowering plants and hundreds of gorgeous, living butterflies. These beautiful, delicate creatures will delight you as they flutter through the vegetation, stop to sip nectar, and occasionally land on lucky visitors. Nature Trails and Wetlands RBNC has over 17 acres of bottomland forest and wetlands. Come on out and see if you can spot native birds such as cardinals, blue jays, woodpeckers, mockingbirds, robins, wrens, and red-winged blackbirds. We also have families of skunks, grey fox, raccoons, opossums, and so much more! Rotary North Library The library contains many resources, including field guides, children’s stories, and computers. Nature Gift Shop Your source for nature-themed and eco-friendly gifts for all ages! Elizabeth Prothro Pavilion and J. S. Bridwell Terrace The Elizabeth Prothro Pavilion is a 7,000 sq.ft. outdoor covered area overlooking 15 acres of wooded forest. The J.S. Bridwell Terrace is an uncovered area that’s planted with native vegetation, both are great places to relax and enjoy a nice picnic! United Children’s Garden The Children’s Garden is teeming with life, take a walk down the winding path and discover a waterfall and pond, flowers, butterflies, dig for dinosaur bones and more!
River Bend Nature Center
Bryant Edwards Learning Center – Exhibit Hall The exhibit hall contains numerous live exhibits, from amphibians to arachnids there is plenty to see and observe! Seasonal exhibits ensure that there’s always something new to discover at RBNC! Ruby N. Priddy Butterfly and Nature Conservatory The Ruby N. Priddy Butterfly and Nature Conservatory is a one-of-a-kind, state-of-the-art, 7,000 sq. ft. glass structure. It is stocked with native butterflies and landscaped with prairie grasses, trees, shrubs, and wildflowers of the Rolling Plains. Visitors can find many engaging activities in this indoor nature lab. There are over 100 native plant species and displays of area wildlife including prairie dogs, ornate box turtles, Bob White Quail, and much more! Visitors can even observe native aquatic life in an indoor pond! Natural plant cycles unfold throughout the conservatory throughout the year. Peyton’s Place Come out and see RBNC’s butterfly enclosure! Peyton’s Place is filled with flowering plants and hundreds of gorgeous, living butterflies. These beautiful, delicate creatures will delight you as they flutter through the vegetation, stop to sip nectar, and occasionally land on lucky visitors. Nature Trails and Wetlands RBNC has over 17 acres of bottomland forest and wetlands. Come on out and see if you can spot native birds such as cardinals, blue jays, woodpeckers, mockingbirds, robins, wrens, and red-winged blackbirds. We also have families of skunks, grey fox, raccoons, opossums, and so much more! Rotary North Library The library contains many resources, including field guides, children’s stories, and computers. Nature Gift Shop Your source for nature-themed and eco-friendly gifts for all ages! Elizabeth Prothro Pavilion and J. S. Bridwell Terrace The Elizabeth Prothro Pavilion is a 7,000 sq.ft. outdoor covered area overlooking 15 acres of wooded forest. The J.S. Bridwell Terrace is an uncovered area that’s planted with native vegetation, both are great places to relax and enjoy a nice picnic! United Children’s Garden The Children’s Garden is teeming with life, take a walk down the winding path and discover a waterfall and pond, flowers, butterflies, dig for dinosaur bones and more!
River Bend Nature Center
Bryant Edwards Learning Center – Exhibit Hall The exhibit hall contains numerous live exhibits, from amphibians to arachnids there is plenty to see and observe! Seasonal exhibits ensure that there’s always something new to discover at RBNC! Ruby N. Priddy Butterfly and Nature Conservatory The Ruby N. Priddy Butterfly and Nature Conservatory is a one-of-a-kind, state-of-the-art, 7,000 sq. ft. glass structure. It is stocked with native butterflies and landscaped with prairie grasses, trees, shrubs, and wildflowers of the Rolling Plains. Visitors can find many engaging activities in this indoor nature lab. There are over 100 native plant species and displays of area wildlife including prairie dogs, ornate box turtles, Bob White Quail, and much more! Visitors can even observe native aquatic life in an indoor pond! Natural plant cycles unfold throughout the conservatory throughout the year. Peyton’s Place Come out and see RBNC’s butterfly enclosure! Peyton’s Place is filled with flowering plants and hundreds of gorgeous, living butterflies. These beautiful, delicate creatures will delight you as they flutter through the vegetation, stop to sip nectar, and occasionally land on lucky visitors. Nature Trails and Wetlands RBNC has over 17 acres of bottomland forest and wetlands. Come on out and see if you can spot native birds such as cardinals, blue jays, woodpeckers, mockingbirds, robins, wrens, and red-winged blackbirds. We also have families of skunks, grey fox, raccoons, opossums, and so much more! Rotary North Library The library contains many resources, including field guides, children’s stories, and computers. Nature Gift Shop Your source for nature-themed and eco-friendly gifts for all ages! Elizabeth Prothro Pavilion and J. S. Bridwell Terrace The Elizabeth Prothro Pavilion is a 7,000 sq.ft. outdoor covered area overlooking 15 acres of wooded forest. The J.S. Bridwell Terrace is an uncovered area that’s planted with native vegetation, both are great places to relax and enjoy a nice picnic! United Children’s Garden The Children’s Garden is teeming with life, take a walk down the winding path and discover a waterfall and pond, flowers, butterflies, dig for dinosaur bones and more!
River Bend Nature Center
Bryant Edwards Learning Center – Exhibit Hall The exhibit hall contains numerous live exhibits, from amphibians to arachnids there is plenty to see and observe! Seasonal exhibits ensure that there’s always something new to discover at RBNC! Ruby N. Priddy Butterfly and Nature Conservatory The Ruby N. Priddy Butterfly and Nature Conservatory is a one-of-a-kind, state-of-the-art, 7,000 sq. ft. glass structure. It is stocked with native butterflies and landscaped with prairie grasses, trees, shrubs, and wildflowers of the Rolling Plains. Visitors can find many engaging activities in this indoor nature lab. There are over 100 native plant species and displays of area wildlife including prairie dogs, ornate box turtles, Bob White Quail, and much more! Visitors can even observe native aquatic life in an indoor pond! Natural plant cycles unfold throughout the conservatory throughout the year. Peyton’s Place Come out and see RBNC’s butterfly enclosure! Peyton’s Place is filled with flowering plants and hundreds of gorgeous, living butterflies. These beautiful, delicate creatures will delight you as they flutter through the vegetation, stop to sip nectar, and occasionally land on lucky visitors. Nature Trails and Wetlands RBNC has over 17 acres of bottomland forest and wetlands. Come on out and see if you can spot native birds such as cardinals, blue jays, woodpeckers, mockingbirds, robins, wrens, and red-winged blackbirds. We also have families of skunks, grey fox, raccoons, opossums, and so much more! Rotary North Library The library contains many resources, including field guides, children’s stories, and computers. Nature Gift Shop Your source for nature-themed and eco-friendly gifts for all ages! Elizabeth Prothro Pavilion and J. S. Bridwell Terrace The Elizabeth Prothro Pavilion is a 7,000 sq.ft. outdoor covered area overlooking 15 acres of wooded forest. The J.S. Bridwell Terrace is an uncovered area that’s planted with native vegetation, both are great places to relax and enjoy a nice picnic! United Children’s Garden The Children’s Garden is teeming with life, take a walk down the winding path and discover a waterfall and pond, flowers, butterflies, dig for dinosaur bones and more!
Centre de la nature de River Bend
Centre d'apprentissage Bryant Edwards - Salle d'exposition La salle d'exposition contient de nombreuses expositions en direct, des amphibiens aux arachnides, il y a beaucoup à voir et à observer ! Les expositions saisonnières garantissent qu'il y a toujours quelque chose de nouveau à découvrir à RBNC! Ruby N. Priddy Butterfly and Nature Conservatory Le Ruby N. Priddy Butterfly and Nature Conservatory est une structure de verre unique en son genre et ultramoderne de 7 000 pieds carrés. Il est peuplé de papillons indigènes et aménagé avec des herbes des prairies, des arbres, des arbustes et des fleurs sauvages des Rolling Plains. Les visiteurs peuvent trouver de nombreuses activités intéressantes dans ce laboratoire de la nature intérieure. Il existe plus de 100 espèces de plantes indigènes et des expositions de la faune de la région, notamment des chiens de prairie, des tortues-boîtes ornées, Bob White Quail et bien plus encore! Les visiteurs peuvent même observer la vie aquatique indigène dans un bassin intérieur ! Les cycles naturels des plantes se déroulent tout au long de la véranda tout au long de l'année. Chez Peyton Venez voir l'enclos des papillons de RBNC ! Peyton's Place regorge de plantes à fleurs et de centaines de magnifiques papillons vivants. Ces belles créatures délicates vous raviront alors qu'elles voltigent dans la végétation, s'arrêtent pour siroter du nectar et atterrissent occasionnellement sur des visiteurs chanceux. Sentiers naturels et zones humides RBNC possède plus de 17 acres de forêts et de zones humides de bas-fonds. Venez voir si vous pouvez apercevoir des oiseaux indigènes tels que des cardinaux, des geais bleus, des pics, des moqueurs, des rouges-gorges, des troglodytes et des carouges à épaulettes. Nous avons aussi des familles de mouffettes, de renards gris, de ratons laveurs, d'opossums et bien plus encore! Bibliothèque du Rotary Nord La bibliothèque contient de nombreuses ressources, notamment des guides de terrain, des histoires pour enfants et des ordinateurs. Boutique de cadeaux nature Votre source de cadeaux écologiques et sur le thème de la nature pour tous les âges ! Pavillon Elizabeth Prothro et terrasse JS Bridwell Le pavillon Elizabeth Prothro est un pavillon de 7 000 pieds carrés. espace extérieur couvert surplombant 15 hectares de forêt boisée. Le J.S. Bridwell Terrace est une zone découverte plantée de végétation indigène, les deux sont d'excellents endroits pour se détendre et profiter d'un bon pique-nique ! Jardin des enfants unis Le jardin des enfants grouille de vie, promenez-vous sur le chemin sinueux et découvrez une cascade et un étang, des fleurs, des papillons, creusez pour trouver des os de dinosaures et plus encore !
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Pour un remboursement complet, annulez au moins 24 heures avant l'heure de départ prévue.
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Commentaires (7)
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May 2022
This was the most wonderful experience! The girl who showed us around had just started there two weeks ago, and she was fantastic! So sweet and answered all of our questions! She showed us all the animals and even took some out for us to see up close .
Réponse de l'hôte
May 2022
Thank you so much for your kind words, come back and visit us soon!
Melva H
Apr 2022
The coloring sheets was fun and making them into puppets, The staff was amazing, the lady at the butterfly station explained everything to detail!! We even experienced a butterfly hatching!!..the trails we're fun!! And the gift shop has a neat variety to pick from.. we definitely will be back!!
Réponse de l'hôte
Apr 2022
Thank you so much for your feedback, hope your granddaughter had an awesome birthday!
Jul 2021
I am such a kid at heart. I couldn't resist the opportunity to participate in the RBNC Scavenger Hunt. I love these kinds of these because it makes you really slow down and enjoy your experience and ask questions from the very friendly staff. We even discovered that they are equipped to host weddings and receptions for those nature lovers.

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