Southfork Ranch
Texans have always believed that they live “larger-than-life,” and where else is that so clearly lived out than at the infamous Southfork Ranch? Make-believe, some say? Perhaps, yet for 13 years (356 episodes), this made-for-TV drama captured the imaginations of millions of people around the world.
Guests may enjoy the museum and shopping the Ranch Round-up at the Visitor’s Center where they can buy Southfork Ranch gifts and Texas memorabilia. Additional items that are always of interest are: The prop gun used to frame the well-known question, “who shot JR?”; Lucy’s wedding dress; Video clips from many series’ episodes; and interviews conducted with “stars” of the show.
From the Visitor’s Center, guests may take a train ride past the Ewing Oil Office to the Ewing mansion, visit J.R.’s bedroom, explore the grounds and shop at Lincoln’s and Longhorns, where Jock’s 1978 Lincoln automobile is on display.