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5 Days Cathedral Lakes to Clouds Rest & Half Dome

Начните свой поход в Йосемити с одного из самых знаковых участков тропы Джона Мьюира, проходящей между величественными альпийскими озерами к вершинам Клаудс-Рест и Хаф-Доум! Разбейте первую ночь на Соборных озерах среди духа настоящей высокогорной страны, затем прогуляйтесь по JMT вверх и по Соборному перевалу, любуясь потрясающим видом на альпийские вершины по пути. Разбейте лагерь в районе Санрайз-Лейкс на третью ночь, а оттуда поднимитесь на вершину Облачного отдыха (9926 футов), чтобы полюбоваться одним из самых захватывающих видов на долину Йосемити в парке! Ваше приключение завершится восхождением на вершину Хаф-Доум (8836 футов), а затем вы вернетесь в долину Йосемити по тропе тумана, проходящей через два впечатляющих водопада. Напряженный маршрут этой поездки того стоит! Если вы ищете аутентичные впечатления от Йосемити, это приключение для вас!

Поскольку календарь сбивает с толку, наши даты на 2022 год:
29 5 - 2 06
7 /18 - 22/7
22/7 - 26/7
7/8 - 11/8
15/8 - 19/8
25/8 - 29/8
9/18 - 22 сентября
29 сентября - 3 октября
Город: Йосемитский национальный парк
Fri 20 Sep
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $1675.00
Fri 20 Sep
Начинается с $1675.00
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  • Не рекомендуется для путешественников с плохим сердечно-сосудистым здоровьем
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  • Гидеры должны регулярно мыть руки
  • Регулярные проверки температуры персонала
  • Проверка температуры у путешественников по прибытии
  • Платные правила пребывания на дому для сотрудников с симптомами заболевания
  • Бесконтактная оплата чаевых и дополнительных услуг
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Если вы отмените от 3 до 6 дней до запланированного времени вылета, вы получите возврат 50%. .
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (24)
Jul 2022
Our main goals this year were Clouds Rest and Half Dome as my wife has never been on top of Clouds Rest and the last time we were on Half Dome we had to rush back down the valley. We had a private tour with Lasting Adventures that ended up attached to a standard tour only because of Half Dome permit restrictions. This worked out very nicely as we had 2 guides for 4 hikers. The first day was the standard stuff in Yosemite Valley camping at the back-packers camp. The second morning we started our hike at Tuolumne Meadows and went 4 miles to Cathedral Lakes (Lower Cathedral Lake). This was a good warm-up. I was surprised at how nice and serene the views were. The only downside was the mosquitos that were relentless. The 3rd day we hiked 7-8 miles to Sunrise Lakes. We saw sights (peaks, meadows, valleys, lakes, etc.) that most people won't see by staying in the valley. The 4th day, we hiked up Clouds Rest and stayed there for lunch. What a view - perhaps my favorite view of the valley. The first mile or so down from Clouds Rest was a little hard on the knees but it got better. That day, we travelled 8 miles in total to a camp about a half mile from the Half Dome trail. The final day was fantastic - we got up at 3am and were on top of Half Dome right at sunrise. We had breakfast, enjoyed the sunrise, and took in the 360 degree views for almost 2 hours. The rest was all down hill to get our backpacks and head down to the valley. Total mileage this day was 12 miles - a long day for us. Emily and Dawson, our guides from Lasting Adventures, were wonderful. I highly recommend using Lasting Adventures for these Yosemite hikes - they take all the worry away. This was our 3rd trip with them and obviously we are very happy to recommend them.
Ответ от хоста
Aug 2022
I am excited to read this review on what has been your most challenging hike with us. You guys did awesome and congrats on both those summits! Im also glad that you continue to have great guides to make the experience that much more enjoyale. Maybe next summer in Olympic National Park? - Scott
Sep 2021
What an amazing experience! I traveled by myself to Yosemite to meet with my Lasting Adventures group and not only did I make an incredible group of friends, but I also felt completely comfortable and safe throughout my journey. It was my first time backpacking and my guides, Eric and Aida, made the trip extremely stress-free. The hiking was definitely strenuous at times and was a challenge for me but the views were absolutely worth it. Eric and Aida were extremely knowledgeable about a multitude of topics, and I left feeling very fulfilled through the whole experience. I would recommend this trip to anyone who has an interest in backpacking and seeing the wonderful views that Yosemite has to offer! Lasting Adventures truly made everything go so smoothly and I only want to come back for more!!
Sep 2021
My husband and I just returned from our Lasting Adventure's trip to Yosemite. We backpacked with a group of 7 other people from 'Backpacker's Camp' to Mae Lake, up to Mt Hoffman, Cloud's Rest, and finally completed the trip with an amazing last day summiting Half Dome at sunrise. It. Was. Incredible!! Our guides, Eric and Aida, immediately made us feel comfortable and excited. I can't say enough good things about them. Their passion for the wilderness, people, and their career as a guide is contagious. Aida was so generous - she even gave me her camp shoes to wear on the last day because my shoes had given me such bad blisters. Eric tried to scare us by sharing scary campfire stories, but instead had us all laughing so hard. If you have the chance to go on a Lasting Adventures trip - please do it! There is nothing like sleeping under the stars, meeting new people, and leaving the high stress of the world behind for a few days.

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