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2-часовой эко-тур с дельфинами и природой от Orange Beach

Лучший круиз с дельфинами в Алабаме
Это лучший и, безусловно, самый популярный круиз, который мы предлагаем. Наш двухчасовой круиз по Оранж-Бич, Алабаме с дельфинами и природе сочетает в себе все особенности круиза с дельфинами с дополнительным временем плавания по скрытым ручьям задних бухт. Первый час мы проводим в поисках и наблюдении за нашей местной стаей дельфинов, а второй час мы проводим далеко в болотах.
Наш знающий гид и капитан рассказывают о местной флоре и фауне. Вы можете увидеть скоп и их гнезда, цапель, белоголовых орланов, краснохвостых ястребов и, возможно, даже пару аллигаторов. Explorer позволяет нам максимально безопасно подобраться к берегам, местным морским и диким животным. Поскольку лодке требуется всего 16–18 дюймов воды под днищем, мы можем проникнуть в ручьи и болота, куда не могут пройти другие лодки, предоставляя вам действительно уникальные и запоминающиеся впечатления.
Город: Оранжевый пляж
Sat 21 Sep
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Начинается с $30.00
Sat 21 Sep
Начинается с $30.00
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  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Мы смогли удовлетворить большинство запросов. Пожалуйста, позвоните нам по телефону 251-550-8000, чтобы обсудить ваши потребности с нашими сотрудниками.
  • Минимум 18 фунтов для посадки. Младенцы весом менее 18 фунтов не допускаются к посадке.
Что ожидать
Orange Beach
Close your eyes and daydream with us for a moment. Imagine a blue-sky day aboard a boat surrounded by shimmering water. Seagulls dive into the water for their dinner, truly a fresh catch. Friendly dolphins dance in sequence, just a short distance from the boat, and Caribbean music sets the tone for a relaxing dolphin cruise through Wolf Bay and the surrounding waters of Orange Beach, Alabama. There’s no reason to daydream when you can experience this treasure first-hand with the Cetacean Cruise team.
Orange Beach
Close your eyes and daydream with us for a moment. Imagine a blue-sky day aboard a boat surrounded by shimmering water. Seagulls dive into the water for their dinner, truly a fresh catch. Friendly dolphins dance in sequence, just a short distance from the boat, and Caribbean music sets the tone for a relaxing dolphin cruise through Wolf Bay and the surrounding waters of Orange Beach, Alabama. There’s no reason to daydream when you can experience this treasure first-hand with the Cetacean Cruise team.
Orange Beach
Close your eyes and daydream with us for a moment. Imagine a blue-sky day aboard a boat surrounded by shimmering water. Seagulls dive into the water for their dinner, truly a fresh catch. Friendly dolphins dance in sequence, just a short distance from the boat, and Caribbean music sets the tone for a relaxing dolphin cruise through Wolf Bay and the surrounding waters of Orange Beach, Alabama. There’s no reason to daydream when you can experience this treasure first-hand with the Cetacean Cruise team.
Orange Beach
Close your eyes and daydream with us for a moment. Imagine a blue-sky day aboard a boat surrounded by shimmering water. Seagulls dive into the water for their dinner, truly a fresh catch. Friendly dolphins dance in sequence, just a short distance from the boat, and Caribbean music sets the tone for a relaxing dolphin cruise through Wolf Bay and the surrounding waters of Orange Beach, Alabama. There’s no reason to daydream when you can experience this treasure first-hand with the Cetacean Cruise team.
Orange Beach
Close your eyes and daydream with us for a moment. Imagine a blue-sky day aboard a boat surrounded by shimmering water. Seagulls dive into the water for their dinner, truly a fresh catch. Friendly dolphins dance in sequence, just a short distance from the boat, and Caribbean music sets the tone for a relaxing dolphin cruise through Wolf Bay and the surrounding waters of Orange Beach, Alabama. There’s no reason to daydream when you can experience this treasure first-hand with the Cetacean Cruise team.
Оранжевый пляж
Закройте глаза и помечтайте с нами на мгновение. Представьте себе день голубого неба на борту лодки, окруженной мерцающей водой. Чайки ныряют в воду на обед, действительно свежий улов. Дружелюбные дельфины танцуют по очереди, всего в нескольких минутах ходьбы от лодки, а карибская музыка задает тон расслабляющему круизу с дельфинами через Волчий залив и окружающие воды Оранж-Бич, штат Алабама. Нет причин мечтать, когда вы можете испытать это сокровище из первых рук с командой Cetacean Cruise.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (83)
Nov 2021
We had a ladies group go on the 1.5-hour tour which they graciously extended for us. It was fantastic. Both gentlemen who guided us were especially informative and delightful. The ladies were genuinely impressed with the knowledge and their ability to pilot the boat to enhance our experience. The dolphins were great! So many it was hard to count and the extra information we received was fantastic! Check-in was easy, there was no waiting, easy on/off, I have to admit, there was nothing about this tour that could have been classified as not up to par. They excelled in everything!
Ответ от хоста
Nov 2021
Thank you for the amazing review!!! We're so glad you enjoyed the cruise!
Nov 2021
We are a family of four with two girls of 9 and 5. The 2 hour dolphin and eco tour was exactly what my wife and I were wanting for our kids. We did not want to go on the ocean because our girls can get motion sickness. We stayed in the bay on a boat that was very smooth and we saw dolphins within minutes of leaving the dock. Another boat left the same time we did but they rarely stopped to get good views of the dolphins and appreciate them. The crew was very knowledgeable, friendly, and professional. They even helped take some family pictures. I have no problems giving them a 5/5 and would totally recommend them.
Ответ от хоста
Nov 2021
Thank you for the awesome review! It sounds like y'all had a fantastic time!
Oct 2021
We had the best time! Our 3 kiddos (11,8 and 3) all loved it! The captain and crew were welcoming, fun and professional! We saw LOTS of dolphins and learned all sorts of fun facts about them. A must do if you haven’t yet!
Ответ от хоста
Oct 2021
Thanks for the awesome review! We do have a pretty amazing crew, and we will pass your review along to them! Please visit us again!

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