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Excursion d'observation des baleines et des plages du comté d'Orange au départ d'Anaheim

Partez d'Anaheim dans la matinée et dirigez-vous vers le sud pour explorer les magnifiques plages du comté d'Orange.

Profitez d'un arrêt à Laguna Beach pour une photo sur les falaises !

Nous nous arrêtons ensuite à Newport Beach pour une expédition d'observation des baleines de 2,5 heures (emplacement des baleines non garanti)

Ensuite, nous partons à la découverte de Huntington Beach /Surf City USA.

Transport aller-retour depuis les hôtels de la zone de villégiature d'Anaheim, Fullerton, Buena Park (et de nombreux hôtels à Orange) inclus.
Ville: Anaheim et Buena Park
Tue 04 Jun
Vous pouvez déjà choisir la date sur le site de réservation
À partir de $89.00
Tue 04 Jun
À partir de $89.00
Faire une réservation
Ce qui est inclu
Round-trip transportation
Photo stop in Laguna Beach
Whale-watching excursion
Extended stops in Newport and Huntington Beaches
Fully narrated bus tour
Round-trip transportation
Photo stop in Laguna Beach
Information additionnelle
  • Les bébés et les jeunes enfants peuvent monter dans un landau ou une poussette
  • Des options de transport en commun sont disponibles à proximité
  • Des sièges pour bébés spécialisés sont disponibles
  • Convient pour tous les niveaux de condition physique
  • Zones à fort trafic régulièrement désinfectées
  • Véhicules de transport régulièrement désinfectés
  • Guides tenus de se laver régulièrement les mains
  • Régulier contrôles de température pour le personnel
  • Politique de maintien à domicile payée pour le personnel présentant des symptômes
  • Paiements sans contact pour les pourboires et les suppléments
À quoi s'attendre
Laguna Beach
After pick-up from select Anaheim hotels, head to Laguna Beach, about 35 minutes south of Anaheim. Here, you will have amazing views of the Pacific Ocean from the cliff-top at Heisler Park.
Newport Beach
Next, head to Newport Beach where you'll feel the ocean breeze as you head out on a cruise and search for whales in the Pacific Ocean.
Huntington State Beach
Last stop is Huntington Beach, home to the Surfing Walk of Fame and the Surf Museum! Here, you can shop, dine or enjoy the beautiful white sand beach! Don't forget to walk the iconic Huntington Beach Pier!
Laguna Beach
After pick-up from select Anaheim hotels, head to Laguna Beach, about 35 minutes south of Anaheim. Here, you will have amazing views of the Pacific Ocean from the cliff-top at Heisler Park.
Newport Beach
Next, head to Newport Beach where you'll feel the ocean breeze as you head out on a cruise and search for whales in the Pacific Ocean.
Huntington State Beach
Last stop is Huntington Beach, home to the Surfing Walk of Fame and the Surf Museum! Here, you can shop, dine or enjoy the beautiful white sand beach! Don't forget to walk the iconic Huntington Beach Pier!
Laguna Beach
After pick-up from select Anaheim hotels, head to Laguna Beach, about 35 minutes south of Anaheim. Here, you will have amazing views of the Pacific Ocean from the cliff-top at Heisler Park.
Newport Beach
Next, head to Newport Beach where you'll feel the ocean breeze as you head out on a cruise and search for whales in the Pacific Ocean.
Huntington State Beach
Last stop is Huntington Beach, home to the Surfing Walk of Fame and the Surf Museum! Here, you can shop, dine or enjoy the beautiful white sand beach! Don't forget to walk the iconic Huntington Beach Pier!
Laguna Beach
After pick-up from select Anaheim hotels, head to Laguna Beach, about 35 minutes south of Anaheim. Here, you will have amazing views of the Pacific Ocean from the cliff-top at Heisler Park.
Newport Beach
Next, head to Newport Beach where you'll feel the ocean breeze as you head out on a cruise and search for whales in the Pacific Ocean.
Huntington State Beach
Last stop is Huntington Beach, home to the Surfing Walk of Fame and the Surf Museum! Here, you can shop, dine or enjoy the beautiful white sand beach! Don't forget to walk the iconic Huntington Beach Pier!
Laguna Beach
After pick-up from select Anaheim hotels, head to Laguna Beach, about 35 minutes south of Anaheim. Here, you will have amazing views of the Pacific Ocean from the cliff-top at Heisler Park.
Newport Beach
Next, head to Newport Beach where you'll feel the ocean breeze as you head out on a cruise and search for whales in the Pacific Ocean.
Huntington State Beach
Last stop is Huntington Beach, home to the Surfing Walk of Fame and the Surf Museum! Here, you can shop, dine or enjoy the beautiful white sand beach! Don't forget to walk the iconic Huntington Beach Pier!
Laguna Beach
After pick-up from select Anaheim hotels, head to Laguna Beach, about 35 minutes south of Anaheim. Here, you will have amazing views of the Pacific Ocean from the cliff-top at Heisler Park.
Newport Beach
Next, head to Newport Beach where you'll feel the ocean breeze as you head out on a cruise and search for whales in the Pacific Ocean.
Huntington State Beach
Last stop is Huntington Beach, home to the Surfing Walk of Fame and the Surf Museum! Here, you can shop, dine or enjoy the beautiful white sand beach! Don't forget to walk the iconic Huntington Beach Pier!
Laguna Beach
After pick-up from select Anaheim hotels, head to Laguna Beach, about 35 minutes south of Anaheim. Here, you will have amazing views of the Pacific Ocean from the cliff-top at Heisler Park.
Newport Beach
Next, head to Newport Beach where you'll feel the ocean breeze as you head out on a cruise and search for whales in the Pacific Ocean.
Huntington State Beach
Last stop is Huntington Beach, home to the Surfing Walk of Fame and the Surf Museum! Here, you can shop, dine or enjoy the beautiful white sand beach! Don't forget to walk the iconic Huntington Beach Pier!
Laguna beach
Après la prise en charge dans certains hôtels d'Anaheim, dirigez-vous vers Laguna Beach, à environ 35 minutes au sud d'Anaheim. Ici, vous aurez une vue imprenable sur l'océan Pacifique depuis le sommet de la falaise du parc Heisler.
Newport Beach
Ensuite, dirigez-vous vers Newport Beach où vous sentirez la brise de l'océan alors que vous partez en croisière et recherchez des baleines dans l'océan Pacifique.
Plage d'état de Huntington
Le dernier arrêt est Huntington Beach, qui abrite le Surfing Walk of Fame et le Surf Museum ! Ici, vous pouvez faire du shopping, dîner ou profiter de la magnifique plage de sable blanc ! N'oubliez pas de vous promener sur l'emblématique jetée de Huntington Beach !
Show 21 plus d'arrêts
Politique d'annulation
Pour un remboursement complet, annulez au moins 24 heures avant l'heure de départ prévue.
Photos de voyageurs
Commentaires (35)
Dec 2022
Three beaches in one day. They are so close to each other, yet so different in styles. It’s an interesting experience
Oct 2022
Brooke was amazing, she was lovely and so helpful. The whale watching tour was great too we got to see loads of Dolphins! Laguna Besch was beautiful, great way to start our day. We found the price really reasonable for all we got to do too. Thank you again!
Sep 2022
What a wonderful day, such and easy pace visiting the beautiful coastline and cities on the Orange County coast. Our Host/driver was fantastic, so knowledgeable about the whole area even picking things out for each individual group in our full party. We enjoyed this so much and would recommend to anyone visiting the area. Just a note however we didn't see any Whales on our boat trip but saw some amazing families of Dolphins so please don’t be disappointed if you don’t see any Whales it is still well worth it 😀

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