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5-часовой винный тур Traverse City: 4 винодельни на полуострове Лиланау

Устройтесь поудобнее и наслаждайтесь пологими склонами, извилистыми проселочными дорогами и карибскими видами во время винного тура на полуострове Лиланау. Волшебный шаттл-автобус — это услуга шофера с целым автопарком, готовым отвезти вашу группу по винной стране полуострова Лиланау.

Через полуостров проходит 45-я параллель, как и винодельческий регион Бордо во Франции. Винный виноград, терпкие вишни, яблоки и персики — вот многие фрукты, выращиваемые в этом регионе, казалось бы, предназначенные именно для этого. Полуостров может похвастаться более чем 25 винодельнями, многие из которых имеют дегустационные залы, открытые для публики.

Винная тропа полуострова Лиланау заняла 3-е место в рейтинге 10 лучших читательских призов, уступив только озеру Фингер в Нью-Йорке. Йорк и Лоди в Калифорнии. Винная тропа Лиланау также была названа лучшим винным регионом Мичигана в штате Мичиган по версии журнала Bottle Readers' Choice Award

**Винодельни могут быть изменены в зависимости от наличия мест**

**Бесплатные 20% для водителя настоятельно рекомендуется (только наличные)**
Город: Траверс Сити
Sat 01 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $99.00
Sat 01 Mar
Начинается с $99.00
Что включено
Appointments (Not reservations) are made by Magic Shuttle Bus for all customers on the tour
Drinking and Snacking is allowed on the bus
Air-conditioned vehicle
Appointments (Not reservations) are made by Magic Shuttle Bus for all customers on the tour
Drinking and Snacking is allowed on the bus
Air-conditioned vehicle
Appointments (Not reservations) are made by Magic Shuttle Bus for all customers on the tour
Дополнительная информация
  • Разрешены животные-поводыри
  • Рядом есть общественный транспорт
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Для клиентов Magic Shuttle Bus выделено 10–15 парковочных мест. Они предлагаются в порядке живой очереди.
  • Винодельни могут быть изменены в зависимости от наличия мест из-за Covid-19.
  • Если винодельни на маршруте забронированы, альтернативные винодельни используются в качестве заменителей
  • *ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТЬ: Винодельни могут быть изменены в зависимости от наличия.
  • Клиенты могут упаковать ланч на день, большинство виноделен предлагают только небольшие закуски и закуски, а не полноценные обеды
  • *. ОТКАЗ ОТ ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТИ: Magic Shuttle Bus связывается с винодельнями, если необходимо записаться на прием, имейте в виду , это не резервирование и только позволяет нам прийти в желаемое время, но не устраняет время ожидания.
  • Большинство виноделен имеют только места на открытом воздухе, пожалуйста, одевайтесь соответственно, чтобы не замерзнуть в холодные дни.
  • После Covid большинство виноделен предлагают не дегустации, а полеты и вино на розлив и образцы
  • Некоторые винодельни не принимают наличные, они требуют оплаты быть на карте
  • Мы настоятельно рекомендуем вам использовать Uber/Lyft/такси, чтобы добраться до места посадки и на обратном пути домой.
  • Дезинфицирующее средство для рук доступно для путешественники и персонал
  • Регулярно дезинфицируются места с интенсивным движением
  • Средства/оборудование дезинфицируются между использованием
  • Регулярно дезинфицируются транспортные средства
  • Гид, необходимый для регулярно мойте руки
Что ожидать
Leelanau Wine Cellars
Enjoy the beautiful tasting room and patio overlooking beautiful Grand Traverse Bay and sample from over 50 wines from sweet to dry or dessert to bubbly! Leelanau Cellars is located halfway between Suttons Bay and Northport on M22.
45 North Vineyard & Winery
Located squarely on the 45th parallel, 45 North uses its distinct location as the driving force behind its approach to crafting world-class wines that represent the region. Using grapes from estate and nearby vineyards, everything is hand-crafted on-site with the ultimate goal of producing the most approachable, elegant wines possible.
Suttons Bay Ciders
Suttons Bay Ciders is a family owned Cidery and Tasting Room in Northern Michigan just a ten minute drive on M-22, north of Traverse City. Offering handcrafted hard cider, and the best panoramic view of West Bay. The cider profiles range from dry to semi-sweet. Some are steeped with herbs or hops and one cider features cherry wine blended with cider. Suttons Bay Ciders has a casual atmosphere; children are dogs welcomed. Play a game of cards, corn hole, bocce ball, or get a group together to play volleyball. Stop by Hilltop Road for an over-the-top experience. There's always plenty to enjoy at Suttons Bay Ciders.
Rove Estate Vineyard & Winery
With breathtaking views as artful and elegant as the wine, Rove Estate offers a boutique atmosphere for you to relax, reset, and enjoy the best of Leelanau Peninsula wine country. Rove Estate is proud to offer a selection of local wines and local cider. Located on M72 West, visit us for a tasting and stay for a glass and a bite on our spacious patio.
Leelanau Wine Cellars
Enjoy the beautiful tasting room and patio overlooking beautiful Grand Traverse Bay and sample from over 50 wines from sweet to dry or dessert to bubbly! Leelanau Cellars is located halfway between Suttons Bay and Northport on M22.
45 North Vineyard & Winery
Located squarely on the 45th parallel, 45 North uses its distinct location as the driving force behind its approach to crafting world-class wines that represent the region. Using grapes from estate and nearby vineyards, everything is hand-crafted on-site with the ultimate goal of producing the most approachable, elegant wines possible.
Suttons Bay Ciders
Suttons Bay Ciders is a family owned Cidery and Tasting Room in Northern Michigan just a ten minute drive on M-22, north of Traverse City. Offering handcrafted hard cider, and the best panoramic view of West Bay. The cider profiles range from dry to semi-sweet. Some are steeped with herbs or hops and one cider features cherry wine blended with cider. Suttons Bay Ciders has a casual atmosphere; children are dogs welcomed. Play a game of cards, corn hole, bocce ball, or get a group together to play volleyball. Stop by Hilltop Road for an over-the-top experience. There's always plenty to enjoy at Suttons Bay Ciders.
Rove Estate Vineyard & Winery
With breathtaking views as artful and elegant as the wine, Rove Estate offers a boutique atmosphere for you to relax, reset, and enjoy the best of Leelanau Peninsula wine country. Rove Estate is proud to offer a selection of local wines and local cider. Located on M72 West, visit us for a tasting and stay for a glass and a bite on our spacious patio.
Leelanau Wine Cellars
Enjoy the beautiful tasting room and patio overlooking beautiful Grand Traverse Bay and sample from over 50 wines from sweet to dry or dessert to bubbly! Leelanau Cellars is located halfway between Suttons Bay and Northport on M22.
45 North Vineyard & Winery
Located squarely on the 45th parallel, 45 North uses its distinct location as the driving force behind its approach to crafting world-class wines that represent the region. Using grapes from estate and nearby vineyards, everything is hand-crafted on-site with the ultimate goal of producing the most approachable, elegant wines possible.
Suttons Bay Ciders
Suttons Bay Ciders is a family owned Cidery and Tasting Room in Northern Michigan just a ten minute drive on M-22, north of Traverse City. Offering handcrafted hard cider, and the best panoramic view of West Bay. The cider profiles range from dry to semi-sweet. Some are steeped with herbs or hops and one cider features cherry wine blended with cider. Suttons Bay Ciders has a casual atmosphere; children are dogs welcomed. Play a game of cards, corn hole, bocce ball, or get a group together to play volleyball. Stop by Hilltop Road for an over-the-top experience. There's always plenty to enjoy at Suttons Bay Ciders.
Rove Estate Vineyard & Winery
With breathtaking views as artful and elegant as the wine, Rove Estate offers a boutique atmosphere for you to relax, reset, and enjoy the best of Leelanau Peninsula wine country. Rove Estate is proud to offer a selection of local wines and local cider. Located on M72 West, visit us for a tasting and stay for a glass and a bite on our spacious patio.
Leelanau Wine Cellars
Enjoy the beautiful tasting room and patio overlooking beautiful Grand Traverse Bay and sample from over 50 wines from sweet to dry or dessert to bubbly! Leelanau Cellars is located halfway between Suttons Bay and Northport on M22.
45 North Vineyard & Winery
Located squarely on the 45th parallel, 45 North uses its distinct location as the driving force behind its approach to crafting world-class wines that represent the region. Using grapes from estate and nearby vineyards, everything is hand-crafted on-site with the ultimate goal of producing the most approachable, elegant wines possible.
Suttons Bay Ciders
Suttons Bay Ciders is a family owned Cidery and Tasting Room in Northern Michigan just a ten minute drive on M-22, north of Traverse City. Offering handcrafted hard cider, and the best panoramic view of West Bay. The cider profiles range from dry to semi-sweet. Some are steeped with herbs or hops and one cider features cherry wine blended with cider. Suttons Bay Ciders has a casual atmosphere; children are dogs welcomed. Play a game of cards, corn hole, bocce ball, or get a group together to play volleyball. Stop by Hilltop Road for an over-the-top experience. There's always plenty to enjoy at Suttons Bay Ciders.
Rove Estate Vineyard & Winery
With breathtaking views as artful and elegant as the wine, Rove Estate offers a boutique atmosphere for you to relax, reset, and enjoy the best of Leelanau Peninsula wine country. Rove Estate is proud to offer a selection of local wines and local cider. Located on M72 West, visit us for a tasting and stay for a glass and a bite on our spacious patio.
Leelanau Wine Cellars
Enjoy the beautiful tasting room and patio overlooking beautiful Grand Traverse Bay and sample from over 50 wines from sweet to dry or dessert to bubbly! Leelanau Cellars is located halfway between Suttons Bay and Northport on M22.
45 North Vineyard & Winery
Located squarely on the 45th parallel, 45 North uses its distinct location as the driving force behind its approach to crafting world-class wines that represent the region. Using grapes from estate and nearby vineyards, everything is hand-crafted on-site with the ultimate goal of producing the most approachable, elegant wines possible.
Suttons Bay Ciders
Suttons Bay Ciders is a family owned Cidery and Tasting Room in Northern Michigan just a ten minute drive on M-22, north of Traverse City. Offering handcrafted hard cider, and the best panoramic view of West Bay. The cider profiles range from dry to semi-sweet. Some are steeped with herbs or hops and one cider features cherry wine blended with cider. Suttons Bay Ciders has a casual atmosphere; children are dogs welcomed. Play a game of cards, corn hole, bocce ball, or get a group together to play volleyball. Stop by Hilltop Road for an over-the-top experience. There's always plenty to enjoy at Suttons Bay Ciders.
Rove Estate Vineyard & Winery
With breathtaking views as artful and elegant as the wine, Rove Estate offers a boutique atmosphere for you to relax, reset, and enjoy the best of Leelanau Peninsula wine country. Rove Estate is proud to offer a selection of local wines and local cider. Located on M72 West, visit us for a tasting and stay for a glass and a bite on our spacious patio.
Винные погреба Лиланау
Наслаждайтесь прекрасным дегустационным залом и патио с видом на красивый залив Гранд-Траверс и попробуйте более 50 вин, от сладких до сухих или от десертных до игристых! Подвалы Leelanau расположены на полпути между Саттонс-Бей и Нортпортом на M22.
45 Северный виноградник и винодельня
Расположенный прямо на 45-й параллели, 45 North использует свое уникальное местоположение как движущую силу своего подхода к созданию вин мирового класса, которые представляют регион. Используя виноград с поместья и близлежащих виноградников, все производится вручную на месте с конечной целью производства самых доступных и элегантных вин.
Сидры Саттонс Бэй
Suttons Bay Ciders — это семейная винодельня и дегустационный зал в Северном Мичигане, всего в десяти минутах езды по трассе M-22, к северу от Траверс-Сити. Предлагает крепкий сидр ручной работы и лучший панорамный вид на Западный залив. Профили сидра варьируются от сухого до полусладкого. Некоторые из них пропитаны травами или хмелем, а в одном сидре есть вишневое вино, смешанное с сидром. В Suttons Bay Ciders царит непринужденная атмосфера; дети собаки приветствуются. Сыграйте в карты, кукурузную дыру, бочче или соберитесь вместе, чтобы поиграть в волейбол. Остановитесь на Hilltop Road, чтобы получить незабываемые впечатления. В Suttons Bay Ciders всегда есть чем насладиться.
Виноградник и винодельня Rove Estate
С захватывающими дух видами, такими же искусными и элегантными, как вино, Rove Estate предлагает атмосферу бутика, где вы можете расслабиться, перезагрузиться и насладиться лучшим винным регионом полуострова Лиланау. Rove Estate с гордостью предлагает широкий выбор местных вин и местного сидра. Расположенный на M72 West, посетите нас для дегустации и оставайтесь, чтобы выпить стаканчик и перекусить в нашем просторном патио.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (175)
Nov 2022
Went for my birthday girl’s weekend and had a great time! Mike B was our driver and we loved him! Very knowledgeable and so so nice!
Nov 2022
We love the magic shuttle bus tours and have done both peninsulas definitely recommend old mission over leelanau but it’s good to try both.
Katie V
Nov 2022
Mike B was excellent, great driver and funny. This is a fabulous tour highly recommend it’s the only way to do a wine tour.

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