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Visite incontournable de Tiraspol - Transnistrie

Je fais des cartes postales avec mes dessins et des visites économiques des principales attractions et des joyaux cachés de la Transnistrie. Honnêtement, je ne peux pas faire des Maldives mon pays, car ce ne sont pas les Maldives. Mais je peux faire un voyage inoubliable à travers tous les contrastes de ce que c'est vraiment - de beaux panoramas et des endroits perdus soviétiques impressionnants, une histoire curieuse et la vie actuelle dans le pays qui n'existe pas, combinant une promenade classique avec des incursions pour de vrais explorateurs et aventuriers.

La visite dure 2,5 heures, bien que la Transnistrie mérite au moins une semaine. Ce n'est pas du stalinisme, nous sommes très instables où aller et quoi faire, mais l'itinéraire par défaut couvre l'ère de l'URSS et les parties modernes de Tiraspol, ainsi que mes coins et recoins préférés que j'ai découverts en faisant mes croquis. Le voyage ne sera pas épuisant, pas du tout ennuyeux, nous aurons le temps de parler de toutes les particularités du passé et du présent de la Transnistrie, son vrai nom est la Pridnestrovié ☭
Vous ne rencontrerez pas de guide, vous rencontrerez un ami !
- Anton Dendemarcenko -
Ville: Chisinau
Sat 21 Sep
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À partir de $26.96
Sat 21 Sep
À partir de $26.96
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Ce qui est inclu
Postcard for the memory! Cards, magnets and maps made by the guide himself available for purchase!
Postcard for the memory! Cards, magnets and maps made by the guide himself available for purchase!
Transport - walking and private car. There is an option to try authentic trolley bus, made in USSR.
Postcard for the memory! Cards, magnets and maps made by the guide himself available for purchase!
Transport - walking and private car. There is an option to try authentic trolley bus, made in USSR.
Postcard for the memory! Cards, magnets and maps made by the guide himself available for purchase!
Information additionnelle
  • Accessible aux fauteuils roulants
  • Les bébés et les jeunes enfants peuvent monter dans un landau ou une poussette
  • Animaux d'assistance autorisés
  • Des options de transport en commun sont disponibles à proximité
  • Des sièges pour bébés spécialisés sont disponibles
  • Les options de transport sont accessibles en fauteuil roulant
  • Toutes les zones et surfaces sont accessibles en fauteuil roulant
  • Convient à tous les niveaux de forme physique
  • La promenade touristique est parfaite et transparente pour tous les genres et tous les âges. Une incursion facultative peut être un défi - escalader une conférence ou goûter du kvas. Mais ce ne sont pas des expériences obligatoires.
  • Il existe deux versions de la visite - réelle et virtuelle. Je recommanderais d'y aller dans la vraie vie, la frontière est ouverte !
À quoi s'attendre
House of Soviets
Default route covers best modern bits and soviet relics of Tiraspol. It is not strict consumerist kind of deal, we are free to decide where to go and what to do. There is enough to see for a two day tour so you can imagine - no matter how much I will tell and no matter how fast I speak - it will be just top of an iceberg. But we will dive as deep as possible. Take a look behind the iron curtain, discover Pridnestrovie- the most epic remnant among USSR debris.
The Christmas Cathedral
Optional loop to the back of 100 rouble note
The Suvorov Monument
Since 1972 generalissimo Alexander Suvorov is standing at the central square of Tiraspol, he is considered to be the founder of the city. No spoilers, more curious history during the tour itself!
Green Market Center
and veggie market, surprisingly modern!
Palacio Presidencial
Government building from soviet era with comrade Lenin in front. You can find it on the back of fifty rouble note. Transnistrian roubles, of course.
The Tank Monument
Real combat tank that reminds of many important things, war and peace, darkness and sunshine. It is famous T-34. We will also walk out to the river bank, there is a nice view from the bridge.
Optional walk inside kvint factory, no tasting.
Mig-19 Monument
Aviator memorial can be found at Balka dst. It commemorates thirty years of victory in the Great Patriotic war. I didn’t add all hidden gems in between these listed attractions, but they are great to make the tour really unforgettable and contrast! Highly recommend brutal tour - some lost places we have here are more impressive than Chernobyl. My wife says no one should go to Chernobyl, but every other traveler I meet either just came from there or is heading there next. Luckily there was no radiation here, it was ussr collapse. Finally we have an option to go to some eerie lost places from gone era that will satisfy lovers of Tarkovsky cinematography or post-apocalyptic movies, it is a way to explore “exclusion zone” without radiation risk or crowds of people you definitely see around in actual Chernobyl exclusion zone. I also can’t reveal these places here, just make notice, adventurers, it’s also tour of a lifetime!
For lovers of Tarkovsky cinematography, post-apocalyptic movies and USSR legacy there is a brutal version of the tour. Impressive soviet lost places and Chernobyl style cityscapes of Transnistria will make your heart beat faster and leave you speechless, I can’t reveal where we go without the risk of subsequent demolition of these eerie gems, but I guarantee unforgettable trip. It is also important to keep these urban wastelands a secret for keeping melancholic atmosphere of solitude, you know, the best and only way to explore such things is to do it alone, let’s keep it this way. No one can predict how long these communism remains will be accessible so the whole idea is to discover everything while it still exists and do it without overcrowd of people. In a way, this journey is a chance to explore a version of Chernobyl “exclusion zone” without crowds of tourists that overfill real Pripyat and actual Chernobyl exclusion zone. There is no radiation here luckily, not here.
House of Soviets
Default route covers best modern bits and soviet relics of Tiraspol. It is not strict consumerist kind of deal, we are free to decide where to go and what to do. There is enough to see for a two day tour so you can imagine - no matter how much I will tell and no matter how fast I speak - it will be just top of an iceberg. But we will dive as deep as possible. Take a look behind the iron curtain, discover Pridnestrovie- the most epic remnant among USSR debris.
The Christmas Cathedral
Optional loop to the back of 100 rouble note
The Suvorov Monument
Since 1972 generalissimo Alexander Suvorov is standing at the central square of Tiraspol, he is considered to be the founder of the city. No spoilers, more curious history during the tour itself!
Green Market Center
and veggie market, surprisingly modern!
Palacio Presidencial
Government building from soviet era with comrade Lenin in front. You can find it on the back of fifty rouble note. Transnistrian roubles, of course.
The Tank Monument
Real combat tank that reminds of many important things, war and peace, darkness and sunshine. It is famous T-34. We will also walk out to the river bank, there is a nice view from the bridge.
Optional walk inside kvint factory, no tasting.
Mig-19 Monument
Aviator memorial can be found at Balka dst. It commemorates thirty years of victory in the Great Patriotic war. I didn’t add all hidden gems in between these listed attractions, but they are great to make the tour really unforgettable and contrast! Highly recommend brutal tour - some lost places we have here are more impressive than Chernobyl. My wife says no one should go to Chernobyl, but every other traveler I meet either just came from there or is heading there next. Luckily there was no radiation here, it was ussr collapse. Finally we have an option to go to some eerie lost places from gone era that will satisfy lovers of Tarkovsky cinematography or post-apocalyptic movies, it is a way to explore “exclusion zone” without radiation risk or crowds of people you definitely see around in actual Chernobyl exclusion zone. I also can’t reveal these places here, just make notice, adventurers, it’s also tour of a lifetime!
For lovers of Tarkovsky cinematography, post-apocalyptic movies and USSR legacy there is a brutal version of the tour. Impressive soviet lost places and Chernobyl style cityscapes of Transnistria will make your heart beat faster and leave you speechless, I can’t reveal where we go without the risk of subsequent demolition of these eerie gems, but I guarantee unforgettable trip. It is also important to keep these urban wastelands a secret for keeping melancholic atmosphere of solitude, you know, the best and only way to explore such things is to do it alone, let’s keep it this way. No one can predict how long these communism remains will be accessible so the whole idea is to discover everything while it still exists and do it without overcrowd of people. In a way, this journey is a chance to explore a version of Chernobyl “exclusion zone” without crowds of tourists that overfill real Pripyat and actual Chernobyl exclusion zone. There is no radiation here luckily, not here.
House of Soviets
Default route covers best modern bits and soviet relics of Tiraspol. It is not strict consumerist kind of deal, we are free to decide where to go and what to do. There is enough to see for a two day tour so you can imagine - no matter how much I will tell and no matter how fast I speak - it will be just top of an iceberg. But we will dive as deep as possible. Take a look behind the iron curtain, discover Pridnestrovie- the most epic remnant among USSR debris.
The Christmas Cathedral
Optional loop to the back of 100 rouble note
The Suvorov Monument
Since 1972 generalissimo Alexander Suvorov is standing at the central square of Tiraspol, he is considered to be the founder of the city. No spoilers, more curious history during the tour itself!
Green Market Center
and veggie market, surprisingly modern!
Palacio Presidencial
Government building from soviet era with comrade Lenin in front. You can find it on the back of fifty rouble note. Transnistrian roubles, of course.
The Tank Monument
Real combat tank that reminds of many important things, war and peace, darkness and sunshine. It is famous T-34. We will also walk out to the river bank, there is a nice view from the bridge.
Optional walk inside kvint factory, no tasting.
Mig-19 Monument
Aviator memorial can be found at Balka dst. It commemorates thirty years of victory in the Great Patriotic war. I didn’t add all hidden gems in between these listed attractions, but they are great to make the tour really unforgettable and contrast! Highly recommend brutal tour - some lost places we have here are more impressive than Chernobyl. My wife says no one should go to Chernobyl, but every other traveler I meet either just came from there or is heading there next. Luckily there was no radiation here, it was ussr collapse. Finally we have an option to go to some eerie lost places from gone era that will satisfy lovers of Tarkovsky cinematography or post-apocalyptic movies, it is a way to explore “exclusion zone” without radiation risk or crowds of people you definitely see around in actual Chernobyl exclusion zone. I also can’t reveal these places here, just make notice, adventurers, it’s also tour of a lifetime!
For lovers of Tarkovsky cinematography, post-apocalyptic movies and USSR legacy there is a brutal version of the tour. Impressive soviet lost places and Chernobyl style cityscapes of Transnistria will make your heart beat faster and leave you speechless, I can’t reveal where we go without the risk of subsequent demolition of these eerie gems, but I guarantee unforgettable trip. It is also important to keep these urban wastelands a secret for keeping melancholic atmosphere of solitude, you know, the best and only way to explore such things is to do it alone, let’s keep it this way. No one can predict how long these communism remains will be accessible so the whole idea is to discover everything while it still exists and do it without overcrowd of people. In a way, this journey is a chance to explore a version of Chernobyl “exclusion zone” without crowds of tourists that overfill real Pripyat and actual Chernobyl exclusion zone. There is no radiation here luckily, not here.
Maison des Soviets
L'itinéraire par défaut couvre les meilleurs éléments modernes et les reliques soviétiques de Tiraspol. Ce n'est pas une affaire strictement consumériste, nous sommes libres de décider où aller et quoi faire. Il y a suffisamment de choses à voir pour une excursion de deux jours pour que vous puissiez imaginer - peu importe ce que je dirai et peu importe la vitesse à laquelle je parle - ce ne sera que le sommet d'un iceberg. Mais nous allons plonger aussi profondément que possible. Jetez un coup d'œil derrière le rideau de fer, découvrez la Pridnestrovié - le vestige le plus épique parmi les débris de l'URSS.
La Cathédrale de Noël
Boucle facultative au verso d'un billet de 100 roubles
Le monument Souvorov
Depuis 1972, le généralissime Alexander Suvorov se tient sur la place centrale de Tiraspol, il est considéré comme le fondateur de la ville. Pas de spoilers, histoire plus curieuse pendant la tournée elle-même !
Centre du marché vert
et veggie market, étonnamment moderne !
Palais présidentiel
Bâtiment gouvernemental de l'ère soviétique avec le camarade Lénine devant. Vous pouvez le trouver au dos d'un billet de cinquante roubles. Roubles de Transnistrie, bien sûr.
Le monument aux chars
Véritable char de combat qui rappelle beaucoup de choses importantes, la guerre et la paix, l'obscurité et le soleil. C'est le célèbre T-34. Nous marcherons également jusqu'au bord de la rivière, il y a une belle vue depuis le pont.
Promenade facultative à l'intérieur de l'usine de kvint, pas de dégustation.
Mig-19 Monument
Le mémorial de l'aviateur se trouve à Balka dst. Il commémore trente ans de victoire dans la Grande Guerre patriotique. Je n'ai pas ajouté tous les joyaux cachés entre ces attractions répertoriées, mais ils sont parfaits pour rendre la visite vraiment inoubliable et contrastée! Je recommande vivement une visite brutale - certains endroits perdus que nous avons ici sont plus impressionnants que Tchernobyl. Ma femme dit que personne ne devrait aller à Tchernobyl, mais tous les autres voyageurs que je rencontre viennent de là ou s'y dirigent ensuite. Heureusement, il n'y avait pas de rayonnement ici, c'était l'effondrement de l'URSS. Enfin, nous avons la possibilité d'aller dans des endroits perdus étranges d'une époque révolue qui satisferont les amateurs de cinématographie de Tarkovsky ou de films post-apocalyptiques, c'est un moyen d'explorer la «zone d'exclusion» sans risque de rayonnement ni foule de personnes que vous voyez certainement autour de vous. véritable zone d'exclusion de Tchernobyl. Je ne peux pas non plus révéler ces lieux ici, faites juste attention, aventuriers, c'est aussi le tour d'une vie !
Pour les amoureux de la cinématographie de Tarkovsky, des films post-apocalyptiques et de l'héritage de l'URSS, il existe une version brutale de la tournée. Les endroits perdus soviétiques impressionnants et les paysages urbains de style Tchernobyl de la Transnistrie feront battre votre cœur plus vite et vous laisseront sans voix, je ne peux pas révéler où nous allons sans le risque de démolition ultérieure de ces joyaux étranges, mais je vous garantis un voyage inoubliable. Il est également important de garder ces friches urbaines secrètes pour garder une atmosphère mélancolique de solitude, vous savez, la meilleure et la seule façon d'explorer de telles choses est de le faire seul, restons ainsi. Personne ne peut prédire combien de temps ces vestiges du communisme seront accessibles, donc toute l'idée est de tout découvrir pendant qu'il existe encore et de le faire sans surpeuplement de personnes. D'une certaine manière, ce voyage est une chance d'explorer une version de la "zone d'exclusion" de Tchernobyl sans les foules de touristes qui remplissent la vraie zone d'exclusion de Pripyat et de Tchernobyl. Il n'y a pas de rayonnement ici heureusement, pas ici.
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Photos de voyageurs
Commentaires (102)
Sep 2019
Me and my friend almost literally bumped into Anton at a coffeeshop (A genuine one, not the Dutch "Coffeeshop ;) !!) and joined the tour. No regrets. Anton has a lot of knowledge but understands that just bombarding you with info is boring and pointless. He is an vivid storyteller and his anacdotes, some very personal combined with being there gives so much context on why things are the way they are overthere. Having a PMR citizen and a known figure around the city as your tourguide gives you great opportunities, you are litterally able to ask local people questions! To conclude: When in Tiraspol... Search for Anton.
Sep 2019
Anton is such a great guide, who will take you all over the country. He knows secret interesting places that I won’t spoil, and offers lots of information(that is not boring). He is very accommodating as well. When you visit Transnistria, you must take his tour!
Sep 2019
The tour was full of information you wouldn't get if it wasn't for a guide. It's full of stories about the life there. Anton is keen to bring you to crazy places, so if you're into it you should definitely check it out! It's a bit expensive, but definitely worth it.

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