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Aventure en traîneau à chiens au Yukon à Skagway

Faites un voyage époustouflant dans le territoire du Yukon dans le confort et profitez du magnifique paysage. Cherchez la faune et arrêtez-vous à des points de vue panoramiques sur votre chemin vers le coureur de l'Iditarod, le camp des mushers de Michelle Phillips. Une fois arrivé à destination, vous aurez amplement le temps de passer du temps avec d'adorables chiots Alaskan Husky, d'explorer les lieux et de faire une excitante promenade en traîneau à chiens dans la nature sauvage du Yukon. Cette visite dure environ 4 à 4,5 heures.
Ville: Skagway
Fri 25 Oct
Vous pouvez déjà choisir la date sur le site de réservation
À partir de $173.34
Fri 25 Oct
À partir de $173.34
Faire une réservation
Ce qui est inclu
Port pickup and drop-off
Fuel surcharge
Port pickup and drop-off
Fuel surcharge
Information additionnelle
  • Des sièges pour bébés spécialisés sont disponibles
  • Les bébés et les jeunes enfants peuvent monter dans un landau ou une poussette
  • Les animaux d'assistance sont autorisés
  • Les options de transport en commun sont disponible à proximité
  • Les bébés doivent s'asseoir sur les genoux d'un adulte
  • Convient à tous les niveaux de forme physique
  • Un passeport en cours de validité est requis le jour du voyage. Les invités qui n'ont pas leur passeport au moment du départ ne seront pas autorisés à participer à la visite et n'auront pas droit à un remboursement
  • Une petite quantité de marche est impliquée sur des surfaces inégales
  • Doit pouvoir monter et descendre du véhicule de tourisme sans trop de difficulté
  • Non accessible aux fauteuils roulants (les fauteuils roulants pliables peuvent être adaptés à condition que le passager soit accompagné de quelqu'un qui peut l'aider à monter et descendre et les voyagistes ont été informés de manière adéquate) La visite est accessible aux fauteuils roulants pliables, cependant, soyez prêt à affronter des surfaces naturelles inégales sur les sites visités, ce qui peut être difficile pour les personnes ayant des difficultés à marcher ou pour celles qui utilisent un fauteuil roulant pliable.
  • Fonctionne dans toutes les conditions météorologiques, veuillez vous habiller de manière appropriée
  • Au moment de la réservation, les passagers du navire de croisière doivent fournir les informations suivantes au moment de la réservation : nom du navire, heure d'amarrage, heure de débarquement et réembarquement g time
  • Les invités doivent arriver sur les lieux de rendez-vous 20 minutes avant le départ. Tout invité qui est en retard ou manque son heure de départ peut être considéré comme un "non-présentation" et n'aura pas droit à un remboursement. Veuillez être ponctuel.
  • Pantalons longs, chaussures fermées, coupe-vent ou imperméable et lunettes de soleil
  • Les enfants doivent être accompagnés d'un adulte
Politique d'annulation
Pour un remboursement complet, annulez au moins 24 heures avant l'heure de départ prévue.
Photos de voyageurs
Commentaires (68)
May 2019
Absolutely loved this excursion. Trip to dog camp included crossing border into Canada at summit (which we learned included a 'stretch of no man's land' by US/Canada agreement), met Iditarod sled dogs, mushers/trainers, were treated to a 'summer training dog cart ride', and got to pay and hold puppies (future Iditarod hopefuls). Would definitely book again.
Réponse de l'hôte
Jun 2019
We look forward to seeing you next time :)
Gary C
Sep 2018
We chose this trip because we really wanted to see some of the Klondike and experience time with the sled dogs and their puppies. We also wanted to experience riding with the dogs knowing it would be on a cart of some kind, as there is no snow in there in the summer (read the tour description people). Some travelers initially thought this would be a snow sled dog experience, (which would require an expensive helicopter trip to a glacier), however Mike explained this when he provided an overview as to what to expect and they still were very happy with the trip. Skip the railway trip and go on this one because you will cover the same Klondike route up to Frasier, but this provides many photo stops and a whole lot more past Frazier. Plus it is very difficult to take pictures out of a moving train standing on the platform between the cars, or taking bad pictures through the moving train window. Mike has an amazing amount of local Skagway knowledge, the history of the Klondike, the gold rush, the life of the miners going up the passes and the White Horse Pass Railroad. He is very well traveled and could talk about travel adventures all over the world, which added another dimension to the trip. You need to have a passport with you as you cross over the Canadian border. Along the way, Mike talked about the various sled dog races and explained that you have to work your way up to the Iditarod race by doing well in various shorter races. He also explained that Michelle Phillips is the best female musher in the Iditarod, and it is her training camp that we would be visiting. We saw some mountain goats and stopped several times for amazing pictures. We also made a rest stop where there are many historical pictures and markers showing the Yukon Gold miners. We even stopped to take pictures of a wildfire burning across the valley which was burning out of control. It is too remote to fight it conventionally, so the Canadians were hoping for rain to put it out. Once at the camp, we went through the store where they have people snacks and a few souvenirs for visitors and went into a very large fenced yard with many sled dogs and puppies. There was a photo opportunity at every turn with the puppies and the many dogs that were ready to go on a sled pulling trip. You can pick up the puppies for great photos, and you can buy some treats to spoil them. When it was time to get the dogs hooked up to pull the double seat 4 wheeler, all of the dogs started barking as they wanted to be chosen to go. We got great photos and videos of them being hooked up by Michelle, and she took pictures of us in the vehicle. Then we were off and running fast and hard for a thrill ride of a lifetime. Along the way we passed a pond where the dogs all jumped in to cool off, get a drink and there were plastic baby pools there also for cooling. Michelle got out and took some more photos of us and then we headed back to the starting point. Michelle then took us into her shed where she has her Iditarod sled and gear for a show and tell. She explained all of the things she takes, the features on the sled and shared some of her Iditarod adventures. On the way back from the camp, Mike stopped at the Yukon sign and the Alaska sign where he took photos of you with your camera standing in front of the signs. Mike offered the option of either dropping you off in town (which is what we did) or going back to the cruise ship. We got dropped off in front of the gourmet popcorn shop where we bought some delicious bags of popcorn and shopped our way back to the ship. Mike also told us where the liquor store and the IGA Grocery store were located as we wanted to pick up a few items. The Bottom Line: You can take a train ride or take a small and intimate van tour up the White Horse Pass, but the van tour offers so much more. All of the local scenery photo stops and history markers along the way, an extremely well informed tour guide who could tell you anything about the area including the gold rush history, the mountain passes that the miners took, the history of the railroad plus you get puppies !!! It was a very special and intimate tour to meet Michelle, visit her training camp, learn first-hand all about the Iditarod, see her equipment, get pictures with the puppies, go on a sled dog trip and thoroughly enjoy one of the most unique experiences of a lifetime, and that is The Bottom Line !!!
Réponse de l'hôte
Jun 2019
What an Amazing review. Thank you so much for taking the time to to leave such a detailed review. It really gives people a firsthand idea of what makes us ( a small locally owned and operated tour company ) stand out from ( the cruise ship owned ) train. We really appreciate people taking the time to help us educate future tourists on what it is that makes us so different. And in most peoples opinion, so much better. We as locals rely on tourism so with that in mind we try to make every customers experience the best that we can. Because unlike the cruise ship owned train, we rely on repeat and referral business in order to stay alive. Hence, you will always get a more personable tour with us than the train. Thanks again, for the very detailed review. I'm sure you will help put people at ease in their decision to book with us after reading this review. Thanks again, All of us here at Skagway Day Trips
Sep 2018
I booked this excursion through trip advisor about 2 weeks before our Norwegian cruise departed. I chose this trip because we really wanted to experience time with the sled dogs AND we wanted to RIDE with the dogs. (Some other excursions I read about seemed to only provide a talk about the camp and then let you play with the puppies.) This tour delivered what was promised! I traveled with my 2 kids (ages 12 and 14) and another family who also had a 12 year-old. We disembarked from the ship and followed the instructions provided by the tour operator to locate our guide, Mike. He was friendly, easygoing and provided us with an overview as to what to expect from our trip. We headed straight for the camp. On the way, Mike talked about the races, gave some history about how this tour got started, and pointed out scenic sights along the route. Once at the camp, we were let into a very large fenced yard with many sled dogs and puppies. Some dogs/puppies were eager to have visitors while others were a bit more shy. However, they were all very friendly. (I am a cat person and I LOVED the time we spent with the dogs.) We were able to pet and hold the dogs and puppies. There was a table in the back with some jars of treats; for a small fee, you could buy some treats and feed the dogs. Some puppies were willing to be held while others were more interested in being fed. After a little bit, the tour guide starting calling groups together for their sled ride. Before the ride, one of the camp workers gave a short talk about the types of gear used for the races and showed us the equipment. Then the groups headed to a jeep where you could either sit or stand in the back. The jeep was operated by a camp worker and 14 sled dogs were leashed together in the front of the jeep to pull us. (This is part of their training for the races.) We then headed off on about a 10 minute ride on a dirt road course. We stopped once so the dogs could get some water. While the dogs were getting water, our driver took our cameras and took a picture of us in the jeep. My kids and I stood in the back of the jeep and were able to take great photos and videos of the ride using our camera and cell phones. When we returned from the ride, we were able to pet the dogs who pulled our "sled." Then we headed back into the pen with the puppies (where we were originally) and spent some more time there until all of the groups on our bus were finished with their rides. There was a tiny gift shop where you could buy a small souvenir or a snack. On the way back from the camp, Mike stopped at the Yukon sign and the Alaska sign and took photos of each group (using each group's own camera). We also stopped at a scenic overlook where we were able to take our own pictures of the Alaskan scenery and stretch our legs. As we got closer to town, Mike offered the option of either dropping us off in town or back at the ship. Some chose to be let off in town but those that did not stayed on the bus. We had so much fun on this trip! I highly recommend it! Note: We had great weather on the day of our trip. If it has been or is raining, I think you will get muddy because the yard where we visited the dogs is all dirt.
Réponse de l'hôte
Jun 2019
We would love to see some of those pictures!!!! Thanks for the review

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