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3-часовой частный тур с гидом по Центральному парку Нью-Йорка с поездкой на карусели

Enjoy the fragrant respite from the gasp and clatter of the urban afternoon and wander down the alleys and paths of the Central Park, the city's main lungs just a few steps down from one of the NYC’s busiest thoroughfares.
Город: Нью-Йорк
Wed 02 Apr
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $150.00
Wed 02 Apr
Начинается с $150.00
Что включено
Бутилированная вода
Carousel Ride
All Fees and Taxes
Private walking experience
Круглосуточная поддержка клиентов.
Игра для исследования города, доступная на вашем телефоне (приложение Questo).
Получите отредактированные фотографии в течение 4-5 рабочих дней
Дополнительная информация
  • Infants and small children can ride in a pram or stroller
  • Service animals allowed
  • Public transportation options are available nearby
  • Travelers should have at least a moderate level of physical fitness
Что ожидать
Strawberry Fields, John Lennon Memorial
Walk in footsteps of history and make a pilgrimage to Strawberry Fields, a 2.5 acre area of Central Park that pays tribute to the late Beatle, John Lennon, the man who inspired myriad of people through his music and social activism.
Bethesda Fountain
Take a glance at breathtaking Bethesda Fountain, the gorgeous focal point of the Bethesda Terrace, one of the largest fountains in New York and one of the most well-known fountains in the world. This neoclassical sculpture, also known as Angel of the Waters, features an eight-foot bronze angel who stands above four small cherubim representing health, purity, temperance, and peace.
Central Park Carousel
Visit one of the most popular attractions of Central Park and climb aboard one of its 57 beautiful horses for an exciting three-and-a-half minute ride if you fancy. Open daily from April to October, weather permitting.
Balto Statue
Feast your eyes on the one of the most admired monuments in the park – the Balto statue, bronzed hero who stands ready to accept hugs and offer rides to his fans. Balto was a Siberian Husky who braved fierce Arctic weather to deliver a badly needed antitoxin to save a community from a diptheria epidemic.
Alice in Wonderland Statue
Check one of the most popular artworks in Central Park and see the depiction of a scene from Lewis Carroll’s classic novel, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, showing the protagonist, Alice with her kitten, Dinah, sitting on top of a giant mushroom and surrounded by her Wonderland friends: the Cheshire Cat, Mad Hatter, Dormouse, and the White Rabbit.
Belvedere Castle
Sitting high atop Vista Rock (the second highest natural elevation in the park) iconic Belvedere Castle provides scenic views in almost every direction. Named for the Italian meaning "beautiful view, it is perhaps the most magical monument in Central Park.
Земляничные поля, Мемориал Джона Леннона
Пройдите по следам истории и совершите паломничество в Strawberry Fields, участок площадью 2,5 акра в Центральном парке, который отдает дань уважения покойному Битлу, Джону Леннону, человеку, который вдохновил множество людей своей музыкой и общественной деятельностью.
Фонтан Бетесда
Взгляните на захватывающий дух фонтан Бетесда, великолепный центр террасы Бетесда, один из крупнейших фонтанов в Нью-Йорке и один из самых известных фонтанов в мире. Эта неоклассическая скульптура, также известная как «Ангел вод», представляет собой восьмифутового бронзового ангела, который стоит над четырьмя маленькими херувимами, олицетворяющими здоровье, чистоту, умеренность и мир.
Карусель в Центральном парке
Посетите одну из самых популярных достопримечательностей Центрального парка и заберитесь на одну из 57 прекрасных лошадей, чтобы совершить увлекательную поездку продолжительностью три с половиной минуты, если хотите. Открыт ежедневно с апреля по октябрь, если позволяет погода.
Статуя Балто
Полюбуйтесь одним из самых почитаемых памятников в парке – статуей Балто, бронзовым героем, готовым принять объятия и предложить своим поклонникам прокатиться. Балто был сибирским хаски, который выдержал суровую арктическую погоду, чтобы доставить крайне необходимый антитоксин, чтобы спасти сообщество от эпидемии дифтерии.
Алиса в стране чудес Статуя
Посмотрите на одно из самых популярных произведений искусства в Центральном парке и посмотрите на изображение сцены из классического романа Льюиса Кэрролла «Приключения Алисы в стране чудес», где главная героиня Алиса с котенком Диной сидит на вершине гигантского гриба и окружена ею. Друзья из Страны Чудес: Чеширский Кот, Безумный Шляпник, Соня и Белый Кролик.
Замок Бельведер
Знаменитый замок Бельведер, расположенный высоко на вершине Виста-Рок (второй по высоте естественной возвышенности в парке), предлагает живописные виды практически во всех направлениях. Названный в честь итальянского значения «прекрасный вид», это, пожалуй, самый волшебный памятник в Центральном парке.
Strawberry Fields, John Lennon Memorial
Walk in footsteps of history and make a pilgrimage to Strawberry Fields, a 2.5 acre area of Central Park that pays tribute to the late Beatle, John Lennon, the man who inspired myriad of people through his music and social activism.
Bethesda Fountain
Take a glance at breathtaking Bethesda Fountain, the gorgeous focal point of the Bethesda Terrace, one of the largest fountains in New York and one of the most well-known fountains in the world. This neoclassical sculpture, also known as Angel of the Waters, features an eight-foot bronze angel who stands above four small cherubim representing health, purity, temperance, and peace.
Central Park Carousel
Visit one of the most popular attractions of Central Park and climb aboard one of its 57 beautiful horses for an exciting three-and-a-half minute ride if you fancy. Open daily from April to October, weather permitting.
Balto Statue
Feast your eyes on the one of the most admired monuments in the park – the Balto statue, bronzed hero who stands ready to accept hugs and offer rides to his fans. Balto was a Siberian Husky who braved fierce Arctic weather to deliver a badly needed antitoxin to save a community from a diptheria epidemic.
Alice in Wonderland Statue
Check one of the most popular artworks in Central Park and see the depiction of a scene from Lewis Carroll’s classic novel, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, showing the protagonist, Alice with her kitten, Dinah, sitting on top of a giant mushroom and surrounded by her Wonderland friends: the Cheshire Cat, Mad Hatter, Dormouse, and the White Rabbit.
Belvedere Castle
Sitting high atop Vista Rock (the second highest natural elevation in the park) iconic Belvedere Castle provides scenic views in almost every direction. Named for the Italian meaning "beautiful view, it is perhaps the most magical monument in Central Park.
Strawberry Fields, John Lennon Memorial
Walk in footsteps of history and make a pilgrimage to Strawberry Fields, a 2.5 acre area of Central Park that pays tribute to the late Beatle, John Lennon, the man who inspired myriad of people through his music and social activism.
Bethesda Fountain
Take a glance at breathtaking Bethesda Fountain, the gorgeous focal point of the Bethesda Terrace, one of the largest fountains in New York and one of the most well-known fountains in the world. This neoclassical sculpture, also known as Angel of the Waters, features an eight-foot bronze angel who stands above four small cherubim representing health, purity, temperance, and peace.
Central Park Carousel
Visit one of the most popular attractions of Central Park and climb aboard one of its 57 beautiful horses for an exciting three-and-a-half minute ride if you fancy. Open daily from April to October, weather permitting.
Balto Statue
Feast your eyes on the one of the most admired monuments in the park – the Balto statue, bronzed hero who stands ready to accept hugs and offer rides to his fans. Balto was a Siberian Husky who braved fierce Arctic weather to deliver a badly needed antitoxin to save a community from a diptheria epidemic.
Alice in Wonderland Statue
Check one of the most popular artworks in Central Park and see the depiction of a scene from Lewis Carroll’s classic novel, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, showing the protagonist, Alice with her kitten, Dinah, sitting on top of a giant mushroom and surrounded by her Wonderland friends: the Cheshire Cat, Mad Hatter, Dormouse, and the White Rabbit.
Belvedere Castle
Sitting high atop Vista Rock (the second highest natural elevation in the park) iconic Belvedere Castle provides scenic views in almost every direction. Named for the Italian meaning "beautiful view, it is perhaps the most magical monument in Central Park.
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For a full refund, cancel at least 24 hours before the scheduled departure time.

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