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Энистон и Восточная Центральная Алабама Multi-Attraction Pass

Сделайте больше, познакомившись с лучшими достопримечательностями Восточно-Центральной Алабамы по одному билету, который сэкономит деньги. Этот билет содержит 5 аттракционов.

Что включено:
Государственный парк Чеаха
Музей естественной истории Энистон
Международный зал славы автоспорта
Музей всемирной истории Бермана
Мустанг Музей Америки
Город: Алабама
Sat 15 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $23.00
Sat 15 Mar
Начинается с $23.00
Что включено
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  • Доступен для инвалидных колясок
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  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Пожалуйста, проверьте каждый музей веб-сайт с последними протоколами охраны здоровья и безопасности.
Что ожидать
Anniston Museum of Natural History
The Anniston Museum of Natural History is located in Lagarde Park, Anniston, Alabama and is home to more than 2000 natural history items on permanent display. Come face to face with with prehistoric predators, explore a replica Alabama cave, stroll the African savannah, and visit Ptolemaic-era mummies.
Berman Museum
The Berman Museum uses history to engage, educate, and excite. Founded by Mr. and Mrs. Berman, this 6,000-piece collection of historical artifacts, weaponry, and art fascinates visitors from all over the world. The museum also houses a 1,000-piece Asian Art collection from the Foo family and much more.
Cheaha State Park
Discover the beauty of the highest point in Alabama on an island in the sky! Cheaha Resort State Park, which is located on the southernmost tip of the Appalachian mountain chain, is the oldest park in Alabama (est. 1933) and considered by many to be one of the most unique parks in the nation. Imagine 2,799 acres of granite boulders and wind-warped ancient trees at 2,407 feet above sea level, often above the clouds, and surrounded by 392,567 acres of the Talladega National Forest including 7,245 acres of Cheaha Wilderness.
International Motorsports Hall of Fame
Since 1983, the International Motorsports Hall of Fame has been the home to some of the most historic vehicles from various worlds of racing including stock cars, open wheel, endurance, modified, motorcycle and more. Beginning in 1990, the legends of motorsports who drove many of those machines began taking their place in the prestigious venue.
Mustang Museum of America
Only Mustang museum in United States with over 100 Mustangs on display. All generations from 1964-1/2 to 2015 (first 50 years) plus largest display of SSP Mustangs used by Highway Patrol in 32 states plus other government agencies. Located in Odenville, Alabama approximately 20 miles northeast of Birmingham. Open Friday thru Sunday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm plus any other time by appointment.
Anniston Museum of Natural History
The Anniston Museum of Natural History is located in Lagarde Park, Anniston, Alabama and is home to more than 2000 natural history items on permanent display. Come face to face with with prehistoric predators, explore a replica Alabama cave, stroll the African savannah, and visit Ptolemaic-era mummies.
Berman Museum
The Berman Museum uses history to engage, educate, and excite. Founded by Mr. and Mrs. Berman, this 6,000-piece collection of historical artifacts, weaponry, and art fascinates visitors from all over the world. The museum also houses a 1,000-piece Asian Art collection from the Foo family and much more.
Cheaha State Park
Discover the beauty of the highest point in Alabama on an island in the sky! Cheaha Resort State Park, which is located on the southernmost tip of the Appalachian mountain chain, is the oldest park in Alabama (est. 1933) and considered by many to be one of the most unique parks in the nation. Imagine 2,799 acres of granite boulders and wind-warped ancient trees at 2,407 feet above sea level, often above the clouds, and surrounded by 392,567 acres of the Talladega National Forest including 7,245 acres of Cheaha Wilderness.
International Motorsports Hall of Fame
Since 1983, the International Motorsports Hall of Fame has been the home to some of the most historic vehicles from various worlds of racing including stock cars, open wheel, endurance, modified, motorcycle and more. Beginning in 1990, the legends of motorsports who drove many of those machines began taking their place in the prestigious venue.
Mustang Museum of America
Only Mustang museum in United States with over 100 Mustangs on display. All generations from 1964-1/2 to 2015 (first 50 years) plus largest display of SSP Mustangs used by Highway Patrol in 32 states plus other government agencies. Located in Odenville, Alabama approximately 20 miles northeast of Birmingham. Open Friday thru Sunday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm plus any other time by appointment.
Anniston Museum of Natural History
The Anniston Museum of Natural History is located in Lagarde Park, Anniston, Alabama and is home to more than 2000 natural history items on permanent display. Come face to face with with prehistoric predators, explore a replica Alabama cave, stroll the African savannah, and visit Ptolemaic-era mummies.
Berman Museum
The Berman Museum uses history to engage, educate, and excite. Founded by Mr. and Mrs. Berman, this 6,000-piece collection of historical artifacts, weaponry, and art fascinates visitors from all over the world. The museum also houses a 1,000-piece Asian Art collection from the Foo family and much more.
Cheaha State Park
Discover the beauty of the highest point in Alabama on an island in the sky! Cheaha Resort State Park, which is located on the southernmost tip of the Appalachian mountain chain, is the oldest park in Alabama (est. 1933) and considered by many to be one of the most unique parks in the nation. Imagine 2,799 acres of granite boulders and wind-warped ancient trees at 2,407 feet above sea level, often above the clouds, and surrounded by 392,567 acres of the Talladega National Forest including 7,245 acres of Cheaha Wilderness.
International Motorsports Hall of Fame
Since 1983, the International Motorsports Hall of Fame has been the home to some of the most historic vehicles from various worlds of racing including stock cars, open wheel, endurance, modified, motorcycle and more. Beginning in 1990, the legends of motorsports who drove many of those machines began taking their place in the prestigious venue.
Mustang Museum of America
Only Mustang museum in United States with over 100 Mustangs on display. All generations from 1964-1/2 to 2015 (first 50 years) plus largest display of SSP Mustangs used by Highway Patrol in 32 states plus other government agencies. Located in Odenville, Alabama approximately 20 miles northeast of Birmingham. Open Friday thru Sunday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm plus any other time by appointment.
Энистонский музей естественной истории
Энистонский музей естественной истории расположен в Лагард-парке, Энистон, штат Алабама, и является домом для более чем 2000 экспонатов естественной истории, находящихся в постоянной экспозиции. Встретьтесь лицом к лицу с доисторическими хищниками, исследуйте точную копию пещеры Алабамы, прогуляйтесь по африканской саванне и посетите мумии эпохи Птолемеев.
Музей Бермана
Музей Бермана использует историю, чтобы вовлекать, просвещать и волновать. Эта коллекция из 6000 исторических артефактов, оружия и произведений искусства, основанная мистером и миссис Берман, очаровывает посетителей со всего мира. В музее также находится коллекция азиатского искусства из 1000 произведений семьи Фу и многое другое.
Государственный парк Чиха
Откройте для себя красоту самой высокой точки Алабамы на острове в небе! Государственный парк Cheaha Resort, расположенный на самой южной оконечности горной цепи Аппалачей, является старейшим парком в Алабаме (основан в 1933 г.) и многими считается одним из самых уникальных парков в стране. Представьте себе 2799 акров гранитных валунов и искривленных ветром древних деревьев на высоте 2407 футов над уровнем моря, часто над облаками, и окруженных 392 567 акрами национального леса Талладега, включая 7 245 акров дикой природы Чеаха.
Международный зал славы автоспорта
С 1983 года Международный зал славы автоспорта является домом для некоторых из самых исторических автомобилей из различных миров гонок, включая серийные автомобили, открытые колеса, выносливость, модифицированные, мотоциклы и многое другое. Начиная с 1990 года легенды автоспорта, водившие многие из этих машин, стали занимать свои места в престижном месте.
Музей Мустанга Америки
Единственный музей Мустангов в США, в котором выставлено более 100 Мустангов. Все поколения с 1964-1/2 по 2015 год (первые 50 лет), а также самый большой показ Мустангов SSP, используемых дорожным патрулем в 32 штатах, а также другими государственными учреждениями. Расположен в Оденвилле, штат Алабама, примерно в 20 милях к северо-востоку от Бирмингема. Открыт с пятницы по воскресенье с 9:00 до 17:00, а также в любое другое время по договоренности.
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