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Удивительная выставка домашних животных в Брэнсоне

Вам понравится двухчасовое шоу Amazing Pets в Grand Country Music Hall. Это шоу, в котором представлены захватывающие номера и трюки от труппы опытных собак и дрессированных домашних кошек, стало хитом.
Город: Брэнсон
Thu 13 Mar
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Начинается с $43.64
Thu 13 Mar
Начинается с $43.64
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All taxes, fees and handling charges
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1945 W 76 Country Blvd, Grand Country Square
• Ваши билеты будут храниться в кассе театра для получения в день спектакля, не ранее, чем за час до начала спектакля.
Конечная точка
Эта деятельность заканчивается на месте встречи.
Дополнительная информация
  • Доступен для инвалидных колясок
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Ваши билеты будут храниться в театральной ложе офис для сбора в день выступления
Что ожидать
Grand Country Grand Jubilee
Starring an amazing troupe of furry creatures, these pets will win your heart as they perform for your love and laughter. Many have been rescued from animal shelters across the country. In addition to dogs and cats doing what they like to do, you'll see beautiful exotic birds and many other magical surprises that will put a smile on your face. The master of ceremonies, Applejack, will have your kids up on stage singing and dancing like you have never seen before. Amazing Pets is performed daily at 10am, only at Grand Country Music Hall! This is a must see show for kids of all ages.
Гранд Кантри Гранд Юбилей
Эти питомцы, играющие главную роль в удивительной труппе пушистых существ, покорят ваше сердце, выступая для вашей любви и смеха. Многие были спасены из приютов для животных по всей стране. Помимо собак и кошек, которые занимаются любимым делом, вы увидите красивых экзотических птиц и множество других волшебных сюрпризов, которые вызовут у вас улыбку. Церемониймейстер, Эпплджек, заставит ваших детей петь и танцевать на сцене так, как вы никогда раньше не видели. «Удивительные питомцы» проходят ежедневно в 10:00 только в Grand Country Music Hall! Это шоу обязательно к просмотру для детей всех возрастов.
Политика отмены
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Отзывы (7)
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Oct 2022
Entertaining.. We were amazed that anyone could train cats especially and really enjoyed their part of the show. The animals look healthy and are rewarded with treats for each trick. Would liked to have had more information about the animals and their training, and perhaps a more interactive MC throughout.
Jul 2022
Animals are very abused, they are scared to death of the trainer, or the man on stage. The animals shake and are very nervous. They know they will be mistreated if they don't perform. Should be discontinued! Do NOT attend!!
May 2022
Amazing to see what they can do with cats, dogs, birds. Not sure the animals really wanted to be there is the only thing. I hope they treat the animals well. The trainer seemed to have patience with them and would pet and encourage them. A fun show for the kids for sure. Would have liked a little more information about the animals, about the trainer, and how they train the animals and what their life is like outside of the show. Just came out, did the show, and done.
Ответ от хоста
May 2022
Hi there! We want to thank you for joining us for the Amazing Pets show. Here's a little back ground on our amazing pets, they are all rescue animals. Our trainers are the family you saw in the show. Valery, Anna and Olga all work and train with the animals daily. Keep in mind in the show they are working so the cuddles and "lovin" is reserved when they are off duty. Much like service animals. Little side note: Our precious kitties are have a state of the art home that was built by Valery, with very special attention to the humidity and temperature levels so that they have the perfect environment for good health. All of our pets are also feed the best cuts of food available so that they have the highest quality of life possible. And Anna, does all of the grooming of our dogs herself with the help of Olga weekly, that's quite a chore! We hope you come see us at Grand Country Music Hall again soon.

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