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Мемориал 11 сентября и частный тур Ground Zero плюс дополнительный вход в музей 11 сентября

Сертифицированный гид, лично связанный с событиями, делится историями из первых рук, пока вы исследуете территорию бывшего Всемирного торгового центра и Национального мемориала 11 сентября, где вы можете отдать дань уважения погибшим. Получите более глубокое представление о событиях, связанных с нападениями на Всемирный торговый центр 11 сентября 2001 года, и актах героизма, сплотивших нацию, в этой 1,5-часовой пешеходной экскурсии по Ground Zero. Обновите и добавьте билет в музей 11 сентября, чтобы увидеть артефакты, связанные с этим судьбоносным днем.
Город: Нью-Йорк
Sat 08 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $180.00
Sat 08 Mar
Начинается с $180.00
Что включено
Timed Access to 9/11 Museum (if option selected)
Private Guide with personal connection to 9/11
Narrated walking tour
Visit 9/11 Memorial
Timed Access to 9/11 Museum (if option selected)
Private Guide with personal connection to 9/11
Narrated walking tour
Дополнительная информация
  • Доступно для инвалидных колясок
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Варианты транспорта доступны для инвалидных колясок
  • Все области и поверхности доступны для инвалидных колясок
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Умеренное количество прогулок впутан. Пожалуйста, наденьте удобную обувь.
  • Пожалуйста, оденьтесь соответствующим образом и возьмите несколько слоев одежды на случай холодной погоды.
  • Вход в музей 9/11 НЕ включен в стоимость, если соответствующий вариант не выбран при бронировании.
  • li>
  • В Музее 11 сентября действует служба безопасности, как в аэропорту. Все большие сумки должны быть проверены.
  • Дети до 5 лет бесплатно при наличии оплаченного взрослого билета
  • Наша экскурсия длится 90 минут. Вы также можете добавить посещение Музея 9/11, которое занимает около двух часов. Обратите внимание, что если вы забронировали нашу экскурсию в 14:00 с доступом в музей, ваше посещение музея будет ограничено 90 минутами из-за закрытия музея в 17:00.
  • Для путешественников в общественных местах требуются маски.
  • Маски требуются гидам в общественных местах.
  • Гиды обязаны регулярно мыть руки.
Что ожидать
St. Paul's Chapel
We will start the tour at St. Paul's Chapel, New York City’s oldest public building still in continuous use. Just one block away from the 9/11 attacks, it miraculously survived the falling building and debris. St. Paul’s Chapel served as a makeshift rescue center during the aftermath. Its iron fence became a bulletin board where family members posted notices of their missing loved ones. Today, with the mementos received from people around the world supporting New York City, the church serves as both a landmark and a tribute.
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
You'll enter the 9/11 Memorial, where you can pay your respects to those who lost their lives in the World Trade Center. Take a moment at Michael Arad’s “Reflecting Absence,” a man-made waterfall that symbolizes the void left behind by tragedy. Learn how the names of the nearly 3,000 victims were placed around the waterfall next to their friends, family members, and colleagues. See the new Freedom Tower and World Trade Center rise from the ground.
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
For those with 9/11 Museum option selected, you will be provided with special timed entry tickets to minimize wait times. Museum entry time will be based on availability. Our guides will give you a preview of the museum and what to expect so you can plan accordingly, and still have time to see other sights important to you. The Museum visit will be unguided, so feel free to enjoy it at your leisure.
St. Paul's Chapel
We will start the tour at St. Paul's Chapel, New York City’s oldest public building still in continuous use. Just one block away from the 9/11 attacks, it miraculously survived the falling building and debris. St. Paul’s Chapel served as a makeshift rescue center during the aftermath. Its iron fence became a bulletin board where family members posted notices of their missing loved ones. Today, with the mementos received from people around the world supporting New York City, the church serves as both a landmark and a tribute.
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
You'll enter the 9/11 Memorial, where you can pay your respects to those who lost their lives in the World Trade Center. Take a moment at Michael Arad’s “Reflecting Absence,” a man-made waterfall that symbolizes the void left behind by tragedy. Learn how the names of the nearly 3,000 victims were placed around the waterfall next to their friends, family members, and colleagues. See the new Freedom Tower and World Trade Center rise from the ground.
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
For those with 9/11 Museum option selected, you will be provided with special timed entry tickets to minimize wait times. Museum entry time will be based on availability. Our guides will give you a preview of the museum and what to expect so you can plan accordingly, and still have time to see other sights important to you. The Museum visit will be unguided, so feel free to enjoy it at your leisure.
St. Paul's Chapel
We will start the tour at St. Paul's Chapel, New York City’s oldest public building still in continuous use. Just one block away from the 9/11 attacks, it miraculously survived the falling building and debris. St. Paul’s Chapel served as a makeshift rescue center during the aftermath. Its iron fence became a bulletin board where family members posted notices of their missing loved ones. Today, with the mementos received from people around the world supporting New York City, the church serves as both a landmark and a tribute.
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
You'll enter the 9/11 Memorial, where you can pay your respects to those who lost their lives in the World Trade Center. Take a moment at Michael Arad’s “Reflecting Absence,” a man-made waterfall that symbolizes the void left behind by tragedy. Learn how the names of the nearly 3,000 victims were placed around the waterfall next to their friends, family members, and colleagues. See the new Freedom Tower and World Trade Center rise from the ground.
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
For those with 9/11 Museum option selected, you will be provided with special timed entry tickets to minimize wait times. Museum entry time will be based on availability. Our guides will give you a preview of the museum and what to expect so you can plan accordingly, and still have time to see other sights important to you. The Museum visit will be unguided, so feel free to enjoy it at your leisure.
St. Paul's Chapel
We will start the tour at St. Paul's Chapel, New York City’s oldest public building still in continuous use. Just one block away from the 9/11 attacks, it miraculously survived the falling building and debris. St. Paul’s Chapel served as a makeshift rescue center during the aftermath. Its iron fence became a bulletin board where family members posted notices of their missing loved ones. Today, with the mementos received from people around the world supporting New York City, the church serves as both a landmark and a tribute.
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
You'll enter the 9/11 Memorial, where you can pay your respects to those who lost their lives in the World Trade Center. Take a moment at Michael Arad’s “Reflecting Absence,” a man-made waterfall that symbolizes the void left behind by tragedy. Learn how the names of the nearly 3,000 victims were placed around the waterfall next to their friends, family members, and colleagues. See the new Freedom Tower and World Trade Center rise from the ground.
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
For those with 9/11 Museum option selected, you will be provided with special timed entry tickets to minimize wait times. Museum entry time will be based on availability. Our guides will give you a preview of the museum and what to expect so you can plan accordingly, and still have time to see other sights important to you. The Museum visit will be unguided, so feel free to enjoy it at your leisure.
St. Paul's Chapel
We will start the tour at St. Paul's Chapel, New York City’s oldest public building still in continuous use. Just one block away from the 9/11 attacks, it miraculously survived the falling building and debris. St. Paul’s Chapel served as a makeshift rescue center during the aftermath. Its iron fence became a bulletin board where family members posted notices of their missing loved ones. Today, with the mementos received from people around the world supporting New York City, the church serves as both a landmark and a tribute.
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
You'll enter the 9/11 Memorial, where you can pay your respects to those who lost their lives in the World Trade Center. Take a moment at Michael Arad’s “Reflecting Absence,” a man-made waterfall that symbolizes the void left behind by tragedy. Learn how the names of the nearly 3,000 victims were placed around the waterfall next to their friends, family members, and colleagues. See the new Freedom Tower and World Trade Center rise from the ground.
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
For those with 9/11 Museum option selected, you will be provided with special timed entry tickets to minimize wait times. Museum entry time will be based on availability. Our guides will give you a preview of the museum and what to expect so you can plan accordingly, and still have time to see other sights important to you. The Museum visit will be unguided, so feel free to enjoy it at your leisure.
St. Paul's Chapel
We will start the tour at St. Paul's Chapel, New York City’s oldest public building still in continuous use. Just one block away from the 9/11 attacks, it miraculously survived the falling building and debris. St. Paul’s Chapel served as a makeshift rescue center during the aftermath. Its iron fence became a bulletin board where family members posted notices of their missing loved ones. Today, with the mementos received from people around the world supporting New York City, the church serves as both a landmark and a tribute.
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
You'll enter the 9/11 Memorial, where you can pay your respects to those who lost their lives in the World Trade Center. Take a moment at Michael Arad’s “Reflecting Absence,” a man-made waterfall that symbolizes the void left behind by tragedy. Learn how the names of the nearly 3,000 victims were placed around the waterfall next to their friends, family members, and colleagues. See the new Freedom Tower and World Trade Center rise from the ground.
The National 9/11 Memorial & Museum
For those with 9/11 Museum option selected, you will be provided with special timed entry tickets to minimize wait times. Museum entry time will be based on availability. Our guides will give you a preview of the museum and what to expect so you can plan accordingly, and still have time to see other sights important to you. The Museum visit will be unguided, so feel free to enjoy it at your leisure.
Часовня Святого Павла
Мы начнем экскурсию в часовне Святого Павла, старейшем общественном здании Нью-Йорка, которое все еще постоянно используется. Всего в одном квартале от терактов 11 сентября он чудом уцелел после падения здания и обломков. Часовня Святого Павла впоследствии служила временным спасательным центром. Его железный забор превратился в доску объявлений, где члены семьи размещали объявления о своих пропавших близких. Сегодня, благодаря памятным подаркам, полученным от людей со всего мира, поддерживающих Нью-Йорк, церковь служит одновременно достопримечательностью и данью уважения.
Национальный мемориал и музей 11 сентября
Вы войдете в Мемориал 11 сентября, где сможете отдать дань уважения тем, кто погиб во Всемирном торговом центре. Найдите минутку у «Отражающего отсутствия» Майкла Арада, искусственного водопада, который символизирует пустоту, оставленную трагедией. Узнайте, как имена почти 3000 жертв были размещены вокруг водопада рядом с их друзьями, членами семьи и коллегами. Посмотрите, как новая Башня Свободы и Всемирный торговый центр возвышаются над землей.
Национальный мемориал и музей 11 сентября
Для тех, кто выбрал вариант «Музей 11 сентября», вам будут предоставлены специальные билеты на вход, чтобы минимизировать время ожидания. Время посещения музея будет зависеть от наличия мест. Наши гиды предоставят вам предварительный обзор музея и расскажут, чего ожидать, чтобы вы могли планировать соответствующим образом и у вас еще оставалось время, чтобы увидеть другие важные для вас достопримечательности. Посещение музея будет без гида, так что не стесняйтесь наслаждаться им на досуге.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (142)
George F
Dec 2022
Our tour guide Maya was knowledgable, thoughtful, informative, and a pleasure to be with in spite of the very cold weather. The pace of the tour was relaxed so we could really take in the moment. Thank you Maya.
Dec 2022
Jaclyn Montgomery was our Tour Guide and she was phenomenal! Her presentation was informative with the facts about 911, which she conveyed with honor and sensitivity to the victims and others affected by the tragedy. Although 911 was such a horrific event, Jacklyn relayed the theme of resiliency of the human spirit throughout the tour. These tours are vital to the teaching of such an important event in American history, while continuing to honor the first responders and all those lost in the terrorist attack.
Robert P
Nov 2022
Maya made this personal and informative. It was great having the perspective of a New Yorker. By offering her personal details she made this a memorable tour.

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