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2-часовой велосипедный тур по Центральному парку для небольших групп

Отправьтесь в двухчасовое путешествие по одному из самых красивых парков мира — двухчасовой велосипедный тур для небольших групп с гидом по Центральному парку. Исследуйте его скрытые секреты и насладитесь достопримечательностями Центрального парка — с личным обслуживанием местного лицензированного гида. Посмотрите на историческую архитектуру, киносайты, сады, скрытые водопады и многое другое. По пути узнайте о самой популярной зеленой зоне Нью-Йорка.
Город: Нью-Йорк
Wed 12 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $75.00
Wed 12 Mar
Начинается с $75.00
Что включено
Personal service
Local and licensed tour guides
Personal service
Local and licensed tour guides
Personal service
Local and licensed tour guides
Personal service
Дополнительная информация
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости.
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с травмами позвоночника.
  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с плохим сердечно-сосудистым здоровьем.
  • Подходит для все уровни физической подготовки
  • Предоставляются детские велосипедные сиденья
  • Детские сиденья, трейлеры и тандемные велосипеды доступны
  • Регулярно дезинфицируются места с интенсивным движением
  • Транспортные средства регулярно дезинфицируются
  • Сопровождающие лица должны регулярно мыть руки
  • Регулярные проверки температуры у сотрудников
  • Платные правила пребывания дома для сотрудников с симптомами
  • ли>
Что ожидать
Balto Statue
This is the famous Balto Statue In Central Park. The statue is placed on a rock along the main road It was permanently installed there in 1925
Strawberry Fields, John Lennon Memorial
A tribute to the famous Beatle John Lennon! Located right across the street from his residence Dakota Building!
Rock Tavern
An iconic restaurant located in a former sheepfold. Very elegant dining place often frequented by celebrities, actors and musicians.
Cherry Grove
Named for the gorgeous cherry trees located Near the Lake. It opens a stunning view of the Upper West Side and the San Remo building
Belvedere Castle
It is a miniature castle located on top of Vista Rock overlooking the Great Lawn. Used as a National Weather Service station up until 1919.
Bethesda Terrace
One of the most beautiful spots in Central Park. Located in the perfect center of the island. It opens a mesmarizing view of the Lake and the famous row boats
Balto Statue
This is the famous Balto Statue In Central Park. The statue is placed on a rock along the main road It was permanently installed there in 1925
Strawberry Fields, John Lennon Memorial
A tribute to the famous Beatle John Lennon! Located right across the street from his residence Dakota Building!
Rock Tavern
An iconic restaurant located in a former sheepfold. Very elegant dining place often frequented by celebrities, actors and musicians.
Cherry Grove
Named for the gorgeous cherry trees located Near the Lake. It opens a stunning view of the Upper West Side and the San Remo building
Belvedere Castle
It is a miniature castle located on top of Vista Rock overlooking the Great Lawn. Used as a National Weather Service station up until 1919.
Bethesda Terrace
One of the most beautiful spots in Central Park. Located in the perfect center of the island. It opens a mesmarizing view of the Lake and the famous row boats
Balto Statue
This is the famous Balto Statue In Central Park. The statue is placed on a rock along the main road It was permanently installed there in 1925
Strawberry Fields, John Lennon Memorial
A tribute to the famous Beatle John Lennon! Located right across the street from his residence Dakota Building!
Rock Tavern
An iconic restaurant located in a former sheepfold. Very elegant dining place often frequented by celebrities, actors and musicians.
Cherry Grove
Named for the gorgeous cherry trees located Near the Lake. It opens a stunning view of the Upper West Side and the San Remo building
Belvedere Castle
It is a miniature castle located on top of Vista Rock overlooking the Great Lawn. Used as a National Weather Service station up until 1919.
Bethesda Terrace
One of the most beautiful spots in Central Park. Located in the perfect center of the island. It opens a mesmarizing view of the Lake and the famous row boats
Balto Statue
This is the famous Balto Statue In Central Park. The statue is placed on a rock along the main road It was permanently installed there in 1925
Strawberry Fields, John Lennon Memorial
A tribute to the famous Beatle John Lennon! Located right across the street from his residence Dakota Building!
Rock Tavern
An iconic restaurant located in a former sheepfold. Very elegant dining place often frequented by celebrities, actors and musicians.
Cherry Grove
Named for the gorgeous cherry trees located Near the Lake. It opens a stunning view of the Upper West Side and the San Remo building
Belvedere Castle
It is a miniature castle located on top of Vista Rock overlooking the Great Lawn. Used as a National Weather Service station up until 1919.
Bethesda Terrace
One of the most beautiful spots in Central Park. Located in the perfect center of the island. It opens a mesmarizing view of the Lake and the famous row boats
Статуя Балто
Это знаменитая статуя Балто в Центральном парке. Статуя установлена ​​на скале вдоль главной дороги. Она была установлена ​​на постоянной основе в 1925 году.
Земляничные поля, Мемориал Джона Леннона
Дань знаменитому битлу Джону Леннону! Расположен прямо через дорогу от его резиденции Dakota Building!
Рок Таверна
Культовый ресторан, расположенный в бывшем овчарне. Очень элегантное заведение, которое часто посещают знаменитости, актеры и музыканты.
Вишневая роща
Назван в честь великолепных вишневых деревьев, расположенных у озера. Отсюда открывается потрясающий вид на Верхний Вест-Сайд и здание Сан-Ремо.
Замок Бельведер
Это миниатюрный замок, расположенный на вершине скалы Виста с видом на Грейт-Лоун. До 1919 года использовался как станция национальной метеорологической службы.
Бетесда Терраса
Одно из самых красивых мест в Центральном парке. Расположен в идеальном центре острова. Отсюда открывается завораживающий вид на озеро и знаменитые весельные лодки.
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Отзывы (20)
Heather G
Jul 2018
My family was extremely disappointed after this tour. First, my email had the wrong address for the bike shop, so we had to call and find out that the correct address was 2 blocks away. Second, our tour guide did not show up, so we had to call again and wait 20 minutes for a new one to show up. Third, they don't tell you that Central Park does not allow bike rentals in the park, so you have to go to a bike shop that is 3 or 4 blocks away and then ride through the busy New York streets to get to the park. My kids were really scared riding in the busy streets. However, our tour guide was pretty decent and he did come give us the tour on short notice since the first guy didn't show up, so I guess that was one positive thing about our experience. I also wanted to mention that the bike shop and tour company are not the same company. I don't think the bike shop has any advance notice about the bike rentals for the tour, so they will have no helpful information for customers who show up ahead of the tour guide. Please note that we did enjoy the tour itself, so if you approach the tour knowing everything I have mentioned, you will be better prepared. There are lots of interesting things to see in the park and the bike ride is fun.
Deborah B
Oct 2016

I enjoyed being outside, riding my bike and having someone who knew the route. I wanted more information, some stories, something added. I did not feel that it was worth the extra money for this guide as he did not add to the bike tour as I thought he would. I would not recommend this tour. You can get a map and do it on your own for half the price if you want to just ride and see the park without any added information.

Jason K
Aug 2016

Our guides seemed clueless, could barely be heard or understood. Group members got lost and we wasted our time and money. Horrible experience.

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