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Tournée des bars étrange avec Fanatical Local


Voulez-vous voir Portland à travers les yeux de son PLUS GRAND FAN ?

Êtes-vous curieux de connaître les communautés qui privilégient les PERSONNES, l'IMAGINATION et les BIÈRES ARTISANALES ?

Êtes-vous prêt à vous lancer dans un BUFFET ALL YOU CAN PORTLAND à travers une visite à pied mettant en vedette des HOTSPOTS LOCAUX et des HISTOIRES COOL?

Alors j'ai l'aventure pour vous : CETTE VISITE.

Cette visite à pied explore où les habitants vont pour la vie nocturne de Portland !

Je vous montre l'âme du ville en vous immergeant dans la culture de son quartier. Cela signifie visiter un quartier de quartier, boire des robinets dans les brasseries de quartier et obtenir le point de vue du quartier en interagissant avec quelqu'un qui vit ici !

Les personnes qui trouvent cette visite significative :
1. Les personnes qui préfèrent une soirée Boire, Manger, Boire plutôt qu'une soirée Boire, Boire, Boire.
2. Les personnes qui préfèrent explorer avec des amis accueillants plutôt que seuls.
3. Les personnes qui aiment les discussions ouvertes et apprécient de recueillir de nouvelles perspectives.

Ville: Portland
Thu 13 Mar
Vous pouvez déjà choisir la date sur le site de réservation
À partir de $59.00
Thu 13 Mar
À partir de $59.00
Faire une réservation
Ce qui est inclu
Local guide
Professional guide
Your First Drink of the Tour!
Local guide
Professional guide
Your First Drink of the Tour!
Local guide
Information additionnelle
  • Des transports en commun sont disponibles à proximité
  • Déconseillé aux voyageuses enceintes
  • Déconseillé aux voyageurs ayant une mauvaise santé cardiovasculaire
  • Les voyageurs doivent avoir au moins un niveau de forme physique modéré
  • L'âge minimum est de 21 ans
  • Un passeport en cours de validité est requis le jour du voyage
À quoi s'attendre
This walking tour prioritizes interacting with the locals where the locals go. I show you the soul of Portland by immersing you in its people. This means exploring neighborhood districts, drinking taps from neighborhood breweries, and getting the neighborhood perspective by interacting with the people who live there. By the end of the walking tour, we’ll have made a mildly-inebriated adventure from seeing why the people of Portland are the attraction of the city. People who find this tour meaningful: 1. People who prefer a Drink, Eat, Drink night rather than a Drink, Drink, Drink night. 2. People who prefer to explore with welcoming friends rather than alone. 3. People who intentionally use travel to develop themselves and their world perspectives. 4. People with no time to grow roots in the city, but want to know where they'd hang out if they lived here. "I could see myself moving to Portland." - Every Person, from Everywhere
This walking tour prioritizes interacting with the locals where the locals go. I show you the soul of Portland by immersing you in its people. This means exploring neighborhood districts, drinking taps from neighborhood breweries, and getting the neighborhood perspective by interacting with the people who live there. By the end of the walking tour, we’ll have made a mildly-inebriated adventure from seeing why the people of Portland are the attraction of the city. People who find this tour meaningful: 1. People who prefer a Drink, Eat, Drink night rather than a Drink, Drink, Drink night. 2. People who prefer to explore with welcoming friends rather than alone. 3. People who intentionally use travel to develop themselves and their world perspectives. 4. People with no time to grow roots in the city, but want to know where they'd hang out if they lived here. "I could see myself moving to Portland." - Every Person, from Everywhere
This walking tour prioritizes interacting with the locals where the locals go. I show you the soul of Portland by immersing you in its people. This means exploring neighborhood districts, drinking taps from neighborhood breweries, and getting the neighborhood perspective by interacting with the people who live there. By the end of the walking tour, we’ll have made a mildly-inebriated adventure from seeing why the people of Portland are the attraction of the city. People who find this tour meaningful: 1. People who prefer a Drink, Eat, Drink night rather than a Drink, Drink, Drink night. 2. People who prefer to explore with welcoming friends rather than alone. 3. People who intentionally use travel to develop themselves and their world perspectives. 4. People with no time to grow roots in the city, but want to know where they'd hang out if they lived here. "I could see myself moving to Portland." - Every Person, from Everywhere
Cette visite à pied donne la priorité à l'interaction avec les habitants là où les habitants vont. Je vous montre l'âme de Portland en vous immergeant dans ses habitants. Cela signifie explorer les quartiers du quartier, boire des robinets dans les brasseries du quartier et obtenir la perspective du quartier en interagissant avec les personnes qui y vivent. À la fin de la visite à pied, nous aurons fait une aventure légèrement ivre en voyant pourquoi les habitants de Portland sont l'attraction de la ville. Les personnes qui trouvent cette visite significative : 1. Les personnes qui préfèrent une soirée Boire, Manger, Boire plutôt qu'une soirée Boire, Boire, Boire. 2. Les personnes qui préfèrent explorer avec des amis accueillants plutôt que seuls. 3. Les personnes qui utilisent intentionnellement les voyages pour se développer et développer leur vision du monde. 4. Les gens qui n'ont pas le temps de s'enraciner dans la ville, mais qui veulent savoir où ils traîneraient s'ils vivaient ici. "Je me voyais déménager à Portland." - Chaque personne, de partout
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Photos de voyageurs
Commentaires (24)
May 2022
Dresden clearly loves Portland and connecting with others. The bars were good, but what stood out to me was his ability to foster quick connections between random strangers. Our entire group decided to hang out after the tour, and I believe this experience is what will stick with me. Thanks, Dresden! -Mike
Apr 2022
During our Portland trip, the Weird Bar Crawl was definitely one of our favorite activities. Dresden provided a fascinating perspective on local history as we traveled through a fun + eclectic mix of bars. His choices clearly showcased the strong communal nature of the city. We instantly clicked with the other people on tour and had some incredibly deep conversations for the amount of time we had known each other. We stayed at the bar long after the tour officially ended, talking and getting to know each other until much later. The tour ended with us (not so) slightly intoxicated, along with a newfound appreciation of the city and some hilarious stories from new friends. Dresden: THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! We had a great time getting to know you, throwing snakes, and seeing Portland through your eyes.
Oct 2021
This trip is a must see! Dresden is super knowledgeable about the city’s culture and history. As a solo traveler it’s was a great way to connect with people and the city’s unique surroundings. 11/10

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