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90-минутный круиз по реке Сент-Люси от Стюарта

Проведите выходные на борту наших круизов. Наслаждайтесь 90-минутным круизом по реке Сент-Люси с вашим опытным капитаном, который много лет на воде сделал его отличным источником информации и преданным рассказчиком! Вы определенно можете чему-то научиться у него, поскольку он показывает захватывающие достопримечательности и экзотических диких животных, таких как дельфины, ламантины, черепахи и многое другое. Приготовьтесь сделать много фотографий красивой реки Сент-Люси. Этот круиз отлично подходит для тех, кто не хочет проводить весь день на воде. Вы все еще можете мельком увидеть все пейзажи Стюарта, Флорида, строя планы на более поздний день. Круиз – лучший способ познакомиться с рекой Сент-Люси. Присоединяйтесь к нам сегодня!
Город: Уэст-Палм-Бич
Thu 13 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $44.50
Thu 13 Mar
Начинается с $44.50
Что включено
Air-conditioned vehicle
Narrated tour
Restroom on board
Air-conditioned vehicle
Narrated tour
Restroom on board
Air-conditioned vehicle
Дополнительная информация
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут ездить в детской коляске
  • Допускаются животные-поводыри
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Доступно дезинфицирующее средство для рук путешественникам и персоналу
  • Регулярная дезинфекция мест с интенсивным движением
  • Регулярная дезинфекция транспортных средств
  • Бесконтактная оплата чаевых и дополнительных услуг
Что ожидать
St. Lucie Inlet
Spend your weekend aboard a cruise. Enjoy a two-hour cruise along the St. Lucie River with your experienced captain whose many years on the water make him an excellent resource and dedicated narrator! You can definitely learn something from him as he points out exciting sights and exotic wildlife like dolphins, manatees, turtles and more. Get ready to take lots of pictures of the beautiful St. Lucie River. This cruise is great for those who don’t want to spend the whole day on the water. You can still get a glimpse of all the Stuart, FL scenery while making plans for later in the day. A cruise is the best way to get acquainted with the St. Lucie River. Join us today!
St. Lucie Inlet
Spend your weekend aboard a cruise. Enjoy a two-hour cruise along the St. Lucie River with your experienced captain whose many years on the water make him an excellent resource and dedicated narrator! You can definitely learn something from him as he points out exciting sights and exotic wildlife like dolphins, manatees, turtles and more. Get ready to take lots of pictures of the beautiful St. Lucie River. This cruise is great for those who don’t want to spend the whole day on the water. You can still get a glimpse of all the Stuart, FL scenery while making plans for later in the day. A cruise is the best way to get acquainted with the St. Lucie River. Join us today!
St. Lucie Inlet
Spend your weekend aboard a cruise. Enjoy a two-hour cruise along the St. Lucie River with your experienced captain whose many years on the water make him an excellent resource and dedicated narrator! You can definitely learn something from him as he points out exciting sights and exotic wildlife like dolphins, manatees, turtles and more. Get ready to take lots of pictures of the beautiful St. Lucie River. This cruise is great for those who don’t want to spend the whole day on the water. You can still get a glimpse of all the Stuart, FL scenery while making plans for later in the day. A cruise is the best way to get acquainted with the St. Lucie River. Join us today!
St. Lucie Inlet
Spend your weekend aboard a cruise. Enjoy a two-hour cruise along the St. Lucie River with your experienced captain whose many years on the water make him an excellent resource and dedicated narrator! You can definitely learn something from him as he points out exciting sights and exotic wildlife like dolphins, manatees, turtles and more. Get ready to take lots of pictures of the beautiful St. Lucie River. This cruise is great for those who don’t want to spend the whole day on the water. You can still get a glimpse of all the Stuart, FL scenery while making plans for later in the day. A cruise is the best way to get acquainted with the St. Lucie River. Join us today!
St. Lucie Inlet
Spend your weekend aboard a cruise. Enjoy a two-hour cruise along the St. Lucie River with your experienced captain whose many years on the water make him an excellent resource and dedicated narrator! You can definitely learn something from him as he points out exciting sights and exotic wildlife like dolphins, manatees, turtles and more. Get ready to take lots of pictures of the beautiful St. Lucie River. This cruise is great for those who don’t want to spend the whole day on the water. You can still get a glimpse of all the Stuart, FL scenery while making plans for later in the day. A cruise is the best way to get acquainted with the St. Lucie River. Join us today!
Сент-Люси Инлет
Проведите выходные в круизе. Наслаждайтесь двухчасовым круизом по реке Сент-Люси с вашим опытным капитаном, чей многолетний опыт работы на воде сделал его отличным помощником и преданным рассказчиком! Вы определенно можете чему-то научиться у него, поскольку он показывает захватывающие достопримечательности и экзотических диких животных, таких как дельфины, ламантины, черепахи и многое другое. Приготовьтесь сделать много фотографий красивой реки Сент-Люси. Этот круиз отлично подходит для тех, кто не хочет проводить весь день на воде. Вы все еще можете мельком увидеть все пейзажи Стюарта, Флорида, строя планы на более поздний день. Круиз – лучший способ познакомиться с рекой Сент-Люси. Присоединяйтесь к нам сегодня!
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (7)
Nov 2022
Relaxing with an excellent history of the river area . A wonderful boat cruise with amazing staff. Drinks were excellent. Would highly recommend this trip and plan to look into other trips available.
Nov 2022
This was a very nice cruise. The boat was clean and there was plenty of seating. We saw lots of dolphins. We were very lucky with the weather as the skies were blue and it was not too hot. The pre-recorded narrative was informative and made the trip more interesting. Matt and Mickey were very friendly and really seemed to want to make the journey pleasant for all. I would highly recommend this if you're in the area.
Nov 2022
Those Pina Colodas were overflowing! The Florida waters were abundant and kind. The Captain was proficient. Much enjoyment pursued. I would go again if I were local. Thank you.

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