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4-часовой приключенческий тур по болотному багги во Флориде

Капитан Стив подчеркивает качество, настоящее чувство таинственной Флориды Эверглейдс. Он был первым, кто коммерчески руководил турами Swamp Buggy Adventures в национальном заповеднике Big Cypress. BCNP является подразделением национального парка Эверглейдс.

Капитан. Стив никогда не следует путать с одним из типичных 30-минутных придорожных аттракционов. Во-первых, вам никогда не придется стоять в очереди. Их нет. Этот индивидуальный тур предназначен для вашей семьи и является одновременно захватывающим и познавательным. Наслаждаться людьми всех возрастов.

National Geographic перечисляет приключения капитана Стива на болотном багги как обязательный к посещению при посещении национального заповедника Большой Сайпресс во Флориде.
Город: Форт Майерс
Thu 13 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $195.00
Thu 13 Mar
Начинается с $195.00
Что включено
Licensed Tour Guide
Licensed Tour Guide
Licensed Tour Guide
Licensed Tour Guide
Дополнительная информация
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут ездить в детской коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Доступны специальные детские сиденья
  • Подходит для всех физических уровни физической подготовки
  • Регулярная дезинфекция мест с интенсивным движением
  • Снаряжение/оборудование дезинфицируются между использованием
  • Регулярно дезинфицируются транспортные средства
  • Вакцинация против COVID-19 требуется для гидов
Что ожидать
Big Cypress National Preserve
Me and my family are 6th generation "Gladesmen" and we'd love to show you the Big Cypess National Preserve. This is the largest subtropical swamp in the USA, where plants and animals grow and live no where else in the world. See the elusive Panther, black bear, wading birds, deer, its a photo opportunity of a life time!
Big Cypress National Preserve
Me and my family are 6th generation "Gladesmen" and we'd love to show you the Big Cypess National Preserve. This is the largest subtropical swamp in the USA, where plants and animals grow and live no where else in the world. See the elusive Panther, black bear, wading birds, deer, its a photo opportunity of a life time!
Big Cypress National Preserve
Me and my family are 6th generation "Gladesmen" and we'd love to show you the Big Cypess National Preserve. This is the largest subtropical swamp in the USA, where plants and animals grow and live no where else in the world. See the elusive Panther, black bear, wading birds, deer, its a photo opportunity of a life time!
Big Cypress National Preserve
Me and my family are 6th generation "Gladesmen" and we'd love to show you the Big Cypess National Preserve. This is the largest subtropical swamp in the USA, where plants and animals grow and live no where else in the world. See the elusive Panther, black bear, wading birds, deer, its a photo opportunity of a life time!
Национальный заповедник Биг-Сайпарис
Я и моя семья — лейбмены в шестом поколении, и мы хотели бы показать вам национальный заповедник Биг-Сайпес. Это самое большое субтропическое болото в США, где растут и обитают растения и животные, которых нет больше нигде в мире. Посмотрите на неуловимую пантеру, черного медведя, болотных птиц, оленей, это возможность сфотографироваться на всю жизнь!
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (70)
Dec 2022
Swamp buggy tour on big cypress preserve. Far out into the Everglades and in the middle of no where. Very educational but not a ton a wildlife. The guides do try and make the best out of it by taking photos of your party etc.
Yvonne R
Dec 2022
Adam was our Guide and frankly who saved the day. One person in our party couldn't find the venue & because there was no cell or gps signal drove away far enough to call Capt Steve who seemed very annoyed with her. The Good Ol' Captain was committed to be our Guide & was a no show. He sent Adam in his place. Upon arrival the Buggy engine died & it took quite a while, Adam's crafty mechanics & help from our Group to get it started. Not how you want to start a tour.... The Everglades are beautiful, a Swamp Buggy Tour provides access to otherwise unreachable areas & our Group would do it again. I left feeling that the Hype for this Outfitter was outdated for lack of attention like his vehicles. We enjoyed ourselves, Adam was knowledgeable about the area, it's a specific cut out trail up & back shared by all of them. We took the afternoon tour, the Sunset was beyond majestic & heading back in the dark added to our experience. We got a late start so Adam was considerate & extended our experience. The 1 working headlight gave out too by the way so part of the return was in the pitch of night by moonlight... Adam 5 Stars, but we're not Reviewing Adam, albeit he's the only justification to give the Outfitter even 3 Stars.... We'll try a different Co if there's a next time.
Ответ от хоста
Dec 2022
Is this the folks that we waited on for a hour and she kept calling and calling so yes we waited on you and yes I was a little annoyed. How many time can I tell someone how to get there.next time see if someone will wait at least a hour after 6 calls.sorry but please find another tour!
Nov 2022
I booked an EIGHT HOUR private tour with Captain Steve last February and only received FOUR of the hours that I paid for. Our guide was apparently not informed that I'd paid for an 8 hour tour so he had prior commitments and could only do 4. I contacted Captain Steve IMMEDIATELY following our trip and he ASSURED me that we'd be able to book the remaining 4 hours with no problem As I was creating plans for a Thanksgiving trip to the Everglades, I contacted Captain Steve in early October and he asked me to call him the day before Thanksgiving. I called as he'd asked but never received a reply. The above said, I'm highly disappointed with Captain Steve and his broken promise. I'd give him half a star if that was a choice.
Ответ от хоста
Dec 2022
Please call for a refund after loosing my son then a hurricane it's ruff. Also I had no phone because it works off of Comcast and it was not working. Sorry I'll give you a refund.

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