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Архитектурные шедевры Манхэттена 2-часовая пешеходная экскурсия

Архитектурный ландшафт Манхэттена прекрасно эклектичен. Эстетика XIX века требовала воссоздания облика старого мира, породив множество стилей возрождения. ХХ век породил совершенно новое архитектурное видение – современность, технический прогресс и практичность.

Мы рассмотрим некоторые впечатляющие образцы изящных искусств, такие как Центральный вокзал, возрождение готики - собор Святого Патрика и великолепные шедевры ар-деко, такие как великолепный Chrysler.
Город: Нью-Йорк
Sat 08 Feb
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Начинается с $80.00
Sat 08 Feb
Начинается с $80.00
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Tiffany & Co.
The Tiffany Blue Box is possibly one the most recognizable and probably one of the most desired retail containers in history. The story of Tiffany's is worth a stop.
Trump Tower
The headquarters for the Trump Organization, the building has quite a unique exterior.
St. Thomas Church
This French High Gothic Revival structure marks the place of Consuelo Vanderbilt wedding to 9th Duke of Marlborough.
St. Patrick's Cathedral
The largest Gothic Roman Catholic Cathedral in the US, it was ridiculed for being built in the wilderness, way too far outside the city. Like most NYC landmarks, St. Patrick's has a fascinating story.
Rockefeller Center
Home to some of the most recognizable tourist sites, like a Rockefeller Christmas Tree, the dramatic story of the Rockefeller Center centers around the Great Depression and the Rockefeller family.
Fred F. French Building
The gilded lobby of the Fred F. French features the only Art Deco-cum-Babylonian design you'll ever see
Grand Central Terminal
The fabulous Grand Central Terminal - a Beaux-Arts Masterpiece built to house Cornelius Vanderbilt’s railroad network and envisioned as a gateway to the city.
Chrysler Building
With its glistening spire and glorious triangle-shaped crown, the Chrysler Building is considered by many to be one of the finest buildings in the world. The most recognizable Art Deco silhouette in the city, it was the tallest in the world for a brief eleven months.
Empire State Building
Billed as the Eighth Wonder of the World at its opening, the Empire State Building broke records as the tallest in the world, the first to have more than 100 stories, and the one to be constructed in a record time of one year and forty-five days. Stunning in both its height and Art Deco simplicity, the building rises in a series of setbacks, ending with a bold tower.
New York Public Library
One of the most significant national treasures, the New York Public Library, was not created by the government but was a product of philanthropy. Built in 1911, it is housed in a spectacular Beaux-Arts building designed by Carrère and Hastings.
Tiffany & Co.
The Tiffany Blue Box is possibly one the most recognizable and probably one of the most desired retail containers in history. The story of Tiffany's is worth a stop.
Trump Tower
The headquarters for the Trump Organization, the building has quite a unique exterior.
St. Thomas Church
This French High Gothic Revival structure marks the place of Consuelo Vanderbilt wedding to 9th Duke of Marlborough.
St. Patrick's Cathedral
The largest Gothic Roman Catholic Cathedral in the US, it was ridiculed for being built in the wilderness, way too far outside the city. Like most NYC landmarks, St. Patrick's has a fascinating story.
Rockefeller Center
Home to some of the most recognizable tourist sites, like a Rockefeller Christmas Tree, the dramatic story of the Rockefeller Center centers around the Great Depression and the Rockefeller family.
Fred F. French Building
The gilded lobby of the Fred F. French features the only Art Deco-cum-Babylonian design you'll ever see
Grand Central Terminal
The fabulous Grand Central Terminal - a Beaux-Arts Masterpiece built to house Cornelius Vanderbilt’s railroad network and envisioned as a gateway to the city.
Chrysler Building
With its glistening spire and glorious triangle-shaped crown, the Chrysler Building is considered by many to be one of the finest buildings in the world. The most recognizable Art Deco silhouette in the city, it was the tallest in the world for a brief eleven months.
Empire State Building
Billed as the Eighth Wonder of the World at its opening, the Empire State Building broke records as the tallest in the world, the first to have more than 100 stories, and the one to be constructed in a record time of one year and forty-five days. Stunning in both its height and Art Deco simplicity, the building rises in a series of setbacks, ending with a bold tower.
New York Public Library
One of the most significant national treasures, the New York Public Library, was not created by the government but was a product of philanthropy. Built in 1911, it is housed in a spectacular Beaux-Arts building designed by Carrère and Hastings.
Tiffany & Co.
The Tiffany Blue Box is possibly one the most recognizable and probably one of the most desired retail containers in history. The story of Tiffany's is worth a stop.
Trump Tower
The headquarters for the Trump Organization, the building has quite a unique exterior.
St. Thomas Church
This French High Gothic Revival structure marks the place of Consuelo Vanderbilt wedding to 9th Duke of Marlborough.
St. Patrick's Cathedral
The largest Gothic Roman Catholic Cathedral in the US, it was ridiculed for being built in the wilderness, way too far outside the city. Like most NYC landmarks, St. Patrick's has a fascinating story.
Rockefeller Center
Home to some of the most recognizable tourist sites, like a Rockefeller Christmas Tree, the dramatic story of the Rockefeller Center centers around the Great Depression and the Rockefeller family.
Fred F. French Building
The gilded lobby of the Fred F. French features the only Art Deco-cum-Babylonian design you'll ever see
Grand Central Terminal
The fabulous Grand Central Terminal - a Beaux-Arts Masterpiece built to house Cornelius Vanderbilt’s railroad network and envisioned as a gateway to the city.
Chrysler Building
With its glistening spire and glorious triangle-shaped crown, the Chrysler Building is considered by many to be one of the finest buildings in the world. The most recognizable Art Deco silhouette in the city, it was the tallest in the world for a brief eleven months.
Empire State Building
Billed as the Eighth Wonder of the World at its opening, the Empire State Building broke records as the tallest in the world, the first to have more than 100 stories, and the one to be constructed in a record time of one year and forty-five days. Stunning in both its height and Art Deco simplicity, the building rises in a series of setbacks, ending with a bold tower.
New York Public Library
One of the most significant national treasures, the New York Public Library, was not created by the government but was a product of philanthropy. Built in 1911, it is housed in a spectacular Beaux-Arts building designed by Carrère and Hastings.
Тиффани и Ко.
Коробка Tiffany Blue Box, возможно, одна из самых узнаваемых и, вероятно, одна из самых желанных розничных контейнеров в истории. История Тиффани стоит того, чтобы остановиться.
Башня Трампа
Штаб-квартира Trump Organization, здание имеет довольно уникальный внешний вид.
Церковь Св. Фомы
Это сооружение в стиле французского возрождения высокой готики знаменует собой место свадьбы Консуэло Вандербильт с 9-м герцогом Мальборо.
Собор Святого Патрика
Самый большой готический римско-католический собор в США, его высмеивали за то, что он был построен в пустыне, слишком далеко от города. Как и у большинства достопримечательностей Нью-Йорка, у собора Святого Патрика увлекательная история.
Рокфеллеровский центр
Дом для некоторых из самых узнаваемых туристических объектов, таких как рождественская елка Рокфеллера, драматическая история Рокфеллеровского центра сосредоточена вокруг Великой депрессии и семьи Рокфеллеров.
Фред Ф. Френч Билдинг
Позолоченный вестибюль отеля Fred F. French отличается единственным в своем роде дизайном в стиле ар-деко и вавилонского стиля, который вы когда-либо видели.
Центральный вокзал
Сказочный Центральный вокзал — шедевр изящных искусств, построенный для размещения железнодорожной сети Корнелиуса Вандербильта и задуманный как ворота в город.
Крайслер-билдинг с его сверкающим шпилем и великолепной треугольной короной многие считают Крайслер-билдинг одним из лучших зданий в мире. Самый узнаваемый силуэт в стиле ар-деко в городе, он был самым высоким в мире в течение коротких одиннадцати месяцев.
Эмпайр Стейт Билдинг
Объявленный восьмым чудом света при открытии, Эмпайр Стейт Билдинг побил рекорды как самый высокий в мире, первый, имеющий более 100 этажей, и тот, который был построен в рекордно короткие сроки — один год и сорок лет. пять дней. Потрясающее как своей высотой, так и простотой в стиле ар-деко, здание возвышается над серией неудач, заканчиваясь смелой башней.
Публичная библиотека Нью-Йорка
Одно из самых значительных национальных сокровищ, Нью-Йоркская публичная библиотека, была создана не правительством, а продуктом благотворительности. Построенный в 1911 году, он расположен в эффектном здании в стиле боз-ар, спроектированном Каррером и Гастингсом.
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