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Подводная лодка Atlantis Кона - остров Гавайи

Откройте для себя наш подводный мир вместе с Atlantis Submarines Kona! Наши суда с батарейным питанием — самые технологически совершенные пассажирские подводные лодки в мире. Особым дополнительным бонусом этого тура является также возможность увидеть побережье Коны во время поездки на нашем шаттле.

Погрузитесь на 100 футов ниже поверхности и испытайте морские тайны Коны, отмеченные великолепным и нетронутым естественным коралловым рифом площадью 25 акров. сад, созданный древним лавовым потоком. Дайв-сайт Кона часто посещают очаровательные морские обитатели, такие как барракуда, желтая хирургия, угорь и рыба-попугай. Посмотрите воочию, как затонувшие корабли объединились с матерью-природой, чтобы создать самоподдерживающуюся среду обитания, которая привлекает и кормит морских обитателей у берегов Коны.

Город: Большой остров Гавайи
Mon 10 Mar
Выбрать дату можно уже на сайте бронирования
Начинается с $164.39
Mon 10 Mar
Начинается с $164.39
Что включено
Live English narration provided by our underwater naturalist.
Audio narration is available in Japanese, Mandarin, Spanish, and Korean.
Sightseeing shuttle to submarine dive site
Submarine dive aboard the 48-passenger submarine
Live English narration provided by our underwater naturalist.
Audio narration is available in Japanese, Mandarin, Spanish, and Korean.
Sightseeing shuttle to submarine dive site
Дополнительная информация
  • Младенцы и маленькие дети могут кататься в детской коляске.
  • Остановки общественного транспорта поблизости.
  • Подходит для всех уровней физической подготовки.
  • Все экскурсии на английском языке. Гарнитуры, обеспечивающие повествование на японском языке, предоставляются по запросу.
  • Для катания на подводной лодке дети должны быть ростом не менее 36 дюймов
  • Дети в возрасте до 3 лет, соответствующие требованиям 36 дюймов, могут кататься на подводной лодке Подводная лодка и детский билет должны быть приобретены.
  • Фактическая продолжительность подводного тура составляет 45 минут. Поездка на шаттле от причала до подводной лодки и трансфер 5 минут в одну сторону
  • Пассажиры должны быть способен подниматься и спускаться по почти вертикальной лестнице на борт подводной лодки.
  • Маски для лица требуются для путешественников в общественных местах.
  • Маски для лица требуются для гидов в общественных местах.
  • Путешественникам и персоналу доступно дезинфицирующее средство для рук.
  • Регулярно проводится дезинфекция мест с интенсивным движением.
  • Снаряжение/оборудование дезинфицируется между использованием.
  • Регулярно дезинфицируются транспортные средства.
  • Гиды обязаны регулярно мыть руки
  • Регулярные проверки температуры у персонала
  • Проверки температуры у путешественников по прибытии
Что ожидать
Atlantis Submarines Kona
An unforgettable 45-minute journey aboard an Atlantis 48-passenger submarine, as featured in National Geographic television specials, where guests explore a 25-acre natural coral reef and its marine inhabitants! Allow Atlantis Submarines to show you the other 96% of Kona you can't see any other way. Treat yourself to Kona's most beautiful and captivating scenery, habitats, and isolated treasures. You'll descend 100 feet into another version of paradise -- one hidden even from the people of Hawaii for centuries. Atlantis Submarines Kona offers a journey aboard a 48-passenger submarine. Guests will discover an 18,000-year-old, 25-acre fringing coral reef, which boasts a vibrant ecosystem. Passengers view coral formations and tropical fish.Headset providing narrations in Japanese, Korean, Mandarin and Spanish are available upon request at no additional cost. Our escorts will assist you to our shuttle vessel from our Atlantis office which will take you out to the submarine.
Atlantis Submarines Kona
An unforgettable 45-minute journey aboard an Atlantis 48-passenger submarine, as featured in National Geographic television specials, where guests explore a 25-acre natural coral reef and its marine inhabitants! Allow Atlantis Submarines to show you the other 96% of Kona you can't see any other way. Treat yourself to Kona's most beautiful and captivating scenery, habitats, and isolated treasures. You'll descend 100 feet into another version of paradise -- one hidden even from the people of Hawaii for centuries. Atlantis Submarines Kona offers a journey aboard a 48-passenger submarine. Guests will discover an 18,000-year-old, 25-acre fringing coral reef, which boasts a vibrant ecosystem. Passengers view coral formations and tropical fish.Headset providing narrations in Japanese, Korean, Mandarin and Spanish are available upon request at no additional cost. Our escorts will assist you to our shuttle vessel from our Atlantis office which will take you out to the submarine.
Atlantis Submarines Kona
An unforgettable 45-minute journey aboard an Atlantis 48-passenger submarine, as featured in National Geographic television specials, where guests explore a 25-acre natural coral reef and its marine inhabitants! Allow Atlantis Submarines to show you the other 96% of Kona you can't see any other way. Treat yourself to Kona's most beautiful and captivating scenery, habitats, and isolated treasures. You'll descend 100 feet into another version of paradise -- one hidden even from the people of Hawaii for centuries. Atlantis Submarines Kona offers a journey aboard a 48-passenger submarine. Guests will discover an 18,000-year-old, 25-acre fringing coral reef, which boasts a vibrant ecosystem. Passengers view coral formations and tropical fish.Headset providing narrations in Japanese, Korean, Mandarin and Spanish are available upon request at no additional cost. Our escorts will assist you to our shuttle vessel from our Atlantis office which will take you out to the submarine.
Atlantis Submarines Kona
An unforgettable 45-minute journey aboard an Atlantis 48-passenger submarine, as featured in National Geographic television specials, where guests explore a 25-acre natural coral reef and its marine inhabitants! Allow Atlantis Submarines to show you the other 96% of Kona you can't see any other way. Treat yourself to Kona's most beautiful and captivating scenery, habitats, and isolated treasures. You'll descend 100 feet into another version of paradise -- one hidden even from the people of Hawaii for centuries. Atlantis Submarines Kona offers a journey aboard a 48-passenger submarine. Guests will discover an 18,000-year-old, 25-acre fringing coral reef, which boasts a vibrant ecosystem. Passengers view coral formations and tropical fish.Headset providing narrations in Japanese, Korean, Mandarin and Spanish are available upon request at no additional cost. Our escorts will assist you to our shuttle vessel from our Atlantis office which will take you out to the submarine.
Atlantis Submarines Kona
An unforgettable 45-minute journey aboard an Atlantis 48-passenger submarine, as featured in National Geographic television specials, where guests explore a 25-acre natural coral reef and its marine inhabitants! Allow Atlantis Submarines to show you the other 96% of Kona you can't see any other way. Treat yourself to Kona's most beautiful and captivating scenery, habitats, and isolated treasures. You'll descend 100 feet into another version of paradise -- one hidden even from the people of Hawaii for centuries. Atlantis Submarines Kona offers a journey aboard a 48-passenger submarine. Guests will discover an 18,000-year-old, 25-acre fringing coral reef, which boasts a vibrant ecosystem. Passengers view coral formations and tropical fish.Headset providing narrations in Japanese, Korean, Mandarin and Spanish are available upon request at no additional cost. Our escorts will assist you to our shuttle vessel from our Atlantis office which will take you out to the submarine.
Atlantis Submarines Kona
An unforgettable 45-minute journey aboard an Atlantis 48-passenger submarine, as featured in National Geographic television specials, where guests explore a 25-acre natural coral reef and its marine inhabitants! Allow Atlantis Submarines to show you the other 96% of Kona you can't see any other way. Treat yourself to Kona's most beautiful and captivating scenery, habitats, and isolated treasures. You'll descend 100 feet into another version of paradise -- one hidden even from the people of Hawaii for centuries. Atlantis Submarines Kona offers a journey aboard a 48-passenger submarine. Guests will discover an 18,000-year-old, 25-acre fringing coral reef, which boasts a vibrant ecosystem. Passengers view coral formations and tropical fish.Headset providing narrations in Japanese, Korean, Mandarin and Spanish are available upon request at no additional cost. Our escorts will assist you to our shuttle vessel from our Atlantis office which will take you out to the submarine.
Atlantis Submarines Kona
An unforgettable 45-minute journey aboard an Atlantis 48-passenger submarine, as featured in National Geographic television specials, where guests explore a 25-acre natural coral reef and its marine inhabitants! Allow Atlantis Submarines to show you the other 96% of Kona you can't see any other way. Treat yourself to Kona's most beautiful and captivating scenery, habitats, and isolated treasures. You'll descend 100 feet into another version of paradise -- one hidden even from the people of Hawaii for centuries. Atlantis Submarines Kona offers a journey aboard a 48-passenger submarine. Guests will discover an 18,000-year-old, 25-acre fringing coral reef, which boasts a vibrant ecosystem. Passengers view coral formations and tropical fish.Headset providing narrations in Japanese, Korean, Mandarin and Spanish are available upon request at no additional cost. Our escorts will assist you to our shuttle vessel from our Atlantis office which will take you out to the submarine.
Atlantis Submarines Kona
An unforgettable 45-minute journey aboard an Atlantis 48-passenger submarine, as featured in National Geographic television specials, where guests explore a 25-acre natural coral reef and its marine inhabitants! Allow Atlantis Submarines to show you the other 96% of Kona you can't see any other way. Treat yourself to Kona's most beautiful and captivating scenery, habitats, and isolated treasures. You'll descend 100 feet into another version of paradise -- one hidden even from the people of Hawaii for centuries. Atlantis Submarines Kona offers a journey aboard a 48-passenger submarine. Guests will discover an 18,000-year-old, 25-acre fringing coral reef, which boasts a vibrant ecosystem. Passengers view coral formations and tropical fish.Headset providing narrations in Japanese, Korean, Mandarin and Spanish are available upon request at no additional cost. Our escorts will assist you to our shuttle vessel from our Atlantis office which will take you out to the submarine.
Atlantis Submarines Kona
An unforgettable 45-minute journey aboard an Atlantis 48-passenger submarine, as featured in National Geographic television specials, where guests explore a 25-acre natural coral reef and its marine inhabitants! Allow Atlantis Submarines to show you the other 96% of Kona you can't see any other way. Treat yourself to Kona's most beautiful and captivating scenery, habitats, and isolated treasures. You'll descend 100 feet into another version of paradise -- one hidden even from the people of Hawaii for centuries. Atlantis Submarines Kona offers a journey aboard a 48-passenger submarine. Guests will discover an 18,000-year-old, 25-acre fringing coral reef, which boasts a vibrant ecosystem. Passengers view coral formations and tropical fish.Headset providing narrations in Japanese, Korean, Mandarin and Spanish are available upon request at no additional cost. Our escorts will assist you to our shuttle vessel from our Atlantis office which will take you out to the submarine.
Подводные лодки Atlantis Кона
Незабываемое 45-минутное путешествие на борту подводной лодки Atlantis с 48 пассажирами, показанное в телевизионном выпуске National Geographic, где гости исследуют природный коралловый риф площадью 25 акров и его морских обитателей! Позвольте подводным лодкам Atlantis показать вам остальные 96% Коны, которые вы не сможете увидеть иначе. Побалуйте себя самыми красивыми и захватывающими пейзажами, местами обитания и изолированными сокровищами Коны. Вы спуститесь на 100 футов в другую версию рая, веками скрытую даже от жителей Гавайев. Atlantis Submarines Kona предлагает совершить путешествие на борту подводной лодки с 48 пассажирами. Гости откроют для себя окаймляющий коралловый риф площадью 25 акров возрастом 18 000 лет, который может похвастаться яркой экосистемой. Пассажиры наблюдают за коралловыми образованиями и тропическими рыбами. По запросу без дополнительной платы предоставляется гарнитура с речевым сопровождением на японском, корейском, китайском и испанском языках. Наши сопровождающие помогут вам добраться до нашего шаттла из нашего офиса Atlantis, который доставит вас на подводную лодку.
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Фотографии путешественников
Отзывы (340)
Dec 2022
Very friendly staff. Safe in water experience even if you don’t know swimming. Mostly because staff is there to keep an eye on you all the time. Good for kids because of design around safety and hospitality. We saw bunch of sea life. Dolphins, one shark and several whales
Dec 2022
We were so excited to see the airplane wreck, coral reef & fishes. But we didn’t see much, & there was no airplane wreck, few fishes. It is not worth the bucks we spent.
Dec 2022
We could not go on the tour. But I am rating them at 5 stars because our cruise ship could not doc in Kona due to air conditions from volcanic activity. We booked on our own and were outside the time to get a regular refund when we were told we were not going to get to Kona. They refunded the money anyway. They did the right thing, and people and businesses that do the right thing...especially when they do not have to, are 5 stars in my book.
Ответ от хоста
Dec 2022
Aloha ! Thank you for taking the time to post your review. We are sorry you were unable to experience our underwater adventure and hope to have the pleasure of welcoming you back in the future aboard one of our submarines and/or the Majestic by Atlantis Cruises for an Atlantis adventure; an underwater journey, sunset cruise, or seasonal whale watch cruise. Feel free to follow us on social media at #atlantishawaii. A hui hou (until next time).

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