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Однодневный тур по Каньону Антилопы и Изгибу Подковы из Флагстаффа

Откройте для себя цвета, природную атмосферу и скальные образования Каньона Антилопы и Излучины Подковы в этом однодневном туре из Флагстаффа, Аризона. Вы исследуете глубины Каньона Антилопы с гидом навахо и отправитесь в поход к Излучине Подковы. Обязательно возьмите с собой камеру, так как вы захотите запечатлеть эту уникальную часть американского пейзажа. Встреча в отеле во Флагстаффе включена в стоимость.
Город: Флагстафф
Sat 15 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $279.00
Sat 15 Mar
Начинается с $279.00
Что включено
Bottled water
Professional guide
All taxes, fees and handling charges
Picnic lunch at Glen Canyon Dam
Air-conditioned vehicle
Дополнительная информация
  • Не рекомендуется беременным путешественникам
  • Не рекомендуется путешественникам с плохим сердечно-сосудистым здоровьем
  • Путешественники должны иметь как минимум средний уровень физической подготовки
  • Настоятельно рекомендуется носить удобную обувь для ходьбы
  • Обратите внимание, что мы можем использовать либо верхний, либо нижний каньон антилопы в зависимости от погоды и условий скопления людей.
  • Минимальный возраст – 5 лет. Этот тур НЕ подходит для младенцев или детей младшего возраста.
  • Путешественники должны быть в состоянии пройти 1,5 мили (2,5 км) по неровным поверхностям, чтобы принять участие в этом туре
  • Дезинфицирующее средство для рук доступно для путешественников и персонал
Что ожидать
Navajo Nation
Travel through one of the most biodiverse stretch of highway from Flagstaff at 7000 feet, the Navajo Nation, and the red rocks of Glen Canyon before arriving at Horseshoe Bend
Horseshoe Bend
Next, it's off to Horseshoe Bend. Take an approximate 0.75-mile (1.2-km) hike that brings you to one of the best overlooks. At a point not far downstream from the Glen Canyon Dam, the Colorado River meanders around a rock promontory, creating the horseshoe-shaped loop beloved by visitors and photographers from around the world. As you approach the edge, take in the wonderful view. Please note: You'll hike a total of 2 miles (3.2 km); comfortable walking shoes are strongly recommended.
Glen Canyon Dam Overlook
Enjoy amazing views as you enjoy a picnic lunch at Glen Canyon Dam Overlook.
Antelope Canyon
At Antelope Canyon, follow your Navajo guide through a narrow slit in the earth where you’ll see the sculpted sandstone cliff. Sunlight from overhead creates shafts of light that pass into the canyon, making it even more beautiful. Descend ladders into the depths of the canyon to discover more of this serene place, and take photos with help from your guide about using the right settings on your camera for the light and the best angles for taking interesting shots. Antelope Canyon is a photographers dream.
Navajo Nation
Travel through one of the most biodiverse stretch of highway from Flagstaff at 7000 feet, the Navajo Nation, and the red rocks of Glen Canyon before arriving at Horseshoe Bend
Horseshoe Bend
Next, it's off to Horseshoe Bend. Take an approximate 0.75-mile (1.2-km) hike that brings you to one of the best overlooks. At a point not far downstream from the Glen Canyon Dam, the Colorado River meanders around a rock promontory, creating the horseshoe-shaped loop beloved by visitors and photographers from around the world. As you approach the edge, take in the wonderful view. Please note: You'll hike a total of 2 miles (3.2 km); comfortable walking shoes are strongly recommended.
Glen Canyon Dam Overlook
Enjoy amazing views as you enjoy a picnic lunch at Glen Canyon Dam Overlook.
Antelope Canyon
At Antelope Canyon, follow your Navajo guide through a narrow slit in the earth where you’ll see the sculpted sandstone cliff. Sunlight from overhead creates shafts of light that pass into the canyon, making it even more beautiful. Descend ladders into the depths of the canyon to discover more of this serene place, and take photos with help from your guide about using the right settings on your camera for the light and the best angles for taking interesting shots. Antelope Canyon is a photographers dream.
Navajo Nation
Travel through one of the most biodiverse stretch of highway from Flagstaff at 7000 feet, the Navajo Nation, and the red rocks of Glen Canyon before arriving at Horseshoe Bend
Horseshoe Bend
Next, it's off to Horseshoe Bend. Take an approximate 0.75-mile (1.2-km) hike that brings you to one of the best overlooks. At a point not far downstream from the Glen Canyon Dam, the Colorado River meanders around a rock promontory, creating the horseshoe-shaped loop beloved by visitors and photographers from around the world. As you approach the edge, take in the wonderful view. Please note: You'll hike a total of 2 miles (3.2 km); comfortable walking shoes are strongly recommended.
Glen Canyon Dam Overlook
Enjoy amazing views as you enjoy a picnic lunch at Glen Canyon Dam Overlook.
Antelope Canyon
At Antelope Canyon, follow your Navajo guide through a narrow slit in the earth where you’ll see the sculpted sandstone cliff. Sunlight from overhead creates shafts of light that pass into the canyon, making it even more beautiful. Descend ladders into the depths of the canyon to discover more of this serene place, and take photos with help from your guide about using the right settings on your camera for the light and the best angles for taking interesting shots. Antelope Canyon is a photographers dream.
Navajo Nation
Travel through one of the most biodiverse stretch of highway from Flagstaff at 7000 feet, the Navajo Nation, and the red rocks of Glen Canyon before arriving at Horseshoe Bend
Horseshoe Bend
Next, it's off to Horseshoe Bend. Take an approximate 0.75-mile (1.2-km) hike that brings you to one of the best overlooks. At a point not far downstream from the Glen Canyon Dam, the Colorado River meanders around a rock promontory, creating the horseshoe-shaped loop beloved by visitors and photographers from around the world. As you approach the edge, take in the wonderful view. Please note: You'll hike a total of 2 miles (3.2 km); comfortable walking shoes are strongly recommended.
Glen Canyon Dam Overlook
Enjoy amazing views as you enjoy a picnic lunch at Glen Canyon Dam Overlook.
Antelope Canyon
At Antelope Canyon, follow your Navajo guide through a narrow slit in the earth where you’ll see the sculpted sandstone cliff. Sunlight from overhead creates shafts of light that pass into the canyon, making it even more beautiful. Descend ladders into the depths of the canyon to discover more of this serene place, and take photos with help from your guide about using the right settings on your camera for the light and the best angles for taking interesting shots. Antelope Canyon is a photographers dream.
Navajo Nation
Travel through one of the most biodiverse stretch of highway from Flagstaff at 7000 feet, the Navajo Nation, and the red rocks of Glen Canyon before arriving at Horseshoe Bend
Horseshoe Bend
Next, it's off to Horseshoe Bend. Take an approximate 0.75-mile (1.2-km) hike that brings you to one of the best overlooks. At a point not far downstream from the Glen Canyon Dam, the Colorado River meanders around a rock promontory, creating the horseshoe-shaped loop beloved by visitors and photographers from around the world. As you approach the edge, take in the wonderful view. Please note: You'll hike a total of 2 miles (3.2 km); comfortable walking shoes are strongly recommended.
Glen Canyon Dam Overlook
Enjoy amazing views as you enjoy a picnic lunch at Glen Canyon Dam Overlook.
Antelope Canyon
At Antelope Canyon, follow your Navajo guide through a narrow slit in the earth where you’ll see the sculpted sandstone cliff. Sunlight from overhead creates shafts of light that pass into the canyon, making it even more beautiful. Descend ladders into the depths of the canyon to discover more of this serene place, and take photos with help from your guide about using the right settings on your camera for the light and the best angles for taking interesting shots. Antelope Canyon is a photographers dream.
Navajo Nation
Travel through one of the most biodiverse stretch of highway from Flagstaff at 7000 feet, the Navajo Nation, and the red rocks of Glen Canyon before arriving at Horseshoe Bend
Horseshoe Bend
Next, it's off to Horseshoe Bend. Take an approximate 0.75-mile (1.2-km) hike that brings you to one of the best overlooks. At a point not far downstream from the Glen Canyon Dam, the Colorado River meanders around a rock promontory, creating the horseshoe-shaped loop beloved by visitors and photographers from around the world. As you approach the edge, take in the wonderful view. Please note: You'll hike a total of 2 miles (3.2 km); comfortable walking shoes are strongly recommended.
Glen Canyon Dam Overlook
Enjoy amazing views as you enjoy a picnic lunch at Glen Canyon Dam Overlook.
Antelope Canyon
At Antelope Canyon, follow your Navajo guide through a narrow slit in the earth where you’ll see the sculpted sandstone cliff. Sunlight from overhead creates shafts of light that pass into the canyon, making it even more beautiful. Descend ladders into the depths of the canyon to discover more of this serene place, and take photos with help from your guide about using the right settings on your camera for the light and the best angles for taking interesting shots. Antelope Canyon is a photographers dream.
Навахо Нация
Путешествуйте по одному из самых биоразнообразных участков шоссе от Флагстаффа на высоте 7000 футов, народа навахо и красных скал Глен-Каньона до прибытия в Хорсшу-Бенд.
Изгиб подковы
Далее едем в Хорсшу-Бенд. Совершите прогулку примерно на 0,75 мили (1,2 км), которая приведет вас к одному из лучших видов. В точке недалеко вниз по течению от плотины Глен-Каньон река Колорадо извивается вокруг скалистого мыса, образуя подковообразную петлю, любимую посетителями и фотографами со всего мира. Подойдя к краю, вы сможете полюбоваться прекрасным видом. Обратите внимание: в общей сложности вы пройдете 2 мили (3,2 км); настоятельно рекомендуется удобная обувь для ходьбы.
Вид на плотину Глен-Каньон
Наслаждайтесь потрясающими видами, наслаждаясь пикником в Glen Canyon Dam Overlook.
Каньон Антилопы
В Каньоне Антилопы следуйте за своим гидом навахо через узкую щель в земле, где вы увидите скульптурный утес из песчаника. Солнечный свет сверху создает лучи света, которые проходят в каньон, делая его еще более красивым. Спуститесь по лестнице в глубины каньона, чтобы узнать больше об этом безмятежном месте, и сделайте фотографии с помощью вашего гида о том, как использовать правильные настройки камеры для света и лучшие ракурсы для получения интересных снимков. Каньон Антилопы — мечта фотографов.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (409)
Dec 2022
We had an awesome experience from start to finish. Our guide was friendly, knowledgeable, and efficient and we appreciated that he kept us in the loop throughout the day so we always knew what to expect. We were able to see everything without feeling rushed, and even had time to spare at the end of the day (granted we did the tour during the off season, so could be a different scenario when tourist traffic picks up). I would highly recommend this experience to anyone interested in seeing Antelope Canyon, Horseshoe Bend, and/or Glen Canyon Dam. Learning about the geology and history of the area along the way was another great aspect of this experience. I’m so glad we booked with Grand Canyon Adventures instead of trying to do this side trip on our own.
Dec 2022
An amazing experience multiplied by a knowledgeable guide. It was a memorable day and pictures and words don't do the experience justice!
Dec 2022
Picture and words can not describe the experience we had while visiting Horse shoe Bend and the Antelope canyon. Both tour guides, John and Jaden were highly knowledgeable and patient with us as they continue to provide insights and answer our questions. Not only we enjoyed the beauty of nature, we also enjoyed learning about the history of Navajo Indians.

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