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Billet d'admission générale aux studios Universal d'Hollywood

Déroulez le tapis rouge et préparez-vous à vous immerger dans l'expérience cinématographique ultime d'Hollywood, y compris un parc à thème passionnant, une visite des coulisses d'un véritable studio de cinéma en activité et des manèges et attractions qui vous plongent dans vos films et émissions de télévision préférés. Terminez votre journée à Universal CityWalk, où vous pourrez faire du shopping, dîner et regarder des films au cinéma ultramoderne. Le billet est valable uniquement à la date de voyage sélectionnée.
Ville: Los Angeles
Thu 13 Mar
Vous pouvez déjà choisir la date sur le site de réservation
À partir de $109.00
Thu 13 Mar
À partir de $109.00
Faire une réservation
Ce qui est inclu
Admission to Universal Studios Hollywood (number of days based on option selected)
Entry to all rides and attractions
Express ticket (if option selected)
Admission to Universal Studios Hollywood (number of days based on option selected)
Entry to all rides and attractions
Express ticket (if option selected)
Admission to Universal Studios Hollywood (number of days based on option selected)
Itinéraire et carte
Point de rencontre
Ouvrir dans Google Maps
Los Angeles
100 Universal City Plaza,
** Le billet n'est pas valable à Universal Orlando Resort **

1. Apportez ce billet directement à l'entrée principale (tourniquet) d'Universal Studios Hollywood et présentez-le au préposé. Ce billet d'entrée est votre preuve d'achat.

En utilisant ce billet, vous acceptez les termes et conditions associés à ce billet.

Le billet est valable uniquement à la date sélectionnée

Le billet est non transférable, non remboursable et non échangeable. Ce billet ne peut être modifié, copié, transféré ou revendu. Ce billet n'est valable que pour la personne qui y est nommée ou lorsqu'elle est accompagnée de la personne qui y est nommée.

Veuillez noter que le CDC signale que les personnes âgées et les personnes de tout âge qui ont de graves problèmes de santé sous-jacents pourraient être plus à risque de contracter une maladie grave due au COVID-19. Les invités doivent évaluer leur risque pour déterminer s'ils doivent y assister. Les personnes qui ne présentent aucun symptôme peuvent propager le COVID-19 si elles sont infectées, toute interaction avec le grand public présente un risque élevé d'exposition au COVID-19, et nous ne pouvons garantir que vous ne serez pas exposé lors de votre visite.

En acceptant l'admission, vous assumez tous les risques inhérents et acceptez de dégager Universal et ses sociétés affiliées de toute responsabilité en cas de maladie (y compris les maladies transmissibles/infectieuses), de perte, de blessure ou de dommage lié à votre achat ou visite.

Universal se réserve le droit de révoquer la licence accordée par ce ticket.

Le parc, les manèges/spectacles/attractions, les divertissements, les détails de l'expérience et/ou l'accès à l'événement peuvent être restreints ou indisponibles en raison de la capacité/fermetures/autres facteurs et les avantages/restrictions sont sujets à changement sans préavis.

Valable à Universal Studios Hollywood, situé à Los Angeles, Californie.
Point final
Cette activité se termine au point de rendez-vous.
Information additionnelle
  • Accessible aux fauteuils roulants
  • Les bébés et les jeunes enfants peuvent monter dans un landau ou une poussette
  • Les options de transport public sont disponibles à proximité
  • Les options de transport sont en fauteuil roulant accessible
  • Convient à tous les niveaux de condition physique
  • Veuillez noter : afin de maintenir la sécurité des clients, des procédures d'exploitation modifiées ont été mises en place. Les clients visitant le parc verront leurs sacs inspectés par le personnel. Les grands sacs et les glacières ne seront pas autorisés dans le parc. La nourriture provenant de l'extérieur n'est pas autorisée à l'intérieur du parc, à l'exception des bouteilles d'eau, des fruits et des aliments pour bébés.
  • IMPORTANT : le bon n'est valable que pour la date de voyage sélectionnée
  • Personnages, noms de HARRY POTTER et les indices associés sont © & ™ Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Harry Potter Publishing Rights © JKR. (s21).Inc.TRANSFORMERS et tous les personnages associés sont des marques déposées de Hasbro et sont utilisés avec autorisation.© 2021 Hasbro. Tous droits réservés. © 2021 DreamWorks LLC et Paramount Pictures Corporation. Tous les droits sont réservés. La Momie © 2021 Universal Studios. Tous les droits sont réservés. Kung Fu Panda © 2021 DreamWorks Animation LLC. Tous les droits sont réservés. Acteurs d'animaux d'Universal © 2021 Universal Studios. LES SIMPSONS TM & © 2021 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. Tous les droits sont réservés. Éléments universels et tous les indices associés TM et © 2021 Universal Studios. Tous les droits sont réservés.
  • Désinfectant pour les mains disponible pour les voyageurs et le personnel
  • Zones à fort trafic régulièrement désinfectées
  • Il est recommandé à tous les clients de porter des masques à l'intérieur
À quoi s'attendre
Universal Studios Hollywood
Get ready for the ultimate Hollywood movie experience! Don't miss the chance to visit the world's largest movie studio and theme park! At Universal Studios Hollywood there's a world of fun-filled adventures the whole family will love. Upgrade your ticket to the Universal Express option and avoid the regular lines. A Universal Express ticket at Universal Studios Hollywood entitles visitors to one-time express access to each ride, show and attraction. Priority entry privileges, reserved seating, special demonstrations and special tours are subject to ride, show and attraction availability.
The Wizarding World of Harry Potter
Explore the mysteries of Hogwarts™ castle, visit the shops of Hogsmeade™, and sample fare from some of the wizarding world’s best-known establishments. Plus, experience Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey™ and Flight of the Hippogriff™ as you are transported into a world of magical thrills and excitement.
Universal CityWalk Hollywood
Add a classic Hollywood finish to your day at Universal CityWalk, more than 30 places to eat, awesome night spots, 19 screen theater with state-of-the-art IMAX® and more than 30 unique shops. It’s LA’s favorite place to play. CityWalk is located directly next to Universal Studios Hollywood.
Studio Tour
Visit 13 city blocks on four acres of historic studio lot in the largest set construction project in studio history! You’ll laugh along with comedian Jimmy Fallon, the video host of the Studio Tour as he introduces entertaining clips seen on HD monitors in the trams to augment the live Studio Tour guide narration. Encounter the smoldering wreckage of the Boeing 747 from Steven Spielberg's War of the Worlds; Come face-to-face with Amity Island's most famous resident – "Jaws"; see the world's largest, most intense 3-D experience - King Kong 360 3-D, see the incredibly creepy Bates Motel and hold on tight for the grand finale of the Studio Tour, Fast & Furious – Supercharged!
Revenge of the Mummy - The Ride
Face heart-pounding special effects and shocks at every turn, plus raging mummy warriors, on a rollercoaster ride into the world of The Mummy
Transformers: The Ride - 3D
Fusing photo-realistic 3D HD media and elaborate flight simulation technology with cutting edge physical and special effects, TRANSFORMERS™: The Ride-3D is the next generation immersive Theme Park attraction
Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey
Enter through the towering castle gates and make your way down the familiar passageways and corridors of Hogwarts™ School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Visit iconic locations such as Dumbledore's office, the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom, the Gryffindor™ common room, the Room of Requirement, and more. Then get ready to soar above the castle grounds as you join Harry Potter™ and his friends on an unforgettably thrilling adventure, coming face-to-face with an array of magical creatures. This amazing attraction uses groundbreaking, state-of-the-art technology (and a little magic) to create a one-of-a-kind ride.
The Simpsons Ride
The Simpsons Ride™ and Springfield, U.S.A. Careen and crash through Springfield U.S.A. with America’s favorite animated family, The Simpsons™. Enjoy the town by visiting the famous KrustyBurger, indulging in delicious Lard Lad Donuts and meeting friends at Moe’s Tavern!
Super Silly Fun Land
Super Silly Fun Land is an elaborate play zone adjacent to Despicable Me Minion Mayhem. This colorfully themed, interactive Minion-inspired outdoor venue is a literal interpretation of the seaside carnival from Illumination’s “Despicable Me,” designed to entertain guests of all ages with its more than 80 different water-play features. A nearby dry zone invites guests to climb, jump and slide, while the Minion-themed ride, “Silly Swirly Fun Ride,” will soar and spin guests around for a 360-degree view of “Super Silly Fun Land” aboard a fleet of uniquely styled ride vehicles.
King Kong 360 3-D
Don’t miss the award-winning King Kong 360-3D created by Peter Jackson – The world’s largest 3-D experience, only on the Universal Studios Hollywood™ Studio Tour. Your heart will pound. Your survival instincts will be on overload. Prepare to be caught in the middle of a terrifying struggle between a 35-foot T-Rex and the 8th wonder of the world – King Kong.
Flight of the Hippogriff
Flight of the Hippogriff™ is a family-friendly roller coaster that spirals and dives around the pumpkin patch, and then swoops past Hagrid’s hut.
Fast and Furious - Supercharged
Ride along with the all-star cast from the hit movies on an exhilarating high-speed chase that exceeds 120 miles per hour and catapults you into the high-stakes underworld of fast cars and international crime cartels. You’ll be engulfed in a world of cutting-edge, hyper-realistic special effects, including 3D-HD imagery projected onto the world’s most expansive 360-degree screens! Fast & Furious - Supercharged is featured on The World-Famous Studio Tour.
Experience Universal Studios #1 rated show. Join an adventure that surges to life with jumping jet-skiers, perilous plunges, firefights, massive explosions, and an in-your-face plane crash you need to see to believe.
Universal's Animal Actors
See your favorite scenes from The Secret Life of Pets re-enacted, and watch exclusive film content at the Universal’s Animal Actors show! Witness Tinseltown-trained critters putting pet tricks to shame with their animal antics! The animals aren’t just in the live show, they’re in control! Who knows, you might even get to co-star!
Special Effects Show
Get an exclusive behind-the scenes look into your favorite blockbuster movies in our Special Effects Show as stunts, practical effects and cutting-edge technology come to life.
Universal Studios Hollywood
Get ready for the ultimate Hollywood movie experience! Don't miss the chance to visit the world's largest movie studio and theme park! At Universal Studios Hollywood there's a world of fun-filled adventures the whole family will love. Upgrade your ticket to the Universal Express option and avoid the regular lines. A Universal Express ticket at Universal Studios Hollywood entitles visitors to one-time express access to each ride, show and attraction. Priority entry privileges, reserved seating, special demonstrations and special tours are subject to ride, show and attraction availability.
The Wizarding World of Harry Potter
Explore the mysteries of Hogwarts™ castle, visit the shops of Hogsmeade™, and sample fare from some of the wizarding world’s best-known establishments. Plus, experience Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey™ and Flight of the Hippogriff™ as you are transported into a world of magical thrills and excitement.
Universal CityWalk Hollywood
Add a classic Hollywood finish to your day at Universal CityWalk, more than 30 places to eat, awesome night spots, 19 screen theater with state-of-the-art IMAX® and more than 30 unique shops. It’s LA’s favorite place to play. CityWalk is located directly next to Universal Studios Hollywood.
Studio Tour
Visit 13 city blocks on four acres of historic studio lot in the largest set construction project in studio history! You’ll laugh along with comedian Jimmy Fallon, the video host of the Studio Tour as he introduces entertaining clips seen on HD monitors in the trams to augment the live Studio Tour guide narration. Encounter the smoldering wreckage of the Boeing 747 from Steven Spielberg's War of the Worlds; Come face-to-face with Amity Island's most famous resident – "Jaws"; see the world's largest, most intense 3-D experience - King Kong 360 3-D, see the incredibly creepy Bates Motel and hold on tight for the grand finale of the Studio Tour, Fast & Furious – Supercharged!
Revenge of the Mummy - The Ride
Face heart-pounding special effects and shocks at every turn, plus raging mummy warriors, on a rollercoaster ride into the world of The Mummy
Transformers: The Ride - 3D
Fusing photo-realistic 3D HD media and elaborate flight simulation technology with cutting edge physical and special effects, TRANSFORMERS™: The Ride-3D is the next generation immersive Theme Park attraction
Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey
Enter through the towering castle gates and make your way down the familiar passageways and corridors of Hogwarts™ School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Visit iconic locations such as Dumbledore's office, the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom, the Gryffindor™ common room, the Room of Requirement, and more. Then get ready to soar above the castle grounds as you join Harry Potter™ and his friends on an unforgettably thrilling adventure, coming face-to-face with an array of magical creatures. This amazing attraction uses groundbreaking, state-of-the-art technology (and a little magic) to create a one-of-a-kind ride.
The Simpsons Ride
The Simpsons Ride™ and Springfield, U.S.A. Careen and crash through Springfield U.S.A. with America’s favorite animated family, The Simpsons™. Enjoy the town by visiting the famous KrustyBurger, indulging in delicious Lard Lad Donuts and meeting friends at Moe’s Tavern!
Super Silly Fun Land
Super Silly Fun Land is an elaborate play zone adjacent to Despicable Me Minion Mayhem. This colorfully themed, interactive Minion-inspired outdoor venue is a literal interpretation of the seaside carnival from Illumination’s “Despicable Me,” designed to entertain guests of all ages with its more than 80 different water-play features. A nearby dry zone invites guests to climb, jump and slide, while the Minion-themed ride, “Silly Swirly Fun Ride,” will soar and spin guests around for a 360-degree view of “Super Silly Fun Land” aboard a fleet of uniquely styled ride vehicles.
King Kong 360 3-D
Don’t miss the award-winning King Kong 360-3D created by Peter Jackson – The world’s largest 3-D experience, only on the Universal Studios Hollywood™ Studio Tour. Your heart will pound. Your survival instincts will be on overload. Prepare to be caught in the middle of a terrifying struggle between a 35-foot T-Rex and the 8th wonder of the world – King Kong.
Flight of the Hippogriff
Flight of the Hippogriff™ is a family-friendly roller coaster that spirals and dives around the pumpkin patch, and then swoops past Hagrid’s hut.
Fast and Furious - Supercharged
Ride along with the all-star cast from the hit movies on an exhilarating high-speed chase that exceeds 120 miles per hour and catapults you into the high-stakes underworld of fast cars and international crime cartels. You’ll be engulfed in a world of cutting-edge, hyper-realistic special effects, including 3D-HD imagery projected onto the world’s most expansive 360-degree screens! Fast & Furious - Supercharged is featured on The World-Famous Studio Tour.
Experience Universal Studios #1 rated show. Join an adventure that surges to life with jumping jet-skiers, perilous plunges, firefights, massive explosions, and an in-your-face plane crash you need to see to believe.
Universal's Animal Actors
See your favorite scenes from The Secret Life of Pets re-enacted, and watch exclusive film content at the Universal’s Animal Actors show! Witness Tinseltown-trained critters putting pet tricks to shame with their animal antics! The animals aren’t just in the live show, they’re in control! Who knows, you might even get to co-star!
Special Effects Show
Get an exclusive behind-the scenes look into your favorite blockbuster movies in our Special Effects Show as stunts, practical effects and cutting-edge technology come to life.
Universal Studios Hollywood
Get ready for the ultimate Hollywood movie experience! Don't miss the chance to visit the world's largest movie studio and theme park! At Universal Studios Hollywood there's a world of fun-filled adventures the whole family will love. Upgrade your ticket to the Universal Express option and avoid the regular lines. A Universal Express ticket at Universal Studios Hollywood entitles visitors to one-time express access to each ride, show and attraction. Priority entry privileges, reserved seating, special demonstrations and special tours are subject to ride, show and attraction availability.
The Wizarding World of Harry Potter
Explore the mysteries of Hogwarts™ castle, visit the shops of Hogsmeade™, and sample fare from some of the wizarding world’s best-known establishments. Plus, experience Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey™ and Flight of the Hippogriff™ as you are transported into a world of magical thrills and excitement.
Universal CityWalk Hollywood
Add a classic Hollywood finish to your day at Universal CityWalk, more than 30 places to eat, awesome night spots, 19 screen theater with state-of-the-art IMAX® and more than 30 unique shops. It’s LA’s favorite place to play. CityWalk is located directly next to Universal Studios Hollywood.
Studio Tour
Visit 13 city blocks on four acres of historic studio lot in the largest set construction project in studio history! You’ll laugh along with comedian Jimmy Fallon, the video host of the Studio Tour as he introduces entertaining clips seen on HD monitors in the trams to augment the live Studio Tour guide narration. Encounter the smoldering wreckage of the Boeing 747 from Steven Spielberg's War of the Worlds; Come face-to-face with Amity Island's most famous resident – "Jaws"; see the world's largest, most intense 3-D experience - King Kong 360 3-D, see the incredibly creepy Bates Motel and hold on tight for the grand finale of the Studio Tour, Fast & Furious – Supercharged!
Revenge of the Mummy - The Ride
Face heart-pounding special effects and shocks at every turn, plus raging mummy warriors, on a rollercoaster ride into the world of The Mummy
Transformers: The Ride - 3D
Fusing photo-realistic 3D HD media and elaborate flight simulation technology with cutting edge physical and special effects, TRANSFORMERS™: The Ride-3D is the next generation immersive Theme Park attraction
Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey
Enter through the towering castle gates and make your way down the familiar passageways and corridors of Hogwarts™ School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Visit iconic locations such as Dumbledore's office, the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom, the Gryffindor™ common room, the Room of Requirement, and more. Then get ready to soar above the castle grounds as you join Harry Potter™ and his friends on an unforgettably thrilling adventure, coming face-to-face with an array of magical creatures. This amazing attraction uses groundbreaking, state-of-the-art technology (and a little magic) to create a one-of-a-kind ride.
The Simpsons Ride
The Simpsons Ride™ and Springfield, U.S.A. Careen and crash through Springfield U.S.A. with America’s favorite animated family, The Simpsons™. Enjoy the town by visiting the famous KrustyBurger, indulging in delicious Lard Lad Donuts and meeting friends at Moe’s Tavern!
Super Silly Fun Land
Super Silly Fun Land is an elaborate play zone adjacent to Despicable Me Minion Mayhem. This colorfully themed, interactive Minion-inspired outdoor venue is a literal interpretation of the seaside carnival from Illumination’s “Despicable Me,” designed to entertain guests of all ages with its more than 80 different water-play features. A nearby dry zone invites guests to climb, jump and slide, while the Minion-themed ride, “Silly Swirly Fun Ride,” will soar and spin guests around for a 360-degree view of “Super Silly Fun Land” aboard a fleet of uniquely styled ride vehicles.
King Kong 360 3-D
Don’t miss the award-winning King Kong 360-3D created by Peter Jackson – The world’s largest 3-D experience, only on the Universal Studios Hollywood™ Studio Tour. Your heart will pound. Your survival instincts will be on overload. Prepare to be caught in the middle of a terrifying struggle between a 35-foot T-Rex and the 8th wonder of the world – King Kong.
Flight of the Hippogriff
Flight of the Hippogriff™ is a family-friendly roller coaster that spirals and dives around the pumpkin patch, and then swoops past Hagrid’s hut.
Fast and Furious - Supercharged
Ride along with the all-star cast from the hit movies on an exhilarating high-speed chase that exceeds 120 miles per hour and catapults you into the high-stakes underworld of fast cars and international crime cartels. You’ll be engulfed in a world of cutting-edge, hyper-realistic special effects, including 3D-HD imagery projected onto the world’s most expansive 360-degree screens! Fast & Furious - Supercharged is featured on The World-Famous Studio Tour.
Experience Universal Studios #1 rated show. Join an adventure that surges to life with jumping jet-skiers, perilous plunges, firefights, massive explosions, and an in-your-face plane crash you need to see to believe.
Universal's Animal Actors
See your favorite scenes from The Secret Life of Pets re-enacted, and watch exclusive film content at the Universal’s Animal Actors show! Witness Tinseltown-trained critters putting pet tricks to shame with their animal antics! The animals aren’t just in the live show, they’re in control! Who knows, you might even get to co-star!
Special Effects Show
Get an exclusive behind-the scenes look into your favorite blockbuster movies in our Special Effects Show as stunts, practical effects and cutting-edge technology come to life.
Universal Studios Hollywood
Get ready for the ultimate Hollywood movie experience! Don't miss the chance to visit the world's largest movie studio and theme park! At Universal Studios Hollywood there's a world of fun-filled adventures the whole family will love. Upgrade your ticket to the Universal Express option and avoid the regular lines. A Universal Express ticket at Universal Studios Hollywood entitles visitors to one-time express access to each ride, show and attraction. Priority entry privileges, reserved seating, special demonstrations and special tours are subject to ride, show and attraction availability.
The Wizarding World of Harry Potter
Explore the mysteries of Hogwarts™ castle, visit the shops of Hogsmeade™, and sample fare from some of the wizarding world’s best-known establishments. Plus, experience Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey™ and Flight of the Hippogriff™ as you are transported into a world of magical thrills and excitement.
Universal CityWalk Hollywood
Add a classic Hollywood finish to your day at Universal CityWalk, more than 30 places to eat, awesome night spots, 19 screen theater with state-of-the-art IMAX® and more than 30 unique shops. It’s LA’s favorite place to play. CityWalk is located directly next to Universal Studios Hollywood.
Studio Tour
Visit 13 city blocks on four acres of historic studio lot in the largest set construction project in studio history! You’ll laugh along with comedian Jimmy Fallon, the video host of the Studio Tour as he introduces entertaining clips seen on HD monitors in the trams to augment the live Studio Tour guide narration. Encounter the smoldering wreckage of the Boeing 747 from Steven Spielberg's War of the Worlds; Come face-to-face with Amity Island's most famous resident – "Jaws"; see the world's largest, most intense 3-D experience - King Kong 360 3-D, see the incredibly creepy Bates Motel and hold on tight for the grand finale of the Studio Tour, Fast & Furious – Supercharged!
Revenge of the Mummy - The Ride
Face heart-pounding special effects and shocks at every turn, plus raging mummy warriors, on a rollercoaster ride into the world of The Mummy
Transformers: The Ride - 3D
Fusing photo-realistic 3D HD media and elaborate flight simulation technology with cutting edge physical and special effects, TRANSFORMERS™: The Ride-3D is the next generation immersive Theme Park attraction
Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey
Enter through the towering castle gates and make your way down the familiar passageways and corridors of Hogwarts™ School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Visit iconic locations such as Dumbledore's office, the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom, the Gryffindor™ common room, the Room of Requirement, and more. Then get ready to soar above the castle grounds as you join Harry Potter™ and his friends on an unforgettably thrilling adventure, coming face-to-face with an array of magical creatures. This amazing attraction uses groundbreaking, state-of-the-art technology (and a little magic) to create a one-of-a-kind ride.
The Simpsons Ride
The Simpsons Ride™ and Springfield, U.S.A. Careen and crash through Springfield U.S.A. with America’s favorite animated family, The Simpsons™. Enjoy the town by visiting the famous KrustyBurger, indulging in delicious Lard Lad Donuts and meeting friends at Moe’s Tavern!
Super Silly Fun Land
Super Silly Fun Land is an elaborate play zone adjacent to Despicable Me Minion Mayhem. This colorfully themed, interactive Minion-inspired outdoor venue is a literal interpretation of the seaside carnival from Illumination’s “Despicable Me,” designed to entertain guests of all ages with its more than 80 different water-play features. A nearby dry zone invites guests to climb, jump and slide, while the Minion-themed ride, “Silly Swirly Fun Ride,” will soar and spin guests around for a 360-degree view of “Super Silly Fun Land” aboard a fleet of uniquely styled ride vehicles.
King Kong 360 3-D
Don’t miss the award-winning King Kong 360-3D created by Peter Jackson – The world’s largest 3-D experience, only on the Universal Studios Hollywood™ Studio Tour. Your heart will pound. Your survival instincts will be on overload. Prepare to be caught in the middle of a terrifying struggle between a 35-foot T-Rex and the 8th wonder of the world – King Kong.
Flight of the Hippogriff
Flight of the Hippogriff™ is a family-friendly roller coaster that spirals and dives around the pumpkin patch, and then swoops past Hagrid’s hut.
Fast and Furious - Supercharged
Ride along with the all-star cast from the hit movies on an exhilarating high-speed chase that exceeds 120 miles per hour and catapults you into the high-stakes underworld of fast cars and international crime cartels. You’ll be engulfed in a world of cutting-edge, hyper-realistic special effects, including 3D-HD imagery projected onto the world’s most expansive 360-degree screens! Fast & Furious - Supercharged is featured on The World-Famous Studio Tour.
Experience Universal Studios #1 rated show. Join an adventure that surges to life with jumping jet-skiers, perilous plunges, firefights, massive explosions, and an in-your-face plane crash you need to see to believe.
Universal's Animal Actors
See your favorite scenes from The Secret Life of Pets re-enacted, and watch exclusive film content at the Universal’s Animal Actors show! Witness Tinseltown-trained critters putting pet tricks to shame with their animal antics! The animals aren’t just in the live show, they’re in control! Who knows, you might even get to co-star!
Special Effects Show
Get an exclusive behind-the scenes look into your favorite blockbuster movies in our Special Effects Show as stunts, practical effects and cutting-edge technology come to life.
Studios universels d'Hollywood
Préparez-vous pour l'expérience cinématographique hollywoodienne ultime ! Ne manquez pas l'occasion de visiter le plus grand studio de cinéma et parc à thème du monde ! À Universal Studios Hollywood, il y a un monde d'aventures amusantes que toute la famille adorera. Mettez à niveau votre billet vers l'option Universal Express et évitez les lignes régulières. Un billet Universal Express à Universal Studios Hollywood donne droit aux visiteurs à un accès express unique à chaque manège, spectacle et attraction. Les privilèges d'entrée prioritaires, les sièges réservés, les démonstrations spéciales et les visites spéciales sont soumis à la disponibilité des manèges, des spectacles et des attractions.
Le monde sorcier de Harry Potter
Explorez les mystères du château de Poudlard™, visitez les boutiques de Pré-au-Lard™ et goûtez aux plats de certains des établissements les plus connus du monde sorcier. De plus, découvrez Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey ™ et Flight of the Hippogriff ™ alors que vous êtes transporté dans un monde de sensations fortes et d'excitation magiques.
Universal City Walk Hollywood
Ajoutez une finition hollywoodienne classique à votre journée à Universal CityWalk, plus de 30 endroits pour manger, des boîtes de nuit impressionnantes, 19 salles de cinéma avec IMAX® à la pointe de la technologie et plus de 30 boutiques uniques. C'est l'endroit préféré de Los Angeles pour jouer. CityWalk est situé juste à côté d'Universal Studios Hollywood.
Visite des studios
Visitez 13 pâtés de maisons sur quatre acres de terrain de studio historique dans le plus grand projet de construction de décors de l'histoire du studio ! Vous rirez avec le comédien Jimmy Fallon, l'animateur vidéo du Studio Tour, alors qu'il présente des clips divertissants vus sur des moniteurs HD dans les tramways pour augmenter la narration en direct du guide du Studio Tour. Rencontrez l'épave fumante du Boeing 747 de la guerre des mondes de Steven Spielberg; Venez face à face avec le résident le plus célèbre d'Amity Island - "Jaws"; découvrez l'expérience 3D la plus grande et la plus intense au monde - King Kong 360 3-D, découvrez l'incroyable Bates Motel et tenez-vous bien pour la grande finale du Studio Tour, Fast & Furious - Supercharged !
La revanche de la momie - La chevauchée
Affrontez des effets spéciaux et des chocs palpitants à chaque tournant, ainsi que des momies guerrières déchaînées, lors d'un tour en montagnes russes dans le monde de The Mummy
Transformers : le trajet - 3D
Fusionnant des médias HD 3D photoréalistes et une technologie de simulation de vol élaborée avec des effets physiques et spéciaux de pointe, TRANSFORMERS ™: The Ride-3D est l'attraction de parc à thème immersive de nouvelle génération
Harry Potter et le voyage interdit
Entrez par les imposantes portes du château et parcourez les passages et les couloirs familiers de l'école de sorcellerie et de sorcellerie de Poudlard™. Visitez des lieux emblématiques tels que le bureau de Dumbledore, la salle de classe Défense contre les forces du mal, la salle commune de Gryffondor™, la salle sur demande, etc. Préparez-vous ensuite à survoler le parc du château en rejoignant Harry Potter™ et ses amis dans une aventure palpitante inoubliable, face à face avec un éventail de créatures magiques. Cette attraction étonnante utilise une technologie de pointe révolutionnaire (et un peu de magie) pour créer un manège unique en son genre.
La balade des Simpson
The Simpsons Ride ™ et Springfield, U.S.A. Careen et crash à travers Springfield U.S.A. avec la famille animée préférée de l'Amérique, The Simpsons ™. Profitez de la ville en visitant le célèbre KrustyBurger, en vous livrant à de délicieux beignets Lard Lad et en rencontrant des amis à Moe's Tavern!
Terre d'amusement super stupide
Super Silly Fun Land est une zone de jeu élaborée adjacente à Despicable Me Minion Mayhem. Ce lieu extérieur interactif à thème coloré et inspiré des Minions est une interprétation littérale du carnaval balnéaire de "Despicable Me" d'Illumination, conçu pour divertir les invités de tous âges avec ses plus de 80 jeux d'eau différents. Une zone sèche à proximité invite les invités à grimper, sauter et glisser, tandis que le manège sur le thème des Minions, "Silly Swirly Fun Ride", s'envolera et fera tourner les invités pour une vue à 360 degrés de "Super Silly Fun Land" à bord d'une flotte de véhicules de transport au style unique.
King Kong 360 3-D
Ne manquez pas le King Kong 360-3D primé créé par Peter Jackson - La plus grande expérience 3D au monde, uniquement sur le Universal Studios Hollywood ™ Studio Tour. Votre cœur battra la chamade. Vos instincts de survie seront surchargés. Préparez-vous à être pris au milieu d'une lutte terrifiante entre un T-Rex de 35 pieds et la 8ème merveille du monde - King Kong.
Vol de l'Hippogriffe
Flight of the Hippogriff ™ est une montagne russe familiale qui tourne en spirale et plonge autour du champ de citrouilles, puis passe devant la cabane de Hagrid.
Fast and Furious - Suralimenté
Roulez avec les acteurs vedettes des films à succès dans une poursuite exaltante à grande vitesse qui dépasse 120 miles par heure et vous catapulte dans le monde souterrain des voitures rapides et des cartels criminels internationaux. Vous serez plongé dans un monde d'effets spéciaux hyperréalistes de pointe, y compris des images 3D-HD projetées sur les écrans à 360 degrés les plus vastes au monde ! Fast & Furious - Supercharged est présenté sur The World-Famous Studio Tour.
Monde de l'eau
Découvrez l'émission classée #1 d'Universal Studios. Rejoignez une aventure qui prend vie avec des jet-skieurs sauteurs, des plongées périlleuses, des échanges de tirs, des explosions massives et un accident d'avion en plein visage qu'il faut voir pour le croire.
Les acteurs animaliers d'Universal
Voyez vos scènes préférées de La vie secrète des animaux de compagnie reconstituées et regardez du contenu exclusif du film au spectacle Universal's Animal Actors! Observez les créatures dressées à Tinseltown faire honte aux tours d'animaux de compagnie avec leurs bouffonneries animales ! Les animaux ne sont pas seulement dans le spectacle en direct, ils ont le contrôle ! Qui sait, vous pourriez même avoir la co-vedette !
Spectacle d'effets spéciaux
Obtenez un aperçu exclusif des coulisses de vos films à succès préférés dans notre spectacle d'effets spéciaux alors que les cascades, les effets pratiques et la technologie de pointe prennent vie.
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Toutes les ventes sont finales. Aucun remboursement n'est disponible pour les annulations.
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Dec 2022
What an amazing day! I took my 16 year old teenage daughter, and we only really had about 5 hours. Couldn’t afford the express tickets, so focussed on the 3 things we really wanted to do (1). Harry Potter world. The forbidden journey ride is an absolute must, if we had more time, we would have done it twice! 2). The Jurassic Park ride - this was ok. (3) the one hour Universal studios tour. This too is a must see. We did stop for lunch so I could have some clam chowder, which was good, but this is not a place for a health fanatic! Customer service and experience is bloody awesome.
Dec 2022
As a family we have visited Universal Orlando Resort many times, but this was our first visit to Universal Studios Hollywood. Tickets were value for money as they were buy one day, get one day free (purchased in the UK). We love anything Universal and especially enjoy Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey. When visiting at the right time they will allow you to renter the ride, to ride again without having to que which was a bonus. At Universal Orlando Resort we normally purchase 14 day tickets, but here the 2 day ticket was plenty. Everything is on a much smaller scale than Orlando, but a must do if visiting California. CONS: Food and drinks were overpriced. Bought a full pizza and felt as though I had been 'robbed' when the cashier asked for £59.99 plus tax! TIP: Buy a refillable cup costs $17 plus tax and includes unlimited drinks every ten minutes until the park closes. These can be reactivated if you visit another day for a reduced cost.
Dec 2022
It is very special to be in the world of many of those things we have watched and re-watched. The studio tour is a must and the « host » was a lot of fun. After visiting Orlando, this one is a lot smaller but we loved going during december for the Christmas spirit.

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