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Экскурсия на электрическом велосипеде по историческому центру Эшвилла с живописными видами

Приблизительно 3-часовой тур на электрическом велосипеде по Эшвиллу – это идеальный способ поближе познакомиться с очарованием города и увлекательной историей. Мы увидим заслуживающие внимания архитектурные жемчужины Эшвилла, полюбуемся потрясающими пейзажами с тщательно выбранных смотровых площадок и послушаем истории о лучших исторических местах Эшвилла. живописные окрестности. Наши опытные местные гиды любят делиться инсайдерскими рекомендациями, которые помогут вам максимально эффективно провести время в Эшвилле.

Город: Эшвилл
Tue 11 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $79.00
Tue 11 Mar
Начинается с $79.00
Что включено
Local guide
Use of electric bicycle
Use of helmet
Local guide
Use of electric bicycle
Use of helmet
Local guide
Дополнительная информация
  • Доступны специальные детские кресла
  • Подходят для всех уровней физической подготовки
  • Электрические велосипеды снимут с вас всю тяжелую работу во время поездки. У нас обычно есть гонщики разного возраста и физической подготовки. Главное требование состоит в том, чтобы вы были скоординированы и достаточно подготовлены, чтобы сбалансировать 55-фунтовый велосипед. В начале каждого тура проводится обучение и практика. Для людей, которые хотели бы отправиться в тур, но не могут сбалансировать велосипед, можно организовать поездку на одном из наших грузовых велосипедов, которым будет управлять другой человек из вашей группы.
  • По закону вам должно быть не менее 16 лет, чтобы управлять электрическим велосипедом. Гиды оставляют за собой право запросить подтверждение возраста любого гонщика. Всадники также должны быть ростом не менее 5 футов, чтобы управлять собственным велосипедом. Гости младше 16 лет могут путешествовать в качестве пассажира со взрослым в своей группе на заднем сиденье одного из наших грузовых велосипедов или в детском кресле (для детей в возрасте от 1 до 6 лет или весом до 48,5 фунтов).
  • Туры проводятся при благоприятных погодных условиях. Если прогнозируется небольшой дождь, но его нет в начале тура, мы вместе решим во время тура, стоит ли кататься. Мы предоставим дождевые пончо и дождевики для сумок для хранения велосипедов, чтобы защитить ваши вещи. В случае отмены из-за плохой погоды вам будет предложена альтернативная дата или полный возврат средств.
  • Социальное дистанцирование обязательно на протяжении всего опыта
  • Снаряжение/оборудование дезинфицируется между использованием
  • Гид обязан регулярно мыть руки
  • Бесконтактная оплата чаевых и дополнительных услуг
Что ожидать
The Flying Bike
Join us on a fun-filled and informative bike ride around Asheville! Meet us in the heart of the South Slope amidst the breweries and restaurants that are making a name for this neighborhood. • Our first stop will be the amazing Basilica of St. Lawrence, a masterpiece of local architecture. We’ll tell you stories about this impressive structure, which features the largest unsupported dome in North America. • From there we ride down the quiet streets of the Historic Montford Neighborhood alongside some of the most beautiful grand old homes in Asheville. We’ll take the peaceful Reed Creek Greenway as we climb through North Asheville neighborhoods up to the historic Grove Park Inn to get a magnificent view from the Sunset Terrace. • Heading back downtown, we’ll stop in Pack Square, a perfect vantage point to learn about Asheville’s abundant art-deco architecture, the 2nd largest collection in the U.S. We will share stories of Asheville's recent history, its challenges and triumphs.
The Flying Bike
Join us on a fun-filled and informative bike ride around Asheville! Meet us in the heart of the South Slope amidst the breweries and restaurants that are making a name for this neighborhood. • Our first stop will be the amazing Basilica of St. Lawrence, a masterpiece of local architecture. We’ll tell you stories about this impressive structure, which features the largest unsupported dome in North America. • From there we ride down the quiet streets of the Historic Montford Neighborhood alongside some of the most beautiful grand old homes in Asheville. We’ll take the peaceful Reed Creek Greenway as we climb through North Asheville neighborhoods up to the historic Grove Park Inn to get a magnificent view from the Sunset Terrace. • Heading back downtown, we’ll stop in Pack Square, a perfect vantage point to learn about Asheville’s abundant art-deco architecture, the 2nd largest collection in the U.S. We will share stories of Asheville's recent history, its challenges and triumphs.
The Flying Bike
Join us on a fun-filled and informative bike ride around Asheville! Meet us in the heart of the South Slope amidst the breweries and restaurants that are making a name for this neighborhood. • Our first stop will be the amazing Basilica of St. Lawrence, a masterpiece of local architecture. We’ll tell you stories about this impressive structure, which features the largest unsupported dome in North America. • From there we ride down the quiet streets of the Historic Montford Neighborhood alongside some of the most beautiful grand old homes in Asheville. We’ll take the peaceful Reed Creek Greenway as we climb through North Asheville neighborhoods up to the historic Grove Park Inn to get a magnificent view from the Sunset Terrace. • Heading back downtown, we’ll stop in Pack Square, a perfect vantage point to learn about Asheville’s abundant art-deco architecture, the 2nd largest collection in the U.S. We will share stories of Asheville's recent history, its challenges and triumphs.
The Flying Bike
Join us on a fun-filled and informative bike ride around Asheville! Meet us in the heart of the South Slope amidst the breweries and restaurants that are making a name for this neighborhood. • Our first stop will be the amazing Basilica of St. Lawrence, a masterpiece of local architecture. We’ll tell you stories about this impressive structure, which features the largest unsupported dome in North America. • From there we ride down the quiet streets of the Historic Montford Neighborhood alongside some of the most beautiful grand old homes in Asheville. We’ll take the peaceful Reed Creek Greenway as we climb through North Asheville neighborhoods up to the historic Grove Park Inn to get a magnificent view from the Sunset Terrace. • Heading back downtown, we’ll stop in Pack Square, a perfect vantage point to learn about Asheville’s abundant art-deco architecture, the 2nd largest collection in the U.S. We will share stories of Asheville's recent history, its challenges and triumphs.
The Flying Bike
Join us on a fun-filled and informative bike ride around Asheville! Meet us in the heart of the South Slope amidst the breweries and restaurants that are making a name for this neighborhood. • Our first stop will be the amazing Basilica of St. Lawrence, a masterpiece of local architecture. We’ll tell you stories about this impressive structure, which features the largest unsupported dome in North America. • From there we ride down the quiet streets of the Historic Montford Neighborhood alongside some of the most beautiful grand old homes in Asheville. We’ll take the peaceful Reed Creek Greenway as we climb through North Asheville neighborhoods up to the historic Grove Park Inn to get a magnificent view from the Sunset Terrace. • Heading back downtown, we’ll stop in Pack Square, a perfect vantage point to learn about Asheville’s abundant art-deco architecture, the 2nd largest collection in the U.S. We will share stories of Asheville's recent history, its challenges and triumphs.
The Flying Bike
Join us on a fun-filled and informative bike ride around Asheville! Meet us in the heart of the South Slope amidst the breweries and restaurants that are making a name for this neighborhood. • Our first stop will be the amazing Basilica of St. Lawrence, a masterpiece of local architecture. We’ll tell you stories about this impressive structure, which features the largest unsupported dome in North America. • From there we ride down the quiet streets of the Historic Montford Neighborhood alongside some of the most beautiful grand old homes in Asheville. We’ll take the peaceful Reed Creek Greenway as we climb through North Asheville neighborhoods up to the historic Grove Park Inn to get a magnificent view from the Sunset Terrace. • Heading back downtown, we’ll stop in Pack Square, a perfect vantage point to learn about Asheville’s abundant art-deco architecture, the 2nd largest collection in the U.S. We will share stories of Asheville's recent history, its challenges and triumphs.
The Flying Bike
Join us on a fun-filled and informative bike ride around Asheville! Meet us in the heart of the South Slope amidst the breweries and restaurants that are making a name for this neighborhood. • Our first stop will be the amazing Basilica of St. Lawrence, a masterpiece of local architecture. We’ll tell you stories about this impressive structure, which features the largest unsupported dome in North America. • From there we ride down the quiet streets of the Historic Montford Neighborhood alongside some of the most beautiful grand old homes in Asheville. We’ll take the peaceful Reed Creek Greenway as we climb through North Asheville neighborhoods up to the historic Grove Park Inn to get a magnificent view from the Sunset Terrace. • Heading back downtown, we’ll stop in Pack Square, a perfect vantage point to learn about Asheville’s abundant art-deco architecture, the 2nd largest collection in the U.S. We will share stories of Asheville's recent history, its challenges and triumphs.
The Flying Bike
Join us on a fun-filled and informative bike ride around Asheville! Meet us in the heart of the South Slope amidst the breweries and restaurants that are making a name for this neighborhood. • Our first stop will be the amazing Basilica of St. Lawrence, a masterpiece of local architecture. We’ll tell you stories about this impressive structure, which features the largest unsupported dome in North America. • From there we ride down the quiet streets of the Historic Montford Neighborhood alongside some of the most beautiful grand old homes in Asheville. We’ll take the peaceful Reed Creek Greenway as we climb through North Asheville neighborhoods up to the historic Grove Park Inn to get a magnificent view from the Sunset Terrace. • Heading back downtown, we’ll stop in Pack Square, a perfect vantage point to learn about Asheville’s abundant art-deco architecture, the 2nd largest collection in the U.S. We will share stories of Asheville's recent history, its challenges and triumphs.
The Flying Bike
Join us on a fun-filled and informative bike ride around Asheville! Meet us in the heart of the South Slope amidst the breweries and restaurants that are making a name for this neighborhood. • Our first stop will be the amazing Basilica of St. Lawrence, a masterpiece of local architecture. We’ll tell you stories about this impressive structure, which features the largest unsupported dome in North America. • From there we ride down the quiet streets of the Historic Montford Neighborhood alongside some of the most beautiful grand old homes in Asheville. We’ll take the peaceful Reed Creek Greenway as we climb through North Asheville neighborhoods up to the historic Grove Park Inn to get a magnificent view from the Sunset Terrace. • Heading back downtown, we’ll stop in Pack Square, a perfect vantage point to learn about Asheville’s abundant art-deco architecture, the 2nd largest collection in the U.S. We will share stories of Asheville's recent history, its challenges and triumphs.
The Flying Bike
Join us on a fun-filled and informative bike ride around Asheville! Meet us in the heart of the South Slope amidst the breweries and restaurants that are making a name for this neighborhood. • Our first stop will be the amazing Basilica of St. Lawrence, a masterpiece of local architecture. We’ll tell you stories about this impressive structure, which features the largest unsupported dome in North America. • From there we ride down the quiet streets of the Historic Montford Neighborhood alongside some of the most beautiful grand old homes in Asheville. We’ll take the peaceful Reed Creek Greenway as we climb through North Asheville neighborhoods up to the historic Grove Park Inn to get a magnificent view from the Sunset Terrace. • Heading back downtown, we’ll stop in Pack Square, a perfect vantage point to learn about Asheville’s abundant art-deco architecture, the 2nd largest collection in the U.S. We will share stories of Asheville's recent history, its challenges and triumphs.
Летающий велосипед
Присоединяйтесь к нам в веселой и познавательной велопрогулке по Эшвиллу! Встретьтесь с нами в самом сердце Южного склона среди пивоварен и ресторанов, которые делают имя этому району. • Нашей первой остановкой будет удивительная базилика Святого Лаврентия, шедевр местной архитектуры. Мы расскажем вам истории об этом впечатляющем сооружении с самым большим неподдерживаемым куполом в Северной Америке. • Оттуда мы едем по тихим улицам исторического района Монтфорд рядом с некоторыми из самых красивых величественных старых домов в Эшвилле. Мы поедем по тихой Рид-Крик-Гринуэй, пока будем подниматься по районам Северного Эшвилла до исторической гостиницы Grove Park Inn, чтобы полюбоваться великолепным видом с террасы Сансет. • Направляясь обратно в центр города, мы остановимся на Пак-сквер – идеальной смотровой площадке, чтобы узнать об богатой архитектуре Эшвилла в стиле ар-деко, второй по величине коллекции в США. Мы поделимся историями о недавней истории Эшвилла, его проблемах и триумфах.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (886)
Dec 2022
Absolutely wonderful experience. Our guide was Peter, he was amazing.... perfect mix of history with a great sense of humor. The e-bike ride was exceeding, the tour is very interesting, we learn a lot about Asheville and it's history. Highly recommend this to tour
Dec 2022
We had a wonderful time on our tour with Steph. She did a great job teaching us how the e-bikes operate and guiding us through the streets of Asheville in a safe manner. We learned bits of Asheville's history, saw beautiful architecture and enjoyed the fresh air!
David V
Dec 2022
This was an awesome experience!! Our entire family of two parents, three grown children, and one son-in-law had a blast touring Asheville with the electric bikes. It had been a while since most of us had been on bikes, but the training and instruction had us all feeling comfortable, Our adult son had Down syndrome and Torin and the staff were so accommodating to him. Our son rode tandem with my husband and they all had a great time. we were all thankful for the electric bikes. The stops were perfectly timed. We really enjoyed the stops for coffee, BBQ, and chocolate. They were so much fun. And the view from the Grove Park Inn was just breathtaking. Our family has visited Asheville several times, but this is by far the best time we have ever had. We hope to make it an annual tradition. Thank you to The Flying Bike for wonderful family memory!!!

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