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Billet d'entrée au Titanic Museum Branson

Tout le monde connaît le nom de Titanic ! Tout le monde sait que le Titanic a heurté un iceberg ! Et tout le monde sait que le Titanic a été perdu ! Elle s'est assise au fond de l'océan pendant 75 ans avant qu'ils ne la retrouvent en 1985. Une deuxième expédition sur le site de l'épave a eu lieu en 1986 et cette expédition a été co-dirigée par le propriétaire de ce musée. Les artefacts que vous voyez à travers le navire sont RÉELS et évalués à plus de 4 millions de dollars. Vous entrerez en tant qu'invité et repartirez en tant que passager du Titanic !
Ville: Branson
Sat 21 Sep
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À partir de $39.50
Sat 21 Sep
À partir de $39.50
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Ce qui est inclu
Admission to Titanic Museum in Branson
Audio Guides available in English or Spanish
Self guided tour
Admission to Titanic Museum in Branson
Audio Guides available in English or Spanish
Self guided tour
Admission to Titanic Museum in Branson
Information additionnelle
  • Accessible aux fauteuils roulants
  • Les bébés et les jeunes enfants peuvent monter dans un landau ou une poussette
  • Animaux d'assistance autorisés
  • Des options de transport en commun sont disponibles à proximité
  • Les options de transport sont accessibles en fauteuil roulant
  • Toutes les zones et surfaces sont accessibles en fauteuil roulant
  • Convient à tous les niveaux de forme physique
  • Les enfants doivent être accompagnés de un adulte
  • Distanciation sociale imposée tout au long de l'expérience
  • Zones à fort trafic régulièrement désinfectées
  • Équipement /équipement désinfecté entre les utilisations
  • Guides requis pour se laver régulièrement les mains
  • Vérifications régulières de la température pour le personnel
À quoi s'attendre
Titanic Museum
As the whole world remembers the world’s most famous luxury liner, Titanic Museum Attraction in Branson. MO. will continue to open the door to the past in it’s one-of-a-kind way – letting “passengers” experience what it was like to walk the hallways, parlors, cabins and Grand Staircase of the Titanic while surrounded by more than 400 artifacts directly from the ship and its passengers. As visitors touch a real iceberg, walk the Grand Staircase and third class hallways, reach their hands into 28-degree water, and try to stand on the sloping decks, they learn what it was like on the RMS Titanic by experiencing it first-hand. Each guest entering the ship will receive a boarding pass of an actual Titanic passenger or crew. Feel their spirit presence in the galleries where over 400 personal and private artifacts are on display. Many are on display for the first time in the world. This is a self-guided tour.
Titanic Museum
As the whole world remembers the world’s most famous luxury liner, Titanic Museum Attraction in Branson. MO. will continue to open the door to the past in it’s one-of-a-kind way – letting “passengers” experience what it was like to walk the hallways, parlors, cabins and Grand Staircase of the Titanic while surrounded by more than 400 artifacts directly from the ship and its passengers. As visitors touch a real iceberg, walk the Grand Staircase and third class hallways, reach their hands into 28-degree water, and try to stand on the sloping decks, they learn what it was like on the RMS Titanic by experiencing it first-hand. Each guest entering the ship will receive a boarding pass of an actual Titanic passenger or crew. Feel their spirit presence in the galleries where over 400 personal and private artifacts are on display. Many are on display for the first time in the world. This is a self-guided tour.
Titanic Museum
As the whole world remembers the world’s most famous luxury liner, Titanic Museum Attraction in Branson. MO. will continue to open the door to the past in it’s one-of-a-kind way – letting “passengers” experience what it was like to walk the hallways, parlors, cabins and Grand Staircase of the Titanic while surrounded by more than 400 artifacts directly from the ship and its passengers. As visitors touch a real iceberg, walk the Grand Staircase and third class hallways, reach their hands into 28-degree water, and try to stand on the sloping decks, they learn what it was like on the RMS Titanic by experiencing it first-hand. Each guest entering the ship will receive a boarding pass of an actual Titanic passenger or crew. Feel their spirit presence in the galleries where over 400 personal and private artifacts are on display. Many are on display for the first time in the world. This is a self-guided tour.
Titanic Museum
As the whole world remembers the world’s most famous luxury liner, Titanic Museum Attraction in Branson. MO. will continue to open the door to the past in it’s one-of-a-kind way – letting “passengers” experience what it was like to walk the hallways, parlors, cabins and Grand Staircase of the Titanic while surrounded by more than 400 artifacts directly from the ship and its passengers. As visitors touch a real iceberg, walk the Grand Staircase and third class hallways, reach their hands into 28-degree water, and try to stand on the sloping decks, they learn what it was like on the RMS Titanic by experiencing it first-hand. Each guest entering the ship will receive a boarding pass of an actual Titanic passenger or crew. Feel their spirit presence in the galleries where over 400 personal and private artifacts are on display. Many are on display for the first time in the world. This is a self-guided tour.
Titanic Museum
As the whole world remembers the world’s most famous luxury liner, Titanic Museum Attraction in Branson. MO. will continue to open the door to the past in it’s one-of-a-kind way – letting “passengers” experience what it was like to walk the hallways, parlors, cabins and Grand Staircase of the Titanic while surrounded by more than 400 artifacts directly from the ship and its passengers. As visitors touch a real iceberg, walk the Grand Staircase and third class hallways, reach their hands into 28-degree water, and try to stand on the sloping decks, they learn what it was like on the RMS Titanic by experiencing it first-hand. Each guest entering the ship will receive a boarding pass of an actual Titanic passenger or crew. Feel their spirit presence in the galleries where over 400 personal and private artifacts are on display. Many are on display for the first time in the world. This is a self-guided tour.
Titanic Museum
As the whole world remembers the world’s most famous luxury liner, Titanic Museum Attraction in Branson. MO. will continue to open the door to the past in it’s one-of-a-kind way – letting “passengers” experience what it was like to walk the hallways, parlors, cabins and Grand Staircase of the Titanic while surrounded by more than 400 artifacts directly from the ship and its passengers. As visitors touch a real iceberg, walk the Grand Staircase and third class hallways, reach their hands into 28-degree water, and try to stand on the sloping decks, they learn what it was like on the RMS Titanic by experiencing it first-hand. Each guest entering the ship will receive a boarding pass of an actual Titanic passenger or crew. Feel their spirit presence in the galleries where over 400 personal and private artifacts are on display. Many are on display for the first time in the world. This is a self-guided tour.
Musée du Titanic
Alors que le monde entier se souvient du paquebot de luxe le plus célèbre au monde, Titanic Museum Attraction à Branson. MO. continuera d'ouvrir la porte sur le passé d'une manière unique en son genre - permettant aux "passagers" de découvrir ce que c'était que de marcher dans les couloirs, les salons, les cabines et le grand escalier du Titanic tout en étant entouré de plus de 400 artefacts directement du navire et de ses passagers. Alors que les visiteurs touchent un véritable iceberg, parcourent le Grand Escalier et les couloirs de troisième classe, mettent leurs mains dans une eau à 28 degrés et essaient de se tenir debout sur les ponts en pente, ils apprennent à quoi cela ressemblait sur le RMS Titanic en l'expérimentant de première main. . Chaque invité entrant sur le navire recevra une carte d'embarquement d'un véritable passager ou membre d'équipage du Titanic. Ressentez leur présence spirituelle dans les galeries où plus de 400 artefacts personnels et privés sont exposés. Beaucoup sont exposés pour la première fois au monde. Il s'agit d'une visite autoguidée.
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Commentaires (851)
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Oct 2022
We loved seeing all the treasured artifacts. It was very interesting and would recommend this as a must see.
Oct 2022
Experience was fun, informative, interactive, adntwell worth it. We plan on coming back with our kids
Howard M
Oct 2022
We had visited the Titanic museum in Belfast, Ireland where the Titanic was built and the museum was great. We weren't sure if this could top that or even compare. But we felt it was better in many ways. We absolutely LOVED this place. The guides are dressed in period costumes and are extremely knowledgeable and helpful. From the time you buy your ticket to the very end, you are immersed in this experience. We were really impressed by the emphasis on the personal connections and artifacts. There are so many more artifacts than the museum at Belfast. The creators of this museum have totally vetted and researched every artifact here. There are special spaces which appeal to kids, but we loved them too. There is a container of water set to the temperature of the ocean at the time of sinking and a meter to see how long you can keep your hand in it. I lasted about five seconds. There is a replica of the grand staircase. Even the elevators are made to look like those on the ship. I cannot say enough about this place - I'm a docent at two museums and I usually walk through with a critical eye. This passed with flying colors. Merlene was an excellent guide and we loved hearing her share her knowledge with us in several areas. We will definitely go again. Absolutely entralling!

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